Meet a real King of the Monst...

By Tomeo17

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(Godzilla x Kaiju Girls crossover) He was a monster. Even among monsters, he was the most dangerous creature... More

Prologue: Something is rising
Chapter 1: A New World
Chapter 2: The King meets the Kaiju Girls Part 1: First Impressions
Chapter 3: Godzilla vs the Empire Part 1
Chapter 4: Godzilla vs the Empire Part 2
Chapter 5: The Pandora Raiders
Chapter 6: Godzilla vs the Empire Round Two Part 1
Chapter 7: Godzilla vs the Empire Round 2 Part 2
Chapter 9: A couple of Bats helps the Rebels' Prison Break
Chapter 10: The Trap Part 1: Battle at Two Fronts
Chapter 11: The Trap Part 2 The Plans and the Traitors
Chapter 12: The Trap Finale: The Pit
Chapter 13: The King meets the Kaiju Girls 2: 2nd Impressions and introductions.
Chapter 14: Godzilla vs the Empire Round 3 Part 1
Chapter 15: Godzilla vs the Empire Round 3 Part 2
Chap 16: Godzilla vs the Empire Round 3 Pt 3-Godzilla vs Megatron
Chapter 17: Godzilla vs the Empire Round 3 Pt 4
Chapter 18: I Am Tired
Chapter 19: Clash of Titans
Chapter 20: Long Live The King
AMV-I'm So Sorry

Chapter 8: The God of Destruction

1.7K 38 168
By Tomeo17

3 hours later. . .

Ahsoka had a feeling Hera had bad news when she contacted them. That wasn't the Force telling her that. It was written all over the twi'lek's face when the hologram came through. Their simple plan had gone off the rails a bit. It wasn't anyone's fault but that wasn't comforting. They had taken out the Orbital Gun, they no longer had to worry about it shooting the invasion force down. Any hope of using it themselves against the Empire's blockade though was starting to seem remote.

All because of one Imperial Officer who had somehow guessed what the goal of their attack had been.

"Is there anyway to fix the targeting system?" Ahsoka asked urgently.

"Not in time for the invasion," Hera sadly informed her. "That Imp really did a number on it. Several laser bolts straight through the targeting processor, it's completely fried. Donnie and Raf agree that we'd need a new one. As it stands, this gun is blind and on top of that, the power outage has decreased its cycling rate. Even if we get a lucky shot, the next one will probably miss when the Destroyers try to move out of range. Only bright side is the complex's own power source is holding, meaning we should still have the same damage output. Kinda useless when we can't even hit the backside of a bantha."

Sienna shared a look with Hakoda. The Water Tribe chief seemed to understand what the two Faunus were thinking, something most likely picked up when they travelled the Galaxy together for three years. He leaned towards Hera.

"Does Donatello have the schematics of the Orbital Gun?" he asked. Hera turned to him with a raised eyebrow but nodded. "Then there is a way we fix the gun." he stated. 

"How so?" Ahsoka asked. "Long before the Great War, Remnant used to have two brother gods. Light and Darkness. They're responsible for Salem and the shattered moon. When they left, they left behind physical forms of their gifts to the mankind of Remnant. Knowledge, Creation, Destruction and Choice."

Sienna spoke up. "Should someone take one of these Relics they can use it. To gain knowledge. To create or destroy something of their choosing." he explained. 

"How do you know of this?" Hera asked. Sienna shrugged. "It became public knowledge when the Empire ended the war and revealed the existence of Salem. If we get our hands on the Relic of Creation, we could build a new Orbital Gun."

"If that's the case, why hasn't the Empire used it to create a war machine?" Kannan asked.

"Because there are drawbacks," Hakoda replied. "For Knowledge, the Relic can answer three questions in every hundred years. Creation is that we have to be very detailed on what we want made, hence the schematics. But there is another thing. Only one creation from the Relic can exist and the current creation is the Kingdom of Atlas. If we intend to use it, the city will fall from the sky."

"There is another way." Adam declared. "The White Fang have looked through Imperial files of bases they have here on Remnant. One of them is hundred and fifty miles west of here. The files we got on it are blacked out, but they mention something of an alien shuttle landing here years ago. They don't have much information other than that it's from an alien race the Empire believes to be extinct."

"You want us to break into an Imperial Base, break out an alien prisoner that might be the last of its kind and use it against the Empire?" Hera asked.

"More or less," Adam shrugged. "It's either that, we try to look for the Relic and end up dropping a city of hundreds of people using it, or try to find a way to fire a blind gun at the blockade of Destroyers above us."

"Well when you put it like that," Ezra muttered before holding his head and falling against the wall with a scream of pain. Kannan held a hand over his chest while Ahsoka placed a hand on the side of her head.

"Ezra! You alright?" Sabin asked in concerned.

"Kannan?" Hera asked. "What's wrong?"

"There's. . . a great disturbance in the Force," Kannan said between pants.

"Like hundreds of people are crying out in terror," Ahsoka added.

"And being burned alive," Ezra finished in horror. Hera and Sabine shared a look of concern. That wasn't good.


Princess Azula held her temples. Beside her, Darth Vader stiffened and his head turned to the side. 

"Lord Vader, Princess Azula," Winter ran towards them, her face pale. "You need to see this," she said, offering her Scroll with a shaky hand. Azula rose an eyebrow while Vader showed no visible reaction as she reached for the Scroll.

Union City

Union City. It was a blend of all kingdoms and nations. Benders, non-Benders, humans and Faunus. It was also the birth place of Margret Carter who became the world's first Super Solder and one of the first superheroes during the Great War.

The quiet, peaceful night is broken when loud sirens and alarms are heard throughout the city.

Half a mile from the city in the bay, water began to bulge as a blue light glowed beneath the surface. Out of the foam rose Godzilla. The male Saurian Kaiju roared as he rose out of the water and crashed through a bridge in front of him. His jaws parted and he let out a haunting roar.

Time to make good on his promise to Captain Carter.

"People of Remnant, this is Steve Martin of Remnant News." A news reporter said as the event is broadcasted live on television for the whole world to see. "A Kaiju is attacking Union City, something that has not happened in nearly a decade. The Kaiju seems to bare a resemblance to the Kaiju Girl known as Godzilla but has no human resemblance whatsoever other than its upright posture."

"The Kaiju is making its way to the shore. The military is scrambling to defend the city. Evacuations are starting to take place but with the military not being effective against this Kaiju, it may not be an option. The monster does not look phased by the missiles and lasers fired at it at all."

Caine and the remaining Troopers and Decepticons were watching the rampage, broadcasting on their Scrolls and a TV screen. Yang woke up on a stretcher. Red flames flickered at the corner of her eyes. "What's going on?" she asked before she saw the footage of Alpha Predator One rampaging through a city. ". . . Forget I asked." she muttered, laying back down.

The city now only evacuated 30% of its people ten minutes into the attack as Godzilla wades through the buildings towards the center of town. With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound, Godzilla pulled the high tension wires down. He can see the humans running in the streets as the soldiers try their best to evacuate them with others trying to drive the Kaiju off with their weaponry or Bending attacks, but nothing helped as they get crushed by Godzilla's foot or buildings falling on top of them and it was pure chaos as Godzilla just went through buildings as if they were made of tissue paper. A crowd of people ran down a street as cars, trucks and trains were flying from past the intersection.

Helpless people on a subway train scream as Godzilla looks in on them. He picks up a bus in his hand before throwing it back down. His spines glowed neon blue and he began spewing his Atomic Breath across the city. Fires spread through the city, bridges fell and explosions ignited everywhere he went.

He felt something hit his foot and saw that he had stepped on a railroad and a train had slammed into his foot. Opening his jaws, Godzilla leaned down and picked up a part of the train and held in the air before crushing it with his jaws like a tin can. He walked onto a street where crowds of people were fleeing for their lives. Godzilla growled as he stepped on two handfuls of the people before he spun around, his tail crashing through the buildings around him like a wrecking ball. Then he reached the center of the city, there stood a statue of Captain Carter. He growled at the statue before he reached up and grabbed its head. He then broke the stone head off. Spinning around, Godzilla Tail Whipped the statue and broke it off its knees. He stared at the head in his hands before he crushed it to rubble and roared to the heavens.

"The Kaiju has turned Union City into a sea of fire," Steve stated in dread at what he was seeing. "For all those seeing this on TV, this is not a work of fiction. This is real. A Kaiju is attacking Union City. I'm saying a prayer. A prayer for the whole world. May the gods help us."

Suddenly the Kaiju turned to look up towards the news helicopter. "The Kaiju has spotted us. There is a very high chance it will kill us as well. This is Steve Martin of Remnant News Network signing off for the last time. Goodbye everyone. To my friends and colleagues, I'll tell my wife you said hello. Goodbye."

And then Godzilla blasted the helicopter out of the sky and the feed cuts off.

 Monster Island 

The Kaiju Girls watched through a big screen as they are watching the death and destruction that the male Godzilla was doing in Union City while Minilla was trying to copy the male Godzilla roar. Such an innocent child. Godzilla wanted to hug her close and make sure she never grew up to end up roaring while a city burned around her.

"I know he kicked our asses," Godzilla stated to her friends who watched the screen in horror. "But we got to do something if he's doing this to a city that hasn't provoked him in the slightest."

Mothra schooled herself and when her blue eyes met Godzilla's she wasn't sure what was in her gaze. Was that rage or horror she was trying to control from what she had seen. "Biollante and I will contact Miki and she'll send a message to the Empire. It will be the full moon in a few nights." Ah, of course. It was rage. Godzilla briefly wondered if she should feel sorry for the male Kaiju being on the receiving end of Mothra's rage or not. Especially since she's been on the receiving end two times in her life. (At least that people know of.)

"Someone should come with you," Gamera said. "Your ancient art may not be enough, even with the power of the Moon."

"Perhaps I can be of assistance."

Godzilla turned her head and her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the speaker.

 Atlas HQ 

Ironwood and the others watch Alpha Predator One destroying Union City after they gotten word of the destruction of the power station and the death of Captain Carter and Commander Zhao. "Well, consider Alpha Predator One's threat level to be changed to Level Demon."

Ironwood hadn't thought it could get worse after the destruction of the Animan Airfield. Now with the power grid disrupted and Union City destroyed in these latest attacks, he was starting to ponder every other possible way it could get worse. He started to wonder who was more of a nervous wreck, him or Jacques. The Overseer just couldn't stop pacing around, frantically rubbing his hands together and hyper-ventilating like his windpipe was going to close up suddenly. It didn't help that Darth Vader and the Shredder were looming over them all from afar with Megatron and Princess Azula. Vader was the most unnerving with his helmet's black vicious eyes staring at them. Even though you didn't see much of an expression on compared to Shredder, Ironwood could tell he was not pleased. He was beginning to think that was just Vader's normal emotional state, unpleased.

"This can't keep going on, Ironwood." Jacques stated at long last. "At this rate we're going to lose every installation and city on this planet!"

"If you honestly don't think I realize that, Overseer, then you're severely misjudging me," Ironwood snorted back. "Clearly we are dealing with an abnormal Kaiju. That much has become apparent. Fretting how bad things are going will not solve it. We need to formulate a better strategy to-"

"You have been formulating strategies continuously," Darth Vader interrupted harshly, slowly approaching as he did. "So far, you have failed to deliver on any of them. In the process you have cost me a considerable portion of my own Stormtroopers. We have lost two vital facilities, compromising this project's security and hardly anything you've done has achieved any tangible results."

"Considering your war record, General," Azula stated. "these developments are rather. . . disturbing."

Ironwood's eyes went to Vader's lightsaber, where the dark-armored Force User's hand rested uncomfortably close to it. He did his best to hide his fear of the weapon, although he doubted he was succeeding.  There was something about Vader, the way he looked at you, that emotionless metal face bearing down on you, it felt wrong. He knew knew you were afraid of him, of what he could do. And Ironwood imagined he enjoyed that, probably one of the few things he did enjoy.

"My Lords, Princess, please, understand," He tried to argue. "This. . . thing isn't like anything we've ever faced compared to the mother of Godzilla a hundred years ago. We have done the best we can given the circumstances."

"If that were true, the Kaiju would already be dead," Megatron countered, no hint of sympathy within his voice. "Your excuses do not interest us. We came here to insure the completion of the project, not to watch you repeatedly fail to dispose of this potential threat."

"Perhaps it is time we throw caution to the wind," Winter suggested. "We can bring some of our Star Destroyers down to the surface. That would give us an advantage against the monster."

Darth Vader turned to the Atlassian Specialist menacingly and she gulped nervously while he glared at her direction. "Your actions have already weakened our defenses sufficiently enough," Vader declared. "We will allow you to pull ships from orbit and further endanger this project. With our power grid disrupted and the majority of the TIE fighters on the planet destroyed, we can ill afford placing more defensive resources toward this hunt. So long as this Kaiju's path is pointed away from this Kingdom and facility, we will hold the Star Destroyers in reserve."

"But maybe Specialist Schnee has a point, Lord Vader," Jacques interjected. "Who could possibly know of our work here? Of the Zillo Beast and Godzilla Cloning projects? Not even our men outside this Kingdom are aware of it."

"Do not presume that you know anything, Overseer," Shredder shot back viciously. "You have already consistently proven that you do not. The safety of this project is our only concern. That includes all potential threats. On Remnant and off."

Jacques backed away, finally shutting up. Ironwood mentally sighed in relief. Maybe they could go through this meeting without a lightsaber activation. Or a display of blue fire. Or a gun or blades pointed at them. He wouldn't argue the use of Star Destroyers, but perhaps they wouldn't need them. Not in his new plan.

"My Lords, Master, Princess, if I may," the Atlassian General began. "I have a new strategy that has a high chance of success. However, to implement it, I need to force the Kaiju's path to divert away from its present course."

Azula rose an eyebrow. "And how do you plan to accomplish that?" she asked.

"Our last reports place Alpha Predator One heading towards our test site for the Zillo Beast," Ironwood informed the Fire Nation Princess. "I believe a strategic defense force there will force the Kaiju down a different path. One that will lead it into a trap. I've already set the wheels in motion. All we need to do, is hurt the Kaiju enough and then have it chase us. From what I've observed, it seems to have a sense of vengeance if you will."

"That's not all it has, ladies and gentlemen."

Everyone looked to the elevator and saw Dr. Serizawa rushing in, towards them. He looked slightly frantic as he moved towards them, making his way towards the General's desk. In his hand, he held a data disk tightly.

"Forgive my intrusion," he requested. "But you all need to see this."

He lightly pushed past the group and plugged the disk into the desk. Within moments, a diagram of Alpha Predator One appeared in the space between them with various graphs and streams of data surrounding it. There was also a representation of a power reactor next to the holographic image of the Kaiju. Lines were flowing between the two, traveling into Alpha Predator One.

"The latest information we received from the power station attack made me realize something," he began to explain. "The Kaiju went to that power station for a reason. It wasn't random at all. He needed something there. The reactor core. It's why he was chewing on it, why he dragged it away. It was the sole reason he came there."

"Why would he want a reactor?" Winter asked. "To use it as a giant chew toy?"

"No, as an energy source," Serizawa shook his head and replied in a dire and fascinated tone. "The Kaiju feeds off radiation. It powers him in fact. The Atomic Breath he has is different than then the female Godzilla, it is not blue fire but some kind of radioactive ionized beam!"

He further illustrated his point by changing to another graph on the data disk. This one showed one of the Kaiju's cells being damaged by electricity in a small enclosed box.

"Working with the facts I knew to be true, I formulated a hypothesis," he stated as he pointed to the hologram. "Shockwave shocked Alpha Predator One's cells with two thousand volts of directed electrical current. Sufficient enough to severely damage it. Under circumstances it would heal in twenty minutes from this. I then subjected the cells to high concentrations of radiation from Dust powder."

The hologram showed the results of the test. The radiation hit the cells and within moments, they began to heal over, reconstruct themselves. Using a time lapsed feed, Serizawa showed that less than eight minutes, the cells were completely healed as if nothing had happened. Everyone, save for Vader, Megatron and Shredder, stared in disbelief.

"Incredible," Winter observed. "Radiation is actually beneficial to this Kaiju."

"Could the radiation increase the Kaiju's other abilities as well?" Ironwood asked curiously.

"It is a reasonable assumption," Serizawa answered. "This thing soaks up radiation like a sponge and uses it to feed, heal and empower itself. The reason those dorsal fins cooked those Jumptroopers alive is because if was releasing radioactive heat emissions. Like a reactor when it is venting."

Flipping to another graph, this one depicting Alpha Predator One with a large hole in its torso and possible representation of the Kaiju's insides. A very strange looking muscle was in the place of the heart. Looking far more complex than any animal and appearing to be some kind of large interconnecting organ with veins reaching out to every part of the body.

"This is a crude rendition, the inside of the animal probably looks nothing like this," Serizawa admitted before continuing. "But my theory is that inside this Kaiju is the organic equivalent of a radioactive core. It regulates the radiation the Kaiju absorbs and distributes it across its body. That powers the Atomic Breath, the pulse attack, its healing factor and who knows what else. If true, then this Kaiju is no mere mutation. It is a highly evolved, advanced life form."

"All very fascinating," Vader finally spoke up, his tone not fascinated at all. "But would you care to explain how this assists us in destroying it?"

"Well, ideally we would have a better shot if we could cut him off from radiation entirely." Dr. Serizawa responded without missing a beat. Despite his own opinion, Serizawa knew that containing this male Kaiju was no longer an option after Union City. "Not a lot of cities use reactors like the power station did. But Dust emits low frequency of radiation. Cutting him off from that source completely could be incredibly difficult."

Ironwood started scratching his head, suddenly realizing something that didn't make much sense. "Wait, if this thing can absorb radiation, how come it hasn't started doing that with the radiation in Dust?" he asked. "He could power himself instantly."

"Well the radiation is widely dispersed in small quantities of Dust, maybe it's not as reliable  a method, that he has to constantly gather large amounts of Dust crystals to gain enough radiation," Serizawa considered. "There is also the possibility that he is also unaware of this. That he isn't consciously able to pinpoint the power source, again, because it is widely dispersed. But if that is true, it presents another question."

"Why would a Kaiju that evolved here not already know it could absorb radiation from crystals in the ground?" Winter fielded, the reality of that thought hitting her hard. "Dr. Serizawa, are you suggesting that this thing is quite possibly not native?"

"Unfortunately yes," Serizawa admitted sadly. "We know for a fact it is aware of this absorption ability as it went for the reactor for that purpose. It can probably sense radiation in mass quantities but has a problem with more widely dispersed terrestrial emissions. Its body is probably passively absorbing the radiation though, it's working at a slower rate, but it would explain its rapid recovery from some of our more successful hits. Of course, if it really isn't aware of the power source in the ground beneath its feet, if it isn't native, then we have to start asking the real big question. That being, where did it really come from?"

The thought hit Ironwood hard. This thing was possibly alien? If that was true, who sent it here and why? How, even, without any of them knowing? Was it recent? Was it here for centuries, sent by some ancient civilization and only just woken up? Did Rebels find it somewhere and smuggle it in to Remnant? No, that all sounded too ridiculous to be true. Something else must be at work here.

Not that Darth Vader seemed to care.

"The origin of this Kaiju is irrelevant," he announced. Azula seemed to get over her own curiosity of the matter and nodded in agreement to her master. "The only concern you must preoccupy yourselves with is killing it." she said.  

"Cut him off any source of radiation somehow. If this is the key we've been searching for, we must act upon it," Megatron stated, his hand clenching into a fist. "Destroy this abomination so we may return to the far more important matter of completing the cloning projects."

"Continue with your plan, General Ironwood," Shredder permitted. "When we all meet here next, you best be prepared to spring your final trap and end this. We will tolerate no more disappointments."

With that, they marched away, Vader and Shredder's cape flowing behind them as they left. Serizawa suddenly heard his Scroll buzzing and he pulled it out of his pocket. The same occurred to Winter.

"Ms. Saegusa has been contacted by Mothra and Biollante," he says to Ironwood. "They are going to intercept Alpha Predator One."

"And the Hero Association is willing to send Omni Man and the Guardians of the Globe." Winter declared.

"Those Kaiju Girls have already faced this male," Jacques said. "Why should they bother facing him again?"

"It will be the full moon soon," Serizawa replied with a glare at the Overseer. "Mothra and Biollante will be more powerful at night."

"Very well," Ironwood said to the scientist before turning to Winter. "Make sure everything is ready at the test site before that Kaiju is even within two miles," he ordered her. "We need to get on top of this if we're going to lure him to the trap. I'll use Serizawa's information to revise the final plan. Make sure the troops on the ground are informed of all relevant information."

"Yes, sir." Winter concurred, moving briskly to follow through with his orders.

As Ironwood turned back to his desk, Jacques suddenly grabbed his shoulders briskly. "We need to do everything we can to make sure this works, James," he said to the General. "We have to put this extended hunt to an end. The more time we waste on this, the less time we have to complete the project by the deadline."

"Leave the matter of this Kaiju to me then and we shall end it," Ironwood assured him.

"I've been leaving this matter to you for a while and all you've managed to do is get me in even hotter water with Lord Vader and the others." Jacques argued. "We've already had enough spanners thrown into the works already with them here and this monster hunting business isn't helping."

Ironwood pulled his arm away from Jacques and dusted it off.

"Just let me handle this," he reiterated. "I'm charge of the military here after all. This is my department. I don't need you telling me how to do my job. Not with the Lords here with the Master and Fire Nation Princess."

"You're the Commander in Chief, yes, but I'm the Lead Administrator," Jacques reminded him angrily. "Everything you do reflects on me. Lord Vader has already made it clear he doesn't think highly of me, every one of your failures is just making it worse."

"I have not failed yet, Jacq," Ironwood glared back at the white haired man indignantly. "So just keep out of this and get back to doing administrative work instead. Relax for once and stop trying to butt into everything I do."

Ironwood walked away to the window of his office, not in the mood to hear more of Jacques' consistent badgering. As if he didn't know that every missed opportunity to kill this thing was making them and the Atlas Military look bad. It was making them all look bad. Jacques only cared about that in relation to himself though. Ironwood wished he'd just cool it already, before he said or did something really stupid. He was becoming more and more of a nervous wreck and it was not helping anyone.

Ironwood just hoped they'd get through today, that the operation would go as planned. Then they'd be rid of this damn Kaiju and be back to working on their own before too long. So long as everyone played their part and people like Jacques Schnee kept out of it.


It was more than two hours since Godzilla rampaged through Union City when the Saurian Kaiju had sensed that he was being followed. He sniffed the wind. Aliens. Two of them. A fish man. An Amazon. A two humans. A speedster. And. . . a cave man. . . ? Okay that last one, Godzilla doesn't have much experience with. Other than Vandal Savage.

Godzilla shrunk down to be seven feet tall and ten feet long before he walked into a river. He swam to the middle of the river and submerged. He sank down to the bottom. He waited for a few moments before the superheroes were closer and slowly began to move towards the shore similar to a crocodile or an alligator.

Something he learned from Waylon Jones and Dr. Curtis Connors.

He saw the superheroes-The Guardians of the Globe arrive at the shoreline, close to a deep part of the river where he was laying in wait. Omni Man (Superman with a mustache that looked like J. Jonah Jameson), Martian Man (Green Cone headed Mr. Fantastic), Aquarius (Blue man with a fish head), War Women (Wonder Woman with a Mace) , Darkwing (Black Batman), Red Rush (French Flash), Green Ghost and the Immortal (Super Abraham Lincoln).

The Immortal, huh? Godzilla rose an eyebrow. Let's put that name to the test. And see how fast Red Rush is.

"Show yourself!" challenged the Immortal. Well, since you asked so nicely.

With a propel of his tail, Godzilla launched himself out of the water like an alligator and lunged towards Immortal, only for a red blur, or rather a Red Rush push the Immortal out of Godzilla's path. He spun 180 degrees and Tail Whipped Omni Man and War Woman a few meters back before he landed on his feet.

"Well, here I am," Godzilla said in a deep, guttural voice, spreading his arms out and his lips curling upward slightly.

"You're going to pay for Captain Carter and the people of Union City," War Woman declared.

"Carter and the people who died paid for the death of Spiderman." Godzilla growled back. "Blood for blood."

"Don't act like you knew Spiderman," Immortal said.

"I should say that to you," Godzilla shot back. "The Multiverse is vast, but there are consistencies and I know that Peter Parker would look after the little guy until he dies."

"You know of the Multiverse?" Red Rush asked.

"If he was killed by one of his enemies, I would have just killed them and every criminal in the city," Godzilla ignored the speedster. "But he wasn't, and I could not ignore that he was killed by another superhero. And for that, the punishment was tenfold. Captain Carter will be judged for her crime in the realm of the deceased and those that died in Union City may or may not oversee the Super Soldier's punishment."

Godzilla raised his tail once and slammed it down, entering a fighting stance. "Now, I'll say this once." He growled. "Stand down, walk away and live."

A blast of water from Aquarius splashing in his face with the pressure of ten riot hoses and enough to push him back two inches was his answer.

Godzilla shook his head before blocking War Woman's mace twice and ducking down to dodge a third swing. He swung his claws towards her throat before Red Rush moved her away. The Saurian Kaiju glared at the red blur before he was hit by three explosive boomerangs from Darkwing. Looking up, he saw the vigilante riding on a hoverboard. Something he knew Bruce Wayne wouldn't do.

His dorsal fins glowed blue, and he shot his Atomic Breath. Darkwing managed to dodge the blue stream of radioactive death by six inches. Before he could chase the human superhero with his breath attack, the Immoral gave him a haymaker to the face and his Atomic Breath fired towards the river.

He lunged to bite down on the bearded man's throat before Red Rush moved Immortal away from his fangs. Before Godzilla could try to chase after them, War Woman slammed her mace against his left temple with a loud CLANG! The impact actually left his ears ringing.

Perhaps War Woman was more like Hawk Girl without wings.

Red Rush then began to run circles around Godzilla, creating a cyclone of dirt around Godzilla, obscuring his vision in a ten-foot radius. He looked around warily, remembering the fights he had with Barry Allen and Wally West back on Earth.

As he turned to the right, he was punched by Omni Man. Then he was kicked by the Immortal from the left. War Woman came and hit him at the back of the skull. Omni Man punched him in the knees and water blasted out of the ground like a geyser, launching Godzilla into the sky where Omni Man, Immortal and War Woman were hovering. All three of them slammed their fists and mace down on Godzilla's chest and stomach and sent him crashing down with a THUD! Darkwing then tossed explosives on him before they exploded.

Godzilla simply stood up and dusted himself off and closed his eyes, breathing deeply. He began to see a pattern of who attacks him.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5-

Omni Man punched him in the chest with both fists.

6, 7, 8, 9, 10-

The Immortal kicked him in the right flank.

11, 12, 13, 14, 15-

And then War Woman slammed her mace into his jaw.

Opening his eyes, Godzilla let out an ear-splitting roar while stomping his foot on the ground, sending a shockwave that cracked the ground and Omni Man and Immortal flying as were Darkwing, War Woman and Aquarius and Red Rush tripped on one of the cracks in the earth before getting back up. The red speedster then switched from defensive to offensive.

He punched Godzilla in the face from two different directions with his superspeed while the rest of the Guardians were getting back to their feet. Godzilla then faked a look to the right, knowing Red Rush would come from the left. His clawed hand shot up and caught Red Rush's fist. He turned back and placed both of his heads on the sides of Red Rush's head. In response, Red Rush began punching Godzilla's chest at superspeed.

Now, in the back of his mind, Godzilla remembered that one of his children had asked some superheroes who had superspeed on how they saw the world. One of had explained that their perception was different and that was no different than for Red Rush. Even the briefest conversation could feel like hours.

For the Guardians and Godzilla, it happened under three seconds. For Red Rush, his glasses shattering, his hands breaking as he punched Godzilla's chest, his eye popping out of its socket before his skull was crushed, it all felt like it was under twelve hours.

Blood splattered on Godzilla's face and hands while Immortal and War Woman cried out, "NOOO!"

Martian Man ran and wrapped around Godzilla's legs like a robber band and both Omni Man and the Immortal flew and punched him in the jaw, knocking him off his feet. He simply rolled back to his feet, stretched his legs and made Martian Man go slack. 

Godzilla ducked under three explosive shuriken that exploded upon hitting a tree. He looked at the direction they came and saw nothing. His tail shot up behind him and wrapped around Darkwing's ankle before swinging down and slamming the human superhero down on the rocky ground with enough force to break his nose. He lifted him again slammed him down with enough force to shatter his skull like glass before tossing his corpse at the Green Ghost who caught it.

"Oh no," the Green Ghost muttered in horror at the fact she was holding a corpse of one of her closest friends and at the realization that now that she made physical contact with someone, she was no longer transparent. Godzilla then stabbed the Green Ghost's head with his claws.

With a yell of anger, Aquarius fired a blast of water at Godzilla who turned around and blocked it with Green Ghost's body.

"Are you alright friend?" The fish man asked Martian Man who rose to his feet.

"I'll live," the alien huffed.

Godzilla grunted as War Woman hits him in the head again, but this time Godzilla Tail Whipped her away and caught her mace. Swinging it, he slammed it into Omni Man's face and sent him flying to a nearby waterfall. He dropped the mace and pounced on Aquarius. Holding his arms down, Godzilla clamped his jaws down on the fish man's head and ripped it off. He rose to his height and gulped down the blue fish head like an alligator eating a gar. 

Martian Man stared at the headless body in horror before roaring in anger. Godzilla responded with his own roar before the Martian stretched and wrapped around the Kaiju's arms.

Both War Woman and the Immortal began punching him in the face. Godzilla would give them respect and credit where it was due. But War Woman should have realized that her mace hits harder than her fists. He felt something wet run down the tip of his snout and licked it. Blood.

"All of that for a drop of blood." He grinned at them before biting down the Martian wrapped around his arms. Unfortunately for the Guardians, Godzilla bit down on Martian Man's head and ripped it off.

The Immortal moved to punch the Kaiju, but Godzilla punched a hole through his chest, causing him to stagger back. War Woman let out a battle cry before Godzilla grabbed the back of her head and slammed her on the ground, cracking the earth beneath them.

Godzilla tossed the unconscious woman aside and jumped towards the waterfall. A short moment later, he jumped out with the unconscious Omni Man in his grasp. As he landed on the ground, he saw some distant flash of light in the far south. He dismissed it and walked towards the kneeling Immortal.

"I know what it's like to lose," he said, quoting a Mad Titan he had encountered and fought many times over the years back on Earth, had been mind-controlled or even allied with him in some cases. "To feel so desperate that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless." he walks towards the Immortal. "It's frightening, isn't it? It turns the legs to jelly, your heart pounds in your chest so hard you can hear it in your ears. I ask you to what end? You can dread it; you can try to run from it, but destiny still arrives all the same. And now it's here." he stopped in front of the Immortal and tossed Omni Man to the side. "Or should I say, I am."

". . . What are you?" The Immortal asked, coughing up some blood and wheezing.

Godzilla tilted his head at him. "I am inevitable. And you have failed the test." The last part made Immortal raise an eyebrow. "You are not immortal."

He then used his claws to cut the Immortal's head off. When it rolled to his feet, Godzilla raised his foot up and stomped on it like it was a bug. 

". . . Y-You don't seem to understand. Remnant isn't yours to conquer."

He paused and turned to see Omni Man standing back up. "Ah yes, I was wondering what would break first." he remarked as Omni Man flew to him but Godzilla easily sidestepped him and Tail Whipped him to the ground. "Your spirit," he continued as he reached down, grabbing the Viltrumite by one hand on his neck and the other on his leg then he lifted the alien superhero above his head. "Or your body." He then slams Omni Man's back on his knee and there was an audible SNAP before he dropped him on the ground.

 With that said and done, Godzilla snorted dismissively before turning away and growing back to his natural size.


"That was all glorious," Queen Ghidorah declared in awe with a laugh. Destroying an entire city, and killing a handful of powerful superheroes. This male Kaiju continued to impress her.

"Man, I would love to see him kill more like he did just now." Gigan cackled.

"You may have a chance very soon," Monster X said. "Two Kaiju Girls are closing in on his location with a male Kaiju."

"Really? Which one is it?" Queen Ghidorah asked, eager to see her future king fight the Kaiju Girls again.

"The Moth, Godzilla's sister and. . . your older brother." Monster X replied. Her eyes widened before she looked at the hologram intently.

"Now this is going to be the best part."


Godzilla stared up at the shattered moon when he sensed their presence and more importantly her anger. He morphed into his human-hybrid form and his lips curled up ever so slightly to reveal a mouth of sharp teeth.

In the early years of knowing her, an angry Mothra was a creature Godzilla did not want to encounter. Especially if it involved her son Leo. Or any child she had instantly grown found of, like Peter Parker, Tim Drake, Mantis, a new recruit of the Power Rangers, or even his own children, etc. After being turned human along with other Kaiju however, Godzilla found some enjoyment in making the shorter, benevolent Goddess of Peace lose her composure and erupt like Mount Vesuvius.


He turned around and sat on his knees and placed his hands on his lap. He didn't have to wait long as he saw the form of a woman with moth wings flying in the night sky with Biollante walking on the ground beneath her and a man with large dragon wings flying beside her.

A familiar scent hit his nostrils. One he knew all too well and hated more than the Mad Titan. More than Darkseid who killed many of his kind millions of years ago and corrupted his Queen. More than Brainiac who imprison him and his Kaiju brethren. More than HYDRA who captured his youngest heir. More than Doomsday who crippled his friend from flying. More than the Red Devil Kaiju who killed his second born. More than the Clown who almost killed his brother in arms with his venom. More than Trigon who possessed his sister and Venom who used his daughter as a puppet. More than humanity whose arrogance had destroyed the earth.

"You must be really angry at me if you're willing to fight alongside him of all people." Godzilla growled as he glared at a man with blonde hair, dragon horns, large golden wings, a forked and spiked tail, golden scales and crimson red eyes. Someone he recognized no matter what form he took.

King Ghidorah.

What Godzilla did not know was that this variant of King Ghidorah was not a tyrannical planet destroyer or conqueror like the one he knows and hates back on Earth but a Guardian Kaiju and exiled from Queen Ghidorah's empire.

But even if Godzilla was told that, he wouldn't give a damn. Old grudges die hard.

Mothra said nothing as she landed on the ground with hardly a sound and pulled out a pair of scythes from her belt. 

Godzilla rose an eyebrow. No words? . . . Okay, now I must have really pissed her off. He thought and took a step back. A cloud began to block out the moonlight and then both Kaiju Girls and male Kaiju charged at Godzilla. 

He blocked their weapons (Mothra and Biollante) and fists (Ghidorah) with his own hands and tail. Ducking and dodging, blocking and leaning back to avoid being cut by Mothra's scythes and Biollante's spear.

Ghidorah did a gesture and suddenly the ground beneath Godzilla's feet launched him into the air. 

As Godzilla was in the air for a couple of seconds, he saw a familiar superhero running towards him. Saitama/Caped Baldy (Still wondering why he was called that and who came up with that).

"Kaiju-san! I am here for a rematch!" Saitama called out.

Godzilla landed on the ground and looked down at him before glancing at Ghidorah. "Very well, I shall take you both on."

Saitama grinned before jumping towards Godzilla as Ghidorah moved to attack him from the left. Godzilla didn't know whether to be insulted or not.

"Killer Move-Serious Series: Serious Punch!" Saitama shouted as he swung his fist. Godzilla ducked down however, and he punched Ghidorah in the face instead.

Godzilla quickly spun around and Tail Whipped Saitama to the ground before stepping on him. He ducked under Biollante's spear before his tail shot up and wrapped around the shaft and pulled the weapon out of her hands. He stabbed the spear into the ground and began to punch Biollante. Right hook to the face. Left jab twice. Cross. Backhand. Uppercut and followed by a punch to the gut.

Biollante staggered back before she recovered and threw her own fists. Godzilla blocked each attack before kneeing her in the stomach, grabbing her by the shoulder and threw her face first into the shaft of her spear and she fell to the ground.

"You still have much to learn, little sister." Godzilla said. His tail shot up and Tail Whipped Saitama away when he had jumped behind him.

Ghidorah made to fight him hand to hand but Godzilla blocked most of his attacks before attempting to do the same. But to his surprise this Ghidorah blocked most of his attacks. The two leaned back from each other, entering different fighting stances. They stared at each other like Bald Eagles before Ghidorah straightened and held his fist in his palm.

Godzilla rose an eyebrow before he actually returned the gesture. They had a short stare down as if waiting to see if one of them was going to be backing down before Ghidorah let out a yell and sent a couple of punches towards Godzilla's face and chest. Godzilla blocked them both with relative ease and parried a couple of kicks to his legs with his tail. He jumped high in the air and kicked at Ghidorah's face who blocked and parried each. When Godzilla landed, Ghidorah jumped up and mirrored the same attack. Soon their fists became a blur as they both attacked each other while at the same time defending themselves. The Saurian Kaiju spun around, swinging his tail at the Dragon Kaiju-Human's face who ducked down to dodge the appendage only to receive a blast of Atomic Breath to the chest.

Godzilla then let out a sound of surprise as he was hit by a massive tidal wave of water from Mothra and knocked off his feet. Ghidorah did some gestures with his hands and parts of the earth launched towards him. 

Then the moon came out.

Godzilla batted two giant boulders with his fist and tail. He moved to deflect more before his arm froze in mid swing. Both his arms and his whole body froze in place.

God damn it. Not again.

Why does one of his opponents have the ability to freeze him in place?

He looked and saw that it was Mothra. She had her hands up and her wings seemed to glow in the pale moonlight. She moved her hands side to side in push and pull gestures and suddenly Godzilla was moving in sync with her hands. Godzilla roared in both surprise and pain as he felt his body move against his will.

Mothra glared at him with angry blue eyes before he was launched backwards and his spines stabbed into the side of a nearby mountain.

Saitama jumped towards him from the ground. He thrusted his fist and it looked as if he grew over a dozen fists that slammed into Godzilla's chest a large indent appeared on his ribcage with a sickening CRUNCH as he was pushed into the mountain.

Godzilla coughed up blood as Ghidorah made the earth close up around him. He then started to roar in agony as he felt as if someone was moving his heart and lungs around in his torso and squeezing them tightly.

Ghidorah then began to bend the rock layer around Godzilla into a layer of molten rock. The Saurian Kaiju roared in slight pain before going into agony again as Mothra and Biollante were Bloodbending his insides.

Saitama punched Godzilla in the head again and again. Over and over he did this. Each hit released a shockwave and the mountain began to crumble behind the entrapped Saurian Kaiju male. The first seven punches Godzilla brushed off. The next seven started to make him dizzy. The next started to make him feel a skull splitting headache. Right hook. Left hook. Uppercut. Hammer blow. Mothra and Biollante were not helping with their blood magic. Drops of blood flew from his mouth along with a couple of teeth.

Godzilla gritted his teeth as he began to charge up his Nuclear Pulse. His spines glowed and then the glow spread across his body. Had his body not been covered by rock (molten or otherwise) his opponents would have thought he was turning into some blue elemental.

"That doesn't look good," Saitama deadpanned as he stood on top of Godzilla's head. Ghidorah saw the glow and called out to the bald superhero. "Sir, get back!" But it was too late. Godzilla let out a roar before a massive explosion erupted from his body, blasting Saitama off his head and into the air and the molten rock off. The following shockwave knocked Ghidorah and the two Waterbender Kaiju Girls back as a large mushroom shaped cloud rose into the sky.

Monster Island

"What is that?" Godzilla asked, looking to the distance.

"It's a. . . giant mushroom," Junior stated, tilting her head in confusion. Minilla and Athena tilted their heads at the distant cloud in confusion with the Kaiju Girl toddler making a cute coo.

Meanwhile. . .

Mothra and Biollante rose back up to their feet, brushing some trees off of them. Godzilla was making his way towards them, his burns from the molten rock healing up. Both Kaiju Girls lifted their hands up and began to Bloodbend his body again.

Godzilla roared out as he was forcefully stopped in his tracks. He growled angrily and gritted his teeth. He has killed gods, fought his way out of Hell itself. He was the master of himself. No one else. Not even Mothra.

Roaring in defiance and determination, Godzilla slowly raised his foot up and stepped forward with great effort. He moved his other foot forward and began to walk towards Mothra and Biollante with less effort in each step he took.

Both Kaiju Girls were being filled with disbelief. The male Kaiju was fighting through their Bloodbending. They looked up briefly to see if the moon was behind a cloud but saw none. How was this possible? No creature had ever resisted their Bloodbending save for the Avatar in the Avatar State.

Mothra Bloodbended his heart, making Godzilla nearly buckle in pain. Biollante unleashed large plant tendrils that shot from the ground and snaked around Godzilla's right leg, arm and some of his dorsal fins. He reached with his left to break the tendril off before Ghidorah grabbed his left arm and held it in arm lock. Godzilla gritted his teeth and tried to continue walking forward, dragging the male Dragon Kaiju and snapping off the vines.

Saitama jumped past his legs and punched both his knees in one swing while Mothra squeezed Godzilla's heart. The Saurian Kaiju gritted his teeth as he buckled but continued to march forward. Saitama went behind him and grabbed onto his tail and started to walk backwards to try to pull Godzilla backwards or rip his tail off. Whichever works.

Mothra gritted her teeth as her arms shook. She then got another idea. She dashed forward and placed her hands on the side of Godzilla's face.

"Sleep!" she demanded as her antenna glowed. Godzilla's eyes widened as he felt the urge to sleep. He recognized what this was and began to shake her hands off. His tail slammed down on Saitama before swinging into Ghidorah.  He pulled Biollante off the ground and tried to slam her into Mothra but the Moth Kaiju Girl moved out of the way and maneuvered onto his shoulders. 

"Sleep!" she ordered but Godzilla tried to shake her off. "SLEEP!!" she shouted at the top of her lungs while Godzilla let out a thundering roar that would have struck fear in the Midgard Serpent and even in the hearts of the most insane criminals of Gotham and the villains claimed to have no fear.

He swung his tail up and knocked Mothra off his shoulders. Godzilla panted as he stumbled away from Mothra slightly. Mothra panted from the effort she had put into using her Semblance.

Godzilla pulled his sword out and pointed it at the Moth Kaiju. Mothra rose back up and pulled out her scythes. The two Kaiju stared at one another before charging.

Their blades clashed and sparks flew. Mothra stumbled back from Godzilla's powerful blows while Godzilla advanced on her. She attached strands of silk to the handles of her weapons and spun them at Godzilla like chains.

The Saurian Kaiju ducked twice before one of the blades managed to cut him on the shoulder. He glanced down at the cut and snorted in mild amusement. They then locked blades with Mothra leaning back and Godzilla towering over her.

"Okay, I'm getting tired of this," Godzilla stated before his tail wrapped around her wrists and pulled her weapons out of her grip. He then grabbed her by the throat and body slammed her on the ground.

Mothra winced in pain before moving her head to the side in order to dodge Godzilla's snapping jaws. He had no intention of killing her, simply give her a reminder to stay out of his way.

Suddenly he felt something stab into his collar and a burning pain shot through his arm. Looking down, he saw a stinger protruding from Mothra's wrist and stabbing his collarbone. He released his grip on her throat and stepped away from her while the Moth Kaiju gasped for air and coughed while rubbing her throat.

For a moment, Godzilla forgot that he wasn't on Earth and that this wasn't the Mothra he knew very well. At once he felt ashamed and betrayed. He may have some enjoyment of making Mothra angry or even frustrated, but he never intended to strike fear in her. Especially after becoming close to her. She would only use her stinger as a last resort. Or filled with fear and acted on instinct. Mothra stared at her sheathing stinger and up at the Saurian Kaiju. "I-I didn't mean to-" she stammered but Godzilla zoned out her words and began to walk away. His hand started to tremble, even as he morphed into his Kaiju Form. His vision blurs for a second before he shook his head to clear it.

". . . So, until next time?" Saitama called to Godzilla from where he stood. He then he remembered. "It's Wednesday! King would have bought a new video game today!" With that he ran as fast as the wind.

Whew! I swear, a part of me wants to make each chapter longer than the last. Actually, I had to cut it here because what I originally wanted to include would have made it longer than it already is.

(Sighs tiredly.)

Recap time.

The Rebels report about the Orbital Gun to Ahsoka. Discuss what to do about. Sienna and Hakoda propose about the Relics. Adam proposes an alternative that doesn't involve the destruction of a city. (Character development!) And then the Force Users sense a great disturbance in the Force.

Godzilla makes good on his promise to Captain Carter. He is a man. . . Kaiju. A Kaiju of his word. Notice the references to the Blue Oyster Cult song? Or to the Minus One Trailer? And I added Steve Martin before killing him off.

Ironwood and the Imperial leaders discuss a new strategy. Or at least the beginnings of one. Dr. Serizawa reveals that Godzilla absorbs radiation for an energy source and considers the possibility of Godzilla not being native to Remnant.

I don't want to spoil too much for the coming chapters but Jacques Schnee is going to do something INCREDIBLY stupid.

Godzilla fought and killed majority of the Guardians of the Globe save for War Woman (Which is better than being betrayed by Omni Man), broke Omni Man's back like Bane did to Batman and we know The Immortal will eventually come back.

The little flash of light in the distance? That was a certain pair of siblings finding a certain boy in the iceberg at the South Pole.

He fights Saitama again along with Mothra, Biollante and GMK Ghidorah. (In case that wasn't obvious.) Experiences Bloodbending and manages to fight through it with sheer determination. He defeats them all and leaves. Is he okay? Hopefully. I'm sure he'll be fine by the next fight with the Empire.

Next Chapters: The Rebels go to a man Adam knows for help of infiltrating the mentioned Imperial base. The Pandora Raiders will arrive soon and Godzilla will fight the Empire at sea.

Until then take care.

Tomeo17 out.

It's 9:40 at night by the time I get finished writing this. So I won't be doing behind the scenes.

Good night.

(Falls on a bed with enough force to make one of my dogs bounce off it.)

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