The Unwanted Child {1}

By mmultixaep0

52.2K 1K 180

The Unwanted Child Jaycee Jordan also known as Jay to her friends was an average kid who got sent to the cel... More

The 100 + 1
My brother
Last man on the ark
The Woods
My brother, my responsibility
Acid Fog
The Ark
Contents under pressure
Day Trip
Unity day
I Am Become Death
The Calm
We Are Grounders ~Part 1~
✨ Graphics ✨
The Ark
The Saved
Human Trials
Fog of War
Log Into an Abyss
Remember Me
Survival of the Fittest
Blood Must Have Blood
Nothing But Lies
The Lie's Between Us
Three Months
Ye Who Enter Here
Bitter Harvest
Terms and Conditions
Stealing Fire
Join or Die
Red Sky at Morning
Perverse Instantiation

We Are Grounders ~Part 2~

958 22 4
By mmultixaep0

TW: mention of blood, gore, etc. Read at your own risk

Jaycee was still passed out on the drop ship floor, and Clarke was helping Raven with her wound. Clarke had wrapped Jaycee wounds and had told someone to put pressure on it so she didn't bleed out.

Raven started to groan in pain "That should stop the external bleeding." Clarke had told the others "Jaycee, her wounds aren't as good but aren't as bad either, I've made her as stable as I can. She won't feel anything till she wakes up" Bellamy sighed in relief still worried about the girl, the one he liked. Maybe even loved. But he didn't understand what love was, at least not yet.

Finn sighed "I still don't understand. How did Murphy get a gun?"

Bellamy looked at Finn "Long story."

Raven then spoke. "We got lucky. If Murphy hit the fuel tank instead of me, we'd all be dead."

Clarke looked at the Raven girl "Wait, there's rocket fuel down there? Enough to build a bomb?"

Raven nodded her head "Enough to build 100 bombs... if we had any gunpowder left." 

Bellamy then changed the conversation topic "Let's get back to the reapers. Maybe they'll help us. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?"

Clarke shook her head "Not this enemy."

Finn looked at them all "We saw them. Trust me, it's not an option."

"There's no time for this," Clarke said

"Can they walk or not?" Finn asked referring to Jaycee and Raven.

"No. We have to carry them" Clarke had told them.

Jaycee had then groaned "What the hell happened?" Clarke walked up to the girl and smiled

"You were shot, but you're going to be fine okay?"
Clarke said

"Thanks, doc, but I don't feel to anything," Jaycee told her

Clarke then nodded "You're probably in shock, don't worry, it's normal"  Jaycee nodded her head as Clarke walked away. Bellamy had then come up to her

"Glad you're alright Angel" Bellamy smiled lightly.

"Yeah me too, what's going on?" Jay asked him. Bellamy just sighed "We're running from the fight. I don't want to but we have no choice." Bellamy told her.

"Hey," Jaycee said as she grabbed his hand "you're going to make it out of this, okay? I believe in you" Jaycee said as her eyes fluttered open and closed. "Hey, we're both going to make it out of here, don't say just me," Bellamy told the girl "Yeah but at my state? I give myself an hour before I die. Maybe less," she remarked

"I won't let that happen. I swear to it." Bellamy said to her.

Jaycee then looked to the side, and she saw Raven who was also shot "Raven? What the hell happened to her" she said as she tried to sit up but groaned because of the pain.

"Hey hey relax. Raven will be fine, we're working on it okay?" Bellamy told the girl. Finn had then walked up to the group.

"Okay so, can they walk or not?" Finn asked referring to Jaycee and Raven.

"No. We have to carry them" Clarke had told them.

"The hell you will. I'm good to go." Raven told

"Not me, feel like I'm drying," Jaycee said.

Clarke looked at the Raven girl. "Hey, listen to me. That bullet is still inside you. If by some miracle, there's no internal bleeding, it might hold until we get somewhere safe. But you are not walking there. Is that clear? That means the both of you"

Jaycee had just raised her hands up "Hey I said I don't want to walk. Again, I feel weird" she told the blonde girl.

"I'll get the stretchers." Finn had said as he walked to get them.

Bellamy scoffed "Can't run away fast enough, huh? Real brave."

Finn looked at him "Dying in a fight you can't win isn't brave, Bellamy, it's stupid."

Bellamy gave him a stank eye "Spoken like every coward who's ever run from a fight."

Clarke had enough "All right, that's enough. It's time to go."

Bellamy looked at the girl "If they follow? It's a 120-mile walk to the ocean." Finn walked up to them "Look, we're wasting time. If he wants to stay, he can stay." He said as he walked out of the dropship.

Clarke said before Finn left "No, he can't." She then looked at Bellamy "We can't do this without you, Bellamy."

Bellamy looked around then at her What do you want me to say, Clarke?"

"I want you to say that you're with us. With Jaycee. Look those kids out there, they listen to you." She told him.

Bellamy scoffed "They're lining up to go. They listen to you more."

Clarke looked up at him "I gave them an easy choice. But 5 minutes ago, they were willing to fight and die for you. You inspire them. I'm afraid we're gonna need that again before this day is through."


They all started to leave the drop ship. Jaycee and Raven were on stretchers being carried by some delinquents.

"Okay, here we go! Keep your eyes open! Keep your eyes open!" A delinquent had said.

Octavia walked up to the girl "Hey, how do you feel?" She asked her best friend.

"Hey. I feel fine, I don't feel like I've been shot, not sure if that's a good thing though." Jaycee replied

"Just sit tight, we'll be at the ocean before you know it" Octavia reassured the girl. Then they heard someone talking.

"You know the first thing I'm gonna do when we get to the beach?" Miller had asked drew

He looked at him "No. What?"

Miller smiled "I want to go surfing."

"Ooo count me in for that please" Jaycee smiled at Miller. "Of course, after your wounds get better of course" he smiled at her "I'm Jaycee," she said to the boy "Miller, your Jaspers sister right?" Jaycee then nodded

Jasper spoke out "Quiet. Keep your eyes open."

Drew smiled "No more woods. A view of the ocean. No more damn trees, just pale, blue water."

Then Octavia heard something and held her hand out to stop the others. Jasper then looked at her "What is it?" Raven then looked up "Why are we stopping?" She asked Finn. Finn shrugged "I don't know."

Jasper looked around "I don't see anything."

Octavia looked around the woods to see if she could spot anyone, before she knew it, a grounder had thrown a ninja star at Del. Jasper had opened his eyes wide as a sign of panic and yelled "Grounders!!"

Two people had grabbed Raven and two other people grabbed Jaycee, they were told to take them back into the dropship by Bellamy.

Everyone had then run away, and they ran back into the camp, losing people on the way back. There was a mixture of people yelling "Move!" "Get behind the walls!" "They're coming!" so they all kept pushing one another until they were able to shut the gate.

"Where are they?" Bellamy asked. "Why aren't they attacking?" He asked again while pointing his gun into the field of trees not seeing a single grounder yet. Clarke looked out in the distance. "Because we're doing exactly what they wanted us to do."

Bellamy looked at the girl with a worried face, "What are you talking about?" he asked her. Clarke turned around to face Finn "Lincoln said the scouts would be the first to arrive," she told him.

Octavia walked up to them "If it's just scouts, we can fight our way out. That's what Lincoln would do." she looked at her brother. Bellamy then hopped down from where he was standing. "We're done doing what that grounder would do. We tried it and now Drew is dead. Do you want to be next?" he asked his younger but brave sister.

Finn looked at Bellamy. "That grounder saved our lives." he then looked at Clarke "I agree with Octavia. For all we know, there's one scout out there." Jasper turned around from his post and said "One scout with insanely good aim," then he turned back to the woods.

Octavia looked at Clarke "Clarke, we can still do this." Clarke then looked at Bellamy. "Looking to you, Princess. What's it gonna be? Run and get picked off out in the open, or stand and fight back?"

Clarke looked at the delinquents, then outside in the woods. Then she jumped down from where Bellamy was once standing. She was going to speak when Finn grabbed her arm, "Clarke If we're still here when Tristan gets here-" she then interrupted him "Lincoln said 'scouts' more than one. He said 'Get home before the scouts arrive.' Finn, they're already here." She then looked at Bellamy. "Looks like you've got your fight."

Bellamy then nodded and shouted out for everyone to hear him "Ok, then. This is what we've been preparing for. Kill them before they kill us. Gunners, to your posts. Use the tunnels to get in and out. From now on, the gate stays closed." He then saw Octavia try and go into one of the foxholes. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're not a gunner" Octavia nodded at her brother's comment "No, I'm not. Like you said... I'm a grounder, make sure Jaycee stays alive." she then ran away to get to the foxholes.

Clarke walked up to him "So how the hell do we do this?"


In the dropship to talk, there was Raven, Jaycee, Bellamy, Clarke, and Finn. "We've got 25 rifles with 20 rounds each, give or take. Roughly 500 rounds of ammo. While you two were gone, we made some improvements. Thanks to Raven and Angel here, the gully is mined"

Raven then groaned as she said, "Partially mined, Thanks to Murphy."

Bellamy sighed. "Still, it's the main route in. If the grounders use it, we'll know. They also built grenades."

Clarke shook her head. "It's not many."

Jaycee gave a sarcastic laugh "Again, thank you, Murphy..." She then started to cough.

"We'll make them count. If the grounders make it through the front gate, guns and grenades should force them back." Bellamy said with a deep voice. "And then?" Clarke has asked. "Then we close the door and pray," Jaycee said with a raspy voice. Clarke looked at the girl "And pray what? That the ship keeps them out? Because it won't" Jaycee just sighed and closed her eyes because of all the pain she was in. Bellamy looked at the girl, he was hurt just looking at the girl being in so much pain because of Murphy, if he were to ever see him again, it would be the last time Murphy would see anything.

He then regained his train of thought. "Then let's not let them get through the gate." He then spoke on the radio "All foxholes, listen up. Keep your eyes and ears open. Inflict casualties, as many as possible. You can hold them off long enough to make them turn back. That's the plan." 

Finn sighed. "That's always your plan, just like the bomb at the bridge." "Damn right, you got a better idea?" Bellamy asked with a harsh voice.

"It can't be that simple" Clarke had whispered. She then turned to the two people who got shot. "You said there's fuel in the rockets, right? Enough to build 100 bombs." Raven nodded. "I also said we've got no more gunpowder left." Clarke smiled lightly at the two. "I don't want to build a bomb. I want to blast off." Jaycee and Raven then smirked. "Draw them in close. Fire the rockets. A ring of fire." Jay said to her. "Barbecued grounders. I like it" Bellamy said to the. "Will it work?" Finn asked the two girls. "I mean Raven said the wires are a mess down there," She then looked at Raven "If you give us enough time. We'll cook them real good." Raven said. Clarke then nodded at both girls.

After Bellamy left, something happened. Raven started to have a seizure, and Jaycee then started to panic, "Raven! No! no! Clarke help her!" The blonde had walked up to them "C'mon Raven stick with us." Jaycee had tears in her eyes. "Raven!" Finn yelled out. Then Raven stopped moving. Jaycee covered her mouth "Is she?-" Finn asked then Clarke checked her pulse. "She's breathing, she's just passed out." She then looked at Jaycee. "Jaycee, you're going to need to talk us through it since you can't walk." All Jaycee did was look at Raven. "Jaycee?" Clarke said. "Yea-, yeah I can, I can do that" Clarke nodded at the girl.


As Jaycee was sitting near the hatch, she was working on the wires for the rocket thrusters on the first level while Finn and Clarke were in the place Raven was when she was trying to find a way to open the main door.

"Finn, do you see it over there?" Clarke asked him while they were down with the fuel. "No, I don't" He replied to the girl. Clarke then spoke up. "Jaycee, we can't find the ignition system" There was no response as Jaycee started to shake and look at her legs. "Jaycee?"

She then spoke "I- I can't feel my legs." she said with a scared voice.

Clarke yelled out. "Okay, Hold on, we're coming." She then got to Jaycee and asked. "Okay let me see." Then Jaycee started to groan in pain as Clarke had Jaycee go on her side to check the bullet wound on her upper thigh. She then sits her back up. "That bad huh?" Clarke looked at the girl. "Jaycee, that bullet hit a bone in your upper leg. The bullet broke into pieces and is ripping you from the inside. You're bleeding internally. Might be the same for Raven, but she's still sleeping so she might not feel anything until she wakes up."

Finn then looked at Clarke as Jaycee spoke. "We better do this fast then huh? Get back down there." Finn then interrupted them. "What if we can slow the bleeding? Will that help?" Finn asked Clarke. "Well, of course, it would help. Can you tell me how to do that?" Finn stood up. "That stuff the grounders had... coagulant. You said that Lincoln had some, too."

"Yeah, it's in the box with the antidote, but I-" He interrupted her again. "I'm betting that there's more of it in his cave. If I can get there..." Jaycee then looked at the duo, "Wait what? no. No way!" Finn looked at her "I can make it." Jaycee shook her head. "No way! Clarke tells him he's being an idiot!" "Jaycee. "This is your and Raven's lives... we can't afford to lose you guys." "No, I'm not going to let you die to save me, I wouldn't be able to handle it if you died. And I know damn well Raven wouldn't want you to die to save her." Finn looked at her "You and Raven are the only ones who can fire those rockets. Since she's not an option, you're the only one that can save us all. If you die, we all die." He then looked at Clarke "I'll be right back."


Minutes after Finn left, Raven woke up, screaming in pain. "Raven! Clarke!" Jaycee yelled. Jaycee got up and limped over to Raven "Raven, you need to stay still" Jaycee told her as she was also holding her side from the blood to stop bleeding. "Raven, stay still. Finn is coming back with medicine."  Raven looked at them with a confused and worried face "Finn's gone?! How could you let him leave??"

Jaycee looked at the girl. "I tried to tell him not to. He didn't listen to me and I can't exactly run Ray" Raven looked at the girl. "Sorry, I guess I'm scared that he won't make it back." Jaycee nodded because she understood.


Clarke was down on the Lowe level still trying to figure out what she needed to do with the help of Raven and Jaycee. What was getting her distracted was the amount of shooting, yelling, and screaming that was coming from the radio.

"Did you see it or don't you?" Raven yelled out to the blonde. "No. It's a mess down here." She yelled back as her reply.

Jaycee sighed "C'mon Clarke look harder. It'll be orange." Jaycee said "Look harder" Raven yelled.

"You have to find the wire that connects the manual override to the electromagnet," Jaycee told Clarke. "It's not rocket science" Raven then said.

Clarke scoffed at the girl's comment "It actually is rocket science" Raven then smiled "I guess we finally found something you're not good at." Then she looked down at her legs. Then she looked at Jaycee noticing how she fell asleep. "I used to be picked first for everything." She then looked ahead of her. "Jaycee would probably be picked first too if she wasn't a twin." She then sighed "Earth skills, zero-g mech course. First... every time. So, how the hell did I end up here?"

Clarke spoke up "Raven. I'd pick you first. Just don't tell Jaycee that okay" She laughed and so did Raven. "Of course you would, I'm awesome." She gloated.

"Hey. I found it. Orange wire." Clarke said happily.

"About time! Now follow that wire to the override panel!" Raven shouted waking up Jaycee "Can you be any louder?" She looked at Raven "Sorry. But we're so close to making grounder barbecue!" Jaycee smiled at Raven's excitement.

"Raven? Jaycee. It's fried. Totally useless." She sighed as Raven and Jaycee shook their head in a disappointed way. "Tell me this isn't as bad as I think?" She asked the two girls. "Do you know how to splice a wire?" Raven asked. "No" Clarke replied.

"Then it's even worse," Jaycee said out loud. Raven then tried to move but groaned in pain. "Raven-"

"Hey stop. Just talk me through it" Clarke told her.

Then the radio turned on "They're everywhere! Harper, get down! We need backup! Raven, Jaycee! our mines actually worked!" Jaycee's brother said. Then she got an idea "Jasper can splice! You need to get my brother!" Jaycee yelled down to Clarke.

"Jasper, we need you in the dropship right now." Clarke said over the radio "Negative. We can't give up the west woods." Bellamy spoke over the radio.

Clarke then told him "The west woods are mined, Bellamy. The grounders just figured that out. Jasper, get in here."


Jasper then walked into the drop ship and saw how bad his sister was. He was getting nervous. He's never seen her in this much pain. "Hey, sis. How are you feeling?" Jaycee looks at her brother "Like shit. Either than that. I'm good, now. Go slice that damn wire" She smiled at him weakly.

Jasper had told Clarke how bad both the teens were. They looked like they were going to die any second. So Clarke had the idea to keep them talking "Hey, Raven, tell us again how this is gonna work." Raven sighed as she weakly said "Told you 5 times. Current flows to the electromagnet. That opens the poppet valve. Rockets fire" Jaycee smiled at her "your so smart Reyes" They both smiled at each other.

Jasper looked at the wire. "Ok. Got the good wire ready to graft on. What's next?" There was no response. "Raven? Raven!" Jaycee looked at Raven "She's. She's not doing so well Clarke!... I'm scared" Jaycee said while her head was bobbing up and down. Clarke came back up and saw Raven was on her side with her eyes closed.

Jasper looked at Raven "Is she-?" Clarke stopped him "Not yet.." Jaycee had tears in her eyes and laughed weakly "Just a matter of time before I'm next..." Jasper looked at his sister "Hey don't say that. Okay? We're going to make it, you, me, everyone."

Then the radio turned on again "They've broken through! There are hundreds of them! They're heading for the gate! Game over, man!" Someone said over the radio.

Clarke then looked back at Jasper "Finish it"

"Current to the magnet to valve to barbecue. Current to the magnet to valve to barbecue." He kept repeating as he climbed down the ladder.

Jaycee looked around a noticed all of the teens were running back into the drop ship. She sighed as she saw some faces she recognized. The ones she didn't see were Finn's and Bellamy's. She got really worried for Finn. But mostly Bellamy.

Jaycee was informed that Finn and the grounder had brought the reapers to buy them some time.

"Clarke, they're taking down the gate," Miller told her as he walked up to her.

Jasper then climbed up from the ladder "Good. Because I did it... I think." 

Miller nodded his head and said firmly "I'm closing that door." That's when Jaycee stood up and hobbled to them. "Wait! We've still got people out there. Bellamy's not back yet!" Jaycee said with a panicked voice.

"Use the grenades!" One of the delinquents said.

Clarke nodded her head "All right, Jasper, get everybody, get inside now!" Jasper did as told. As the others were standing near the door, they saw some reapers fighting grounders. Then she spotted Bellamy. "There!" She said as she looked at him. But he was then attacked by Tristan "he's killing him!" Clarke said

"Gimme that!" Finn said as he snatched a gun from one of the kids. He then tried and started to help Bellamy. "No Finn no!!" Clarke yelled. Finn tackled Tristan but ended up falling himself. Bellamy then got on top of Tristan and started to punch him. "Bellamy!!" She started to run/limp to him but was pulled back by Miller. "No! Miller! Let me go!" She yelled and groaned in pain "Look! Jaycee. You can't save everyone! Let's go! Cmon!" He yelled as he still had her by the waist and pulled her into the ship.

Clarke then ran inside too. Very last minute Anya had jumped in the ship, preparing to take anyone down. Before anything happened Clarke yelled, "Jasper now!"

He pressed the button. Nothing happened. There was still yelling outside. He tried to press it over and over again but nothing happened, Clarke looked at Anya "Anya. You can't win." She told the grounder. Anya started to yell then she tried to attack but was pushed down and the other teens started to kick and punch her. "Kill her!" They said

"Stop! She's already down!" Clarke yelled out to the delinquents

"Jaycee says the current flows to the magnet. We just need a current." Jasper told himself.

While Jasper was fixing the problem the teens started telling Clarke how Anya deserved to die. Clarke told them that they were not grounders and wouldn't take her life.

Jasper had fixed the problem, and the ring of fire had killed every grounder near the dropship. "You did it jas. I'm so proud of you..." Jaycee said as she passed out. "Jaycee? Jaycee?! Clarke!" Clarke ran to the twins. "She's still breathing. I gave her the injection. She should be fine later. That's all I can do for now." Clarke stood up

"Now we wait. Not sure how long but we wait until we open the doors. If we open them now we won't know what's out there and what's coming at us"


At least an hour had passed. Jaycee and Raven stayed inside. Asleep. While Clarke opened the door and the rest of the teens followed her. They looked around. It was nothing but ash. Bones. And weapons. There was no sign of life around the ship. Jasper had Anya tied and he had held her so she didn't escape.

All of a sudden. Red smoke came out. It came from a canister. "What the hell?" Jasper said out loud.

Anya looked around and knew who it was "mountain men." She said. Clarke looked around and then everyone started to cough. They kept coughing until everyone who was outside had passed out. And some men in masks had pointed their guns at them. The last thing Clarke saw was a man with a mask...


Okay! First season done!!!
Omg! It feels amazing to finish this!
One of my longest chapters ever!!!
I'm so happy I'm done with the first season
Season 2 is going to be very emotional
Please vote and comment anything!!!
Thank you all for the love and support
(Word count 4068)

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