Hearts Divided: A Mafia Love...

By gremlinsbookstash

2.5K 630 1.2K

Within the throbbing heart of New York, I find myself entangled between Cain Maverick, the formidable gang le... More

Author's Note
Meet the characters
Chapter 1 - Scarlett
Chapter 2 - Scarlett
Chapter 3 - Blaze
Chapter 4 - Scarlett
Chapter 5 - Cain
Chapter 6 - Scarlett
Chapter 7 - Cain
Chapter 8 - Blaze
Chapter 9 - Scarlett
Chapter 10 - Cain
Chapter 11 - Scarlett
Chapter 12 - Cain
Chapter 13 - Scarlett
Chapter 14 - Cain
Chapter 15 - Scarlett
Chapter 16 - Blaze
Chapter 17 - Cain
Chapter 18 - Scarlett
Chapter 19 - Scarlett
Chapter 20 - Scarlett
Chapter 21 - Blaze
Chapter 22 - Cain
Chapter 23 - Blaze
Chapter 24 - Scarlett
Chapter 25 - Cain
Chapter 27 - Cain
Chapter 28 - Scarlett
Chapter 29 - Scarlett
Chapter 30 - Scarlett
Chapter 31 - Blaze
Chapter 32 - Cain
Chapter 33 - Cain
Chapter 34 - Scarlett
Chapter 35 - Scarlett
Chapter 36 - Scarlett

Chapter 26 - Scarlett

19 5 0
By gremlinsbookstash

I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked in the mirror and saw that the bite marks were barely noticeable. At first, I was shocked when Diane took off my makeup, but her foundation did a much better job of covering them up than mine.

It was to be expected. With the constant glare of lights shining down on her while she danced, her foundation had to be perfect. It was meant to conceal any and all imperfections.

"There you go," Diane said with a radiant smile, pointing at my reflection. "You can still observe them from a short distance, but hopefully no one gets too close," she mentioned.

"Next time I have to buy makeup, I'll definitely take you with me. You've done an incredible job!", I told her.

Diane's face lit up with joy as she happily accepted the invitation. We exchanged smiles before she excused herself and exited the suite. I quickly checked my reflection in the mirror before making my way onto the ship, not really sure what my plan was other than to avoid Cain as much as possible. But deep down, I knew I was being unjust towards him.

As the sun showed its last colors on the horizon, I walked along the decks of the colossal cruise ship. The sound of crashing waves and the hum of the engines blended perfectly, creating a symphony of peace that enveloped me like a cozy blanket.

As I stood in my sheer dress and draped my shawl around my shoulders, the fading daylight caught my hair, creating a fiery halo. Stopping to admire myself in a window, I was pleased to see that the bites on my skin were no longer visible.

I closed my eyes and imagined myself alone on the cruise, surrounded by strangers instead of the people I had gotten involved with. All I could feel was pain, confusion, and a sense of regret. After this whole ordeal was over, I made a mental note to avoid Cain's coffee shop during work breaks or after hours. The guilt of my actions weighed heavily on me, and I considered escaping from it all as my only option.

I was running away again.

My eyes widened with wonder as I wandered the majestic corridors of the floating palace, taking in every sumptuous detail. I was delighted to discover each inviting salon, with its stately furnishings. Curiosity led me up the luxurious staircase, its polished brass banisters gleaming in the moonlight. Reaching another deck, I paused to gaze at the endless expanse of sea. The hum of the ship's engines filled my ears, and the distant laughter of the ballroom seemed to echo through the night air.

I leaned over the railing, my hair dancing in the salty sea breeze, as I watched the shimmering waves below. The foamy trail of the boat stretched to the edge of the world.

I strolled through multiple lavish corridors before reaching the hall where Cain had mentioned the event was being held. Everyone in attendance was dressed extravagantly and seemed to be acquainted with each other. I spotted Ash mingling with several guests, her green off-the-shoulder dress accentuating her figure flawlessly. Instead of approaching her, I made my way to a quieter corner where I could observe the majority of the room.

I admired the whole room and wondered how many people had worked to build the ship and what kind of wages they had received. I was a little curious if the workers were getting the money they were entitled to, as it looked like a lot of hard work. I laughed to myself, remembering the headlines I used to give to news stories about this when I worked in the press. They were so bland and unattractive from my point of view, but people still clicked on them.

A waiter much younger than me stopped in front of me, and I grabbed a glass of champagne from his tray before he bowed and left. On the dance floor were a few people who looked like they had known each other forever.

As I scanned the room, I couldn't help but notice that most of the people around me were armed. Guns and knives seemed to be the preferred choice, even for the women in attendance.

I shut my eyes, desperate to believe that it was all in my head. But the truth was undeniable and there was no way to deny it any longer.

It was undeniable that Cain was the one arrested back then. And that meant I had willingly entered a dangerous situation. I wrapped my shawl tighter around me, feeling uneasy. Now I understood what Jacob had warned me about these gatherings not being suitable for everyone. As I observed the attendees more closely, I couldn't help but notice some similarities to people I had written about. And if my instincts were right, I was in serious trouble.

As I was getting ready to leave the lounge, someone suddenly wrapped their arm around my waist and pulled me closer to them.

"There you are," Cain said gently.

He was very attractive dressed like that, and the scent of Dior invaded my nostrils.

"I searched everywhere for you. It felt like you were intentionally avoiding me," he said, his sleeves rolled up to expose his tattoos. I couldn't help but glance at his arms, bringing back memories of the night we spent together. The touch of his hands on my neck still sent shivers down my spine and made my nipples tingle. He must have felt it too because he pulled me in closer as if to hide them from those around us.

"I took some time to explore the ship. I've never been on a cruise ship before, so I got a bit carried away," I explained to him.

I didn't exactly lie, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him the whole truth. The situation was a tangled mess because Blaze didn't physically drag me into the bar or force me to drink. It was all my choice, willingly accepting everything he offered.

"Do you like it so far?" He asked, his body suddenly tense. I followed his gaze to see Blaze's disapproving expression behind me. He was not pleased with what he saw.

"Let's go", he said through clenched teeth, pulling my hand.

Instead of leaving, I lingered just a bit longer, my gaze fixed on Blaze. The intensity in his eyes made me want to move closer to him. I was about to take a step forward when Cain's voice broke through my thoughts once more.

"Scarlett," he said with irritation. I hurried to follow him, momentarily forgetting about the bruises on my body.

----- ♡ -----

Cain gazed at the shimmering ocean, the moon's light casting a glow upon his face. His features seemed even more striking at this moment.

"Did he bother you?", he asked me.

"No", I lied, avoiding his gaze." I didn't know he was here", I continued, watching him light a cigarette. "Can I have one, please? I left mine in the room".

Without a word, he passed me the cigarette case and I plucked one out before lighting it. We were sitting on the empty deck of the cruise ship, enveloped by the tranquil darkness of the night. Leaning against the railing, we both gazed out at the breathtaking view in front of us. Our cigarettes glowed like tiny stars in the dim light, and the lingering scent of tobacco added to the intimate ambiance. In that moment, everything else faded away except for the gentle rhythm of the ocean's tides.

Without saying a word, Cain reached for my hand and our fingers intertwined. An electric current seemed to flow between us as our skin made contact. His touch was both gentle and possessive, conveying his tenderness towards me. Despite the cool night air, our connection radiated warmth.

Cain put out his cigarette in an elegant ashtray on the table next to us, yet a hint of smoke remained in the air between us. I couldn't take my eyes off him as he reached for my cheek and drew me closer with a sensual touch. The world around us seemed to fade away, leaving only muffled noises and muted colors as our lips came together in a kiss that lasted until the last wisps of smoke vanished into the darkness of the night.

The kiss was filled with passion, a testament to the strong connection between us. I surrendered myself completely to his embrace, feeling him hold me with a possessiveness that made my heart race. Our lips moved in unison, and my hands instinctively wrapped around Cain's sturdy shoulders, sensing the power beneath his clothing.

Our mouths parted for a brief moment, and Cain's eyes locked on mine.

"I've been waiting for this moment all night", he said, his voice low and husky with longing.

I gave a silent nod, my voice caught in my throat as Cain's lips met mine once more. Our kiss was intense, our bodies entwined in a dance of longing. At that moment, time seemed to freeze as we surrendered ourselves to each other.

He leaned in, pressing his forehead to mine and closing his eyes. After a few moments, he pulled away with a gentle touch.

"Let's go ", he said excitedly, "I have a surprise for you".

----- ♡ -----

I cautiously stepped through the gold-plated corridors, following Cain's powerful footsteps to his VIP suite. An unspoken tension filled the air, thickened by a decadent mix of perfumes and colognes. The dimly lit room seemed imbued with expensive luxury, with intricate furnishings and plush fabrics begging to be touched. A tightness settled in my chest as the door closed behind us, enveloping us in a cocoon of privacy.

Carefully orchestrated lighting bathed the sumptuous furniture and expensive décor in a fiery, golden hue. I gazed out the enormous windows, then beyond them at the enchanting view of an inky ocean under a full moon. Heavy curtains surrounded the windows, creating a tapestry of rare beauty. The coffee table, a shiny surface that mirrored the dim light, held a glass and decanter both empty.

As I stepped further into the room, I was struck by the decadence of the king-size bed in the center of the space. Its four carved wooden posts were trimmed with fringed velvet drapes, and the soft mattress was covered with a duvet and pillows of varying heights, colors and textures.

Cain beckoned me to take a seat on one of the nearby sofas. I did as he said. I was feeling increasingly uneasy so I absentmindedly raised my hand to my neck, fingers searching for the familiar shape of the ring I always wore on my necklace. As soon as I noticed its absence, a wave of panic washed over me. It had been so long since I had taken it off, and now the emptiness of my neck without it was all too apparent. The feeling was unfamiliar, but it was soon overshadowed by Cain as he took a seat in front of me. His gaze was intense, filled with longing and desire. With a gentle movement, he unfolded the velvet box that was grasped in his hand; inside was a Cartier Love bracelet that caught and reflected the light of the chandelier above.

My happiness came crashing down like a massive wave when I understood the significance of the gift he had given me. The bracelet was too extravagant and held too much meaning. I looked back at him, meeting his intense gaze.

"I can't, Cain", I whispered. "It's beautiful, but... it's too much".

"Consider it a thank-you gift for coming here with me", he said.

I desperately wanted to convey that I felt unworthy of the bracelet and that I would follow him anywhere, but he gently took the bracelet out of its box and placed it around my wrist. With a gentle touch, he lifted my chin and kissed me once more with intensity.

"It was something I felt I had to do", he said after parting his lips from mine.

I gazed at him, unsure of how to respond. But Cain didn't give me a chance to speak as he pulled me in for another intense kiss. The fiery connection between our lips erased any doubts or fears I had, and my body was filled with euphoria and desire. Any reluctance I may have had was gone in an instant.

With a quick motion, I unbuttoned his vest and tossed it away. Then, I focused my attention on the buttons of his shirt, methodically undoing each one. His hands roamed freely over my body as the low neckline of my dress allowed easy access to my breasts. The touch of his fingers made my nipples tingle as he slowly pulled down the straps of my dress, exposing more skin. I arched my back in pleasure, giving him better access to explore my body further.

"It's been forever since I've felt your touch," I moaned as Cain's lips found their way back to my neck. My fingers tangled in his hair, cherishing the sensation of his undercut.

Everything was progressing smoothly, until he suddenly came to a halt. A surge of uncertainty and dread overtook me as I met his gaze. His pupils were dilated, fixated on my bare neck. My heart dropped into my stomach - it was evident that he had noticed the cruel marks left by Blaze.

I locked eyes with Cain, his intense glare sending my heart racing. Fear gripped me as I wondered if this would be the end. His anger was palpable, seething from every pore. My throat felt like sandpaper and my voice trembled as I tried to explain myself, desperately hoping to calm the fire in his gaze. But nothing could extinguish the relentless fury burning in his eyes.

The atmosphere in the room grew heavy, suffocating my attempts to explain myself. Cain's silence loomed like a black hole, ready to swallow me whole.

"Cain, please let me explain. It's not what you think. Blaze... I tried to stop him, but...", I tried to say.

Cain stood motionless, his fury emanating from him in an unspoken barrage that rendered my words useless. I begged with increasing desperation, each syllable a plea for reconciliation and a chance to repair the shattered connection that was unraveling right in front of me.

My eyesight became hazy and I felt a stinging sensation behind my eyelids, as if tears were about to overflow and stream down my face.

Once again, he gazed at me with the same expression he had in the park. His jaw was tight and his words were gritted through clenched teeth.

"I have things to do", he said succinctly. He straightened up and stepped away from me, fastening his shirt as he headed out of the room.

The sound of the suite door slamming echoed through my body, leaving me completely isolated. Collapsing onto the plush velvet couch, I clutched a pillow tightly in an effort to find solace. Tears flowed freely down my face, choking my throat. The overwhelming emptiness of being alone consumed me, its cold grip tightening around me.

The moon's ethereal light cascaded over the ocean, teasing me with its enchanting allure. My quiet murmurs were barely audible against the overwhelming noise of my own suffering.

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