Gear Thirty-Six

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My brows knitted together in confusion as I observed their hushed conversation. Curiosity and concern mingled in my mind – what the fuck could they be discussing so discreetly?
I strained to catch snippets of their conversation, attempting to decipher the muffled words, but the ambient noise drowned out their words. Just as my curiosity peaked, the gaze of Charles' PR manager shifted in my direction. Instinctively, I darted behind the motorhome's wall, my heart racing, fervently praying my presence hadn't been noticed.

Cautiously, I peered out again, my eyes scanning the scene to see if my presence had been detected. A relieved exhale escaped me as it became evident they hadn't noticed my discreet observation. However, their conversation was winding down, and they began to part ways. I remained concealed behind the motorhome wall, allowing a moment to pass before deciding my next move.

Feeling a sense of urgency, I realized there was only one course of action – I needed to talk to Charles.

A heavy sigh escaped me as the prospect of confronting Charles weighed on my mind. Despite the reluctance, the need to unravel the mystery compelled me forward; I had to know, if he knows what all this discreet conversation was about.

Summoning courage, I opened our chat, my fingers hesitating over the keys. With a deep breath, I began typing.

W: Meet me at the hotel rooftop at 10 PM. It's urgent.

With a mixture of anxiety and determination, I pressed the send button, officially dispatching the urgent message. As I sighed, a nagging thought echoed in my mind – Fuck my life.
Closing my phone, I wanted to make my way back to the hotel. Before doing so I checked into the hospitality, exchanging pleasantries with my team and in hope to find Lando for the journey back together. Seeking information, I approached an analyst with a cup in hand, inquiring about Lando's whereabouts. "He left already... he seemed a bit in a hurry," the analyst replied. My eyebrows furrowed slightly, but I thanked him and wished him a good night before heading out. In my car, I drove back to the hotel, the anticipation of the impending conversation with Charles lingering in the air.

As I arrived at the hotel, I handed my keys to the valet and entered the hotel lobby, exchanging pleasantries with the receptionist. Moving towards the elevator, I pressed the button, and as the doors closed, it ascended to my floor. Upon arrival, I swiped the keycard in front of my room, entering and closing the door behind me.

Releasing a heavy sigh, I sank into the comfort of the bed, glancing at the time – 8:37 PM. Realizing I still had some time, I contemplated taking a shower. Opening Charles' chat, I noticed that he hadn't responded but had seen my message. Rolling my eyes at his lack of immediate response, I muttered, "What a dick." Now, all I could do was hope that he would show up; it seemed like it's the least he could do after everything that had transpired.

I went into the bathroom and as I undressed and let the warm water cascade in the shower, my thoughts circled back to the analyst's revelation about Lando leaving in a hurry. The water ran down my face and body, and despite attempting to avoid prying into Lando's business, the lingering curiosity nagged at me. Why did he leave in a hurry?
The speculation echoed in my mind as the water continued to soothe and distract me simultaneously. Surely something must have happened...

Massaging the shampoo into my scalp, my mind also couldn't help but drift back to the peculiar conversation between my PR manager and Charles' PR manager. The strangeness of it lingered, leaving me perplexed and unable to provide a plausible explanation. Hoping that Charles held the key to unraveling these mysteries, I continued with the shower, contemplating the impending conversation and the answers it might bring.

Completing my shower routine, I turned off the water, reaching for a towel to wrap it around my body. Another towel secured my damp hair, the warmth of the fabric a comforting embrace as I prepared for the evening that awaited.

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