Kindred Spirits In Revenge |...


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When we're young, we're taught the distinction between a hero and a villain... good and evil. A savior and a... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 6

234 11 3

"That's not entirely true, and you know it.
You're just angry, Hope.
But so am I. The students of this school can't possibly believe that revenge is the best possible way to get back to you."

"Then I guess you undermine your students a lot."

"Well, I won't allow this."

Hope started walking towards the door, but Alaric immediately grabbed her hand stopping her.

"Where are you going??"

"To my room to change. And don't worry, I'll stay out of your way to give you some peace of mind. Looks like you've got your hands full with everything."

"No, you need to get treated for your wound first."

"It will heal, eventually.
It's not a big deal."

"Hope. Infarmary. Now."

The tribrid rolled her eyes, Hope didn't need Alaric playing father to her and she hated when he did. She did eventually end up in the infarmary as she didn't know a way to reverse Penelope's spell. She knocked lightly on the door, but it looked like the doctor was busy talking on the phone and not really bothering with her presence at all.

"Will you be long on that phone?"

The Mikaelson called out impatiently after waiting several minutes. She was tapping her foot on the floor, waiting for the man to finish what sounded like a quite unprofessional call.

"Excuse me.
Do you need something, young lady?"

"No, I just decided to come by the infarmary for absolutely no reason."

"I'll call you later, love.
Looks like I have some business to take care of. And it's an impatient one."

Ryan finally got off his phone, and came to face a impatient tribrid who was examining his office but most importantly reading up on his certificates hung on the wall, like she was assessing every detail about him.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"The students of this school."

Hope answered in a low voice while still occupied with reading up on Ryan.

"I'm pretty sure there's someone else assigned to deal with student issues.
May I remind you I am a.."

"Doctor. Yeah, it's quite clear what you are Mr. Clarke."

"And may I ask, who you are?"

"My name is Hope.
Hope Mikaelson."

"You are.."

"Klaus's daughter."

"I was hoping our paths would cross at some point."

Ryan's tone of voice showed a little bit of excitement, Hope couldn't justify it but she didn't care enough to question it either.

"How can I help you then, dear?"

The auburn wasn't all that convinced the man had any real intentions of helping her, he seemed young and inexperienced at least when it came to dark magic like the one performed on her. However, she decided to show him her scar which was now dried up under Josie's shirt.

"That's..wait, did someone do this to you?"

"Yeah, and it hurts like a motherfucker may I add."

"Watch your language, Miss Mikaelson."

"Well, are you gonna do something about it or simply stare at it?"

"I'll get straight to it.
Give me a minute I need to get something."

Ryan gave off a confident smile and finally dragged his gaze away from Hope's exposed shoulder, he should have probably stopped before the auburn noticed he was stalling and paying attention in places he shouldn't. He walked over to his cabinet and started looking through it for a specific concoction of a soothing cream, designed for wounds just like these. Then he walked over to Hope and started rolling his sleeves up ready to apply the cream over the girl, but the auburn quickly grabbed the cream out of his other hand and headed towards the door. She wasn't going to wait around for him to put his hands on her. Hope barely trusted anyone, and the fact that he was the school's doctor didn't really make a difference to her.

"Wait, Hope. This is heavy stuff, apply only a small amount."

"Got it.


The tribrid was long gone before Ryan even had time to answer back or give any further instructions to her. It was still morning and most students were already in their classrooms so the halls were empty making it fairly easy to spot the ones who decided to skip class this particular morning and still roamed around without a care. When Hope caught a glimpse of Dorian scolding some students who were late she decided to immediately turn around and choose another path, but while doing so she bumped into another presence behind her.

"What the hell?
Watch it, Mikaelson."

The boy said with a flirtatious smile.

"You are in my way, not the other way round."

"Don't think there's time to argue, we'll both get caught."

"Are you skipping class, too?"

"What does it look like?"

The boy shoved his hand into the pocket of his jeans pulling something out midway that looked like a messily rolled joint and showed it to the other girl.

"I've got other plans."

"Well, good luck with that."

Hope said and moved past the boy.

"Wait. I don't usually share but..having Hope Mikaelson join me would be a privilege."

"It's not gonna happen.
Such substances are bad for you.
It doesn't look like you've got any brain cells to burn though."

"Hah, good try but I only want you to join me more now. Unless are afraid."

"I'm not afraid of anything."

"That's what I thought.
Room 401."

Hope rolled her eyes, she was dangerously annoyed by the boy challenging her character over such a petty issue. She watched him walk off while shoving the cigarette back in his trousers and contemplated. She had made enough enemies in this school already, maybe it was time to build her own circle. Don't get too excited though, Hope wasn't looking for a friend. She couldn't trust anyone enough for that. What she was looking for was an ally, simply someone easy enough to manipulate when things got rough.

"Wait up, stoner boy.
You've got company."

Ethan turned back and watched Hope with a proud smile on his face, feeling as if this was his chance to finally flatter the Mikaelson, that he spent so long dreaming about.

"I heard you had a pretty rough night."

"Why do you even care?"

Hope faced away from the boy who was sitting on his chair and looking through his stuff for a lighter. She got the cream out of her pocket and applied a fairly good amount on her finger, then she started rubbing her scar which made her flinch painfully and grunt her teeth to keep herself from groaning.

"Believe it or not there are actually good people in this school."

"How do I know you were not one of them and just putting on a show to get me to trust you?"

"Well, I'm doing something fairly illegal and risking it all by sharing with you. Do you really think I'd want anyone snitching on me and get expelled?"

"Makes a good point."

"Yeah. So, can I see?"

Ethan got out of his chair and approached the girl from the back curiously but Hope immediately performed a spell that made him freeze in place.

"No. I am fine."

She turned back and smirked at the sight, the boy was frozen with the joint in his mouth which she took and then headed for his bed. She lit up the joint clumsily as this was her first time and placed it between her lips, she tried sucking the air in as one would normally be expected to do but immediately felt an overwhelming feeling to cough. Ethan was simultaneously released from his frozen position as Hope lost focus over the spell and started laughing briefly.

"Your plan backfired."

"This fucking sucks. How do people even enjoy this"

Hope said between loud coughing.

"It takes time to get used to smoking weed. But trust me after a few hits, you won't feel a thing. Not even pain."

"I guess it's worth another try then."

Ethan sat next to her on the bed and watched her smoke his cigarette, guiding her breathing and occasionally sharing the smoke between them. Along with smoking the two of them started talking about school, mocking the teachers and coming up with ideas of how would the Mikaelson earn her revenge from Penelope and her pathetic little group.

Amongst the absolute euphoric feeling that Hope was feeling after a while, the absence of pain and growing hunger, she felt strangely attracted to the boy sitting next to her. It was definitely not the small talk, or the way he was gentle and actually showed some real interest in her. It was something completely different. It was a wild growing desire to push him down against his bed and attack his lips, after going so long without kissing someone. And her desire didn't stop there, Hope did not only feel like making out with the boy but she wanted to do much more to him. To say her hormones were raging would be an understatement, at this point.

"E-Everything okay? You seem like you're lost in your head."

"Trust me, you don't wanna know what I'm thinking about."

"You do know that I will only get more curious."

Hope pushed the boy back against the mattress playfully and with a swift move got on top of him. Ethan mirror her crooked smile, openly enjoying this change in her demeanor. The closed off Mikaelson seemed like she was in the mood for a good time.

"I warned you, stoner boy.
You gotta stop provoking me or else I can't promise I'll be good."

"I can't help it.
Your potential seems too good to be wasted or hidden away."

"My potential? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Your beauty, Hope."

"You think I'm attractive."

"Everyone in this school does."

Ethan was getting more eager as the tension building up between them was too good to be true, but he wouldn't waste his opportunity to get his hands on the Mikaelson either way. He cupped her ass with his hands, and sat up bringing himself only inches away from her beautiful face. Her blue eyes were mesmerising up close, and had slightly turned red from the substance.

"So, are you gonna give us a chance?"

"No, you're not my type."

The Mikaelson smirked revealing that her word didn't actually depict what she was thinking. She still dying to kiss the boy, for an unexplained reason but she would definitely force him to make the first move.

"I don't necessarily have to be your type to get into your pants, sweetheart.
We both know that."

The tribrid was suddenly hit by a realization, she was about to have sex with a boy she barely knew, was never particularly attracted to, and for all that she knew this could be just another one of Penelope's traps. Her mind was playing tricks on her, and she couldn't even figure out why. Before Ethan collided their lips together the Mikaelson shoot off the bed and headed towards the door with the speed of light. She had to get out of there as soon as possible.

While walking through the corridors and back to her room she noticed it was fairly dark outside, strange it was just morning a while ago she thought. She was light headed and nausea was playing at the bottom of her stomach. Whatever this substance was, it had definitely fucked with her head.

"Are you lost, love?"

A voice echoed behind her.

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