Ben 10: My Hero Academia - Se...

By MrEhero-Ultimate

37.9K 660 416

Ben Tennyson was once a Quirkless boy who had a dream to become a hero, but was denied by an unfortunate gene... More

Episode 14 - Declaration of war
Episode 15 - Last laugh
Episode 16 - Roaring sports festival
Episode 17 - In every shape & size
Episode 18 - Cavalry battle royale
Episode 19 - The boy born with everything
Episode 20 - Victory or defeat
Episode 21: Divided we stand
Episode 22: Chivalry isn't dead
Episode 23 - Heated battles & Chilling secrets
Episode 24 - An Explosive Finale
Episode 26: Time to pick those hero names!
Episode 27: Foreseen tests
Episode 28: Hunted
Episode 29: Hero Killer vs UA Students
Episode 30: Climax
Episode 31: Aftermath of the Hero Killer
Episode 32: A Tale of the Past
Episode 33: Growing Stress & Concerns
Episode 34: Gearing up for those Final Exams
Episode 35: Face to Face...
Episode 36: The Number 1 vs 2 + Ben
Episode 37: Encounter

Episode 25: Victory Party

1.5K 29 31
By MrEhero-Ultimate

(Watch Opening)

The classroom was full as the students of Class 1A were back to hear a special announcement from the teachers.

Kaminari: Hey, what do you guys think the announcement is?

Kirishima: Who knows dude, I'm hoping it's nothing serious.

Ben is seen messing with his watch as Bakugo could be seen still growling with the second place medal still hanging from his mouth, soon enough the door opens to reveal a still wrapped up Aizawa slowly entering the room.

Aizawa: Hello class. Good to see you're all in your seats and quiet. Now, first of all, I need to say that you all did a good job during the festival. Some went a little crazy but given the circumstances, the principal has allowed a two-day break period for the students to recover from any sports festival injuries.

The class began to smile as they heard the news, some of them did need time to heal especially Midoriya who's arm was in a sling.

Aizawa: That'll be all, I'll see you all after two days. Now get out.

He slumped into the corner of the classroom and suddenly went into a nap. Ben smirks as he starts getting up to pack up his tools as Mina leaps up out of her chair.

Mina: Yyyyyyes! Two-day break! That means we have time!

Kirishima: Huh, time for what?

Mina skips over to Ben's desk and leans on it to look at him with a grin.

Mina: Why for Ben's victory party of course! You didn't think I wouldn't give you one after winning the Sports Festival, right?

Ben: Mina, you know I'm not one for big parties...

Mina: Up-up-up! I know that, but this is a big deal. Besides it's not gonna be crazy or anything, just me, Kirishima, and a few of us. Hey Uraraka!

Uraraka: Huh?

Mina: Do you and Midoriya want to join us?

Uraraka: Sure! What do you think Deku?

Midoriya: O-oh, I guess it should be fine...

Kirishima: What about you Todobro? Want to come with?

Todoroki: Sorry. But I'm going to be busy with some personal business.

Kirishima nods understanding the dual-haired boy's decline to the offer. Mina clapped her hands as the five students were standing by each other.

Mina: Then that settles it! I already have a location, Ben, Kirishima and I will buy the snacks while you two meet up at the meeting place. Agreed?

Students: Agreed!

High above the Earth, the Chimeran Hammer floats through space.

Its hangar opens up and two Mechadroids are ejected and sent to earth. A basic bioid monitors them and speaks to Vilgax, who is recovering in his healing tank.

Bioid: The drones have launched. Equipped with the improved internal tracking system, they should be able to find and retrieve the Omnitrix.

Vilgax: They may find it, but retrieving it will not be easy. Whoever possesses the Omnitrix continues to be an opponent of extreme danger, and inspiring brilliance!

Inside a small gas station, Ben is seen still in his school uniform as he grabs a few snacks.

Ben: Okay, that should be it...

Ben turns around to see a small child and his father walk towards him. The boy was holding a piece of paper and pencil in his hand as he shyly looked up at his father then Ben.

Father: Hi, sorry to bother you young man. But my son spotted you and recognized you from the sports festival. Kiddo, don't ya want to ask Mr. Tennyson something?

The boy shuffled forward while still holding the paper in hand.

Boy: M-mr. Tennyson... C-could I get your autograph?

Ben smiled as he knelt down to the boy's level as he held out his hand for the paper. The boy smiles as he hands Ben the paper and pencil, and placed it on a flat surface to write on.

Ben: What's your name, buddy?

Hirou: Hirou!

Ben: Nice to meet you, Hirou. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Hirou shyly kicked the ground as he looked down to the floor.

Hirou: Well, I wanna be a hero... But I don't think I can do it. My classmates tell me that being a hero is something only strong people can do. And I'm not strong...

Ben: Hirou, look at me.

Hirou lifts his head to see Ben still kneeling infront of him while giving him back the autograph.

Ben: Being a hero doesn't mean you have to be strong. As long as you know what's right is what matters. Don't give up on yourself, and try your best. It never hurts to try, understand?

Hirou nodded as he gave Ben a surprise hug, Ben was caught off guard as Hirou let's go and runs to his father.

Father: That was very nice, Hirou. What do you say?

Hirou: Bye-bye Mr. Tennyson! Thank you for the autograph!

The father and son leave as Ben waved goodbye as the smile still rests on his face. Suddenly he heard sniffling as he quickly turns around to see a crying Kirishima and a grinning Mina with her phone in her hand.

Kirishima: *Sniff* That was so manly!

Mina: And that's getting sent to the family.

Ben: Ha ha. Funny. Wow, my first autograph signing....

Kirishima: And it won't be the last buddy! C'mon let's buy our stuff and get going.

The trio finish buying the food as they step outside the station. Mina was still on her phone as she sent a text.

Mina: I just texted Uraraka, told her to meet up with Midoriya at the location.

Ben: Why do you still call it "the location" what are you, secret service?

Suddenly, a heavy-looking truck at the gas station gets hit by a laser, blowing it open and catching fire.

Kirishima: Holy...!!

The blast that shot the truck came from a gang of 3 vigilantes, all wearing full biker outfits and wielding laser rifles.

They advance on the scene and notice the trio.

Gang Leader: What are you brats staring at?

Ben is stunned. The gang leader points their rifle at the trio.

Kirishima: Get back!

They fire the rifle. Kirishima shoves Mina and Ben behind the a truck and manages to dive to the ground. He is down.

Ben: Gotta keep this from getting out of hand...

Ben activates the watch as the gang members grab bags of money from the hole in the truck, but a rumble soon catches their attention: Four Arms is there.

He pounds the ground, sending a shockwave that knocks the gang over.

Four Arms: Go!

Mina helps up Kirishima and the two run for cover. Just then, the driver of the blasted truck gets out, holding his head.

Four Arms: You okay, sir?

Driver: Y-yeah, thanks big guy!

He runs off as Four Arms gets blasted back into the gas station by the gang leader. They fire a second time, and Four Arms manages to dodge under it, but it instead hits a gas tank, exploding in a big fire.

Kirishima: Ben!

The gang train their guns on the fire. Unexpectedly, Four Arms leaps out of the pillar of smoke and surprises the three, knocking the ground and sending them flying. The gang leader lands on the ground and their helmet visor cracks, whereas the other two are knocked into the truck. Four Arms picks up the two and removes their helmets, to find that their faces are feminine and they're wearing lipstick, earrings, etc.

Four Arms: Huh? You're...all women? Look, I don't wanna hurt you ladies but...

Four Arms suddenly gets shot in back and falls to the ground. Standing behind him is the gang leader unmasked: a third woman with red hair and piercings whose name is Rojo.

Rojo: Aww well, isn't that sweet.

Mina: Clobber her!

As Four Arms raises his head and Rojo points her gun at it, he notices something in the sky. Through the pillar of smoke, two of Vilgax's Mechadroids suddenly come flying in and start shooting.

The gang and Four Arms dodge, and the robots' shots hit the truck and blow it up even further. Bills of stolen money float through the air.

Rojo: Hey! This is my heist!

She yells as she grabs money out of the air.

Gang Member #1 You can have it!

The two gang members run off leaving Rojo by herself. Rojo walks towards Four Arms, ready to shoot him while he's busy fending off the Mechadroids. Though, before she can, Kirishima throws a tire at her back, knocking her down.

Mina: Ben, those drones must be after the watch!

Rojo gets up and whips around to Kirishima.

Rojo: Heh, like your style kid. But you just screwed up big time!

She fires at him, making contact with blast as Kirishima is sliding back into the gas station. Luckily he activated his quirk on time as it helped shield the blow.

The Mechadroids' continuing to fire angers Four Arms; they try to rush attack him but he grips them by their heads and lets them flail helplessly.

Four Arms: Nice try.

He smooshes the Mechadroids into discs and throws them square at Rojo, knocking her out. He rushes over to Kirishima and brushes the rubble off him.

Four Arms: You good, bro?

Kirishima: Yeah, just managed to activate my hardening in time.

The trio hear police sirens in the distance as Four Arms hurries up and picks the two up off the ground.

Mina: Whoa, Ben! What's up?

Four Arms: Last thing I need is to be stuck in the police station answering questions all day. Let's move!

Four Arms, holding Mina and Kirishina in his arms, takes giant leaps up the street. As they leave, Rojo comes to. She gets up and looks at the crushed Mechadroids beside her.

Rojo: Who were you freaks?

She picks up one of the heads out of their socket and holds it up to inspect it. It suddenly glows red with life and plugs into her neck, force-transferring its innards into her. Her pant legs rip apart, her biker jacket sleeves get shredded by arm spikes. Her eyes glow the same robotic red and her arms and legs have red veins. After a couple of seconds the robot stops and falls to the ground, dead. Police cars immediately pull up behind her and officers get out with guns.

Policeman: Freeze!

Rojo turns to them. Her skin is red and there are robotic eye pieces on her shoulders and covering her face. The officers look stunned.

Rojo: Ha, I already did my time!

Her shoulder eyes emerge and point at them.

Rojo: It's time you guys pay!

Her shoulder eyes shoot the cars, blowing them up. She walks past the flames and picks up her bag of money.

Rojo: Hahahaaaa...this is gonna be a BLAST!

The trio were now seen walking down the street with the bags of snacks in hand. Mina smiles as she runs up towards Midoriya and Uraraka who were standing by the corner.

Mina: Great, you two made it!

Uraraka: Yep! You sure this is the place?

Mina nodded as she twirls around to point at the sign on the building.

Midoriya: K-karaoke?

Ben: Mina, this is my victory party?

Mina: Oh Hush! I just wanted a little get-together for a few of us. Let's go party!

The group enters the building as they go into the room that Mina had already paid for, setting the snacks down Ben hands Midoriya a drink.

Ben: How's the arm, man?

Midoriya: O-oh, it's fine. Congratulations on the sports festival by the way.

Ben: I never thought I'd ever reach that point to be honest.

Kirishima and Mina sat down on both sides of Ben as Uraraka was at the front, looking through the songs.

Uraraka: Okay.... This song's a duet, anyone want to join in?

Mina: Wow, already? Ben, I want you to boost my confidence. Give me like the biggest praise buff I've ever gotten in my life.

She jabs Ben with her elbow as the two laugh, Ben clears his throat and looks at her.

Ben: Mina, You're a pink-haired dancing queen.

Kirishima: Dude, complement me like that, holy crap!

Ben and Mina laugh as he leans back.

Ben: Kirishima, you're the manliest man in the world.

Kirishima: YES THE HELL I AM!!! LET'S GO!!!

He rushes up to the stage next to Uraraka as the two began singing as the rest sat down as Ben and Mina laughed.


Back on Vilgax's ship,

Bioid: The drones were destroyed.

Vilgax: Send out more!

Bioid: We may not need to. It seems the drones have somehow - merged. I'm receiving one combined signal, and that signal is on the move.

Vilgax: Hmmm... Perhaps one head is better than two...

Rojo, with her newfound powers, is robbing a jewelry store. She shoots a glass box showcasing rings with her laser, melting the glass and creating a hole. She reaches in and pulls out the rings, but as she holds them high in her grip, she notices gold shavings are slipping out.

Rojo: What?!

She opens her hand to reveal that her claws and strength had crushed all the rings into dust.

Rojo: No! You're worthless now!

She throws them away. One lady, still in the store, is terrified. Rojo starts walking over to her in anger before she is stopped by an ear-piercing tone. She stumbles back and falls to the ground in pain. A voice breaks through the tone.

Vilgax: Listen to me, whoever you are...

Rojo: Where are you...Who are you...and how did you get in my head?

Vilgax: NO QUESTIONS! You are here to serve me!

Rojo: Guess again. I work for me and only me!

Her pain starts up again; now she's sent floating down into a yellow and red vein-filled vision.

Vilgax: You now possess power you could have never imagined, but unless you find a way to use it, it will be worthless!

Vilgax's gigantic image appears before her, making Rojo terrified.

Vilgax: Fulfill my demand, and I will teach you. Fail me, and I will turn you to DUST!

Rojo: ...So what do you want?

Vilgax: Only one thing. A piece of valuable technology, missing from my possession. And luckily, you are already programmed to find it!

Rojo holds her head in pain once more, now back at the store.

Some time has passed as the group was finishing up in the room, cleaning up the empty snack bags and throwing away the empty drink containers. Ben helps clean up as he smiles down at the ground.

Ben: Mina.

Mina: Yeah?

Ben: Thanks for this... I really appreciate it.

Mina smiles as she walks over to give him a hug.

Mina: That's what I do. Best friends, remember?

Ben: Yeah....

Suddenly the building began to shake, causing the group to stumble onto the ground.

Midoriya: What was that?!

Kirishima: An earthquake?

Ben: Or something worse...

He looks at Mina as she nodded understanding what Ben was implying. The group found themselves running out of the room to find a huge hole in the wall as it reveals to be Rojo entering the room.

Rojo: You! Give me the Omnitrix!

Group: The what?

Rojo doesn't elaborate as she fires off another blast from her shoulder as Ben dives under the side of the front desk. The others were right next to him as Ben peaks over the corner as Rojo slowly approaches the desk.

Kirishima: Wait, that girl... She was one of the gang members from the gas station!

Mina: Wait, really!? How did she turn into that thing?!

Ben: It... might be her quirk at work.

Midoriya: A technology-based quirk... Amazing. But we have to wait for the heroes to show up, we can't get into combat with her.

Ben looks at the watch as he remembers the name that Rojo said when referring to the watch.

Ben: Unless I don't fight her on the outside...

Mina: Ben?

Ben: Listen, I'll deal with her. You guys run and get to safety.

The rest of them nod as they shuffle over to the other side of the desk as Mina stays with Ben while looking at him with concern.

Mina: Ben... Be careful.

Ben: C'mon Pinky... When am I not?

He ruffles her hair as she shuffles away. Ben activates the Omnitrix as he Scrolls through the silhouettes.

Ben: Best way to beat technology, find a way to hack the system.

He slams down as he's covered by a green light.

Rojo spots the green light as she walks towards it, while the others make their escape.

Rojo walks around, searching. She walks right underneath Upgrade, who is on the ceiling. He drops down on her and melds with her technological body.

Rojo struggles to rip him off her. Suddenly, electricity shoots out of their head, and Upgrade finds himself in Rojo's vision world, floating before a giant Vilgax.

Vilgax: Listen to every word: be afraid. You cannot run, you cannot hide from me. I will find you. And when I do, I will retrieve my Omnitrix and destroy you!

Vilgax swallows Upgrade. Rojo finally pulls Upgrade off, who is now disoriented.

Upgrade: Oohhh...

She shoots at Upgrade. He dodges it and runs around to the jukebox machine behind her and upgrades it, giving himself wire arms to grab hold of her.

Upgrade: Let's test those vocal chords, shall we?

He uses his arms to hold her mid-flight and weighs her down with his ensnaring wires. She headbutts him and breaks free, landing backwards on a coffee table. As both stand up, Rojo again fires at Upgrade, who bobs and weaves out of the way.

Upgrade takes the opportunity to charge her and pin her to the ground.

Upgrade: Now this won't hurt a bit!

He merges with her again, this time shorting out her technology. Mina and the others watch as electricity flies out of the two.

Rojo: Ahhh, get outta me!

Upgrade removes himself from her.

Upgrade: Okay, I lied.

As Rojo gets up, the red eye pieces, metal spikes and hardened skin effortlessly crumble and fall off her human body.

Rojo: I'm...normal.

Upgrade: Abnormal's way more like it.

Rojo: Look, I-I don't know what came over me. Come on, please, you gotta help me!

She silently notices her old rifle, which has slowly rematerialized on the ground.

Rojo: I-I'm just a girl.

She quickly drops the act and kicks the gun up into her arms.

Mina: Guess what? So am I!

Mina runs up behind her and kicks her to the ground. Rojo is down. They hear police sirens arrive on the scene.

Upgrade: Mina, we gotta go!

Mina runs out and Upgrade picks up Rojo's body, carrying her out before the building completely comes down. He then hands her off to a police officer and waves goodbye.

Upgrade: She's all yours!


After the events of Rojo's attack, the group went their separate ways as it was only Ben and Mina.

Mina: Man, that was a bummer...

Ben: Nah, I had fun. Thanks again by the way.

They reached Ben's house as Grandpa Max was seen washing the Rust Bucket, spotting the two walk up.

Max: Ah Ben, Mina, how was school?

Ben: It was okay, we were given two days to recover from the festival.

Max: I see, then you'll have plenty of time to explain what happened downtown and at the gas station today?

The two teens were suddenly stuck as they exchange looks before nodding in understanding as they were in trouble.

Max: C'mon kiddos, I need to get a few things from the market.

Mina: So Ben, what happened back there? It's like you were possessed or something.

Ben: I-I don't know. It was like...when I went Upgrade I saw this alien. We were both floating through space and he was talking to me. He looked kinda like he had this octopus on his head. He said...I should be afraid.

He turns towards a frowning Max looking off to the side.

Ben: Grandpa, you look afraid...

Max: I'm...fine. And you'll be fine too. As long as we stay together son.

Ben: Sounds good to me.

Max smiles as the teens get in the Rust Bucket, but the smile drops soon after and he looks off, pondering something...

High above the Earth, the Chimeran Hammer flies through space. A pair of menacing red eyes glow through the window of a healing tank...


(Hello readers and thank you for reading! Another chapter done and I'm finally starting to get back into the swing of things. The internships will be starting soon and I want to hear your guesses for who do you think Ben will end up going?)

(I hope you enjoyed this little side chapter, I wanted to introduce Rojo to the villain mix but I didn't know when to add her in.)

-Until next time...

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