Those Blue Eyes

By MS3478

91.1K 1.4K 54

Story about y/n y/l/n, youre a professional footballer. You don't do relationships atleast thats what you tho... More

The offers
The choice
The signing
Welcome party
First training
Matchday Aston Villa
Australia or England
London Derby
Get yourself together
England camp
New roommates
Matchday Spain
Day off
Matchday Netherlands
First date
Matchday Leicester
Meeting the parents
Team night
Birthday party - part 1
Birthday party - part 2
Media day
Christmas morning
Happy new year
Matchday Manchester City
Continental cup final
Lovers into strangers
On loan
I promised
Authors note
First games
More then friends
Semi final
Date in Australia
The final
Vacation - part 1
Vacation - part 2
Vacation - part 3


1.2K 31 0
By MS3478

We are already at the end of the first week and today we fly out to Australia. It will be my first time back since signing with Arsenal, I did want to go back sooner but things didn't go the way I expected them to and Barcalona had been my priority the past months.
Camp is going better everyday, the girls are starting to forget what happend between me and Leah, we are all past the awkward stage. Well not everyone, Jordan is still as annoying as at the beginning and Leah is being more distant then before and I have no idea what caused it.

At the moment we are driving with the bus from Sint George Park to London Heathrow airport. I am sitting in a fourseater with Ella Toone, Alessia Russo and Bethany England, the four of us have actually become a good group this camp. We are doing a game were you need to name three thing starting with a random letter within a few seconds. 'Y/n name three women players with the firstname letter M' Alessia says 'Millie, Mary and.. Manu' I say quickly 'El, name three countries starting with letter J' I say to Tooney who is sitting opposite of me 'Japan uhh..' Ella says thinking hard 'Germany!' We burst out laughing but Ella doesn't understand why 'What?' She asks confused 'Germany?' Beth questions 'That starts with a G El' Lessi explains inbetween laughs and now Ella burst out laughing to.

2 hours later we finally arrive at the airport in London, we enter the airport, go through check-in and security and eventually sit down in the lounge waiting until we can board the plane. I decide on going on a walk through the airport where all the shops are. I buy a new book, the bibliography from Ian Wright, he is an ex-Arsenal and England player. I also buy some skittles as snack for during the long flight. I unlock my phone to check which gate we were at when I notice the time 15:05, shit we are boarding in 10. I fasten my pace as I try to get back to everyone quickly, I luckily arrive just in time and notice last girls boarding. Since everyone has already boarded I don't expect there to be many choices left in free seats, I was right. I can sit next to Mary Earps, no she never says anything and is a bit grumpy during travel, Katie Zelem then? Absolutly not, she always talks my ear off, the last seat that is free is next to Leah, guess she is my best option for this 21 hour flight. 'Hey, is it okey if I sit here?' I ask to be sure, Leah looks up and nods before concetrating on her sudoku again 'Thanks' I say and put my bag down and take a seat, we are flying first class so we have lots of space.
When the plane is in the air I decide to look what I can watch on the little screens but there isn't something I feel like watching so I take my just brought book out of my bag and start reading it. We have been flying for 2,5 hours and I am already bored, I turn my face to Leah who is still focused on her sudoku. I scan the paper and notice a possible solution 'I think number 6 belongs here' I say as I point at the blank space, Leah checks if it is corrects and then fills it in 'Thanks, I was about to give up' 'Leah Williamson and giving up, thats new' I say with a cheeky smile, Leah playfully pushes my shoulder and rolls her eyes before finishing the sudoku in no time after my help and puts the book away. 'Is there something fun to watch on these?' She asks referring to the little screens 'No not really' I say 'But I brought my Ipad with me so we could watch something together? If you want to ofcourse' I suggest grabbing my Ipad and airpods from my bag, Leah shrugs her shoulders 'Sure' she says and takes one airpod from the case 'You can choose' I say as I hand her my Ipad, she takes it and starts scrolling through my streaming servers, I go into my bag again and take out the skittles. 'Want some?' I ask Leah with a cheeky grin 'Ofcourse silly, those are one of my faves' Leah almost shouts, I chuckle 'I know Leah, I always needed to buy these when I went to the store' I smile at the memory

'I am back' I shout as I close the frontdoor with my feet, in both hands carrying a bag with groceries. I see Leah coming down the stairs on a quick pace 'Someone missed me' I say as I open my arms for a hug but Leah only gives me a kiss on the cheek and hums while taking the bags 'And wht did I deserve this for?' I ask confused by what is happening. Leah still hasn't said a word as she is unpacking the groceries in the kitchen, I follow her into the kitchen and put my arms around her waist. 'Leah everything alright?' I ask a bit concerned 'No, no it is not' I frown my brows as Leah turns around and crosses her arms infront of her chest 'Umm whats wrong?' I ask, all things that could be wrong spin through my head. I cleared the bathroom this morning, did groceries, what is it? 'You' Leah says as she points her finger at me 'Forgot my skittles' I burst out laughing at her serious face and tone 'Nothing is funny about this y/n y/l/n, I am very angry' Leah pouts 'I will get them tomorrow alright' I say and pull her closer but Leah steps out of my grib 'No I want them today not tomorrow' I roll my eyes 'Well you have this perfect legs which you can use to go to the store' I give her a wink 'Ugh you are annoying' Leah says and leaves the kitchen, I follow her to the couch 'Leah dont be so childish' I say and drop myself not to her on the couch 'It was even on the grocerielist, how could you forget it?' Leah asks curious 'Because I didn't' Leah looks at me with a puzzled look, I put my hand in my hoodie and take out the skittles, Leah her eyes widen directly 'You are so so annoying' Leah says and takes the bag from me 'Shouldn't I get something in return?' I ask with a grin as Leah opens the bag 'What?' 'A kiss maybe?' Leah puts the bag on the coffee table and connects our lips, I directly deepen it and let my tongue slip into her mouth, Leah her hands go under my shirt as I let out a little moan. The skittles were forgetten about..

Back to present:
Leah looks hurt and turns her face to the window 'I remember..' She mumbles 'I am sorry for all of it Leah, I mean it' I tell her as I put my hand on hers but she quickly pulls it away 'This is not the moment to talk y/n' Leah replys stern and I nod not wanting to push her into anything, I hand her the bag with skittles after taking a few myself. Leah chose YOU so we watched it together in complete silence.
Dinner arrives, it is basic pasta with tomato sauce and some pastry and crackers on the side, it was actually not that bad for plane food to be honest. After dinner I went over to Bethany, Rachel, Millie, Beth and Hannah to play a game of cards until the staff told us to get back to our seats and try to get some sleep. I transform my chair into a sort of bed and pull the blanket over me, Leah does the same and I close my eyes hoping to catch some sleep because I know the jetlag will be tough.
I wake up from my sleep and it still dark in the plane, I wonder how long I have slept. I feel something heavy resting on my shoulder, I look to my left and notice Leah peacefully asleep with her head rested on my shoulder. I missed that she feels safe with me, it feels good and I hope it lasts. Suddenly I really need to go to the toilet but that means that Leah will wake up and I don't want it to be awkward or something. I am almost gonna piss my pants so I decide to try and get up without waking her up, I slowly lift her hand of my leg and lay it down on her own then I quickly replace my shoulder with my pillow, I think i have succeeded because Leah is still asleep. Her blanket has fallen off a little so I lay it back over her body before I walk towards the toilet.
I see Georgia already waiting outside the toilet so I stand next to her in line. Even though Georgia and I had a talk during that dinner she still hasn't totally forgiven me but is friendly to me most of the time. 'Hey' I greet her as I go to stand next to her 'Hi' She replies short, we are both tired. 'How is your flight going?' I ask trying to make conversation as we wait 'Long, played some games and had a bit of sleep but mostly been bored, yours?' Georgia says 'Pretty much the same, wouldn't mind if we would land within the next hour' I reply and the silence returns. 'I know this is none of my business but whatever is going on between you and Leah, don't you dare break her heart again because I will break you' Georgia says stern 'What do you mean?' I ask confused. If I know one thing for sure is that there is nothing between me and Leah, as much as I want it to, she is still healing and we haven't talked about what happend. 'Don't be stupid y/n, her eyes always light up when you are around or when she looks at you and she was literally just asleep on you shoulder' Georgia explains 'I won't hurt her again G, never again' I assure Georgia 'But that doesn't really matter, I mean she has this thing with Jordan now and I don't want to disturb that' I add on a dissapointed tone, Georgia chuckles lightly 'Whatever there is going on between her and Jordan it was and will never be the same as what she feels or had with you' She says with a smile, I want to reply but Esme walks out of the toilet and Georgia walks in. 'I got a cute photo from you and Leah, you two looked cozy together' She says smiling 'Very funny Esme' I say shaking my head 'Hey aint my fault you to are soo adorable together' Esme says in defence. Esme really has the sweetest soul, she wouldn't even hurt a fly. 'I take the compliment' I say giving her a smile 'You better and I am sending it to you' She says while focusing her attention on her phone and walking back to her seat.
After doing my necessary I go back to my seat where Leah is still sleeping, I try to get back to sleep but I can't. I start playing silly no wifi games on my phone to pass the time until more people wake up around me. After two hours or so almost everyone has opened their eyes except for Leah, who is still sound asleep on my shoulder again. I am talking with Lotte who is sitting in the chair across the aisle when I fill the weight on shoulder move, I turn my attention from Lotte to Leah. She opens her eyes and lets out a big yawn but keep her head on my shoulder 'Look who is awake' I say with a smile, Leah her hear shoots up from my shoulder when she notices its me her head was resting on 'Shit sorry' She apologises with stress in her eyes 'Its no problem Leah, you were tired' I give her a warm smile. Leah nods and looks down at her leg, I follow her eyes and notice my hand on her thigh with my tumb stroking it. Shit. No its my turn to quickly pull away 'Oh sorry, I didn't notice' I say and scratch the back of my neck, we look at eachother in silence 'We..' Leah starts but is interrupted by the flight attendant bringing breakfast, we take the trays. 'You were saying?' I ask Leah she shakes her head 'It wasn't important', I have known Leah longer then today and I know it wasn't nothing but I don't want to push her. I remember what my mum said before I went to Barcalona; let Leah decides what happens.

After 5 more boring hours, spend with chatting, playing some games and mostly waiting for the plane to land, I will never get used to these 21 hours, we finally land in Sydney, the sun is shinning bright when we exit the plane. I really missed the sunny Australian weather. We enter the bus that will bring us to our hotel where we will be staying during the groupstages. The bus arrives at the hotel and the staff hands us all our roomcards, no one has said anything about switching roommates but I hope they did without letting us know because I am done with sharing a room with Jordan. I am in the elevator with Alex, Millie, Rach, Chloe, Lessi and Ella but none of them have the same number on their card, we first stop at the fifth floor and Alessia and Toone get out, I am on the seventh floor with the others. We get out when the elevator stops at the seventh floor and all go to our rooms. My room is 704, I walk in and notice two suitcases. The first one has Y/n y/l/n 17 on it and the other has J. Nobbs 12 on it. Great just great. We landed at 2pm meaning we aren't allowed to sleep for another 5 to 6 hours, the staff said there is an swimmingpool on the roof of the hotel so we all decided to spent our time there until dinner and then go to sleep. I change into my bikini before grabbing a towel and my sunglasses and make my way to the roof, when I get there most of the girls are already there. I claim the sun lounger between Rachel and Beth 'Look at those abs' Rachel says as I lay down 'I think I am turning gay' Millie jokes as she lays next to Rachel, I just shake my head and laugh 'Alright ladies, enough of me to share' I respond making them laugh, I close my eyes and let my body relax under the warmth of the sun.
'Keira you are just as white as Leah and you live in Barcalona, what is going wrong?' I hear Beth asks in disbelieve 'Hey we don't all have the genes as y/n and Lucy have' I lean on my arms when I hear my name 'What about me?' I ask 'That you and Luce are always tanned' Leah explains. Leah looks good in her red bikini damn. 'And toned' Keira whispers under her breath but everyone heard it 'Keira Walsh have you been look at my body?' I ask with a smirk 'I..what..uhh I no' Keira stumbles 'Its alright Kei, I get that I am better looking then Lucy' I say with a wink. 'What did you say y/n?' Lucy asks making her way towards me 'That I am better looking then you' I say grinning 'And why would you think that?' Lucy asks with a raisen eyebrow standing next to my lounger 'I don't think that, its just the truth'. Suddenly I get lifted of the lounger, my hands are in a tight grip just like my feet 'Lucy Roberta Tough Bronze let go off me!' I shout as she and Bethany England carry me to the pool 'Only if you admit I am way hotter then you' Lucy says, she is the one grinning now. I ignore her 'Beth please, we are best mates put me down' I ask almost beg 'Sorry mate, I love you but I am enjoying this to much' She says laughing 'So what is your answer?' Lucy asks as we stand at the edge of the pool 'Alright, Lucy you are.. ofcourse not hotter then me' I say and stick out my tongue to her and before I know it I feel the water touch my body and go under. I cough when I resurface because of the water that I swallowed 'I warned you' Lucy says and walks away, I roll my eyes at her. 'Here I will you up' Beth says and holds her hand for me to take but instead of using it to pull myself up I pull her into the water making everyone else and myself laugh 'Karma Beffy' I say as I get out of the water myself.
I lay back on the lounger until we go back to our rooms and fresh up for dinner, there isn't being said much during dinner as everyone just wanted to eat and then go to sleep. I think as soon as my head hit my pillow I was out like a light.

A/N: Sorryyy for the long wait, I was just busy with school because I am in my last year :) I will try to post another chapter tonight but can't promise

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