Shifting Gears || cl16/ln4

By sxftmoonlight_

227K 2.6K 870

In the adrenaline-fueled world of Formula 1, Willow DeVille stood out not just for her exceptional driving sk... More

Copyright Claim and Warnings
Gear One
Gear Two
Gear Three
Gear Four
Gear Five
Gear Seven
Gear Eight
Gear Nine
Gear Ten
Gear Eleven
Gear Twelve
Gear Thirteen
Gear Fourteen
Gear Fifteen
Gear Sixteen
Gear Seventeen
Gear Eighteen
Gear Nineteen
Gear Twenty
Gear Twenty-One
Gear Twenty-Two
Gear Twenty-Three
Gear Twenty-Four
Gear Twenty-Five
Gear Twenty-Six
Gear Twenty-Seven
Gear Twenty-Eight
Gear Twenty-Nine
Gear Thirty
Gear Thirty-One
Gear Thirty-Two
Gear Thirty-Three
Gear Thirty-Four
Gear Thirty-Five
Gear Thirty-Six
Gear Thirty-Seven
Gear Thirty-Eight
Gear Thirty-Nine
Gear Forty
Gear Forty-One
Gear Forty-Two
Gear Forty-Three
Gear Forty-Four
Gear Forty-Five
Gear Forty-Six
Gear Forty-Seven
Gear Forty-Eight
not an update!!!

Gear Six

6.6K 83 15
By sxftmoonlight_

Saturday, Quali Day

I was in my garage, waiting to get into the car for Qualifying. After the third practice session, we went through all the data I gathered and were now ready for Qualifying. My mechanics prepared the car for the crucial session ahead. Scarlet wished me luck, before my mechanics signalled that it was time to get into the car. I put on my new customized helmet for this season. Designed with delicate butterflies, it symbolized more than just a design choice; it embodied the essence of freedom that fuelled my passion for racing. My number 24 was also printed on the side of my helmet, declaring my presence on the track.

As I settled into the cockpit, the familiar click of the safety harness resonated. The engine roared to life, eager to embrace the track. I navigated the garage exit and drove off towards the track. After my warm up lap, the moment arrived to unleash the full potential of the car. I started to drive my fast lap, as Jack's voice crackled through the radio, delivering real-time updates, "For now you're P4, keep up Willow." My response echoed over the communication channel, "Copy that. Who is ahead of me currently?" I waited for Jack's response. "P1 Verstappen, P2 Leclerc, P3 Norris."

My position at P6 in Q1 secured my spot into Q2.
With just two minutes remaining Jack's timely updates fueled my determination. "Okay Willow, two minutes left, you're currently P7." As the seconds ticked away I drove my car with precision, to secure a better standing. After driving my last lap of Q2, I surged ahead, claiming P4. Jack's voice resonated through the radio with affirmation. "You made it into Q1. Good Job, Willow. Come back to the garage now." I drove back to the garage, so my mechanics could set up everything for the showdown in Q3.

As I navigated the circuit, the gravity of the upcoming challenge hung in the air. Pole Position, the pinnacle of achievement. The quest for the P1 spot intensified the competition on the racetrack. Midway back to the garage, curiosity tugged at me.
"Did Lando make it into Q3?" After a short pause from Jack, he answered, "Yes he did," which brought a sense of relief. The realization that both Lando and I secured a chance for Pole Position made me let out a chuckle.

Having set up everything in the garage, I returned to the racetrack, ready to weave my way through the twist and turns once again. Embarking on my warm up lap, the other drivers started to set their fast laps now. Embarking on speed, I also started my fastest lap. Jack's voice cut through the adrenaline-rushed atmosphere, guiding me with precision. "P5 Willow, you still have time to improve." Determined to seize the opportunity I responded, "Copy that. I will push." I started another fast lap now, driving through the curves and straights.

Approaching the finish line, the radio crackled to life with joy in Jack's voice. "P2, Willow! P2!!! Good Job!!! You'll start in the front row tomorrow!" Hearing that made me laugh and cheer. "YES! LET'S GO! WOOHOO!" Jack and I shared a moment of joyful cheer. Suddenly curiosity got the best of me again,"Who is P1, Jack?" A brief pause enveloped the radio, and then Jack delivered the news. "Lando is on Pole. That means we have a front row lockout!" The realization of a front-row dominance in the first Qualifying of the season, felt surreal. The following list unfolded as Jack continued "P3 Verstappen, P4 Leclerc, P5 Carlos and P6 Lewis" A sense of satisfaction washed over me, knowing that I had out qualified Charles. I can't wait to see his face after I beat him tomorrow.

Parking my car in the 2nd Place spot, my eyes shifted to Lando, who was already out of his car, helmet off and racing towards the team. I also got out of the car, taking my helmet off and congratulating Max. As I made my way to the team, Scarlet greeted me with pride, her excitement evident, as she jumped into my arms. "I am so proud of you, Willow. You were great out there," she said proudly. Laughing happily, I continued thanking the team.

Amidst the cheers and applause from the crowd, Lando turned towards me, a radiant smile on his face. Without hesitation, he enveloped me in a tight hug. Returning the embrace by putting my arms around his shoulder, I whispered into his neck, "Congrats Lan, I know we will win this tomorrow." He whispered back, "Congratulations to you too Willz." Eventually, duty called and we had to make our way to the interviews for the Top 3. Watching Max giving his interview, I knew my turn would follow. The anticipation for the spotlight was exciting as the achievement settled in.

Post-interviews, Lando and I made our way back to our driver's room. I locked the door behind me and changed back into my regular clothes. I was beaming with joy and excitement for tomorrow's race.
A light knock on my door, interrupted my thoughts. "I'll be right there!" I called out, quickly putting on my top. As I unlocked the door, I was greeted by Lando's smiling face. "Oh Lan.. it's you." He nodded slowly. "Can I come in?" He asked softly. "Of course," I replied with a warm smile as I opened the door wider to welcome Lando into my room. He stepped inside and I closed the door behind him.

Lando and I settled into the comfortable couch. The quiet intimacy of the space, allowed us to share the triumph reflect on what happened on the racetrack. "So, what happens if we get a 1-2 win tomorrow?" He asked with a mischievous grin. I pondered the question, smiling at the scenario, "I don't know, are we suppose to do something? I mean, it would be the first time we'd get a 1-2 win, ever." His expression turned into a thoughtful one and then, as if struck by a brilliant idea, he started to grin again. "We should go out partying, have drinks and just have the night of our life." I started to giggle, "Well I have nothing against that idea, Mr. Norris."

Extending his hand out, he offered a term of agreement, "Well okay then, Ms. DeVille, if we win, we'll go out partying. Just you and me." I looked down at his extended hand and after a moment of consideration, took his hand into mine and gave it a firm shake. "Deal." His hand was big compared to mine and his touch filled me with warmth. As his blue eyes locked onto mine, a familiar uncertainty stirred within me - It was happening again.
After clearing my throat, he withdrew my hand gently. "Um we should probably head back to the hotel." I suggested quietly. He nodded and together we left my driver's room to make our way back to the hotel.


Sunday, Bahrain GP

"And it's light's out and away we go!"

The roar of the engines filled the Bahrain Grand Prix circuit, as Lando and I surged side by side, into the first turn, starting to race head to head into the first turn. With a brilliant move he managed to take the lead and I tucked in closely behind him. Glancing at my mirrors I saw Charles, starting to chase me down after overtaking Max. Me and Lando had a plan - we would work together and maximize our chances to secure a 1-2 win.

Lap 30/57
Executing a smooth pit-stop, Lando and I emerged to 4th and 5th position, waiting to reclaim our spots, as the cars in front, made their way to the pits. Racing through Turn 13, the anticipation built with each car ahead diving into the pits. Lando swiftly regained his 1st place, and I seamlessly reclaimed my 2nd place.

Lap 54/57
"Okay Willow, 4 laps to go. Please push and don't let Leclerc get past you. Stay close to Lando for DRS." Jack's voice guided me through the radio. I was now aware that Charles was starting to close the gap between us. "Gap to Leclerc?" I required over the radio. After a short pause, Jack replied, "Gap to Leclerc, 2.456 seconds." The task ahead was clear - securing my second place while staying within striking distance of Lando to have a DRS advantage.

Lap 57/57
"Okay Willow, Final Lap. Please be careful. You can do this." Jack's encouragement made me push myself to the limit. With Charles looming in my mirrors, I pushed even harder, navigating the remaining turns. As I approached turn 14, I saw Lando smoothly turning into turn 15. The checkered flag waved and the finish line came into view. Lando crossed it first and I followed closely behind. Charles also managed to cross the line a few second later. "P2, Willow! That's a 1-2 for McLaren!!! Good Job, we are so proud of you!" Jack's voice resonated with triumph over the radio and I could hear the fans cheering and applauding loudly. "YES! LET'S GO! Thank you Jack! I love you guys!" I yelled with joy, as we celebrated a magnificent start to the new season. The 1-2 win marked not only a win on the track, but a testament to the teamwork and strategy, that defined McLaren's success.

I parked my car into the 2nd place-spot once again and jumped off the car. Lando sprinted towards me and in a burst of energy, he lifted me off the ground, spinning us around in a whirlwind of excitement. The cheers of our team and the rowing crowd formed a symphony of celebration. As my feet touched the ground again, the collective joy echoed through the air. Together, Lando and I removed our helmets, revealing smiles that mirrored the shared victory. Lando's eyes sparked with infectious joy and in that moment he embraced me into another tight hug, "We did it, Willz! We did it!" He exclaimed, getting a laughter from me.
We ran towards our team, arms wide open, merging into a bubble of celebration.

Amidst the chaos of celebrations, I turned around only to find Charles casting me an icy glare. If looks could kill, I would be long dead by now. He made his way to the Ferrari Crew and gave them all a short hand shake before making his way to the post-race interview.

I observed him, giving his interview intently. His eyes found mine a couple of times, his cold stare sending shivers down my spine, before it was mine turn for the interview. "Congratulations to your second place, Willow. You must feel very happy to finish 1-2 with Lando." The interviewer began. I spoke into the microphone. "Of course, I am more than happy. Finishing with a 1-2 for McLaren at the start of the race, gave us the right amount of motivation for the upcoming races." I answered smiling...


In the paddock, after the podium celebrations

I changed back to my clothes and was walking down the quiet backside of the paddock, the adreline of the race still pulsing through my veins. No one was in sight, as I strolled along, lost in my thoughts, when suddenly I found myself yanked away and before I could react I was slammed against one of the motorhome's walls. "What the fuck are you doing, Leclerc?!" I exclaimed shockingly. His grip tightened and a hand covered my mouth to make me go silent. His intense blue eyes bore into me. "Don't make a sound, DeVille." He warned, his voice low and dangerous, before releasing his grip.

The sudden encounter left me momentarily speechless, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Charles' unexpected intervention had caught me off guard and the tension in the air hung high. As I steadied myself against the wall, uncertainty and questions lingered all over me. "If you think even for a second that you are better than me just because you out-scored me today, you are highly wrong, DeVille. I don't know how that happened, but rest assured, it won't happen again." He spat angrily, his face mere inches away from me. I had a little deja vu moment of the intensity from last night's events. He had some sort of effect on me that I couldn't explain. "We'll see Leclerc. This is just the beginning." I stated back with the same energy.

The lingering tension in the air boiled like an electric current, setting the paddock's quiet backside ablaze. Our gaze locked at each other, pulsating with the weight of our rivalry. The distance between us remained minimal, while Charles blue eyes continued to pierce through me. He closed the gap until our noses touched slightly. He started to whisper, "Don't underestimate what I'm capable of, DeVille. You may have luck on your side for now but it won't last." The air started to thicken as I felt his hot breath against my cheek. My jaw clenched, "Luck has nothing to do with it, Leclerc. Skill and determination, that's what wins races." I countered, refusing to let his words, undermine the hard work that had brought me to this point.

With a small chuckle, Charles turned to walk away, leaving the tension hanging. I let a breath out and continued to walk towards the exit of the paddock where Lando awaited me. Scarlet was already back at the hotel for an online meeting.
I saw Lando chatting with a couple of other people as I approached him. He spotted me immediately with a big smile. "Ms. DeVille, ready to have the night of your life?" He asked grinning. "Ready as I'll ever be, Mr. Norris." I answered back also grinning. We now made our way back to our hotel.


At the hotel room

I was now getting ready to go out partying. I put on an emerald green dress, it's fabric hugging my curves, and did my hair and makeup. The hues of the dress perfectly complemented my makeup — a touch of red on the lips, a subtle eye-makeup and a pair of heels completed my outfit. Taking a final glance at my reflection, I was finally ready to head out.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door of the hotel room, only to be met with a surprising sight — Lando, already standing in front of my door, his hand about to knock at my door. His eyes widened as they wandered down the length of my body, a spontaneous murmur escaping his lips, "You look so beautiful." A tingle fluttered in my stomach, and a soft blush warmed my cheeks. "Thank you, Lan," I managed to utter as he snapped back from his admiration, a genuine smile playing on his lips.

Lando looked very stylish himself, wearing a black, neatly-fitted shirt paired with white trousers and sneakers. A silver necklace hanging from his neck, while a watch and bracelets hung effortlessly around his wrists. His styled curly hair, added the overall charm, making him look undeniably handsome.

"Are you ready to party?" he asked, a hint of amusement lacing his tone. I nodded eagerly, our shared excitement weaving an unspoken connection between us. With a collective smile, we made our way to the elevator and stepped into the pulsating rhythm of the night awaiting us.


At the club

The club welcomed us with a vibrant burst of pulsating music, the beats resonating through the air as we walked through the lively crowd. Making our way toward the VIP area, Lando shot me a suggestive look, prompting a mischievous grin from me. "Up for shots?" he proposed, and my grin widened. "Hell yeah."

He ordered shots, and we clinked our glasses in a spontaneous toast, "To more wins." What started as one shot quickly escalated — two, four, eight. The lively rhythm of the music fueled our energy, and soon, Lando was leading me toward the crowded dance floor.

As the intoxicating night unfolded, our bodies moved in synchrony with the music. My head felt light as we danced, the joy of the moment infectious. It was only then, when I became aware of Lando's hands finding their way around my waist. Our bodies pressed together, my arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. The tension in the air was thick, our faces mere inches apart, and I found myself losing control.

With one movement, Lando spun me around so my back was pressed against him, his arms wrapped around me. My head rested on his shoulder, eyes closed, lost in the rhythmic sway of the music. His close proximity stirred a heat within me, and I couldn't ignore the magnetic pull. "You drive me crazy, Willz," he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. In that moment, the awareness of our friendship blurred, overridden by the charged atmosphere surrounding us.

Lost in the moment, I couldn't resist the magnetic pull any longer. "Take me back to the hotel," I whispered to him. Without hesitation, he took my hand, and we made our way out of the club, leaving the electrifying atmosphere behind.

At the hotel

The uber drove us back to the hotel. We tried to contain our laughter as we slandered through the hotel corridor. The world swayed with our intoxicated steps as we navigated towards Lando's room. Entering his room, I fell to sit on his neatly made bed and he collapsed beside me. Loud laughter filled his hotel room, the energy of the night flowing through us.

Sitting side by side on his bed, our laughter subsided and an unspoken shift turned the atmosphere serious. Lando's eyes locked into mine and I felt my heart pounding against my chest as I returned the look and felt a magnetic force between us once again. My head was spinning and I caught him lowering his gaze to my lips. I couldn't help but also look at his. You will regret it, don't do it. My inner voice screamed warnings at how wrong this was, but in the intoxicated heat of the moment, I didn't care.

With one final look at his eyes, I gave in and smashed my lips onto Lando's. He returned the kiss and his hands found the small of my back. I swung my leg over and sat down on his lap, my hands now roaming in his hair and the world outside now fading. The kiss deepened, our connection escalating with each passing second. He started to kiss me more fiercely more longingly, as if this moment had been a lifetime in the making. Soft groans and moans filled the room and he pulled away for a mere second. "I need you." he whispered breathlessly, the urgency only fuelling our mutual desire. I smashed my lips back onto his, no longer thinking about the consequences of my actions. I felt his heart pounding against my chest as his tongue found my lips. I let my body fall onto him completely and felt his hands slowly running along my body, trailing up my back again. All I could think about was this moment as I felt completely consumed by him, both emotionally and physically.

His hands found the zipper of my dress, and slowly pulled the zipper down. The fabric of my dress started to slide down as a metaphor for the boundaries we were tearing down. Lando's hands traced my exposed skin and pulled the dress over my head.

Our lips met again, my hands eagerly tugging at his shirt. In a swift motion, he pulled the shirt over his head throwing it away, his hands finding the back of my neck as he planted kisses on my neck. Breathless moans escaped my lips as my hands navigated to his pants, swiftly pulling them down. Now equally exposed, he looked at me with breathless anticipation. "Have you ever...?" he inquired, his eyes locking onto mine. "Yes, I have," I confirmed, and he nodded slowly, leaning in for another passionate kiss.

My hand trailed down his chest as he skillfully unhooked my bra, letting it fall to the ground. Tender kisses were left onto my breasts, evoking breathless moans from me. His hands ventured between my legs, gathering all the evidence he needed, as my panties were soaked. With swift movements, he removed my panties along with his boxers, leaving us completely exposed to each other.

In a moment of unspoken connection, he turned us around, gently laying me down on the bed. From his nightstand, he retrieved a condom, rolling it on as the anticipation grew. He hovered over me, my legs wrapped around him, and left soft kisses on my collarbone. As he entered me slowly, a loud moan escaped my lips, letting me get used to his size.

"Lando..." I moaned relentlessly, lost in the sensation that consumed us. His head buried into my neck, soft grunts escaping into my ear. The intensity heightened as his hands tangled with mine, pinning them above my head. His thrusts became faster, the only focus being the shared pleasure that enveloped us. My thoughts faded away, leaving only the raw, unfiltered experience of the moment.

Lando's hands, gripped my thighs, hitting that sweet spot over and over again, and I felt myself getting closer and closer. "Lando... I-..." The words were torn from me as I reached my climax, a high-pitched moan escaping. Lando rode out my climax, and we eventually collapsed breathlessly beside each other.

Exhaustion settled over us as Lando silently cleaned up everything. The air remained heavy with unspoken emotions as I pulled the sheets over my body, lacking the energy to change into clothes. Lando laid down beside me, and as my eyes closed, the world blurred into a soft haze. The last sensation I felt was Lando wrapping his arms around me, cradling me into a peaceful slumber.

Next morning

My head throbbed mercilessly as I reluctantly opened my eyes, the world still a hazy blur around me. A dull ache pulsed through my skull, intensifying with each passing second. My gaze fell to the side, and the realization hit me like a sledgehammer — I was lying beside Lando, sleeping peacefully. Panic surged as I noticed the absence of clothing, both on me and him. Oh, shit. What did I do?

Frantically, I scanned the room, my eyes widening as I spotted my discarded dress, pants, and bra scattered on the floor. In a desperate attempt to shield myself from embarrassment, I grabbed Lando's shirt and hastily pulled it over my head. Just as I pulled the shirt down, Lando began to shift, waking up with a tired expression, rubbing his own throbbing head.

I sprang to my feet, struggling with the aftermath of the night before. How do I face him now? His eyes met mine, and he greeted me with a tired face, "Good morning, Willz." The pain in his groan echoed the throbbing headache in my own head. Then, a sudden realization dawned on him.
"Willow... Did we...?" he trailed off, his eyes widening with a mix of surprise and confusion. I sighed, taking a seat beside him. "We were drunk, Lando... Look, I don't want this to affect our friendship. It was just a heat-of-the-moment thing," I explained in a hushed tone, my mind racing to navigate the awkwardness.

His expression shifted, a hint of disappointment flickering across his features. "You know how important our friendship is to me... but this changes things," he admitted, his gaze piercing into mine. My heart sank, recognizing the weight of his words.
"Nothing has to change... Let's make a promise to each other," I suggested, attempting to save what remained of our friendship. He looked at me, confused. "We will never tell anyone about this and never bring this up ever again. For the sake of our friendship," I pled, as last night's events came back to me in a blur. It felt good. He felt good. His touch, his soft lips against mine, his low groans...

The room hung in a suspended silence as Lando contemplated my proposal. He sighed reluctantly, "Okay, I promise to never bring it up again and to not tell anyone." His words were hesitant, and I couldn't shake the unease lingering in the air. A sigh of relief escaped me as I forced a smile, attempting to reassure both of us.

"We'll just go back to being friends. Nothing has changed," he said, his tone monotone. Yet, beneath those words, the unspoken acknowledgment of the irreversible shift that had occurred loomed heavily between us.

But despite our promises, we both knew all too well that everything had changed after that night.

To be continued... 🏎️

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