More Than a Dream (COUNTRYHUM...

By ineedtoeatpotatos

953 50 576


Back to Normal
Little Sister
Unpleasant Memories
Just Your Average Monday
The Zoo
Sick Day
A Stumble Through the Memory Lane
Shattered Glass
Not Worth Crying Over
The Date
Tearful Greetings
Epilogue: More Than a Dream
Thank You!

The Accident

185 5 13
By ineedtoeatpotatos

Written: November 28, 2023

In the flurry of a heated argument, North Korea's voice echoed against the walls of the speeding car. Tension crackled like a whip in the air, thick with the explosions of released emotions. His words clashed with Russia's, each cutting deeper than the last.

"Russia, why are you like this?" North Korea's voice carried a venomous edge of frustration.

"I can't believe you're so stubborn!" Russia's retort was sharp, filled with exasperation.

The car hurtled through the fog of the night, the lights of the city blending into the dark, indigo sky. Shadows danced across the two nation's strained faces. The exchange reached its crescendo, a cacophony of unresolved grievances spewing back and forth.

Then, a sudden jolt. A sickening screech of metal meeting metal, followed by a deafening silence that shattered their world.


Sunlight filtered through the branches, casting dappled shadows on the crumpled car. North Korea's head throbbed with a dull ache as he blinked away the remnants of unconsciousness. His gaze darted around, taking in the surreal tableau-the car's twisted frame, shattered glass glinting like scattered diamonds, and pure silence, save for the birds chirping their morning serenade.

He winced, attempting to move, but a sharp pain shot through his side, rendering him immobile. Panic surged within him, his mind replaying fragments of the argument, mingling with the hollow sound of the crash.

"Russia?" His voice emerged as a hoarse whisper, his heart pounding against his chest. Yet, there was no response, only the unsettling stillness that hung heavy in the air. North Korea fought against the pain, adjusted his eyepatch, and strained to peer through the shattered windshield. He turned to his left. North Korea's breath hitched at the sight-Russia's unmoving figure slumped against the crumpled dashboard, her silhouette cast in an eerie stillness.

Russia's russet coat was flung over her, her snowy hair with blood-red tips spread like a web over the dashboard. North Korea's breath caught in his throat, his pulse quickening at the sight of Russia's motionless form. Panic surged through him as he struggled against the pain, his nails clawing at the seatbelt with trembling hands. With a sharp click, the restraint gave way, freeing him to move.

North Korea leaned over, his body protesting every movement, but he was desperate to be by Russia's side. His heart was pounding with a mixture of hope and dread. His trembling fingers reached out, brushing against her blood-streaked cheek.

"Russia, wake up." He pleaded, his voice tinging with desperation, hoping against hope for any sign of life. Russia stirred.

"Huh?" North Korea's breath hitched at the sound of Russia's groggy voice. For a fleeting moment, relief washed over him, but it was quickly replaced by a rush of confusion, disbelief, and a sliver of hope.

"You're awake?" North Korea's voice cracked with a mix of disbelief and relief as he turned towards Russia, his eye wide with a mixture of emotions. Russia blinked, her gaze unfocused, as if struggling to piece together the fragments of her consciousness. She winced, a hand instinctively moving to her head before her eyes widened in realization.

"The argument...the car..." Her voice trailed off as the memories flooded back, her expression changing from one of confusion to alarm. "Are you okay?"

North Korea's relief swelled, overshadowing the pain that enveloped them. He managed a faint nod. "I'm fine. Can you move?"

"Da, I believe so." Russia sat up, unbuckling the seatbelt. North Korea and her got out of the wrecked car and met by the tree it crashed into. The air was heavy with the scent of crushed foliage and gasoline as North Korea and Russia stumbled away from the wreckage. The mangled car stood, its twisted frame a stark opposite against the tranquility of the surrounding forest.

"Are you hurt?" North Korea's voice quivered with concern as he approached Russia, eyeing her for any signs of injury. Russia shook her head, her initial disorientation mixing with determination and unease.

"I'm okay, just a little shaken. What about you?" North Korea winced, feeling an ache course through his body.

"I'll manage." He said, before fading into the embrace of unconsciousness. The world dissolved into darkness, the chaos of the accident fading into an eerie silence. North Korea's consciousness slipped away, the remnants of pain and confusion fading into oblivion.

When he finally regained awareness, North Korea found himself in an unfamiliar place. Sunlight filtered through sheer curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room. His head throbbed with a dull ache, a persistent reminder of the recent events that felt like distant echoes in his mind.

Confusion clouded his thoughts as he struggled to piece together his surroundings. How had he ended up here? The last thing etched in his memory was the argument with Russia and the harrowing crash.

He attempted to sit up, but a sharp pang of pain shot through his side, forcing him back onto the bed with a grimace. The room felt sterile, the antiseptic scent lingering in the air. His gaze scanned the room, seeking familiarity or any clue to his whereabouts.

Voices echoed in the corridor beyond the door, drawing North Korea's attention. Moments later, the door creaked open, and a nurse entered, her expression one of surprise and relief at seeing him awake.

"You're finally up!" The nurse's voice held a mix of concern and cheerfulness. "You gave us quite a scare there. How are you feeling?"

North Korea's mind raced, attempting to grasp the situation. "Where am I? What happened?"

"You're in the hospital," the nurse explained gently, her voice soothing. "There was a car accident. Do you remember anything?"

Flashes of the argument, the car speeding through the night, and the crash bombarded North Korea's mind. "Russia... Is she okay?"

The nurse nodded, a reassuring smile on her lips. "She's stable. You both were brought in after the accident. You've been unconscious for a while."

Relief washed over North Korea at the news of Russia's stability, but a sense of disorientation and worry lingered. How had they ended up in this situation? What had transpired after the crash?

As the nurse tended to his immediate needs, North Korea's thoughts drifted, a jumble of memories and unanswered questions swirling in his mind. The events leading up to the accident were a blur, fragmented pieces of a puzzle that refused to fit together.

The door creaked open once more, and a familiar figure entered the room, their presence both comforting and unsettling.

As South Korea stepped into the room, a mix of emotions swirled within North Korea—relief at the sight of his twin and a twinge of discomfort, given the unresolved tension between them. South Korea's expression wavered between concern and a hint of apprehension as he approached the bedside.

"North, you're awake!" South Korea's voice carried a note of relief, yet his demeanor reflected a lingering unease.

North Korea attempted a nod, his movements cautious due to the persistent ache. "Yeah... What happened?"

South Korea's gaze softened, his concern almost palpable. "There was a car accident. Do you remember anything?"

North Korea's brow furrowed, his mind struggling to piece together the fragmented memories. "Bits and pieces. The argument with Russia... then the crash."

A pained expression flickered across South Korea's face, a mixture of empathy and guilt clouding his features. "I'm sorry, commie. I should've been there for you both."

North Korea's eye narrowed slightly at the familiar nickname, a flicker of annoyance flashing before he masked it with a weary nod. "It's fine, South."

South Korea's gaze lingered, a silent understanding passing between them. The weight of their unspoken words hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the rift between the twins.

"How's Russia?" North Korea's voice held a trace of concern, the worry for his companion ever-present.

South Korea's expression softened. "She's stable, just like you. The doctors said it'll take some time for you both to fully recover."

As the conversation lapsed into a brief silence, North Korea's mind raced with unanswered questions. What had happened immediately after the crash? How had they ended up here?

"South, do you know what happened after the accident?" North Korea's voice was laced with uncertainty.

South Korea hesitated, his eyes flickering with a hint of discomfort. "Not really. I arrived at the hospital after they brought you both in. The doctors were focused on your recovery, and I haven't seen Russia since."

North Korea's unease deepened, the fog of confusion thickening in his mind. The gaps in his memory, the uncertainty about Russia's whereabouts after the accident—they weighed heavily on him.

"Thanks for being here," North Korea finally murmured, a mixture of gratitude and apprehension in his tone.

South Korea offered a weak smile. "Of course, North. We'll figure this out."

As South Korea lingered by the bedside, a sense of unresolved tension lingered between the twins. North Korea's mind churned with a myriad of unanswered questions, the events leading up to the accident shrouded in a haze of confusion.

The door creaked open once more, and a nurse entered, casting a quick glance at South Korea before addressing North Korea's need for rest and further examination. South Korea nodded in understanding, offering a reassuring pat on North Korea's shoulder before stepping out of the room.

Left alone once more, North Korea's thoughts drifted, a labyrinth of uncertainty and a gnawing worry for Russia's well-being consuming his mind.

"Your partner is the Russian Federation, correct?" The nurse asked with a voice as warm as a fire.

North Korea nodded, a mix of relief and concern evident in his expression. "Yes, that's correct. How is she?"

The nurse offered a reassuring smile. "She's stable, resting in another room. You two were fortunate; it could have been much worse."

North Korea's shoulders relaxed slightly at the news of Russia's stability, but a cloud of worry lingered over him. "Can I see her?"

The nurse nodded. "Once the doctors finish their assessment, I'll make sure you can visit her. For now, focus on your own recovery."

As the nurse tended to his immediate needs, North Korea's thoughts were consumed by concern for Russia. The events leading up to the accident weighed heavily on him, a mix of guilt and a desperate need for reassurance flooding his mind.

Hours passed in a blur of medical checks and moments of fitful rest. As North Korea lay in bed, his mind wandered, a relentless churn of questions plaguing his thoughts.

Eventually, the nurse returned, a gentle smile on her face. "The doctors have cleared you for a short visit to see your partner. Follow me."

North Korea's heart raced with a mix of relief and anticipation as he was led through the corridors of the hospital. They arrived at Russia's room, and North Korea paused for a moment, gathering his resolve before entering.

Russia lay on the bed, her features relaxed in sleep. Tubes and monitors surrounded her, a stark reminder of the ordeal they had both faced. North Korea approached cautiously, his steps tentative as he stood by her bedside.

"Russia," he murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper. Russia stirred, her eyelids fluttering before slowly opening. Her gaze met North Korea's, and a flicker of recognition danced in her eyes before she fully woke, her expression a mix of surprise and relief.

"North," she whispered, a faint smile gracing her lips.

North Korea's worries seemed to ease at the sight of her awake and stable. "I'm glad you're okay. I was worried."

Russia reached out, her hand finding North Korea's, a silent reassurance passing between them. "I'm here. We'll get through this."

Their moment of silent solidarity was interrupted by the nurse gently reminding North Korea of the limited visiting time. Reluctantly, he bid Russia a brief farewell, promising to return soon.

As he exited the room, a sense of relief washed over him. The reassurance of Russia's stability brought a semblance of peace to his worried mind. Yet, the unanswered questions about the accident and the events afterward continued to weigh heavily on him.


Sooner than later, North Korea and Russia were released from the hospital, healthy as racehorses. North Korea glanced at Russia. She looked...different. Her white, blue, and red skin were still present, yes, but they seemed more pastel, like in a dream. Her snowy hair was much longer, now at waist length, as if it had grown overnight. Her features were softer, and she wore a faint smile.

"Russia?" North Korea called out, mesmerized by the pure elegance Russia now exuded. Russia turned her head to look at him.


North Korea reached out to touch Russia's face. It was warm and surprisingly soft. North Korea sighed ever so softly as he caressed Russia's cheek. "You're so...soft." He whispered in awe.

Am I dreaming? He thought. How come I never noticed this before?

North Korea couldn't help but pull Russia closer to him. She looked so precious and fragile at that moment. He placed his right hand on her shoulder and pecked her cheek. He, then, looked deeply into Russia's now daffodil-colored eyes. Usually, they'd look like a deep citrine hue to him, but everything about Russia seemed softer now.

North Korea adjusted his eyepatch and stared a little longer with his remaining eye, which stood out like a shining amethyst in the middle of its whites. He leaned in closer to Russia, their breaths mingling. Slowly, North Korea closed the distance between them and gently kissed Russia's lips. He held the kiss for a short while, feeling the electric sensation of lips pressing against each other.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold myself back." He apologized with a soft voice. "You are so beautiful." He commented. North Korea held onto Russia as if she were the most precious thing in the world. Neither of them had any clue where the sudden burst of affection came from. North Korea guessed it was a result of the accident. He guessed it was because he was so happy to see Russia alive and appreciated her features and personality more now.

After a while, North Korea walked Russia to her apartment, bid her goodbye, and then went back to his own house.

Okay, chapter 1 is done. I know exactly how I want this to play out and am excited to get new chapters coming. Don't expect me to update often because of school and everything. If it hasn't been updated in a while, I promise you it has not been abandoned, I'm just taking longer to write a chapter.

-Comrade Potato

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