Gear Nineteen

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The weight of his impending words hung heavily in the room, and a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. "Don't. Don't say it, Lando," I pleaded, sinking down onto the edge of the bed. His concern was evident as he looked down at me, and he began, "I'm sorry, Willz. I really tried but..."

Tears welled up in frustration, as I didn't want to pull him into the turbulent currents of my chaotic circumstances. "Please don't say it," I implored, my gaze meeting his.

Kneeling before me, Lando reached out to wipe away my tears, a gesture of comfort in the face of the impending revelation. My internal turmoil echoed in his whispered question, "Willz... why?"

"It's just... ugh, my life is a mess," I admitted, closing my eyes briefly to collect myself. His response was gentle yet determined, "Let me fix it then." His words stirred a mixture of gratitude and hesitation within me.

Looking into his eyes with watery determination, a small, bittersweet smile played on my lips as my hand softly stroked his cheek and I found the strength to express my truth. "Lando, you're the sweetest and funniest person in my life. But this is something I have to fix on my own. I don't want you to be more entangled in my mess. Right now, I need you as my best friend... I know things are difficult between us after everything that happened, but please, please don't say it. Not now."

In that fragile moment, our unspoken connection carried the weight of untold stories, and I silently hoped that our friendship could weather the storm of my struggles.

In response, Lando leaned into my touch, his eyes gently closing as he released a soft sigh. The room held a silence that covered the swirling emotions beneath the surface.

His vulnerability was visible, and I could sense the unspoken connection intensifying. The weight of our shared history and the complexities of our emotions converged in that simple gesture, creating a moment suspended in time.

He opened his eyes again, looking at me softly, "I get it, Willz," he said softly, his eyes mirroring a blend of sympathy and uncertainty. "Just know that whatever happens, I'm here. As your friend," he added, his sincerity cutting through the tension that had briefly gripped the room.

Feeling a surge of gratitude and emotion, I couldn't help but respond to his genuine words. I reached out, grabbing him and pulling him into a tight hug. My head found its place against his neck, and he responded by gently caressing my hair. In that embrace, the unspoken bond between us became a lifeline.

"You're my best friend," he whispered into my ear, his words carrying a weight of warmth and doubt. And in that moment, I knew it to be true.

He is in love.


Next day, Wednesday

Wednesday morning arrived, and as I stirred awake, the remaining emotions from the previous night lingered within me like an elusive fragrance. The room held a quiet atmosphere, and the weight of unspoken truths seemed to cast a subtle shadow over the day ahead.

My phone's sudden ping disrupted the stillness, and upon unlocking it, a cascade of paparazzi pictures flooded the screen, accompanied by news of Charles spotted in a nightclub with a woman. I gulped down, slightly irritated, the familiarity of such headlines no longer capable of delivering a shock. With a roll of my eyes, I stowed the phone away, deciding not to let the gossip disrupt the delicate balance of the day.

The upcoming press conference tomorrow loomed on the horizon, a scheduled event that required a composed front despite the underlying chaos in my personal life. However, before facing the media's scrutiny, there was a more immediate task at hand – today me and Lando had a shoot, for the new special race suit design and merchandise, for the upcoming race in Silverstone.

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