𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐎𝐚𝐭𝐡

By ekayaria

131K 4.5K 3.1K

In the bloody realm of Westeros, a dark and dramatic tale unfolds. The young daughter of Prince Daemon Targar... More

What Can't Be Unsaid
Where The Roads Part
The Gates Of Kingslanding
That Silver Hair
A Perfect Weapon
What A Father's Lie Gains
A Strange Friend
The City Streets Have Their Price
Bones Will Heal
A Gift Of Guilt
Dear Brothers
Goodnight Princess
Feast For The Dragon's
Feeling Of Regret
Liars Always Win
Send By The Gods
Worm And Lamb
With Or Without Pride
My Sweet Sisters
Gained Respect
Danger Lurks Tonight
Shadows of Allegiance
The Blue Gown
If Snakes Could Talk
Let The Feist Begin
Peal Me To My Core
The Crown Shall Burn
From The Fire She Was Born
Crowned Slaves
Among the Ashes
Golden Flames
A Loud Objection
Back From The Dead
The Gift She Regrets
Never Turn Your Back
The Flight
All Love Must Die
Back Wounds
Cheese For Blood
Baela Targaryen
Helaena Targaryen
Bastard Blood
My Father's Favorite Daughter
Missing My Mother Missing My Eye
Mother Save Me
Where Are You Father?

Let Them Whisper

2.5K 92 99
By ekayaria

Amidst the tension, Rhaenyra's eyes narrowed with resolve. "Alicent, this won't stand. I will bring this before the court. Thereya's safety concerns us all, and no decree of yours will keep me from my family."

Alicent, unmoved, met Rhaenyra's threat with steely composure. "You are free to do as you please, but do you guarantee that every person in the Red Keep wishes for the safety of the princess? To me, it looks like you are once again blinded by that same old lust."

As their argument escalated, Aegon, still seated on the bed in a state of inebriation, observed the familial clash with a detached gaze. His half-naked form and drunken demeanor painted a  contrast to the serious discussion unfolding before him.

In the midst of their heated exchange, a realization dawned on Rhaenyra. The accusing glint in Alicent's eyes suggested a suspicion that Daemon might be behind the threat to Thereya's life. Outraged by the implication, Rhaenyra's voice sharpened.

"Alicent, do you truly believe Daemon would harm his own flesh and blood?" Rhaenyra retorted, her tone defiant. "Whatever differences exist between us, he is not capable of such treachery. You dishonor our family with baseless accusations."

Alicent, unyielding, countered, "I am merely ensuring the safety of this realm and its future. The court will decide the truth."

As the tension heightened, Rhaenyra staunchly defended Daemon, her loyalty to her family name was simply beyond every accusation.

Alicent's retort cut through the charged air, her voice was cold and dismissive. "Rhaenyra, you are a fool if you cannot see the darkness and pure evil that Daemon harbors. His ambitions are boundless, and he would sacrifice anything, even his own blood, to achieve them. Open your eyes to the truth, for your blind loyalty may lead to our downfall."

Rhaenyra, undeterred, shot back, "I won't be swayed by your accusations. Daemon is not the villain you paint him to be, and I will stand by my family against any threat, real or perceived."

The unresolved tensions was filling the air.

As the heated exchange unfolded in Aegon's chambers, the door swung open and behind them stood Otto Hightower and Viserys Targaryen, the King. Otto, with a wry smile, assessed the scene with a knowing glance.

"Well, well, now... What is the meaning of this?" Otto remarked, his tone dripping with sly amusement. "A family quarrel, it seems. Alicent, care to enlighten us on the cause of this commotion?"

Alicent, maintaining her composure, spoke first. "Thereya's safety is at risk. I've taken measures to protect her, and princess Rhaenyra seems determined to undermine them."

Viserys, acting like ever the diplomatic monarch, stepped forward. "Let us hear both sides before passing judgment. Family matters are delicate, and I will not tolerate further discord."

Rhaenyra seized the opportunity. "Father, Alicent suspects Daemon is a threaat against Thereya. I defend him, for I know he is not capable of such treachery."

Otto's gaze lingered on Alicent, a silent acknowledgment passed between them Viserys, torn between his wife and daughter, tried to seek the right solution for the both sides.

Otto observed them, almost like he was calculating the outcome. "This dispute cannot be settled within these chambers alone," he declared, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "We shall bring this matter to court. Let the truth be revealed and justice be served."

Alicent, appreciative of her father's support, nodded in agreement. "Very well. The court will see the righteousness of my actions in protecting Thereya."

Viserys, acknowledging the need for a formal resolution, added, "A court inquiry shall bring clarity to these accusations. Until then, let us strive for composure and unity, let's keep sane..."

Amidst the familial turmoil, Viserys' eyes fell upon his son, Aegon, who sat on the bed in a state of intoxication. A stern expression crossed Viserys' face as he approached, the weight of responsibility was evident in his gaze for once.

"Aegon," Viserys began, his voice firm, "you sit there in a state unbecoming of a Targaryen while the castle faces a threat. Is this how you choose to represent our house in times of crisis?"

Aegon, still inebriated, looked up with bleary eyes as Viserys continued his lecture. "Your recklessness endangers not only yourself but the entire family. This is not the conduct expected of a prince, let alone my own son."

Viserys' disappointment carried a palpable weight, a blend of paternal concern and frustration. As he lectured his son on responsibility and the weight of their situation. But mostly out of anger that he wanted to take out on someone.

Alicent, ever protective of her son, stepped forward to interject. "Viserys, I have already taken Aegon to task for his behavior. The events of the night have affected us all, and Aegon's lapse in judgment is regrettable, but he is aware of the consequences."

Viserys, not entirely swayed by Alicent's defense, maintained his stern gaze. "This is a time of crisis, Alicent. We cannot afford distractions, especially from those who should be pillars of strength."

Alicent, undeterred, replied, "I understand, Viserys. I assure you, Aegon will be held accountable for his actions, and I will ensure he conducts himself appropriately."

Unable to bear the strain of the tension and the sight of her half-brother's intoxicated state, Rhaenyra turned away, her expression was a mix of frustration and disappointment. Without a word, she left the chambers, her footsteps echoing in the corridor.

The door closed behind her as she sought solace in the presence of her beloved husband, Daemon. As she made her way through the castle, the weight of the night's events pressed upon her.

The complex web of relationships within the family had been laid bare, leaving Rhaenyra in search of comfort in the arms of the one person she trusted most in these tumultuous times.

As the tension lingered in the air, Viserys exchanged a parting glance with Otto, they only passed a small silent acknowledgment. Otto wasn't really happy with the outcome.

"We shall reconvene when court convenes to address these matters. Until then, strive for unity," Viserys advised before departing the chambers.

Otto, with a nod to Alicent, followed the King, leaving Aegon and Alicent alone in the room. Finally mother and son to grapple with the aftermath and consuqinces of the tumultuous night.

Aegon, still seated on the bed, looked at Alicent, a mix of remorse and defiance was in his gaze. The room, now shrouded in a heavy silence, became a stage for the unfolding drama within them.

"Aegon," Alicent sighed, her voice carrying a mix of exhaustion and disappointment. "Go to sleep. We'll discuss your behavior in the morning."

Aegon, swaying slightly, complied without protest. He clumsily turned around and promptly succumbed to the intoxicating embrace of sleep, his consciousness giving in to the effects of the night's events.

As Alicent turned to leave, the door swung open, and Ser Cole entered with a solemn expression. "Your Grace, pardon the interruption. I was wondering if we could..."

Alicent, though wearied, nodded in acknowledgment. "Of course, Ser Cole. Speak freely."

Ser Cole motioned for privacy, and Alicent followed him to a corner of the room, away from the slumbering Aegon.

In the hushed corner of Aegon's chambers, Ser Cole spoke with a tone of urgency.

"Your Grace, consider this: if Thereya had fallen victim to the threat tonight, we would have lost our only leverage against Daemon. She is the bridge that could keep him in check. Her safety is paramount not only for her sake but for the stability of our house."

Alicent, despite her weariness, absorbed Ser Cole's words with a furrowed brow. The strategic implications of Thereya's role in the intricate dance of family politics became increasingly apparent, even in the midst of the night's chaos. Alicent didn't like that.

Ser Cole continued, "We need to tread carefully, navigate this...this treacherous path, and ensure that the threats are neutralized. Thereya's well-being is an asset we cannot afford to squander."

Alicent, her expression turning more serious, nodded in agreement with Ser Cole's assessment. "You speak wisely... The stakes are high, and we cannot afford to underestimate the threats that surround us. I fear that Daemon may indeed be behind this attempt on Thereya's life. His ambitions know no bounds, and we must be vigilant."

Ser Cole's face darkened with a subtle scowl as he concurred with Alicent. "Daemon's ambitions are as transparent as they are dangerous. If he deems it necessary, he wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice his own blood for power."

Alicent, acknowledging Ser Cole's words, added with a measured tone, "We must tread carefully and expose the truth. Our family's future depends on it."

As they left Aegon's chambers, the air thick with the weight of suspicions, Ser Cole cast one last glance at the slumbering Aegon before remarking, "We must play this treacherous game, Your Grace, for the sake of the realm and the House we serve."

The room fell into a profound silence as the door closed, leaving the secrets behind the doors.

As Alicent entered her chambers, the dim light revealed a figure seated in the shadows. Otto Hightower, her father, looked up with a sinister gleam in his eyes. "Alicent," he greeted, his voice carrying a hint of malevolence. "We must discuss our next moves carefully."

Alicent, warily taking a step forward, asked, "What plans do you have, Father? The situation is already delicate, and we cannot afford further complications."

Otto leaned forward, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Complications, my dear, are the seeds of opportunity. There is much we can achieve if we play this carefully. Consider the possibilities that may arise from the chaos within the house Targaryen. You know how they are after all..."

Alicent, maintaining a steely resolve, interrupted Otto's scheming with a firm declaration. "Father, I will not entertain any plan that brings harm to Thereya. She may be a piece on the board, but she is not a pawn to be sacrificed for our ambitions."

Otto, undeterred, pressed on with his sinister proposals.

Alicent, however, continued, her voice unwavering. "Thereya is not just a means to an end. She is a kind and merciful soul, and I won't allow her to become a casualty of our pursuits. We must consider the consequences of our actions, not only for our family but for the kingdom itself. Thereya may be the light that this realm needs."

In the dimly lit chamber, Alicent's plea for compassion clashed with Otto's ruthless ambitions.

Otto leaned back, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Alicent, my plans do not involve direct harm to Thereya. However, I can't guarantee that Rhaenyra, Daemon, and those who align with them won't pose a threat to her. We must be prepared for any eventualities and ensure the success of our endeavors."

Alicent, though conflicted, remained firm. "I won't jeopardize Thereya's safety, Father. We must find a way to achieve our goals without putting her in harm's way. She is not just a chess piece, she is... She is more."

Otto, in a surprising twist, leaned forward with a discerning gaze. "Alicent, hear me out. I see potential in Thereya. She possesses qualities that would make her a strong and capable queen. If we guide her, mold her into a ruler we can influence, she could be a powerful ally."

Alicent, taken aback by her father's unexpected perspective, considered his words carefully. "Thereya has the makings of a good leader, but I won't manipulate her for our gain. She deserves the chance to shape her own destiny."

Otto, his cunning mind contemplating the possibilities, responded, "I merely suggest we guide her toward a path that aligns with our interests. A wise ruler can bring stability to the realm, and with the right influence, that ruler could be Thereya."

Otto's eyes gleamed with ambition as he presented an idea. "Alicent, consider this: a marriage between Thereya and Aegon. Such an alliance would solidify our influence within the Targaryen dynasty. It could be the key to securing our position and shaping the future of the realm."

Alicent, grappling with the implications of Otto's proposal, hesitated before responding. "Marriage is a delicate matter, Father. We must tread carefully, especially considering the tensions within our family. It could either unite or further divide us."

Otto, undeterred, added, "A strategic marriage could be the linchpin we need to play the Targaryen politics. It would bind us to the royal bloodline, ensuring our influence for generations to come."

The air in the room thickened with the weight of the proposal, leaving Alicent to ponder the implications of a union that could either be a masterstroke or a perilous gamble in the intricate game of power. She couldn't decide...

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