Those Blue Eyes

By MS3478

91.2K 1.4K 54

Story about y/n y/l/n, youre a professional footballer. You don't do relationships atleast thats what you tho... More

The offers
The choice
The signing
Welcome party
First training
Matchday Aston Villa
Australia or England
London Derby
Get yourself together
England camp
New roommates
Matchday Spain
Day off
Matchday Netherlands
First date
Matchday Leicester
Meeting the parents
Team night
Birthday party - part 1
Birthday party - part 2
Media day
Christmas morning
Happy new year
Matchday Manchester City
Continental cup final
Lovers into strangers
On loan
I promised
Authors note
First games
More then friends
Semi final
Date in Australia
The final
Vacation - part 1
Vacation - part 2
Vacation - part 3


1.4K 27 1
By MS3478

We are almost at the end of our 2 weeks training in Australia before it all starts, in 3 days we will have our first match of the 2023 World Cup against Haïti. It almost doesn't feel real. I am back in Australia, doing the thing I love, going to play in a fucking world cup, friends and family in the stands. If you would have told this to 10 year old me I would probably burst out laughing and wouldn't believe you at all, I don't think I really believe it now. The sun is shinning and tempratures are high so I am finally getting my tane back a bit since the English weather is absolutly shit, luckily we had a bit of sun in Barcalona every so often. Barcalona has been on my mind a lot recently, after the World Cup I am expected to go back to Arsenal because my loan has expired. But I really enjoyed my time at FC Barcalona and it has made me a better player, the biggest reason I left Arsenal in the first place was because of Leah and our situation and we haven't talked more then our conversation in bed a couple nights ago. I do love Arsenal, it was always my dream to play for them but honestly I have grown to like Barcalona, the players and the way they play. I have had small conversations with Jonatan about me extending my contract but before that can happen he needs to discuss it with the board and I need to talk with Jonas and the Arsenal board. If I decide to stay at Barcalona ofcourse, my heart still lays in London.

Today we have training and gym but the late afternoon and evening off, we are allowed to leave the hotel so me and some of the girls decided to have dinner in a restaurant at the beach.
I am outside with Bethany passing the ball back and forth waiting for the training to start when suddenly someone jumps on my back and I lose my balance and fall on the ground, I can catch myself with my hand but my wrist catches my full body weight and pain shoots through. Ah fuck. Hempo is laughing beside me as she lays on the ground as well 'Good morning to you to Lauren' I say as I get up and feel my wrist 'You should have seen your face' Bethany says laughing and mimicking my face 'Should I jump unexpected on your back?' I ask Bethany not amused, she quickly puts her hands up in defence 'Am I that heavy?' Hempo asks as she stands up as well 'Yeah a bit' I tease and she pushes my shoulder playfully before we need to gather and Sarina explains the drills. We will be doing some defense-attack, counters and regaining possesion drills today and after we are done a light gym session follows before we are free to do our own thing. I look at my wrist as Sarina explains everything, it doesn't look swollen or anything and it doesn't really hurt, just a bit sensitive.

During the first exercise I am partnerd up with Lucy, Lucy passes the ball to me and I need to try and get past her so I can dribble over the line. I can get past Lucy a few times but Lucy is an amazing defender so she stops me as well.
After that we start a 7v7 game but the game is not focused on scoring but more on switching quickly from defence to attack and conversly, training goes well and before I know it the last exercise starts. In a square it is yellow against pink, in our team we need to pass the ball 10 times to gain a point. My team eventually wins with 6-4 before we go inside.
I have done my warm up on the bikes when I walk with Millie and Rachel to the weights, I want to grab one from the rack but when I lift it I drop it directly and a sting goes through my wrist. Fuck. 'Y/n what happend?' Millie asks concerend 'My wrist hurt' I look at it and it is swollen and a bit blue 'Shit mate, that looks far from good' Rachel says as she sees it 'Can you let the coaches know I will be going to the medic?' I ask and they say that they will. 'Y/n how can I help you?' Paula asks as I enter the medic room, no one is here because luckily nobody is injured 'Can you check out my wrist?' I ask sitting down on the bed and pulling up my sleeve. 'That doesn't look good, does it hurt?' Paula asks as she examines it, I whinch as she pinches it 'Only if I carry something or if you squeeze it' I say with clenched jaw, she hums as she touches and moves my wrist some more. 'I hate to say this but its bruised, I will let Sarina know that I advice to keep you at of the Haiti match' Paula says with pity 'Your kidding?' I ask in disbelieve. Great fucking start. 'It is a precausion, letting you rest out this game before it becomes worse and you aren't allowed to play at all during the whole tournament' Paula explains 'Wear this wristbrace for a week and it will be so good as new, I will let Sarina know' 'Thanks Paula' 'No problem, come back here in a few days and I will look at the progress' I nod before leaving and going to my room. I shower and change into comfortable clothes before going downstairs again to have lunch. 'Y/n why do you have that?' Beth asks referring to the brace around my wrist as I sit down at her table for lunch 'Got it bruised' I sigh, a few shocking gaps go around the table 'Thats horrible' Alessia says with pity 'Gotta life with it I guess' I say as I shrug my shoulders 'If you need anything we are here' Keira says and the other agree 'Thanks guys' I give them all a appreciating smile. Lunch finished around 4 so we spent the rest of the afternoon in the relaxationroom until we need to head out for dinner, normally me and England would dominate the FIFA tournement but since I can't play it is actually exciting for once, eventually Lauren and Niamh win the tournement. Around 6 everyone starts getting back to there rooms to change for dinner, the reservation stands at 7:30. I enter my room and Jordan her clothes are everywhere, she is busy looking for an outfit 'Decided what you want to wear?' I tease, because she clearly has struggles 'Shut up' Jordan replies irritated, I chuckle and grab my own outfit before going in the bathroom to change.

^ Your outfit for dinner, imagine the brace on the right wrist

I decided on my outfit rather quickly, put on some jewelry and a nice perfume. When Jordan is done we walk together in silence towards the lobby, to my suprise we are one of the first to arrive. I sit down on one of the big chairs in the lobby and open instagram, I scroll through my feed while more people arrive. 'Y/n lets go' I look up and notice England calling me, I stand up and do a little sprint so I am next to her, together we walk towards the restaurant. We arrive not much later, the sun is already setting when we take a seat at the long table that has been reserved for us, I sit somewhere in the middle of the table with Bethany on my right, Ellie, Rachel and Millie sit opposite of me and to my suprise Leah sits down on my left, we give eachother a friendly smile before returning to our conversations. Leah and I haven't talked since our moment in her room, but I have noticed her being more distant from Jordan then Jordan is to her, which gives me a little hope to be honest. I check Leah out as she is focused on her conversation with Keira and Georgia, she is wearing grey jeans with a white nike crop top. It is simple but she looks stunning. In this little moments I regret my decisions even more. The waiters come and take our orders which takes a while because eventually the whole team came to dinner, which is really nice. I am having a conversation with Ellie as we eat, which I struggle a bit with since I can't use my right hand, suddenly have to move because Georgia wants to sit between Keira and Leah, this causes Leah to be pushed into my side, my heart beat quickens and butterflies fill my stomach because of how little space there is between us. I look to my side and from Leah her facial expression she feels the tension to, it try to focus back on Ellie and my food but Leah her scent and warm body does crazy things to my mind. 'I need to go to the toilet' Leah says as she excuses herself, I follow her movement with my eyes until she is inside the toilet and I say 'I need to go to' before following her.

Leah is looking in the mirror while leaning against the sink when I enter 'Everything alright?' I ask concerend, she looks down and then up at me 'No, not really' She answers as tears form in her eyes 'Talk to me please' I encourage, she sighs and shakes her head while she leans against the wall. 'Leah let me be here for you' I ask as I go stand infront of her 'I don't know what to say or where to start' She says and puts her face in her hands 'Don't do that Leah' I pull her hands away from her face 'I just don't understand why I feel the way that I feel' She sighs, I look at her confused 'Has this to do with Jordan?' I ask 'No with you' This makes me even more confused 'You.. you cheated on me' Leah says with a shaky voice 'Im sorry Leah, I will regret that forever' I tell her honestly as I try to cub her cheeks but she pushes me hand away 'Then you left me' 'Well- I thought that was the best thing to so in that moment, everyone hated me' I try to explain but Leah seems the get angrier with the second. 'Because you fucking put you fingers into another girl while I was what? 20 meters away!' Leah says raising her voice as she pushes me with force. I knew all these emotions would come out at one point, everything she has pushed away and I deserve it. 'Its okey Leah' I tell her as she gives me another hard push causing me to stumble 'And then.. then I let Jordan in again, because I was broken by you!' Another push follows 'Now we are in this bathroom and I have no fucking clue what I am doing' Leah says with trembling voice as she pushes me all the way against the wall on the other side, her fist clenched. 'I am broken y/n and most of all lost' I gulp as tears fall from her eyes, I pull her into a thight hug, Leah stiffened but soon relaxes and I let her calm down as I hold her. Damn I really really ruined her, I will be lucky if she forgives me. 'Leah..' I start soft as I hear her sobs get softer and breathing calmer 'Yeah?' 'I never meant to do it, you had changed me in the best way possible. You showed me love again' I tell her honestly, still holding her and not planning on letting lose anytime soon 'Barcalona was an escape from reality, the reality I was afraid to face' Leah looks up at me 'How so?' She asks as I look deep into her blue eyes 'Losing you, I was afraid of that' I feel my eyes sting from the tears forming 'Being at Barcalona was great, the people, the trainings, the club, the whole experience, except for one thing' I continue 'What was it?' Leah asks confused, I cub her cheeks 'You.. you weren't there with me. I want you in my life again Leah, even if it is just friends then that is okey' Leah looks away as she fudges with her fingers 'I- I will need time' She replies as she looks at me again 'Ofcourse take all the time you need, I will wait' I say and give her a warm smile 'Friends does sound nice' Leah says with a smile which makes us both chuckle. I pull Leah into a last hug before we go back again, we sit down just in time for dessert which are different fresh fruits because we need to stay healthy, I am not complaining though I love fresh fruit. The rest of the night exists of chatter and laughter, like that one night never happend.

Maybe everything will work out in the end?

^ You are Lucy

^ You are Maya Le Tessier

^ You are Alanna Kennedy

^ You are LJ

Liked by LucyBronze, EllieRoebuck and 75,397 others
Y/n_y/l/n: Playtime is over, real work starts now 💪💪

EllieRoebuck: We are cuteee 😍
^y/n_y/l/n: hottest from the team for sure 🔥
^BethanyEngland: Disagree
^RachelDaly: Me too
LucyBronze: Sipping from my juicy
EllaToone: Rocking those swimglasses @racheldaly
^y/n_y/l/n: Hell yeahhh!!
^RachelDaly: sexy mfs
Lionesses: LETS GOO ⚽️🏴󐁧󐁢󐁥󐁮󐁧󐁿

A/N: sorry for the short chapter, planning on the next one to be longer. Might take 3 days or so to create, apologies in advance for that but I hope to make it a killer chapter

If you have special requests drop them! I will try to put them in the story :)

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