Love Beyond Time | Jikook Sto...

By idlesunflower

12.2K 667 73

in which Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook's children accidentally travel to the past, and are forced to play the... More

・゚✧ prologue
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
epilogue ✧・゚

chapter 6

485 29 5
By idlesunflower

Jihyung started to say something when they spotted Namjoon closeby. "Hey Namjoon Uncle, we finished cleaning up."

"Oh, hello to you too." Namjoon grinned, waving and stopping to talk to them. "Why are you all red?" He pointed to Jihyung.

"I was sparring." Jihyung said, touching his fairly warm face.

"And someone decided to hit on him." Jina said, looking at Jihyung pointedly and causing Namjoon to laugh.

"Already? Who?"

"Lisa." Jihyung mumbled, and Namjoon choked on the coffee he was drinking.

"WHAT!" Namjoon exclaimed, cleaning his mouth as he tried to stop laughing.

"Hey, shut up." Jihyung said, clearly flustered.

"You mean I should calm down about your Daddy's girlfriend hitting on you..." Namjoon said, looking disbelieving.

"Yes, we've got more important things to worry about, you know." Jina said, sighing. "Appa invited that guy from the blind date- Hongjoong or something- to your meetup tonight."

"Okay, 1. How do you know that? And 2. You guys want to come to the meetup?" Namjoon smiled, counting his questions on his fingers.

"Well, Appa took me to the lounge and we watched a movie. And then he told me, although he still doesn't think it's that serious."

"AND- yes, we would love to come to the meet-up, actually wait, is Lisa going to be there?" Jihyung asked, eyes widening.

"After she just jumped my unofficial nephew? Hell no." Namjoon said, looking much more stern than his normal demeanour. Jina grinned, nudging Jihyung as he chuckled.

"Thanks Uncle." Jihyung smiled at him, "We'd love to come to the meetup."

"Cool, 10PM tonight at Frontline lounge." Namjoon winked at them and grinned, walking away as he waved.


Jimin slipped into some baggy jeans and a white t-shirt, slipping rings over his fingers and running his hands through his blonde hair. He tousled it slightly and gave himself a smirk in the mirror. Now, why was it so hard to get a boyfriend while looking that good? Jimin sighed, exiting his room and heading towards the elevator. The lounge was on the floor above, so he wasn't surprised when he saw Taehyung waiting for the elevator as well.

"Hey Tae." Jimin greeted, smiling. Taehyung turned and grinned back, his red hair gleaming underneath the harsh lights of the compound.

"Min. Just the person I was looking for, I heard you have a boyfriend coming today?" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows and smirked.

", it's not that serious yet. He's nice and all, I just dont see it going anywhere."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Yeah, well, you've been saying that about every guy you've every met, except, you know." Taehyung gave him a knowing look and Jimin blushed.

"We're colleagues now, don't say that." Jimin shushed him. "Also, that was a long time ago."

"Exactly. It was ages ago and you still haven't found someone to date."

"Ugh, dont make me feel worse about being single." Jimin waved him off as they both entered the elevator.

"I'm not." Taehyung whined, "You're a catch, it's about time you found someone. Even if it meant getting his stupid girlfriend away in a not-so-nice way." Taehyung winked as they got out of the elevator. "Totally for it by the way. I hate her guts."

"Shut up. You know I can't do that." Jimin said, although a smile crept it's way onto his face as he thought about it. "And she hasn't done anything to me personally, so..."

"Fine, fine, I'll let it go. I hope you know I was betting on Jikook." Taehyung pouted and Jimin fought the blush that was steadily appearing on his face.

Me too, Jimin thought to himself, sighing. They entered the lounge, wincing at the bright lights and the already booming music. Taehyung ran off to greet Hyunjin, who he'd become close friends with and Jimin was left alone for a few moments, absorbing the colourfully lit room with a smile.

He wasn't alone for long though, and flinched when he felt someone latch onto his arm. "Help, I don't know anyone here." He heard Jina say nervously and looked down with a chuckle.

"What?" Jimin put an arm around her shoulder and laughed with her, "Where did Jihyung go?"

"I dont know, some guy called Sunghoon started talking to him and they hit it off."

"Well, I was alone too, thanks for rescuing me." Jimin smiled, "Your hair looks nice." Jina had straightened it for once, and she beamed. She'd finally got the chance to let her multiple piercings show, and grinned when Jimin admired them.

"Your hair looks amazing, please. How'd you decide on blonde?" She'd been curious about it since she saw her father's hair. She never knew he could be so rebellious.

"It was originally going to be purple, can you believe that?" Jimin laughed. "Well, Namjoon caught me in the act and said it wasn't very 'stealth,' so I had to stick to blonde."

"Well, it's perfect either way." Jina said, and Jimin smiled at the young teenager's words, ruffling her hair slightly.

"Thank you. That was oddly comforting." Jimin admitted. "Anyway, come, meet Hoseok."

"Ah, our new super spy." Hoseok smiled wide, instantly making Jina less nervous. "Now that I look at you up close, you two look very similar."

"Except the blonde hair." Jina said wistfully, trying to avoid the topic. "I wish my parents let me dye my hair."

"How could someone say no to you?" Jimin's eyebrows furrowed, "You're way too charming."

Jina smiled to herself, if only he knew. "Tell that to my dad."

"We're talking about Dad?" Jihyung's voice came from behind them and Jina turned, just as he gave her a warning glance.

"God, you're tall, how old were you again?" Jimin said, making Hoseok snort.

"20." Jihyung lied smoothly, making Jina let out a breath. Jimin looked impressed and even raised an eyebrow.

"And you, mini-Jimin?" Hoseok asked, making Jihyung widen his eyes and give Jina look.

"18, just turned 18 a few months ago." Technically it was true, her birthday had been a few months prior.

"Only 18?" Another voice joined the conversation, and Jimin's breath hitched as Jungkook came into full view. He was wearing a tight black turtleneck and matching slacks, his boots making him tower over everyone else even more. He smiled at Jihyung and clasped Jina on the shoulder, who was still hovering next to Jimin. "Jimin-ssi." Jina noticed Jungkook's eyes rake over Jimin's body quickly and then stop at his smile. Her Dad had always loved Jimin's smile.

"Hyung for you." Jimin said, but his voice was teasing. "Lisa's not with you?"

They saw Jungkook hesitate, "Um, no. She wasn't feeling too well."

Everyone else agreed, but Jimin saw straight through him. They locked eyes for a moment and Jungkook shifted uncomfortably, trying to avoid the spy's questioning gaze. Jimin decided to forget it about it for the time being, he'd ask Jungkook later.

"I'm gonna get a drink." Jina said, smiling as she moved out of Jimin's hold.

Jimin stumbled slightly and Jungkook caught him by the shoulders, steadying him with a laugh. "Careful, hyung." Jungkook made no move to remove his hands, so Jimin remained in that position, his back dangerously close to Jungkook's chest. Jihyung smiled to himself, sipping on some ginger ale. Meanwhile Taehyung had approached, and broke into a wide grin when he spotted Jimin and Jungkook's position, chewing on imaginary gum as he gave Jimin a look of mock innocence.

Jimin blushed, but stayed in his place, even when Jungkook steered him towards a sofa, where they sat in close contact. When the two of them were left alone, Jimin turned to him and said, "So, what's going on with Lisa?"

Jungkook shifted slightly, biting his lip, "I dont know, honestly. She's been really rude and distant lately. But also, well, she really hates Jina and Jihyung for some reason."

That made Jimin frown, "The siblings? Why?"

"I dont know. It really irks me. I mean, I know we just met, but I feel really protective of them, you know?"

"I get it. I do too." Jimin mused, thinking back on the way Jina had leaned into him earlier. "It's almost like we've met or something. But I feel like I'd remember that."

"My thoughts precisely." Jungkook said, looking vacantly at the group of agents dancing a few feet away. "On a lighter note, dance with me Mr. Park. I've heard plenty of stories about your skills on the dance floor." Jungkook tugged Jimin off the couch with a grin. Jimin let himself get dragged by Jungkook, smiling at the clattering of their bracelets against each other.

Jimin swayed to the music, noticing Jungkook glancing at him a bright smile on his face. Jimin laughed as Jungkook moved around awkwardly, getting closer to him. "Hey," Jungkook said into Jimin's ear, leaning down. "Will you lead the mission next week with me?"

Jimin's head shot up and he gave Jungkook a bright smile. "Me?"

Jungkook nodded, still moving uncertainly to the beat of the music, "Yeah, I miss having you by my side."

"Aw, look at Captain Jeon getting all sentimental." Jimin bit back a laugh as Jungkook blushed.

"Shut up. Anyway, we have to take frontline and like 10 agents, so we gotta get to work okay?"

"It's a party, stop talking about work." Jimin said, rolling his body and making Jungkook gulp. Jimin paused for a moment when he spotted Hongjoong in the background, and said, "I better say Hi, give me a second."

Jungkook watched Jimin go, biting the inside of his cheek as an ugly feeling took over his heart. "Go for it."

"Hongjoong, hi!" Jimin said, trying to give him a wide smile. Hongjoong smiled in return, taking in his surroundings.

"I gotta say, I didn't really believe you were cut out for a frontline officer. I thought maybe an agent or something, but damn!"

Jimin tried to not be offended, laughing it off. "Well, here I am. yourself to drinks."

"Thanks." Honjoong said, "Frontline..." He said to himself as he walked away.

Jimin sunk into the couch, rolling his eyes. "Agent my ass, let's see him try and get to frontline."

Jihyung settled next to him, immediately noticing the anger in his father's eyes. "Everything okay?"

Jimin turned, surprised, "Oh, Jihyung, sorry."

"No problem, I've been told I give good advice. You're free to vent." Jihyung leaned back, sipping on his iced tea.

Jimin felt a flicker of familiarity in Jihyung leaning back, a habit common between him and well- Captain Jeon. They both had similar features, Jimin noted, the slightly curly hair and the mole under his lip. "Fine then. Prepare yourself. But also, dont tell anyone this because I won't hesitate to kill you."

Jihyung laughed, knowing his father's threats very were much real. "Why ask for secrets when you can't keep them, right?" The phrase was one Jimin's favourites in modern time, and Jihyung couldn't help but blurt it out.

"Exactly." Jimin seemed satisfied, and then said, "Well okay, I won't tell you his name. But um...when I first joined, I had a crush on this guy right, and he still works here. But I haven't had a successful relationship since I liked him."

"Ah..." Jihyung said, nodding. "Well, why dont you ask him out? You do still like him right?"

"No-" Jimin started to say and then corrected himself, sighing, "Yeah, I guess I do still like him. But I can't ask him out, he's taken."

"Ugh, that sucks." Jihyung said, although he smiled inwardly. Jimin had to be talking about Captain Jeon, right? "What wrong with that guy?" Jihyung nodded towards Hongjoong, who was chatting with another agent.

"Oh, my 'date.'" Jimin rolled his eyes. "He told me he thought I wasn't cut out for a frontline role."

"What a dickhead." Jihyung said, angry on his father's behalf.

"Well, I don't think I would have liked him either way. So I guess it's okay." Jimin shrugged, lacing his fingers together in his lap. "Anyway, tell me about yourself, you said you were 20?"

"Yep." Jihyung nodded, sipping his drink once more. "I heard agents saying we were too young, what do you think?" Jihyung was curious for his Dad's answer. In the present, Jimin had refused to say when Jihyung and Jina would be allowed to join the squad.

"Well, you are younger than most agents." Jimin mused, "But you have the talent from what I can tell. And you're far more capable than most. Plus, it's not like you're still in high school or anything, 20 isn't that young. I joined when I was just 21, so I guess I'm not one to talk. Jina's amazing for her age, I've got to say."

Jihyung smiled to himself, agreeing. "Yeah, she is. Speaking of which, I'm going to make sure she's not doing something stupid, give me a second." Jihyung got up, leaving Jimin chuckling.

Jihyung scurried away as the smile grew on his face. His dad was totally crushing on Captain Jeon, this was perfect! He stood on his tippy toes, scanning the room for Jina. His eyes lit up when he spotted her chatting with Jungkook who was laughing. 



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