70s Island Flower Survivor

By NotSoAweSam

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Gu Ling has just been reborn, and her marriage is stolen by her stepsister! Her stepsister Gu Ya is familiar... More

Chapter 1: Reborn At The Age Of Twenty
Chapter 2: Want To Get Back Her Salary
Chapter 3: Gu Ling Raised Her Hand And Slapped Gu Ya!
Chapter 4: This Chapter was Locked
Chapter 5: Caught Cheating!
Chapter 6: The Gu Family's Scandal Broke Out!
Chapter 7: Gu Ling's Luggage Was Thrown Into The Sea!
Chapter 8: The House On The Island Has Collapsed!
Chapter 9: Big Mango! Coconut Water! So Delicious, It Has No Friends!
Chapter 10: Make Gu Ling Fall
Chapter 11: Fragrant Grilled Fish, A Large Basket of Crabs
Chapter 12: Gu Ling Must Be Starving, Right?
Chapter 13: Did Gu Ling Die Of Illness Today?
Chapter 14: Gu Ling Isn't Worthy Of You!
Chapter 15: Various Precious Mushrooms, Delicious To The Point Of Tears!
Chapter 16: Gu Ling, You Are Really Bad
Chapter 17: The Legendary Male God On The Island
Chapter 18: Grow Food On The Island
Chapter 19: Truth About Mother's Accident
Chapter 20: Making Ships Earns Big Money
Chapter 21: Island In Danger
Chapter 22: Gu Ling Lowered Her Head And Kissed His Leg
Chapter 23: The Most Delicious Meat I've Ever Eaten in My Life
Chapter 24: Confess Your Love to Educated Youth Gu!
Chapter 25: Liu Yanchen Is Not Capable In That Aspect!
Chapter 26: It Was Sun Xiulan Who Killed Gu Ling's Mother!
Chapter 27: Lu Yanchen, Why Are You Staring At Me?
Chapter 28: Lu Yanchen Picked Up Gu Ling Horizontally
Chapter 29: This Pearl Is A Lot Like You
Chapter 30: I Plan To Marry Her, But I Haven't Won Her Over Yet
Chapter 31: Ling Ling, Be My Superior!
Chapter 32: It Would Be For The Best If He Couldn't Do It!
Chapter 33: Gu Ya Was Beaten Until She Became Deaf!
Chapter 34: I Have Someone Now
Chapter 35: If You Die, I Will Marry Someone Else Immediately!
Chapter 36: Did Mom Also Lose Hope Like This?
Chapter 37: Gu Ling Hugged Her And Cried Bitterly
Chapter 38: That's How Expectations Disappear Little By Little
Chapter 39: Lu Yanchen Pressed Down And Kissed Her
Chapter 40: Let's Get Married!
Chapter 41: Get A Marriage Certificate
Chapter 42: Good In Every Way, Including That Aspect
Chapter 43: It's The Bridal Chamber!
Chapter 44: Find A Way To Make Money!
Chapter 45: I am Gu Ling's Father
Chapter 46: Deadbeat Father And Wicked Stepmother In Jail!

Chapter 47: Complete Text

4.5K 120 29
By NotSoAweSam

On the day when electricity was connected, Gu Ling's eyes were actually moistened. 

These seemingly simple two words were the result of their long and hard efforts. Thinking back to the first day they arrived on the island, they didn't even have a shelter, and everywhere was wilderness. After dark, it was pitch black, and occasionally there were night cries of small animals, which was quite frightening.

But later on, they caught fish, picked fruits, built houses, dug wells, planted vegetables and crops... Gradually, more and more people came to the island. 

This island became more lively. It was still the island that Gu Ling initially liked because it had the sea, an abundance of fruits and seafood, air carrying the salty smell of the sea, and the peace and purity far away from the bustling urban area.

There was her mother, her friend Li Haixia, Sun Pingfang, and others. 

Of course, there was also a man she liked very, very much—Lu Yanchen.

Regarding the electrification, Gu Ling thanked Lu Yanchen sincerely. She prepared a special table of dishes. Now that there were more and more supplies on the island, Gu Ling could make a variety of dishes. She asked Lu Yanchen to help her make a stone pot, and she cooked a fragrant stone pot fish, a braised chicken with preserved plums, sweet and sour spare ribs, stir-fried vegetables, mango rice, and sweet wine lychee soup.

A table full of delicious dishes made both Yang Shan and Lu Yanchen stare in amazement. The flavors were truly enticing! 

 Although Yang Shan and Lu Yanchen were not the kind of people who paid much attention to indulging their appetites, the dishes made by Gu Ling were so tempting that they couldn't help but want to eat and salivate!

During this time, the two children from the neighboring house of Chief Yu couldn't help but climb over the wall and ask, "Uncle Lu, Aunt Gu, it smells so good!"

Gu Ling smiled at the children and handed over a bowl of extra sweet and sour spare ribs, saying, "Take it back and enjoy."

The two children were extremely happy. At noon, when Peng Xiaoyue came back from the canteen under the scorching sun, she couldn't resist the tempting aroma of the ribs and asked, "Where did the ribs come from?"

Chief Yu also returned and calmly said, "Next door for the children to eat."

Peng Xiaoyue's face immediately dropped. She was growing more and more resentful towards Lu Yanchen and Gu Ling. 

However, Chief Yu frowned and warned her, "No matter what kind of person you were before or what intentions you had when marrying me, from now on, behave yourself! Learn from Gu Ling and do more things that are helpful to the community! Don't spend your days just being jealous and speculating about others!"

Peng Xiaoyue blushed and replied, "I'm not!"

But she didn't dare to argue too much. After all, she married the Chief.

Despite her anger, Peng Xiaoyue went back to her room and cried. Of course, no one bothered to console her.

In the next room, the Gu Ling family enjoyed a delicious meal. After finishing her meal, Yang Shan went out. She also had things to do. The island gradually saw the arrival of many military families, all bringing their children. Yang Shan began teaching classes for those kids.

Seeing his mother-in-law leave, Lu Yanchen became a bit mischievous. He looked at Gu Ling with a playful smile and said, "Wife, why did you make so many delicious dishes today?"

Gu Ling smiled and said, "To thank you for your hard work in the electrification project, Lieutenant Lu, you've done so much."

Lu Yanchen followed her, collected the bowls, and put them in the kitchen. From behind, he embraced her and said, "But you didn't make me my favorite."

Gu Ling, feeling his embrace, dared not move and asked, "What do you like to eat?"

The man lightly kissed her ear and said, "You."

Gu Ling's heart trembled at his words, "I haven't made that dish before."

Lu Yanchen turned her around, gently pinched her chin, and looked into her eyes with deep intensity. "Just the way you are."

After saying this, he lowered his head, captured her lips, and, taking advantage of the fact that his mother-in-law wasn't around, became even more unrestrained.

In the end, Gu Ling couldn't say anything. She was entangled by him and taken to the bedroom. Once the door was closed, he behaved like an uncontrollable wild leopard, charging forward as if there was an endless reserve of strength in him.

Fortunately, Gu Ling gradually became immersed in a cloud of confusion. Her emotions were led by him, repeatedly swept away by the waves.

Afterwards, when Lu Yanchen regained his senses, Gu Ling leaned over and coquettishly said, "You have to promise me one thing."

Lu Yanchen raised an eyebrow, "Isn't this your way of thanking me?"

Gu Ling blushed, "But we just did it twice."

Lu Yanchen couldn't help but laugh and flicked her nose, "So, according to you, from now on, every time means I owe you one?"

Gu Ling huffed, "If you don't want to, forget it."

She tried to get up, but her waist was held down, and Lu Yanchen said, "Oh, how could I forget it?"

Gu Ling pretended, "Just forget it. I don't need your help. I can handle my own affairs."

After saying these angry words, she was pinned down, and Lu Yanchen's eyes were full of smiles. He kissed her on both cheeks and said, "Then I'm begging you, please, Lady Gu Ling, give me a chance to be of service, okay?"

After coaxing her for a while, Lu Yanchen finally made Gu Ling laugh and she said, "I want to build a road. The paths on our island are still narrow, and I hope we can have a wider road."

Originally, she was afraid that building a road would take up too much of Lu Yanchen's time. However, she knew that she couldn't do it alone, and it would take too long. 

Unexpectedly, Lu Yanchen agreed without blinking an eye.

The next day, Lu Yanchen gathered his men and shared his idea of building a road.

"This won't take up our mission time. Can we allocate some of our rest time to this?" 

Ding Shaoyang was the first to oppose, "Leader! Building a road is hard work. Why do we suddenly need a road? There are no outsiders coming here!"

Lu Yanchen glanced at him and sighed, "Your sister-in-law wants to build a road..."

Ding Shaoyang nearly jumped up.

"Sister-in-law wants to build a road? Then let's build it! What kind of road is it? Braised pork, stewed ribs, or hot pot?"

Lu Yanchen laughed and kicked him, "It depends on your sister-in-law's mood!"

The road was quickly under construction. With many hands, it took less than a month. Initially, some were unwilling, feeling it took away their rest time. Who wouldn't want to relax and lie down when they had free time? Why voluntarily spend that time building a road?

But over time, seeing others working on the road, they felt embarrassed not to contribute.

Everyone joined in to build the road.

Until the road gradually took shape, becoming a broad and beautiful avenue that extended from the pier, crossing half of the island!

With the road completed, those who had bought bicycles from the mainland could now freely ride them on the island.

However, it wasn't until autumn that everyone truly understood the significance of this road.

Along the roadside, Gu Ling planted sunflowers. When autumn arrived, the sunflowers were in full bloom. Riding a bicycle on this road, one could enjoy the view of the nearby sea on one side and the flourishing sunflowers on the other. At the end of the road, the once barren land had been cultivated by Gu Ling and her team. On the left side were crop fields, and on the right side, closer to the sea, was a vast garden.

Every seed in the garden was purchased by Lu Yanchen for her. Gu Ling devoted herself to sowing, watering, weeding, observing the growth of the plants, fertilizing them in a timely manner, and transplanting them. Day by day, time proves everything.

Sometimes she felt that those flowers were like her and Lu Yanchen's feelings, starting from a tiny seed, growing into a small sprout, gradually maturing, blooming, and eventually becoming a flourishing garden.

In the golden autumn, sunflowers were in full bloom, adjacent to a field of chrysanthemums displaying a riot of colors – green, yellow, white – creating a lively and vibrant scene!

A few scattered osmanthus trees were planted nearby, emitting a pleasant fragrance. Butterflies fluttered around the garden.

Not only Gu Ling but even tough guys like Ding Shaoyang couldn't help but stop and admire the beauty.

There is an inherent human desire for beauty, but sometimes, when it is unattainable, the yearning for beauty in the heart remains dormant.

But who wouldn't want to immerse themselves in such a paradise-like scenery?

The sea and the garden, the gentle breeze and the sunshine – as soon as one sits in the midst of this landscape, all worries are forgotten.

Over the course of five years, Gu Ling, along with her mother Yang Shan, crafted a garden that occupied nearly half of the small island.

Initially, many people mocked them, saying they were oblivious to the hardships of life and questioned the purpose of cultivating flowers. Some suggested they should plant more vegetables and crops instead.

Until one day, visitors to the island witnessed the enchanting beauty and spread the word. Soon after, unfamiliar tourists began to arrive.

Everyone was astonished when they saw the garden on the small island.

Following that, poets, journalists, and artists flocked to the island.

The boat that connected the mainland and the small island saw constant traffic. From a few visitors every few days, it eventually turned into a daily occurrence. Everyone praised it, calling it a veritable fairyland!

The island's specialties, such as dried fish, sea cucumbers, sweet potatoes, sugarcane, mangoes, coconuts, etc., were in high demand and sold extensively on the mainland.

In spring, there were peach and pear blossom forests on the island; in summer, vast lotus fields; in autumn, sunflower and chrysanthemum seas; and in winter, the island remained pleasantly warm, with the sandy beaches becoming the primary attraction. The boundless sea, a sight visible throughout the year, added to the island's beauty.

In these past few years, Lu Yanchen has repeatedly achieved meritorious deeds. After Regimental Commander Yu was temporarily reassigned, Lu Yanchen became the new squad leader. Moreover, during a large-scale operation to capture fugitives, he single-handedly captured five escaped criminals!

Despite sustaining serious injuries, Lu Yanchen gained widespread fame and became a celebrated combat hero praised by major newspapers and television stations. He even received the country's first-class medal of honor!

With his handsome appearance and rugged demeanor, Lu Yanchen not only filled the Lu family with pride but also stirred the hearts of eligible women across the nation. Who wouldn't want to marry such a man?

At night, Lu Yanchen would press Gu Ling into the blankets and say, "I belong to you, forever and always."

During moments when Gu Ling's mind flashed with white light, she would occasionally think that in this new life, after confidently being herself, the entire world seemed to have changed.

Her mother was found, and her current husband was completely different from the one in her previous life.

She used to think that loving someone meant making efforts to treat them well. Now she knows that by loving oneself first, others will come to love you.

In the second year of marriage, Gu Ling became pregnant. She didn't feel troubled during pregnancy, maintaining her usual lifestyle. Even during childbirth, she didn't endure much hardship.

However, when she gave birth to the child, Lu's family traveled by train from the capital to the island.

Initially, the entire family was somewhat upset. Lu Yanchen was going too far! After getting married, he didn't return home. Shouldn't he at least take leave to visit his family later on?

He continually refused to go back, and it must be because his wife wouldn't let him! 

Such a wife must not be a good one!

The entire family harbored complaints but were pleasantly surprised after arriving on the island.

After hearing the enthusiastic islanders talk about how the island had become what it was today, all thanks to Lu Yanchen's wife, Gu Ling, the Lu family was almost in disbelief!

Since then, the Lu family visited the island every year, and their happiest days were the vacation days on the island.

Gu Ling's first child was a daughter named Lu Yu, the most beautiful child on the entire island. She was welcomed with open arms from the moment she was born. All the boys on the island surrounded her, and nearby aunties and older women loved to vie for the chance to hold her.

While others found raising children exhausting and didn't want to hold them, Lu Yu, from the day she was born, was constantly being carried by someone. Even when Gu Ling wanted to hold her, there was always someone else eager to do so.

When the second child was born, he turned out to be an adorable little boy, and Gu Ling named him Lu Feng.

Once Lu Feng was born, Lu Yanchen took him on excursions when he was just one year old, hardly spending any time at home. 

 Initially worried that the child was too young for such activities, Gu Ling gave up when Lu Feng, at the age of two, was trained to climb trees like a little monkey.

Anyway, with someone taking care of the children, she focused on her own little island construction.

In the past, when she lived with her father and stepmother, every day seemed endless. But now, in this new life, time seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye. Immersed in happiness, she couldn't feel that she wasn't eighteen or nineteen anymore.

The reform and opening-up policy of the 1980s had gradually reached the island.

A large quantity of island specialties flooded the mainland, improving people's lives, and the number of tourists visiting the island increased.

Gu Ling entered the tourism industry, and all the inns on the island became hers.

As time passed, Gu Ling's story of building an island spread across the country. Numerous newspapers and TV stations reported her story.

Gu Ling's island became one of the top tourist destinations in the country. Countless writers and painters described Gu Ling's island as a heavenly and blessed place. 

 If one could stay there for a few days, it would be unforgettable for a lifetime.

Some people said, "When you lose interest and confidence in life, go to Gu Ling's island!" 

In the year Gu Ling turned forty, it was already in the 1990s.

She has been living on the island for twenty years. Her daughter, Lu Yu, got into university in the capital city, studying while accompanying her grandparents. Her son was handed over to the country, and those who remained by her side were still her mother, Yang Shan, and her husband, Lu Yanchen.

During another wave of TV interviews, Gu Ling was busy in the sunflower sea, while Lu Yanchen was by her side, helping her wipe sweat and handing her water. 

The reporter's lens focused on Gu Ling, with Lu Yanchen willingly taking on a supporting role.

After this interview was broadcast on television, it once again awakened countless people's desire to cleanse their souls on the island. 

Content Warning: Suicide

People across the country saw the dreamlike island in the footage. At this moment, Gu Ya, now in her forties, lay on a sickbed, tears in her eyes.

She looked at Gu Ling, still gentle and beautiful, and Lu Yanchen willingly accompanying her on the side. She recalled the numerous achievements of Lu Yanchen that had been rewarded by the country and enjoyed national acclaim.

For a moment, Gu Ya felt a bit dazed. What kind of charm did Gu Ling possess to make such an outstanding man love her for a lifetime?

Looking at herself, she had tried everything to marry Yu Mingxin, but she never gained the approval of the Yu family.

Later, due to several plot modifications, she fell seriously ill and never had a chance to enter the storyline again. Her body deteriorated completely, unable to do anything. She spent her days in sickness. Yu Mingxin quickly got involved with other women, and when she accidentally discovered him in bed with another woman at their own home, Gu Ya was nearly driven insane.

She went through a lot of suffering, and in the end, she couldn't escape the fate of divorce.

After the divorce, she didn't get a penny and was forced to return to the Gu family's house. 

Her mother, Sun Xiulan, was sentenced to death, her father was in prison, and her only brother relied on her for support.

Gu Ya, unable to work, could only scavenge for scraps, leading a bitterly hard life for twenty years, which had long made her numb.

However, when she saw Gu Ling on TV, witnessing the host vividly describing that island.

She suddenly wanted to go there. That island should have belonged to her.

If she had been a young educated youth back then, wouldn't the island have been hers?

The more Gu Ya thought about it, the more she became frenzied. Eventually, she completely collapsed, and the next day, when her brother found her, she was hanging from a rope with no signs of breathing.

Warning Content Ends

Another person who also experienced a breakdown was Peng Xiaoyue.

When she was transferred with Chief Yu, she thought she had finally escaped the world dominated by Gu Ling.

However, she didn't expect that life remained difficult. Chief Yu's children gradually grew up, showing no kindness to her as a stepmother. They always mocked and taunted her, while harboring fond memories of Aunt Gu Ling next door, who always provided delicious food.

Peng Xiaoyue was angry every day, and this kind of life continued for twenty years. Later, whenever she saw Gu Ling on TV, her anger intensified.

The thing women hated the most was being angry, and she only understood this when she was admitted to the hospital.

She realized that from a young age, she had been angry about this and angry about that, yet she had never seen Gu Ling get angry.

What a person should do in their life might not be getting angry because being angry was pointless.

When you feel that life is tough, you should strive to take big strides forward until you step out of the prison.

Sitting on the hospital bed, Peng Xiaoyue listened to the doctor saying, "No surgery is necessary in the late stage," and tears fell one by one.


In the year 2000, Gu Ling, in her forties, led a carefree life on the small island.

By this time, Lu Yanchen had already retired. Years of missions had left him with some hidden ailments, and Gu Ling helped him recuperate. The couple enjoyed a fairy-tale-like life.

Fresh tourists arrived daily, and Gu Ling made friends from all over. Many tourists even sent her gifts after leaving.

However, one day, a lone man arrived on the island. 

When he appeared before Gu Ling, she almost didn't recognize him.

The present-day Yu Mingxin, although in his forties, had noticeable wrinkles on his face and even a few strands of white hair. His posture was not as upright, and compared to Lu Yanchen, the difference was striking.

He gazed at Gu Ling affectionately, "Ling Ling?"

Gu Ling hesitated for a moment, recalling who he was but couldn't help but smile.

In the previous life, Yu Mingxin in his forties was not like this. At that time, he had a successful career, took good care of himself, and dressed handsomely every day. In his forties, he got involved with his secretary. 

The secretary thought Yu Mingxin was wealthy and handsome, willing to compromise morals for their illicit affair.

But the secretary would never consider why Yu Mingxin had achieved so much back then. Could it really be because he was an outstanding man?

Gu Ling pondered, wondering if the present-day Yu Mingxin would still be attractive to the secretary.

Her gaze was cold as she smiled at the front desk of the nearby inn, "Xiao Chen, please take care of this guest."

With that, Gu Ling walked away directly, leaving Yu Mingxin standing there, watching her graceful figure, his eyes gradually welling up with tears.

He stayed in the inn for several days, chasing after Gu Ling's figure every day.

Even in the morning when Gu Ling and Lu Yanchen sailed out to sea, he would buy a ticket and follow them.

However, Yu Mingxin met with an accident. While standing at the edge of the boat, he gazed foolishly, and with a sudden misstep, he fell into the sea.

Struggling in the water, Yu Mingxin wondered if his dream was real.

Recently, he had been exposed to some drugs that induced dreamlike states. Each time he took them and fell asleep, he dreamt of surreal things. In one dream, he married Gu Ling, who turned out to be a responsible and capable wife. Though she was indifferent to him, she bore him two sons and helped him achieve a lifetime of glory and wealth.

However, in the dream, he betrayed her, causing her to fall seriously ill and die hastily in the hospital.

Regret surged within Yu Mingxin as he constantly questioned himself, why did he betray? Why did he betray at that time?

He also wondered if, in this lifetime, he still had a chance to win back Gu Ling.

Regardless of the possibility, he came. He wanted to see Gu Ling's reaction when he sank into the sea.

Perhaps driven by professional habits, Lu Yanchen, upon hearing someone falling into the water, immediately jumped in.

Gu Ling exclaimed, "Yanchen!!"

Clutching the side of the boat, overwhelmed with worry, her voice trembled, "Yanchen!!! Be careful!!!"

Upon seeing her concern, Yu Mingxin initially thought she was worried about him as in his dream. However, when he heard her concern was directed towards the man who jumped in, disappointment filled his heart.

Now, with nothing accomplished in his life and having picked up bad habits, what was the meaning of his existence to Gu Ling?

As Lu Yanchen went to rescue the person, Yu Mingxin struggled in the water, making the rescue much more challenging.

 Lu Yanchen was even choked a few times by Yu Mingxin's struggles. Eventually, others also jumped in to help.

However, Lu Yanchen was gradually weakened by the burden, and amidst the dizzying waves, he saw some scenes. 

He saw scenes of sacrificing himself at a young age, witnessed unexpected and unfamiliar events.

He even saw Gu Ling, lying alone in a hospital bed in her forties, passing away. 

Lu Yanchen's heart ached intensely.

Yu Mingxin was eventually rescued but was found to have abnormal blood characteristics, leading to his confinement in a rehabilitation center.

When Lu Yanchen woke up, he discovered Gu Ling sitting by the bedside, gently weeping.

She rarely cried, but this time, she was genuinely scared. Seeing Lu Yanchen wake up, Gu Ling held his hand, her eyes red, tears streaming down.

"Yanchen, don't take risks anymore, okay? You can't save everyone. What if something happens to you? What am I supposed to do?"

Gu Ling didn't dare to think further. She even considered telling Lu Yanchen everything from her past life. She wanted him to cherish himself and walk through this life with her. That, to her, would be true fulfillment.

Lu Yanchen smiled gently, "It won't happen."

Gu Ling shook her head, crying sadly, "You don't understand. You don't understand what I mean. I want you to be safe for a lifetime. I want to spend my whole life with you. You don't understand. In my past..."

Lu Yanchen reached out and pulled her into his embrace.

He kissed her cheek and said, "I understand, but don't worry. Regardless of our past lives or the next, I only want the present, this moment with you in my arms."

He held her tightly, whispering in her ear, "I love you, Ling Ling. I promise to love you and accompany you for a lifetime."

Even though we may have wasted half of our lives, in this second chance, let's flow together, passionately, until old age!

At this moment, Gu Ling looked up at him, and in that instant, everything was understood without a word.

With tears in her eyes, she softly replied, "I love you too, Lu Yanchen. I will love you forever."

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