𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐎𝐚𝐭𝐡

By ekayaria

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In the bloody realm of Westeros, a dark and dramatic tale unfolds. The young daughter of Prince Daemon Targar... More

What Can't Be Unsaid
Where The Roads Part
The Gates Of Kingslanding
That Silver Hair
A Perfect Weapon
What A Father's Lie Gains
A Strange Friend
The City Streets Have Their Price
Bones Will Heal
A Gift Of Guilt
Dear Brothers
Goodnight Princess
Feast For The Dragon's
Feeling Of Regret
Liars Always Win
Send By The Gods
Worm And Lamb
With Or Without Pride
My Sweet Sisters
Gained Respect
Danger Lurks Tonight
Let Them Whisper
The Blue Gown
If Snakes Could Talk
Let The Feist Begin
Peal Me To My Core
The Crown Shall Burn
From The Fire She Was Born
Crowned Slaves
Among the Ashes
Golden Flames
A Loud Objection
Back From The Dead
The Gift She Regrets
Never Turn Your Back
The Flight
All Love Must Die
Back Wounds
Cheese For Blood
Baela Targaryen
Helaena Targaryen
Bastard Blood
My Father's Favorite Daughter
Missing My Mother Missing My Eye
Mother Save Me
Where Are You Father?

Shadows of Allegiance

2.2K 80 94
By ekayaria

Alicent's mind became a battleground, torn between conflicting loyalties and the weight of her own ambitions.

The idea of leveraging Thereya's influence to secure the throne for Aegon hung heavily in the air, a tempting yet morally fraught proposition, that she was ready to take.

As thoughts of strategic alliances and calculated moves danced through her mind, Alicent's heart felt the strain of the history and family she was stepping into.

The love for her children, eclipsed all reason, whispering seductively that any sacrifice was justified for their safety and success.

The room, once a place where little feet tapping was heard from her little kids running around, transformed into a crucible of inner turmoil.

Alicent, driven by maternal instincts and political shrewdness, grappled with the unsettling reality that to secure her children's future, she might have to swim in some treacherous waters.

A heavy silence enveloped the chamber, reflecting the internal conflict within Alicent as she trod the thin line between a mother's love and the unyielding demands of Targaryen politics.

Meanwhile, in a dimly lit chamber, Rhaenyra and Daemon engaged in a tense discussion about the recent events. Rhaenyra's concern for Thereya was pallpable, her voice was carrying a mixture of fear and frustration.

"Daemon, do you realize how close we were to losing a child, Targaryen's blood tonight?" Rhaenyra implored, her eyes reflecting the genuine worry that gripped her. "It could have been Luke, Jace, or even Joffery next time. We need to address this threat, not turn on each other."

Daemon, a mask of indifference, met Rhaenyra's gaze with a cold stare. "Alicent is quick to blame, as always. It matters little to me. The princess is not dead after all."

Rhaenyra, taken aback by Daemon's lack of empathy, pressed further. "Daemon, this is your daughter we're talking about. You can't simply dismiss the danger she's in. We need to unite as a family and protect our own."

Daemon, concealing the disdain he felt for Thereya, responded with calmness. "Protecting our own, Rhaenyra means different things to each of us. But worry not, I will see to it that our family remains intact."

Rhaenyra grappled with the realization that the threat they faced extended beyond external dangers, into the festering tensions within their own bloodline, sooner or later she knew they will turn on each other.

The tension from the night's events lingered as Daemon and Rhaenyra retired to their bed. The discussion about the threat to Thereya continued, Rhaenyra visibly stressed, her concerns etched across her face.

As they settled into bed, Daemon's demeanour remained stoic, definitely and totally oposite to Rhaenyra's anxious energy.

His indifference was palpable, it was a reflection of the strained relationship with his daughter.

Rhaenyra, unable to shake off the worry, turned to Daemon. "Daemon, how can you be so callous about Thereya's safety? She's your daughter. We need to do something about this threat."

Daemon, reclining with an air of nonchalance, reassured her in a tone that lacked genuine concern. "Rhaenyra, nothing will happen to Thereya. I assure you, she is perfectly safe. These threats are mere shadows and empty threats."

As they lay in bed, the divide between them widened, each absorbed in their own thoughts and concerns. The room, was now silent as they both layed with their backs turned on each other.

Rhaenys slept with their granddaughters that night to make sure they are secure and that no threat will come to them, while Corlys was speaking with Otto. The ravens were sent flying and the council was called for tomorrow.

In the quiet stillness of the night, Thereya lay in her bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. The recent events played like shadows in her mind, the brush with danger was leaving an indelible mark on her thoughts.

As Helaena slumbered peacefully beside her, Thereya's mind wandered, and the image of Aegon flickered in and out of her consciousness. The connection formed during the night's chaos lingered, and a faint smile tugged at the corners of Thereya's lips.

The room, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, and Thereya finally drifted off to sleep.

As the early morning light bathed the council chamber, a heavy atmosphere hung in the air. The council had been summoned, and the key figures gathered. King Viserys Targaryen sat at the head of the table, his expression was stern and contemplative.

On one side of the table, Alicent Hightower sat with a composed demeanor, her eyes occasionally meeting those of Rhaenyra, who sat across from her.

The strained relationship between once long known best friends and now step mother and daughter-in-law cast a shadow over the room, the air was thick with unspoken grievances.

The council chamber, usually a space for strategic discussions, now became a stage for the intricate dance of power within their dynasty. As they awaited the arrival of other key figures, the room buzzed with an undercurrent of anticipation and conflicts.

The council room's door swung open, breaking the heavy silence, as Tyland Lannister entered, a quizzical expression on his face. "What's all this fuss about, Your Grace?" he inquired, directing his question to King Viserys.

As Tyland took his seat, the room stirred with the entry of Harrold Westerling, Lyman Beesbury, and Jasper Wylde, each carrying an air of curiosity and readiness for the council's proceedings.

The tension within the room shifted as the councilors settled around the table, their gazes lingering on the unresolved tensions between Alicent and Rhaenyra.

King Viserys, recognizing the need for unity, cleared his throat to address the council. "We gather today to discuss the recent threat against Princess Thereya and to chart a course forward. Let us navigate these treacherous waters with caution and wisdom."

The council room, now filled with a diverse array of personalities and interests, became the battleground for political maneuvering.

Tyland Lannister, with a wry chuckle, interjected, "Your Grace, forgive my ignorance, but is this new princess a recent addition to Targaryen family? I wasn't aware we had a new arrival. Perhaps a proper introduction is in order before we delve into the details of the threat."

Jasper Wylde, nodding in agreement, added, "Tyland has a point. It would be helpful to have more information about this new member of House Targaryen before we proceed with our discussions. How did she appear so suddenly, and what role does she play in your family dynamics?"

The room, now buzzing with questions and skepticism, reflected the council's collective desire for clarity and transparency in the face of the unfolding events.

The mystery surrounding Princess Thereya became a focal point, casting shadows over the deliberations that awaited them.

King Viserys, breaking the silence, addressed Tyland Lannister's inquiry. "Gentlemen, I intended to leave the introduction for the upcoming feast in Princess Thereya's honor. A warm welcome into our house would be a fitting start to her presence among us."

As the council absorbed this information, King Viserys continued, "And to clarify, Princess Thereya is my brother's... Daemon's daughter."

A heavy quiet settled over the room, and the members of the council exchanged knowing glances. The acknowledgment of Thereya's parentage left an unspoken tension, the complex history between Daemon and the rest of the council lingering in the air. Rhaenyra, perhaps the only one with reasons to stand by Daemon, held her composure.

Rhaenyra, her discomfort evident, let out an uncomfortable chuckle. "Father, you tread on dangerous ground by dragging my husband's name into this without proper context. There's an explanation for all of this, and I implore you to consider it before casting any judgments."

The room, now charged with unease, awaited the hopefully valid  explanations and the intricate details that would shed light on the complex dynamics within their house.

The upcoming feast, meant to celebrate Princess Thereya's welcome, now bore the weight of tensions and the need for revelations that could either mend or further strain their familial bonds. They all knew which one of those it would be.

Alicent's voice, dripping with bitterness, shattered the uneasy silence like a venomous echo. "Let me unveil the shadowed tapestry of secrets. Thereya hails from the scorching deserts of Dorne, a product of a forbidden union between Daemon and a Dothraki khaleesi. The woman, withering away from the trials of her pregnancy, succumbed to the cruel hand of fate, leaving Thereya with the burning desire to reclaim what she sees as rightfully hers, the birthright of Daemon's firstborn child."

Her words, laden with the weight of hidden truths, reverberated through the council chamber. The revelation unleashed a tempest of conflicting emotions, and this whatsoever didn't look too good for them.

Tyland Lannister scoffed with a sardonic smile. "So, she isn't a bastard? That grants her more claim in this house than many other children I know," he remarked, his gaze shifting pointedly towards Rhaenyra before returning to meet Viserys'.

Rhaenyra, attempting to conceal her irritation, interjected, "Despite the complexities that... came of her arrival, I extended a gesture of goodwill. I granted Thereya a dragon egg, as she requested."

Her words, a thin veil over the deeper emotions she harbored, attempted to redirect the focus toward a seemingly benevolent act. The room, was still pulsating with tension.

Alicent, with a tense and stern tone, addressed the council. "Considering the delicate circumstances and the need for unity within our house, I propose a solution. Marry Thereya to my son, Aegon. Such an alliance would not only secure House Targaryen's stability but also bring strength to our family in these tumultuous times."

Viserys, appearing surprised yet contemplative at the idea of his niece and son forming a union, mulled over the potential benefits of such a strategic marriage.

The notion of blood ties securing the house brought a sense of reassurance to the King.

However, Rhaenyra, though attempting to mask her disapproval, couldn't hide the tension that crept into her expression.

The proposal, though seemingly pragmatic, carried a weight of familial complexities that unsettled the room. The council, now entangled in discussions of marriages and alliances, navigated the intricate dance of politics.

Rhaenyra, choosing her words carefully, interjected, "While unity is crucial, perhaps the match should be one that aligns more closely with Thereya's. My son, Jacaerys, that would provide a strong foundation for House Targaryen. Such an alliance could strengthen our bonds within the family and the realm."

Her suggestion, though challenging Alicent's proposal, aimed to foster a connection within the younger generation of Targaryens.

The room, now divided in its considerations, grappled with the competing visions for the future of the house and the potential consequences of the choices they would make.

The council, caught in the delicate dance of familial politics, sought a path forward that would both secure the Targaryen legacy and swim over the pool of the possible complexities of their internal relationships as the tension was building up.

Alicent, maintaining her composure, countered Rhaenyra's suggestion with a firm conviction. "While I appreciate the consideration for a match, the stability of House Targaryen demands a strategic alliance. Aegon, as the Kings eldest son, is the best choice for such a union. It ensures not only the continuation of our lineage but also strengthens our position in the realm."

Her words, a testament to her unwavering determination, clashed with Rhaenyra's proposition.

Rhaenyra, a note of conviction in her voice, responded, "Jacaerys would make a fine husband-gentle, caring, and..."

Alicent, cutting her off with a pointed question, interjected, "And strong as well i assume..."

Alicent's pointed question hung in the air, creating an uncomfortable pause. Rhaenyra, feeling the weight of the implications, struggled to continue her endorsement of Jacaerys.

The council, exchanging uneasy glances, sensed the rising tension in the room.

Viserys, his patience wearing thin, rose from his seat with an air of authority. "Enough of this bickering. Until we can reach an agreement on who will be Thereya's match, she won't be free to marry. We are family, and we must find a solution that strengthens our house rather than tearing it apart."

The declaration echoed through the council chamber, marking a temporary halt to the discussions that had escalated into a clash of ideals and ambitions within the council.

As Viserys dismissed the council, the room echoed with an uncomfortable silence. Alicent and Rhaenyra locked eyes, each harboring a storm of anger and unease beneath their gaze. The tension between them, a reflection of deeper familial conflicts, lingered in the air like a storm about to break.

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