By Graceguya1

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This is a continuation ( book 2) of my re-writing of the Grimm's fairytale, Hansel and Gretel as a Telenovela... More



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By Graceguya1

The next day on Friday,

Marianna is wheeled into surgery at around eight am. Hector had to go to work so he asked Anna Patricia, Ramon, and Clara, to go on his behalf. Alejandro, Isabella, and Horacio were also there, so it made for a very awkward encounter. The surgery begins soon after.

Back in the small town,

The investigator is still working on the report. He has found old copies of newspapers (from the internet) from the time Hernan and Gabriela went missing. He is going through the newspapers, to see if there is any bit of information that he could use to prove or disprove whether Hector and Gina are or are not the missing twins.

Some hours later,

Marianna's surgery is over and she is wheeled back to her room. Anna Patricia calls Hector to let him know that the surgery ended and seems to have gone well. Hector is happy. Despite everything Marianna did, he didn't want her to die. Hector thanks his aunt and asks her to update him once the doctor tells them something. She says she will.

Sometime later,

Gina arrives at the mental hospital, to visit her father. He is happy to see her but notices that she is uneasy. He asks her if she is fine. Gina says that she is. He asks her how the surgery went. Gina says that she just talked to her aunt before she arrived, and she said that the doctor said that it went well, but that they needed to monitor Marianna closely for the next seventy-two hours because those were the most crucial. Gina adds that her aunt and grandparents were there for most of the day, and left an hour after the operation ended. She then adds that everyone else except her aunt Luisa and Uncle Armando (who had to go home because of the baby) went there after work.

John says that is good. He then says that he hopes that the accident as tragic as it was, hopefully, will make Marianna, change her ways and be a better person, a mother her daughter can be proud of. Gina looks at him doubtfully. She says it would be a miracle if that happened. He then folds his hands and looks at her seriously. She asks him what is wrong. He asks her what she talked about with the doctor. Gina sighs, she tells herself that it is no surprise her brother and sister can be so blunt, and to the point. They are both like their father.

Back at the hospital,

Antonio comes back from the cafeteria with Aranza and Aurelio. They ran into Isabella, who gives Aranza and Aurelio scathing looks. They, however, maintain their class and don't stoop to her level. When Isabella passes, Antonio tells both Aurelio and Aranza not to worry about Isabella. Aranza tells him that it's okay because hopefully, Isabella will soon be out of their lives. Aurelio says he hopes so, especially for Ricardo's sake, because Isabella has never loved that poor child. Antonio agrees.

Back at the mental hospital,

Gina fiddles, as she often does when nervous. Her father asks her if the doctor said he will get worse. She assures him that he will be just fine, soon. He then says that whatever she discussed with the doctor concerns him, and he deserves to know. Gina says that she was just worried that the uncertainty of not knowing what happened to his children would not be good for him and so she asked the doctor about it. John says that he will never be at peace until he knows what happened to his children.

He says that if he doesn't have a relapse that day, it may be the next day or sometime in the future. Gina tells him that won't happen because he has so much to live for. John says he knows that he has Anna Patricia, Aranza them and the children. He adds the twins were, however, his pride and joy, and he will never be at peace until he knows what happened to them. Gina turns to the other side; as a loose tear starts to flow. She says to herself that if Marianna wasn't in ICU she would give her brother a good tongue lashing for letting her do something so important alone.

John moves to the side, she is standing on. He asks her if she is fine. She says she is, then wipes away some tears. He looks at her like he doesn't believe a word she says. He then tells her to first sit down, which she does. She apologizes for breaking down. She tells him not to mind her and that her life is complicated and a big mess. He says that she will never be a bother to him. Gina admits that there is something she has to tell him, but she is scared and doesn't know how to go about it.

Back at the hospital,

The doctor, says that Marianna is awake, but still in a delicate condition. He says that she can only receive one visitor that day, but for a short while. Hector says that he will go. Alejandro looks like he would like to argue, then remembers where they are, and changes his mind. The doctor then asks Hector to follow him. After the doctor and Hector leave, Horacio tells Alejandro to relax because Marianna knows she can't speak without getting herself into serious trouble. Alejandro reminds him that when some people survive a near-death experience they start striving to become better people. Horacio says that they will just have to watch her closely.

Back at the mental hospital,

John looks at Gina and asks her what exactly she has to tell him. She takes a deep breath and says that he should relax because the twins are fine. He looks at her a little shocked. He then says that it is hard to be sure because what happened to his children is still an enduring mystery. Gina fiddles with her hands then she says that the twins' story is complicated but they are fine. John tells her to relax and then she can tell him what she has to say. Gina sighs then tells herself that she has to gather her courage and do it. She says that when the twins were left in the forest by Helena and Carlos, they kept on walking further and further into the forest and unknowingly got lost.

She says that the girl got Malaria but they were eventually found weak and malnourished by a nice couple, and taken in by a nice family. Gina then adds that they had to take on new identities to save their lives. She adds that if they returned Helena and Carlos would have tried to kill them again. John looks at Gina for a few seconds, before it hits him. Could she be his daughter? He asks her if she is his daughter. After a pause, she says she is. He asks if Hector is her brother. Gina says that he is. John says that he has some burning questions.

Gina asks him, which ones. He says that he doesn't quite understand the flashbacks he keeps on having in which she and her brother are in. Gina says that she looks like a younger version of her grandmother, Belen, while her brother looks like a younger version of their great grandfather Hannibal. Gina adds that they thought he was dead, so she and Hernan decided to come back for revenge, avenge his death and that of the other innocent people as well as to take back the family company.

Back at the hospital,

The doctor opens the door of Marianna's room. He then tells Hector to not tell her shocking news or upset her. Hector agrees. The doctor adds that he can't stay for a long time, then leaves. Hector then walks nearer to Marianna. He looks at her. He says to himself that despite everything, he wants her to get better. Marianna stirs and is shocked to see him. Softly, she asks him what he is doing there. He says that she was operated on, a few hours ago, and he wanted to see how she is, then let her rest.

Marianna is surprised. She asks him why he would be there, and it's not like they were friends. Hector tells her to relax, and be calm. He says that it isn't the time to think about any of that. He adds that her recovery is more important. Marianna asks him about the paperwork. Hector tells her not to worry. He says that was done yesterday. He adds that he couldn't be there, but he talked with Martin, and he gave him permission to sign the papers on his behalf.

Marianna is surprised. He sees that and says that despite everything, his whole family wants the best for her. She asks Hector if they have all been there. Hector says his aunt Luisa and Uncle Armando haven't so far, because of the baby, and Gina because John is unwell, but everyone else has come. Marianna asks him what they want. Hector smiles. He says he wants to help her because he doesn't want her to go downhill with her friends. Marianna is stunned.

Back at the mental hospital,

John can't believe it. He looks at Gina still unable to believe that she is his daughter. She then asks him what he is thinking. He says that he is still letting it sink in, that she is his daughter. He hugs her, and she says those words, she had thought she would never say to him again, I love you daddy. He calls her his little butterfly and says that he loves her too. After what seems like an eternity, he lets her go. He then asks her what she and her brother plan to do.

Gina says that since he knows the truth, they have to speed up things, and reveal themselves even sooner. John looks at her. He says that he appreciates, them wanting to avenge his death when they thought he was dead and wanting to take back the family company but they need to end the lies. He adds that Aranza, Antonio, and Adrianna will be hurt, and it isn't fair to either of the three of them to keep on lying to them. He adds that they will fight to rebuild their family, but they will fight fair. Gina agrees.

The next day, on Saturday,

Hector is with Adrianna, the girls, and Aranza, at the mansion. He walks around and remembers running around the house with his sister, Adrianna, and Antonio when they were younger. He also, remembers, pushing Aranza in her stroller, around the compound. He then sees the last person he wanted to see. He is shocked, to run into Alejandro. What is he doing there? Despite his curiosity, Hector tries his best to avoid Alejandro because he doesn't want an argument. Alejandro, however, is keen to pick a fight.

He tells Hector to not feel victorious because he will never let Adrianna be happy with him. Hector clenches one hand but keeps his cool. Alejandro is not worth causing a scandal over. Just then Aranza comes. She folds her hands and glares at him. She says that she knows that he was bothering Hector. She then reminds Alejandro that the house was her father's and now it was hers. She adds that Hector is her guest and is welcome while he (Alejandro) is a pest. Alejandro says that she is a foolish little girl and says that he has no time for her.

He says that he is there to visit Adrianna. Hector tells him that he has no business with her. Alejandro calls him a foolish boy and says that is where he is wrong. He says that he is still married to Adrianna, and he will never give her a divorce. Alejandro says that he wants to talk about his daughter. Hector and Aranza look at each other, then at Alejandro. Hector tells Alejandro to drop the hypocrisy because if he loved his daughter, he would have never used her as a pawn and exchanged her, just to make Adrianna believe that he was the father of her daughter.

Meanwhile at the mental hospital,

Anna Patricia has come to visit John (Gabriel). She asks him how he feels about learning that Hector and Gina are his children. He says that it is still a big shock. He thanks her for taking care of his children. Anna Patricia says that it wasn't a problem and she would do it again and she is sure the rest of her family would. Gabriel says that she is being humble. He says that he knows the sacrifices both financially and otherwise that she and the rest of her family had to make to accommodate his children and keep them safe. He adds that keeping the twin's identities hidden must probably have been harder because of who he was, and he doesn't take that for granted.

Anna Patricia smiles and says that when she saw the children so young and defenseless her heart went out to them and she couldn't say no. She starts to say, Gina, then stops. She says that the whole family, the twins included had gotten used to the twins' new identities, that their real names, Hernan and Gabriela have practically been forgotten. She adds that they all had to avoid using them to reduce the chances of somebody slipping up and using them in public. Gabriel holds her hands and says that he thanks her for everything she has done for his children.

Elsewhere at the hospital,

Marianna is awake. She is still in pain but she is a bit better. She remembers part of her conversation with Hector when he said that he and Martin sorted the papers out and that his family had been there at the hospital. She says to herself that it is strange for them to be there after everything that has happened. Just then, Martin comes in, and Marianna's breath is caught in her throat. He is casually dressed in shorts, a t-shirt, and a cape. He is even more handsome than usual. She asks him if Hector sent him to babysit her. Martin smiles at her. It was the first time in such a long time that he did.

Martin tells her that maybe his cousin did ask him then adds that it would only be a problem if she had something to hide. Marianna rolls her eyes and says that his sarcasm is unnecessary. She says that he doesn't want to be there, and she doesn't want him there either. Martin says that regardless of what she might think about him he wants the best for her. Marianna rolls her eyes. Martin says that he really does want her to get better, and be the kind of mother Diana deserves. At the mention of her daughter's name, Marianna's facial expression changes and becomes softer. Martin watches her keenly. He tells himself that he hopes he can get to her soon.

Back at the mansion,

Alejandro is still looking at both Hector and Aranza scathingly. He tells him that he will have Adrianna in the end. Aranza rolls her eyes. She says that her cousin is not a prize to be won or lost. She also adds that after everything he has done, they shouldn't even be entertaining him. Alejandro calls her a silly foolish girl and goes to hit her. Hector, however, stops him. He glares at Alejandro and warns him that if he ever puts a finger on Aranza, he will pay. Alejandro looks at both Hector and Aranza with pure malice.

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