Shadows (A Jay McGuiness stor...

By muchfanfics

3.4K 80 28

Casey is not like every other girl. She is a god. Well, not yet. She has to learn how to balance her new doma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 11

124 3 0
By muchfanfics

Poseidon walked over to the group of men that were on the bus. I watched them as Poseidon started to talk to them. One of them chuckled. I decided that I would walk over there and figure out what they were talking about.

"-so  that is why I want you boys to stay away from my daughter." Poseidon explained to them. They just looked at me and him.

"Yo, papa here says that you are a monster." Said the one that confronted me on the bus. I looked at Poseidon and he winked.

"Well he wasn't exaggerating. Please leave me alone." I told them politely. They just stood there and laughed. This was getting annoying and Jay would be here soon. I looked back at Poseidon and he nodded his head. I turned right there, in front of them.

Their eyes looked like they were about to come out of their skulls. They all screamed. I moved closer to the one that touched me and I hissed at him. They all ran off. I turned back into my human form before there were too many people looking. I heard Poseidon laughing at me.

"That was amazing!" He said as he gasped for air. We walked over to the gate. There were a lot of girls there. I knew that they were there to meet them. One came to talk to me.

"Hi! I am Penny. What is your name?" She said. she had blond hair that was pulled into a pony tail and she wasn't very tall. She almost reached my shoulder.

"Hi, I am Casey." I told her.

"So who is your favorite member?" She asked. I smiled at her.

"I would have to say, Jay. Although, I like them all." I told her. I saw that Poseidon was smiling like a fool.

"I like Nathan! He is just really cute!" She said. Then we heard screaming. The boys were coming out. Penny stood next to me in the back. I didn't try to go and see Jay, because I knew that he owed everything to his fans.

"Why don't you go up and talk with them?" I say as I nudge Penny. She looks up at me and shakes her head.

"They wouldn't want to talk to me." She said. It sort of made me sad.

"Do you want ot go get something to eat with me and my friends after this?" I ask her.

"Sure, I have the entire afternoon to kill." She said as she looked back at the guys. I saw how Jay ineracted with them. He hugged as many as he could and talked with all of them. I am not going to lie, it made me a little jealous when he hugged them, but I knew that he was mine.

As one of the fans were talking to him, he looked around the airport. Now, I have noticed that I am a lot taller than most human women, which meant that he didn't have to look too hard for me. When we made eye contact, he smiled and excused himself.

"Casey! I have missed you so much!" He said as he rushed over to me. He picked me up and spun me around. He put me down and I kissed him. It was a sweet kiss.

"Oh, Jay! I want you to meet a friend of mine! This is Penny." I told him as I pulled Penny over to him. I saw that she was just staring at me.

"Hi, Penny! It is nice to meet you!" He said as he hugged her. She just laughed.

"Casey didn't tell me that she was dating you!" She said. He just looked at me.

"I figured I could surprise her. Now, go back and mingle, we will talk later." I told him. He did as I said and left. Penny just looked at me.

"What? You wouldn't have believed me if I told you anyway." I said to her. She just smiled and stood there. Poseidon then came over to us.

"Was that Jay?" He asked. I looked at him and nodded.

"He looks like he knows how to have a good time." He said. I just smiled. Of course my uncle would notice that. The three of us stood there and waited for the guys to stop talking to their fans.

When they were done, we were all ushered to a room in the airport. They had to gather up a small security team in order to transport the boys to the car. Poseidon and Penny stayed close to me as we waited in the room

"Hey! I am Max." Max said as he walked over to us. I just smiled and shook my head.

"I am Poseidon, Casey's uncle." Poseidon said as he stuck his hand out. Max took it and shook it. Watching the two of them was like watching two silver back gorrilla's meet.

"I am Penny. I just met Casey today." She said really softly. Max walked over to her. Jay then came over and looked at Poseidon.

"Hi, Penny. Let's go meet the rest of the boys." He said as he took her hand. She looked at me and smiled as he took her.

"Hi, I am Jay." Poseidon just looked at Jay.

"I know. Casey has told me about you. I am just here to make sure that you are okay to date her." He said. I saw fear enter Jay's face. It was sort of cute.

"Um, sir, I-uh." Jay stuttered.

"I am just kidding! I actually am here to meet you, but I am not going to interrogate you!" Poseidon joked. Jay smiled and looked at him.

"Okay you two. Uncle, now that you have met Jay, you can go now." I told him. He just looked at me and smiled.

"You are right. I hope to see you again, James." Poseidon told him. I walked him to the door.

"That Max boy, is strong. I like him. Are you sure that he isn't your other half?" He joked. I just smiled. He then left the room. I sighed in relief. That could have ended really bad.

"Well he seems nice." Jay still sounded a little nervous.

"He really is." I tell him. We go back to join the rest of the group. I saw Penny standing with Max. He was flirting with her and she was blushing. Tom then suggested that we go eat. Once the security came, we were taken to a large van. I sat between Nathan and Jay. I saw that Max and Penny held hands on the way out of the airport.

We went to a buffet to eat. I was actually confused when we arrived there. We had to go and collect our own food. I thought that this was pretty useless. But I went with Jay. I got what ever smelled good. We all met up at a large table. We sat and ate our meal.

"Casey, I have to go to the loo, would you come with me?" Penny asked. I looked at her. That was a strange question. I got up cautiously and walked with her.

"Okay, is Max single?" She asked as soon as the door shut. I looked at her and smiled.

"Well if you date him, then no." I told her. She smiled and gave me a hug.

"Thank you for talking to me in the airport." She told me. I hugged her back. She then walked out of the bathroom and went back to the boys. She didn't even use the toilet! What a liar! I followed her back to the table. I saw that Jay had gotten me a dessert.

"I hope that you like chocolate." He said as I sat down at the table.

"Of course I do." I told him. He brought me some sort of chocolate cake. I took a bite of it. It was amazing. When we were done with our desserts, we left the restaurant.

"I guess that I should be heading home. It was great meeting all of you!" Penny said as we stood outside of the van. She gave us a little wave and started to walk away.

"Wait!" Max said as he ran over to her.

"I would love to see you again. Could I have your number?" He asked her. the two of them exchanged numbers. Then Penny waled back with Max to the van.

"We are going to drop Penny off at her house, then we can go home." Max told the driver.

"Actually, I was hoping that I could take Jay home with me." I told him. The driver nodded and started the van. I got in the van and sat down. Jay then sat next to me.

Penny was dropped off first. Max walked her to the door. We all watched from the van. He moved to kiss her on the cheek, but she turned her head so that he kissed he on the lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he held her.

"Aw!" Siva and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed. Then Max came back to the van. We all pretended that we didn't see. He also acted like we didn't see it either. Fianlly, Jay and I got dropped off at my apartment.

"So what would you like to do?" He asks as we enter. I set my bag on the ground. I remembered that I didn't have my statue, so I would have to look out for those damn shadow beings.

"I was hoping that we could just be with each other." I told him. He looked at me and went over to the couch.

"I am going to assume that you mean, not in a sexual way." He said. I looked at him. He didn't look sad or upset. He looked content.

"Yeah, I know that you must be so tired. Would you like anything to drink?" I figured that he was going  to try to guilt trip me, so I changed the subject.

"Sure, what ever you are having would be fine." He said as he picked up the remote to the television. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed two beers. I started to pour them into their own glasses, when I saw a shadow being. I thought of it being held to the wall by 8 knives. I stopped and set both of the beers on the counter.

I appeared by the door where my bag was. I noticed that Jay saw me. I smiled and gave him a little wave. I grabbed the bag and walked, this time, to the kitchen. I pulled the jar out and grabbed him. I placed him inside and I set the jar on the counter. I finished with the beers and walked back into the living room.

"Here you go." I said as I gave him his beer. He just looked at it and then back at me.

"Did you drug it?" He asked. I then tried to think of why he would think that I would drug him. Then I remembered that I was acting suspicious with the purse.

"I didn't drug it. I will drink some of yours, to prove it to you." I said as I grabbed his beer. I took a sip or two. I looked at him with a smile. He then kissed my lips. It was sweet, but short.

"You had a little beer on your lip, I just wanted to make sure that it didn't go to waste." He said with a big smile.

"You are so considerate." I joke with him. He then placed his beer on the table.

"Where is your bathroom?" He asked as he stood up.

"It is in my room." I told him as I pointed to it. He kissed the top of my head and walked to the restroom. I sat there and saw that he had a movie playing. It had strange blue people that I have never seen before. I am pretty sure that they don't exist. I would have to ask Zeus when I get to Olympus. A scattering noise broke my train of thought.

I looked over to where I heard it. I then felt a pain in my lower leg, like something had stabbed me. Something had stabbed me! I looked around the room and I saw that there was at least 6 shadow beings.

I stood up and thought of different things for each of them. One was in a bear trap, two were tied together, another was in quicksand, and the last two were tared and feathered. I appeared in the kitchen and grabbed the jar. I then popped bakc in the living room, where I started to place the creatures in.

"WHAT IS THIS?!?!" Jay screamed. I looked at him and in the corner of my eye, I saw my tail.


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