I Must Stay Within The Tiger'...

By Sweet_Dily

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{If you like the Novel 'How To Get My Husband On My Side' it's similar with a little twist and more antagonis... More

Chapter 1: Marriage To A Sageion Man
Chapter 2: Puppet
Chapter 3: Psycho's
Chapter 4: Unwanted Marriage
Chapter 5: Lake Room
Chapter 6: Skulled Monster
Chapter 7: Troublesome Wife With A Confession
Chapter 8: The Banquet Of A King And Queen
Chapter 9: A Brotherly Love Song
Chapter 10: The Cliff I Drift
Chapter 11: Soulless Eyes
Chapter 12: Please Ignore
Chapter 13: Punish Me For My Sin
Chapter 14: A Strange Safety
Chapter 15: Lost By Your Trick
Chapter 16: Caught With A Monster Who Saved Me
Chapter 17: Don't Throw Me Away
Chapter 18: A Birthday Disaster
Chapter 19: A Planned Lie
Chapter 20: Ariella V.S Danica
Chapter 21: Suspicion And Drama
Chapter 22: Rupert's Warning
Chapter 24: You Believe Me?
Chapter 25: Bath With My Hubby
Chapter 26: A Vist For The Newly Wed
Chapter 27: Duchess Camilla
Chapter 28: Sierra Has Been Poisoned
Chapter 29: I Have Come To See Ariellia's Side
Chapter 30: Temple Call
Chapter 31: Disappearance Of My Wife
Chapter 32: Only My Fault
Chapter 33: Awakened A Monster
Chapter 34: The Rain Of The Pink Cotton Trees For The Golden Lady
Chapter 35: A Crazy Man That Does Not Abandon His Wife
Chapter 36: A Sea Dragon Who Kidnapped My Wife
Chapter 37: The Sorry I Couldn't Say To You
Chapter 38: A Kiss Under A Romantic Swing
Chapter 39: In This Sweet Embrace
Chapter 40: A Wake-Up Call From The King
Chapter 41: Not Just A Brother-In-Law On A Paper
Chapter 42: A Lesson To Learn Seth
Chapter 43: Congratulations!
Chapter 44: A Difficult Decision
Chapter 45: The Eyes I Saw You With
Chapter 46: A Banquet In Your Name

Chapter 23: Blamed

160 6 0
By Sweet_Dily

*** WARNING: This chapter contains foul language, suicide talks, and death talks.

***Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 23...

-Inside Palace imperial throne room-

For what reason were Alexander and Yeretzy summon you ask well it's quite...

"So what do you say Duchess Yeretzy?" (King Fred, asked)

The King asked with a bright smile on his face sitting on his throne chair while his queen sat on the right throne chair with a warm smile.

Princess Danica sitting on the third throne chair dropping any etiquette and waving like an excited child excited to see Yeretzy.

And Tulip sitting on the last throne chair with a shy expression but expectant eyes.

"Well..." (Yeretzy, said)

The reason why they were both summoned was one for the King's own befit to see his nephew and Yeretzy upon the Queen's request, Danica's suggestion, and Tulip's excitement.

Back at Alexander's birthday banquet, Yeretzy had given Alexander a gift even though the wooden dolls were already an item made, the fabric alteration and the lace down to each detail including the features of a person she had created quite a stir that she had not heard yet.

Part of it was because she had retired early for the banquet and she was in her room most of the time with no one to attend to her but when the King said that Danica and Tulip who had talked none stop about Yeretzy's skills added the rumors they were hoping Yeretzy could also make them customized dolls and make them a lace handkerchief for the Queen, Princess Danica, and Princess Tulip.

"Ah also...please can you add a lace tie for me I would love- " (King Fred, said)

The King also wanted his own request as he loved the lace she created.

So he tried to request shyly but Alexander interrupted him.

"My wife is not seamstress, that's why you have your own seamstress Your Majesty" (Alexander, said)

"Ha, you brat you how dare you speak to your uncle like that just because you want to be stingy and be the only one to receive a gift like that-" (King Fred, yelled)

The king pointed his finger at Alexander and began to bicker with Alexander like a child.


"Honey, your words. The kids are still here" (Queen, said)

She placed her hand to calm him down so as to pacify his childish acts.

The queen was already used to those whenever they faced each other it always ended with them bickering.


"Let's go ladies and let his majesty speak with young Duke Alexander-" (Queen, said)

She stood up since the King had to discuss some private matters with Alexander but before she could finish both Danica and Tulip stood like a spring and dashed down the stairs towards Yeretzy as Danica held the hem of her dress with her left hand and with her right hand grabbed Tulip's little hand to help her run faster.

"Yeretzy!" (Danica, yelled)



Getting close to Yeretzy both Danica and Tulip let go as Dancia grabbed Yerezy's light body to hug her and lifted her a little.

"Oh!" (Yeretzy, said)

Yeretzy let out a surprised sound.

"I told you to come and visit me any time" (Danica, said)

"You have gotten so popular, I'm jealous my only friend will get stolen" (Danica, said)

"T-Tulip...likes Princess too" (Tulip, said)

Even the shy Tulip had grabbed the bottom of Yeretzy's dress hem.

"Girls, don't crowd her" (Queen Relia, said)

The Queen who had come down the stairs elegantly called the girls out.

"Dancy put her down with your strength you might break the Duchess" (Queen, said)

And Danica whose nickname was Dancy was called out who tended to use her strength unconsciously.

'Drop down'


"I wasn't going to break her" (Danica, said)

Danica said with a blushed embarrassed face as she turned and immediately made eye contact with Alexander whose lips twitched.

'Well, well will you look at that' (Danica's inner thoughts)


Danica's lips rose in a smirk.

"Cousin don't be jealous it was just a hug among friends I'm not trying to steal your wife away...or perhaps have you not hugged your wife yet?" (Danica, asked)

She asked with a tease while Alexander's expression seemed about to frown however the corner of his eye caught something and it was as his expression relaxed then turned the other way to avoid his gaze wherever he had looked as if he was a tuff boy.


Danica turned around to see what Alexander was looking at and it was Yeretzy who had a blushed face.

'If...hug she's referring to...' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

Remembering all the times Alexander had held her hand, lifted her up, and hugged her flashed through her head,

Not in the best situations where she seemed to cause trouble, but still, he had held her before.

Just remembering those memories somehow made her face grow hot.

Danica's lips rose more then turned to look at Alexander who clearly was somehow shy but pretended not to be.

"Oh cousin..." (Danica, said)

She teased with a small laugh.

Being summoned without knowing was worrisome but luckily it was nothing bad.

So the days went on as Yeretzy worked on the imperial family's request.

Today was her last finishing touch with Danica's handkerchief as she added a daffodily flower upon Danica's request.

'So pretty!' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

She thought as she looked at the finished stitched Daffadily flower.

Sadly this peacefulness did not last long.


-Inside Duke Victor's office-

Duke Victor sat on his desk with his elbows on top of his desk as he clasped his hands while Ariella stood on his left looking at Yeretzy with a disappointed look and Alexander stood on his right with his arms crossed.

On the other hand, Yeretzy sat on his couch facing them as she was being interrogated.

"Confess now Yeretzy, was it you who leaked the private documents of the Dameria Family to the Barbarians?" (Duke Victor, asked)

He asked coldly with angry eyes.

It was for this reason she had been called without notice.


"?!!" (Yeretzy)

No thoughts came to her mind only utter shock.

It was insane to even believe the documents she had worked hard on had reached the barbarians.

How could such a bizarre thing even happen?


Yeretzy grabbed her hands as they were resting on her dress.

"I did not" (Yeretzy, said)

She did not hesitate to answer, unlike any other occasion she was put on the spot.

This was an extremely serious matter.

This wasn't just any documents or the receiver.

She didn't know if she'd ever see the light of the day.

All this time she feared that she'd die at the hands of her husband and maybe today was her day if that was the exception that the king ordered an imperial knight.

"You were the one who was assigned the private documents, I can't simply believe your words" (Duke Victor, said)

'...' (Yeretzy)

Is this really what she got for working hard she thought.

Organizing in detail the private weapon information now it was them who had managed to gain those weapons.

This was a huge accusation, she was most likely to be punished and she didn't even want to think about the consequences from her family's side that they too would face as well but still.

If they were willing to believe one thing it was her family name.

No matter how much they hated her she too had a strong family with whom they had mutual agreements they had to trust her family at least.

She could have felt intimidated and shuned away in fright but this exact situation was something she couldn't afford.

If it were other simple documents maybe the matter wouldn't be so big but this was a matter of the Kingdom.

Her lips parted again with a serious honest face as if her eyes said only truth.

"I swear on my family's name, I swear for my honor, and my life that I have not lied" (Yerezy, said)

"Is that easy to do? Just swear on your family name and throw it as you please? Your honor?" (Duke Victor, asked)

He asked as if he were looking at her pathetically.

"Take a look at the documents I assigned you, how can this not be your doing?" (Duke Victor, asked)

He asked as Ariella walked over and handed her a stack of papers that looked quite familiar to her.

However, these had a special note on the front.


Her hands couldn't help but tremble in heartbreak, disappointment, and betrayal.

She didn't have to ask what it meant but the Duke himself told her to her face as Ariella made her way back.

"Did you think I'd easily trust you?" (Duke Victor, asked)

"Yes our families are bound politically but you and I know that there's no such thing as full trust so I asked my daughter to prepare these for you" (Duke Victor, said)

He raised his head arrogantly as if he were proud he caught a traitor.

"These documents contain false information, I wanted to know if you had the bit least decency to be trustful but it seems putting false information proved me right" (Duke Victor, said)

"Even if this was false information that fact that you leaked this information to the barbarians is still a kingdom's crime, that ends in execution" (Duke Victor, said)

In other words, it didn't matter if the documents that were given were fake from the start the act itself of turning the documents to the barbarians was a crime like the Duke said.

"I didn't expect that you'd spread the falsified information to the barbarians if anything to your father's people, you're quite ambitious I must give you that" (Duke Victor, said)

"Those barbarians purchased the falsified weapons exactly by description to the document" (Duke Victor, said)

Yeretzy face turned darker, it was the first time in the Dameria house that she genuinely showed how upset she was to hear such things.

"I don't know how that information stumbled upon the barbarians, I also didn't know if the information you had assigned me was fake or real I simply did what you requested me to do" (Yeretzy, said)

Even so, she stood her ground unlike her who always showed a timid side.

 She who sometimes had trouble expressing what she wanted to say.

She did not raise her voice, unlike what she was feeling inside she tried her best to answer calmly.

If these were the last words in her life she at least wanted to try and clear her name.

Being afraid and timid would only raise more suspicion even more confirming that she was truly a traitor.

"I turned in the documents as soon as I finished them everyone in the room witnessed it" (Yeretzy, said)

"How would I have time to leak the documents if I have not left my room for any other reasons than the palace visit where I was watched? " (Yeretzy, asked)

That was true both Ariella and Alexander knew that Yeretzy was not the only one in the room when she was working on the document.

During the Palce visit, Alexander was with her and after the following days, she remained in her room.

But her words also meant she was blaming others than her who declared herself innocent.

'Ha' (Duke Victor)


He raised his left eyebrow as if amused.

"My daughter nor son had nothing to do, they wouldn't hurt the Dameria name unlike an outsider like you Princess Yeretzy Maraybey" (Duke Victor, said)



Yeretzy's eyes widen.

He was really now calling her an outsider.

Since the beginning, they never ever considered her part of their family to begin with.

'...' (Yeretzy)


Her fist clenched in anger, sadness, and exhaustion for always being painted as the bad guy.

Her lips opened again with a serious voice and a calm voice.

"I'm referring to Lady Floodgen" (Yeretzy, said)

"As far as I know Lady Sierra's last name is Floodgen not Dameria?" (Yeretzy, asked)

'I'm sick and tired of always being the one to blame...if I don't stand up now and prove it was not me then they will undoubtedly incriminate me for something I haven't even done...it is most likely that not only myself but the whole Marabey family will be executed and the history will repeat itself...even Dillion will be killed...' (Yeretz's inner thoughts)

'I don't know who leaked the information but Sierra is all I could think about unless it was another servant like the nanny...no matter what I have to handle this' (Yeretz's inner thoughts)

'I'm so afraid I feel as if I relax my body the pain that hasn't healed yet, this situation makes my body shiver' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'I'm so scared...I don't even dare to look at Alexander who hasn't said a word and know they will only hate me more for challenging their words for involving Sierra' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

She tried her best not to shiver despite being afraid of the outcome.

'I know my place, I know I'm nothing compared to Sierra when it comes to favor but...' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

Sometimes the saying goes if you are very angry and scared unexpected courage will come your way.

This time it seemed to be true.


At her words, everyone's eyes widen in shock to her words and attitude she never portrayed.


"Keep your mouth shut...don't speak words that..." (Duke Victor, said)

He greeted his teeth as his expression crumpled up in a furious face.

"Yeretzy" (Ariella, said)

Even Ariella who raised her voice glared harshly at Yeretzy as if she were looking at an enemy.

'To think she really never liked me..now she must hate me' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

"Why would I be foolish enough to tell on myself in the presence of the people who were checking my documents, even the least smartest person would know that will automatically get you caught" (Yeretzy, said)

"It was obvious, that if I got the documents, I will be suspected do you think I wouldn't know that?" (Yeretzy, asked)

Yeretzy placed her shivering hand on her heart as if it would calm her down.

Again with a shitty life.

It was simply uncontrollable.

"If you didn't trust me then you shouldn't have given me those documents in the first place" (Yeretzy, said)

'Like a fool, I thought doing the documents with hard work I would have a chance of survival gaining their favor but instead, it was this who drove me to a death penalty' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

"Not any at all" (Yeretzy, said)

She looked away as she extended the documents in the air for Ariella to come and grab them with as Yeretzy had a heartbroken exhausted face.

"I see...I too can no longer trust you as well any of you" (Yeretzy, said)

She said with a pause.

" I came here and tried my best to get along to avoid any conflict but no matter what I do trouble seems to follow me even if I'm just trying to live in peace" (Yeretzy, said)

'I hope if I die these words can remain stuck in your heads forever, I hope you feel bad for treating me badly just like my mother in my past life, and my family in this life' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

"I had thought I trusted my new family but seeing how it can't be reciprocated..." (Yeretzy, said)

"I have learned my place, to you I'm only an outsider, and Lady Floodgen who has been in this family for a very long time...you could never doubt her since she's more family that I'll ever be" (Yeretzy, said)

"Even the Dameria servants are more trustworthy than me..." (Yeretzy, said)

As she said those words her head began to incline while her eyes began to lose their sparkle.

"I don't write the letter capitalized 'E' and the lower case 'i' like that, you can easily see the marriage certificate or any writing of some sort I have done...but to you all, I will be suspicious no matter what I do or say" (Yeretzy, said)

'Argh..I'm sick of this of all of it...I want to throw up' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'Sometimes I think...I must have a third life where I committed a grave sin to be punished for both my lives...never in my life could I get a proper rest...I feel so sad it's just as if...' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'Drop, Drop'

Suddenly tears began to fall down her soulless eyes.

'Why..am I crying at a moment like this...I shouldn't cry..not in front of them anymore' (Yeretz's inner thoughts)


Alexander's eyes widened when Yeretzy's tears drops began to fall down her soft cheeks.


She raised her hand and wiped her tears with a very sad expression as if she were so upset that she knew that it was time to accept her fate.

"I understand the gravity of the situation leaking information to the enemy, is good as treason to the Jingdom" (Yeretzy, said)

"I swore on my honor and my life so if you have real proof now that I was the one to leak the actual information instead of just on your speculation because you don't like me then just kill me" (Yerezy, said)

She said with emotionless eyes but a firm face.

'I died once, I've been tortured none stop and tried to hold on again of the fear to die but what I fear the most is for Dillion to die because of my consequences' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'I was always alone in my life, I never had a warm person who'd truly cared for me' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'I hated my first life with all my heart, at first I was scared to die however I tried committing suicide in my first life but my mother wouldn't let me die, I had to be her pleasure in life who'd raised her ranks and keep her entertained' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'After that, I had no privacy, every day without exception a guard stood on my watch to make sure I didn't commit anything else' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'So instead I tried to survive when life treated my life with death down a clift' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'My second life I had finally received warmness in my heart but it was easily killed by my stepmother Salma and when another light appeared, Dillion, I had another reason to live this hellish life' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'I survived for both of their sakes even if it meant scarring me for life...perhaps that's why I didn't want to die' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'But the Dameria Kingdom is in a conflict with the barbarians if that doesn't say traitor for both my family and the royal family thats treason if the Duke decided to tell the King.' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'I'm good as dead, and these persons seem to hate me very much...maybe that's why I'm trying to stand up but these three persons in front of me could care less about me' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'At least I want to clear my name' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

What else could she do?

She was petrified that she would die today, this was as far as she had gone.

'It hurts that even my husband pretended to be someone kind to me...what useless thoughts I had of surviving like this' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'What are you trying to-?" (Alexander, asked)

Alexander's face distorted more as he tried to ask but Yeretzy spoke over him never batting an eye at him she only looked directly at the Duke.

"I hope you can grant one request before you kill me" (Yeretzy, said)

'Spare Dillion' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'And kill that family' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)


"Father, let's look into this information more in detail we can't discard other possibilities such as servants before you make a decision?" (Ariella, asked)

Surprisingly Ariella spoke up and touched her father's shoulders as she leaned to tell him.

She wasn't trying to name Sierra for a reason but rather to shift the blame to any other.

Maybe Ariella had felt pity for Yerezy.

'To think Ariella would stick for me in this situation even though her hate for me is obvious...not even my husband-' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

She looked down with a bitter heartbroken expression.

But the voice she thought she wouldn't hear was heard.

"No" (Alexander, said)

"I have heard enough" (Alexander, said)

'Step, Step, Step'


Alexander moved away from the Duke and moved at a fast pace.

He grabbed Yeretzy's right hand and began to escort her out of the Duke's office.

"A-Alexander? What-" (Yeretzy, asked)

She asked confused and startled.

"You follow me." (Alexander, said)

"Alexander we are not done here!" (Duke Victor, yelled)

In an instant the Duke Yelled and stood up to protest.



He halted his step and only turned a side of his face as his eyes stared at him coldly.

"I am and so is my wife" (Alexander, yelled)


"There was so much I can handle to hear, if you don't have proof then don't accuse others for your own benefit. I'll deal with my wife so mind your own business" (Alexander, yelled)


Alexander left with the surprised Yerezy who Alexander had unexpectedly shocked her.

"Oh no... it's worse than I thought" (Duke Victor, said)

He said with a shocked face.

"I told you Father" (Ariella, said)

Ariella looked coldly at the closed door.

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