mona lisa , chris sturniolo

By carasobsession

150K 2.8K 6.5K

☆ "ⁱᵗ'ˢ ᵒⁿˡʸ ᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ʸᵒᵘ. ⁱᵗ'ˡˡ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ᵇᵉ ʸᵒᵘ." ༻✩☼☽✩༺ 𝐛𝐫𝐲𝐧𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬 and 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨... More

0 | she's obbsessed with us
1 | you're jealous became i'm phenomenal
2 | being a bitch is my job
3 | are you stalking me?
4 | nicolas' words of widsom, volume 234
6 | matthew the parent pleaser
7 | send me to jail
8 | better not be lasagna
9 | pancake lover
10 | malfunctioning metal detector
11 | i swear he's in love with you
12 | coolest kid in town
13 | it's giving she's the man
14 | smash or pass?
15 | your ass isn't a hat
16 | best friends to lovers is such a good trope
17 | i hate rules
18 | sully be slaying
19 | little black box
20 | mermaid in another life
21 | can you please stay?
22 | i want a hot waiter to wink at me
23 | i only drink coffee in canada
24 | despicable me
25 | suspicious activity
26 | he's actually really hot
27 | i'm totally into him
28 | lipstick stains
29 | we're busy making out
30 | you're the only thing i'm certain about
31 | aux privileges
32 | get a room
33 | cuddle with matt if you're lonely
34 | sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows
35 | free strip show
36 | kristoff is superior
37 | so in love it hurts
38 | you're going to be in trouble
39 | lovesick doofus
40 | i'm on chris' side
41 | match made in heaven
42 | no strings attached
43 | everything and nothing
44 | blurry haze
45 | come home
46 | i wish i was a merman
47 | god bless nathan doe
48 | unrelated to murder
49 | cheaters, bullies, and tinkerbell
50 | grandpa matthew
51 | never been happier
𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 & 𝐛𝐫𝐲𝐧

5 | you can't cheat in hangman

4.4K 59 89
By carasobsession

lost / frank ocean

now you're lost
lost in the heat of it all
girl, you know you're lost
lost in the thrill of it all

🍊 🍊 🍊

| social media | real life | imessage |


kristoffissuperior has posted...

kristoffissuperior empty house = more space for tomfoolery

tagged: iloveflynnrider


guyinthechair pls never say tomfoolery again

guyinthechair The audacity to post this
kristoffissuperior ??
guyinthechair 🤦🏻‍♂️
iloveflynnrider nick's just jealous because we had a dance party when he was outside
kristoffissuperior 💃🏻🕺🏻

trevorsturniolo You say this as if you didn't immediately join her up there after taking this picture, and proceed to knock both of you down
iloveflynnrider chris knows how to party🥰
kristoffissuperior no broken bones = no problems
iloveflynnrider chris wisdom = accurate wisdom
trevorsturniolo The two of you = pain in my ass

laylamadden Last photo document of bryn doing something that would piss our landlord off🥲
sabrinaheinz i actually just took a picture of her climbing out her window to retrieve something she hid on the roof three months ago
iloveflynnrider stacey loves me. she would never believe the nonsense that i get up to
dana.aldez other than the time she caught you filling a kiddie pool in the living room...
iloveflynnrider we don't speak of that day

☆ ミ★ ☆彡 ★

real life

One would think that having three extra sets of hands would make packing my stuff a fast process, but in reality, I think having the triplets around made the job more challenging.

Nick disappeared into Layla's room as soon as we got back from breakfast, claiming that watching Bridgerton with her was more important than helping me pack. Matt tried to help me start packing, but when Chris discovered the card game Go Fish in my closet, the three of us abandoned the idea of organizing and began the most competitive game of Go Fish I have ever played.

Nick came back to my room when he heard Matt start yelling at me for cheating, and was horrified to see that my room was still a disaster. That is when he snapped into Commander Nick mode, and bossed around Chris, Matt, and I until everything was packed. Apparently Marylou and Jimmy made a dinner reservation for the six of us, so we need to make it back to Somerville at a decent hour. 

Layla, Sabrina, and Dana had all rolled out around noon, leaving me to lock up once all my stuff is loaded into my car and Matt's van. The sun is kissing my skin and the sky is a clear blue, but I can't help the twinge of sadness that spikes in me as my eyes take the house in front of me for the last time: the red brick that is crawling with vines, the small porch that Layla and I shared many mornings on, and my window on the second floor that I climbed out to sit on the roof far too frequently. Thanks for being my home for the last year.

With one more smile at the house, I turn away and head down the gravel pathway to where Nick, Matt and Chris are leaning against the side of my car. Matt and Nick are staring at something on the former's phone, but Chris is watching me with a fond expression that makes my heart skip a beat. "Ready to go?"

"Fuck, yeah," I breathe, grinning when Chris rolls his eyes in amusement.

"We'll see you guys back at the house," Matt ruffles my hair as he heads further down the driveway to hop into the van. Nick tromps after him, but not before sending a wide grin and a not-so-subtle wink in my direction

Rolling my eyes, I flip him off as I climb into the driver's seat of my car. I am so going to regret telling Nick that I used to like Chris.

Chris settles in the seat beside me and immediately grabs the aux cord to connect his phone. "Should I play something depressing to get the waterworks going?"

"I hate you," I grumble, following Matt out of the driveway.

"I'm too pretty to hate." Chris scrolls through his phone, eventually finding what he was looking for. "I think we need to update our playlist."

"I literally listen to it all the time and it's in prime condition," I glance over at him quickly before focusing back on the road. "But I'm always down to make a new playlist."

"Chrislee 2.0," Chris sniggers, dropping his phone into a cupholder now that our playlist is drifting through the speakers. He air drums, a brilliant smile overtaking his face, as he begins to sing along. "Uh-huh, look, I can see your face in the Parisian paintings, the Mona Lisa."

I crank the volume up and roll down the windows, grinning when the fresh April breeze kisses my skin and whips my hair away from my face. Tapping along to the rhythm on the steering wheel, I match the volume of my voice to the music. "Love is when you try to place it your mind, but you can't turn the radio down!"

"And you can't think of anyone else!" Chris hollers, his voice cracking as he does a little shimmy in his seat.

I suddenly hiss in annoyance when Matt hits the brakes in front of me. "Matt is driving like such a grandma! It's going to take twice as long to get back," I groan. "I'm fucking hungry!"

"Let's stop for food," Chris turns the radio down slightly, peering out the front windshield. "Your navigational skills suck ass, so it won't be a surprise to anyone if you manage to lose Matt and get lost."

"Okay, rude," I huff. "I can get to some places without GPS."

"Yeah, from your mom's house in Boston you can get to my house, Lizzy's house, the high school, and maybe three different restaurants, and from your house here, you can get to campus," Chris looks at me expectantly. "Tell me I'm wrong."

I make a face, but don't deny his claim. "At least I can actually drive."

"I like being the passenger princess," Chris grins, adjusting his white Red Sox cap on his head. "Look there's an A&W, and Matt's turning right. Just keep going straight."

Abiding by his wishes, I cease following Matt and instead turn into the restaurant parking lot. I pull into a parking spot, turning the car off and checking my reflection in the mirror. My hair is a wild mess and there are shadows drawn across my face, but there is a lightness to my eyes that I haven't seen in a while.

"I hate how you won't just go through the drive-through," Chris groans, following my lead when I hop out of the car. "It's such a hassle."

"I hate drive-throughs. The vibes are so much better inside," I pull open the door for Chris, stepping inside the air-conditioned building after him.

"But you have no problems going through drive-throughs if you're not the one driving," Chris states, already knowing the answer.

"Yup!" I grin up at him. "It's science."

"It's ridiculous," Chris grumbles, casually throwing his arm over my shoulder. "Makes absolutely no sense."

Soon enough, we have our food and are sliding into opposite sides of a booth. "Nick's going to kill us for being late," I comment as I pop open my box of chicken tenders.

"He'll get over it," Chris unwraps his burger and takes a huge bite. "What drink did you get?"

"Root beer," I push my cup towards him. "Don't drink all of it." Not bothering to ask, I steal a sip of his Pepsi. "You got any plans for our last two days in Boston?"

Chris takes one more sip of my drink before nudging it back towards me and burping. "Nope. Just seeing Nate again, probably," he chuckles, seeming to think of something else. "He said you played so dirty when you guys played hockey last month."

I choke slightly on my chicken finger, coughing as I reach for my drink. "I did not! That little fucker is spreading false information."

Chris snorts in amusement, taking another bite of his burger before speaking. "He said you were being extra aggressive since mini golf riled you up, and next time you play, he is going to demand the presence of a ref to call all your dirty shots."

"Or maybe he's just salty because I'm way better than him," I shrug, not bothering to hide the smirk spreading across my face.

"Debatable," Chris sniggers in amusement at himself. He sips his drink, a guarded expression crossing his face. "I heard that he set you up with someone?" Chris' voice is hesitant, knowing he is treading uncertain grounds. We usually never talk about our dating lives (or lack of a dating life, in my case) with each other.

"Um, yeah," I squirm slightly, confused why he's bringing it up. "Why?"

Chris shrugs, his eyes locked on his drink as he swirls his straw around the cup. "Just wondering. Are you going to see him again?"

"No," my eyes narrow slightly at Chris, not understanding where this is coming from. "I wasn't really into him."

"Okay," Chris mumbles, picking his burger back up to take another bite.

Popping a fry into my mouth, I watch Chris for a moment before I decide to ask a question I never have before. "Are you seeing anyone lately?"

"Nah," Chris answers easily, his face relaxing from its previously tensed expression. "Too busy. I went on one date last month, but she was a total bitch to our waiter."

"I hate when people do that," I wrinkle my nose in discontent. "I slayed as a waitress in high school, but people make it so hard sometimes."

Chris nods in agreement, reaching out to steal some of my fries since he finished his. "I am so excited to see you everyday for the next four months," he says casually, innocently popping my fries into his mouth.

I can't help the smile that spreads across my face as a shiver of glee trickles through me. "You'll get sick of my need to constantly be making noise pretty quickly."

"And you'll probably want to chop my head within the first two days for a variety of reasons," Chris shrugs, grabbing a few of my fries. "It's going to be awesome."

☆ ミ★ ☆彡 ★


the pogues🍉

nick: john b👑
matt: pope💖
chris: jj🍑
bryn: sarah☀️

john b👑

Twenty bucks said Bryn got lost

lmao she did
we somehow ended up in manchester

john b👑
I shouldn't even be surprised

Twenty bucks🕺🏻

john b👑
No one is giving you money
Chris when will you guys be home????

we're still fourty minutes away

Breaking mom's heart over here
She won't shut up about how sad she is Bryn won't be around this summer

b just said that she loves marylou more than all of us combined

john b👑
Now that's fucking bullshit
She obv loves me the most

she just said that you're her least favourite fr


Chris take her phone away

she's using it for directions

john b👑
Whatever I'm sick of you don't talk to me anymore
And while I'm on the topic of being pissed off, I still hate this gc name. It makes no fucking sense without Kiara
Now I'm leaving fuck you Chris

lol nick calm the fuck down
it's not the end of the world, we'll be home soon

We're all just going to go to the restaurant, get Bryn to drive straight there and you can just meet us inside
liked by jj🍑

☆ ミ★ ☆彡 ★

real life

"You are so late," Nick shakes his head in disappointment the second Chris and I step foot in the restaurant. Chris had texted him when we pulled into the parking lot so Nick could meet us at the front to bring us to the table.

Nick scowls at Chris for a moment longer before turning his attention to me. "How the fuck did you end up in Manchester?"

I shrug innocently. "I got lost. You know how shit I am at directions."

Nick steps closer to me, his face tightening in concentration. "You smell like hamburgers."

I slowly step back slightly towards Chris, feigning confusion. "That's peculiar."

Nick narrows his eyes at me before shifting his gaze to Chris, eyes flaming with realization. "You stopped for food!"

"B was absolutely starving," Chris cuts in, dropping his hands on my shoulders. "She was having trouble focusing on the road when her stomach wouldn't stop growling."

I nod eagerly, ignoring the exasperated look settling on Nick's face. "It's true. I was worried I was going to faint."

"Fuck you both," Nick turns sharply on his heel. "Come. Everyone is waiting."

"Come," I drop my voice an octave lower.

"Everyone is waiting," Chris matches my tone, grinning when I laugh. He grabs my hand and tugs me forward to follow Nick further into the restaurant.

The restaurant is dimly lit and bustling with people, the sound of voices and laughter filling the atmosphere. We quickly reach the Sturniolo's booth, where Marylou and Jimmy are sat beside each other with Matt across from them.

Matt spots us first, his lips tilting up in a smirk as he rolls his eyes. "Look who finally decided to show up."

"Brynlee!" Marylou beams at me, sliding out of the booth to greet me. "How are you, sweetie?"

I grin at Marylou when she extends her arms for a hug, and I am quick to step into her embrace. "I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm happy to have my boys and honorary daughter home for a few days before you all leave me again," Marylou releases me, offering me a warm smile. "How did your exams go?"

"Don't ask her that if you don't want her to cry," Nick cuts in, his tone half-joking, half-serious.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Chris elbow Nick in the ribs, sending him a warning look. Nick hisses a curse word and Matt sniggers in amusement.

"Oh no, did they not go well?" Marylou's face falls, genuinely upset for me.

"I haven't gotten my grades back yet, but I'm not feeling very optimistic," I shrug, smiling reassuringly at Marylou. "But it's okay, it'll all work out."

Marylou nods in agreement, reaching out to squeeze my hand. "That is a good attitude to have."

"Hi, mom," Chris cuts into the conversation, grinning in amusement at his mom. "Nice to see you."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Chris!" Marylou gasps, turning her attention to her son. "I was just so excited to see Bryn!"

Chris laughs as he hugs his mom. "It's okay, I knew you would remember me eventually."

Marylou rolls her eyes at him before sliding back into the booth next to Jimmy, Nick sitting down next to her. Chris nudges me onto the seat beside Matt before sitting on my other side.

"Hi, Jimmy," I grin at the triplet's father, who is showing Matt something on his phone.

Jimmy's gaze to flickers to meet mine, his expression widening in a smile. "Bryn! How are you? How did your exams go?"

Marylou swats Jimmy's arm as the boys and I laugh. "I just asked her that!" Marylou scolds her husband. "And she said not great, so let's talk about something else."

"Oh," Jimmy winces apologetically. "Are you all going to come play golf with me one day before you go to LA?"

"Bryn's not allowed to play anymore golf," Chris chuckles, ignoring the glare I send in his direction. "She turns into a bitch when she plays."

"Christopher Owen!" Marylou gasps, her hand flying to cover her dropped jaw. "You can't say that!" I snigger under my breath and stay silent, enjoying watching Chris get in trouble.

While Chris argues with his mom, Matt nudges my knee with his own to catch my attention. I shift my gaze to him, raising my eyebrows curiously.

"When are you going to see your mom?" Matt's voice is low and cautious, his eyes scanning mine.

My bottom lip rolls into my mouth as my stomach drops to my feet at the mention of my mother. I shrug, my eyes flickering to the table. "Tomorrow, I guess. Better to get it over with."

"How are you feeling about it?" Matt keeps his words quiet to avoid others overhearing, but Marylou and Jimmy are discussing the menu and Chris and Nick have started arguing about something else, so no one is paying attention to Matt and I.

I shrug again, twisting my fingers together under the table. "I've kinda been feeling like I want to throw up constantly, so you know, I'm thriving." Matt hums in understanding when I pause. "I just have such a hard time standing up to her and it fucking sucks. I feel like a totally different person when I'm with her, and I hate it."

Matt gently grabs one of my hands to stop me from picking at my fingernails. "Take a breath, Bryn," he instructs, waiting until I take a deep breath before he continues. "I know it really fucking sucks, but you're bigger than whatever she might say to you. And you know we're all in your corner," Matt squeezes my hand, encouraging me to meet his gaze. "If you want any of us, or all of us, to come with you to see your mom, that's fine. If you want to go alone, we'll be here waiting when you get back," Matt pauses, his eyes scanning over my face before he smiles softly. "We love you, Bryn. You are one of the most important people to us. And I need to know that you know that before you go home."

I bite my bottom lip, feeling a flood of emotions wash over me. Anxiety to talk to my mom is prominent, the feeling simmering in my veins like a live wire waiting to catch fire, but even stronger than that is the feeling of gratitude. The love I have for Matt and the entire Sturniolo family settles over me, helping to ward off any outside enemies. "I know. Thank you, Matt." My words can't encapsulate how strongly I feel, but I know he knows.

He smiles warmly at me before releasing my hand and turning his attention to his parents. "Alright, dad, what're we getting?"

Having been to this restaurant a million times while growing up, I already know what I'm getting, so I lean back in my seat and grin softly at the sight of Nick scowling at his menu, obviously unsure of what he wants. My hand rests on the seat beside me, my fingers tapping a nervous rhythm. I am immediately aware when Chris drops his hand to rest beside mine and gently links our pinky fingers. He gently squeezes my finger, silently asking me if I'm okay.

I squeeze his finger back, a low exhale escaping my lips as I reassure myself that I really am okay.

"I snagged a pack of crayons from the host table," Chris grins at me, using his free hand to tug a pack of coloured crayons from his pocket. "Want to play hangman?"

"Only if you promise not to bitch when I beat you," I bite my bottom lip to hide the giant grin threatening to emerge on my face when Chris scowls.

"I actually will be winning, since you can't cheat in hangman," he counters, smirking at me while he disconnects our pinkies so he can unroll his napkin to use as a drawing surface.

"I do not cheat!" I hiss defensively, snatching the crayons from him to open the pack.

"The fact that you're so defensive means that you do," Chris grins smugly at me. "You're up first. And your words have to be in English."

"Obviously I will pick something in English," I grumble, pulling the napkin towards me to draw the lines out.

Chris snorts, crossing his arms over his chest as he watches me map out my phrase. "Last time you did ambulance in German."

"Sh, I'm focusing," I wave Chris off, ignoring his laugh of amusement.

"You are in so much denial," Chris chuckles.

"I think you should shut the fuck up and start guessing," I raise my eyebrows at him expectantly, brushing off his statement.

No matter what Chris or Nick or whoever says about anything, I don't deny things. There is absolutely, one hundred percent, nothing that I am in denial about. And no one can tell me otherwise.

☆ ミ★ ☆彡 ★


i have news

Ur running away with Chris to Europe?


He finally confessed that he is deeply in love with you, and since you're failing university, you have no reason to stay in school!


You literally called me basically in tears after your first exam went terribly to ask how much of a bitch mom has been lately since you failing anything is her biggest trigger

i forgot about that
my bad
anyways, i'm coming over tomorrow to drop off my stuff and talk to her
want to hang out after, assuming she doesn't murder me?

Fuck yeah
I have work but I finish at 5

okay perf
i'm going to lizzy's for dinner tomorrow, so we could go together if you want?

See you later loser

cara sob session

this is a really long chapter but there wasn't a good spot to break it up and the next chapter is also long as fuck sooooo

update i finished my paper that was due wednesday AND a paper due yesterday and didn't cry about them! will definitely be crying about my upcoming exams though😭😭

also, can anyone see the image in the banner at the top? i've added them to each chapter, but when i view this story as a reader on my phone, i can't see the image, but i can on my laptop, so i'm very confused


🍊 🍊 🍊

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