Sycamore Tree {Complete}

By rainbowkiller0

439K 14.9K 729

The Queen is dead and her best friend is angry. Elowen Redfort, Queen Aemma's Lady-in-waiting and close... More

Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Part Two
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Part Three
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part Four
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine

Chapter Ten

7.1K 272 7
By rainbowkiller0

The next morning, Elowen had sulked in her bed for a moment longer than usual, not wishing to leave the warmth and safety the sheets offered in exchange for the cold awaiting her in the halls of the Red Keep. There was no pressing matter to attend to unless Rhaenyra called on her so Elowen resigned herself to spend her day in her chambers. Perhaps if she hid within the walls long enough she could forget that the King would announce his intent to wed Lady Laena any day, or she could ignore the churning of her stomach as she thought of how she had betrayed Aemma.

Elowen had done the unimaginable. She had fallen for her cousin's widower. She wasn't sure when it had happened or how, it had been sudden and gradual all at once, like falling asleep. All Elowen knew was that all of the sudden his laugh warmed her heart and she wished for nothing more than to trace the fine lines that deepened at the corner of his eyes when he smiled.

"My lady?"

Elowen turned to see Gretchel standing at the foot of her bed, her normally warm disposition drained from her face as she looked upon her lady.  Ingrid hovered behind the younger girl, her hands clasped in front of her so tightly that her knuckles had begun to turn white.

"Is something the matter, Gretchel?" Elowen asked, worry and concern flooding her being. "Has something happened to Gwayne?"

"My brother is fine, my lady."

"Then what is wrong?"

Gretchel opened her mouth to speak but quickly closed it, thinking better. "The King demands your presence in the Small Council's meeting chambers."

"Whatever for?" Elowen questioned as she slipped from the sheets, moving towards Gretchel.

"We have been forbidden from telling you, my lady." Ingrid answered. "May we prepare you?"

Elowen merely nodded, not knowing what to say. Her body moved on its own, allowing Ingrid and Gretchel to dress her as her mind raced for some sort of answer as to why the King would need to speak to her before the Small Council.


Elowen had never been inside the Small Council's meeting chambers, she had never passed the threshold. She had been more than happy to pass by the room on her way to see Aemma with no clue or care as to what was being discussed inside. And now Elowen stood beside the door as the Lords of the council exited the room. None paid her mind as they passed, too busy with their own conversations to offer her even a hint as to what awaited her.

"His Grace and the Hand are ready for you, my lady." Ser Harrold spoke, his eyes kind as he offered the frightened woman a comforting smile.

"Thank you, Ser." Elowen nodded to the Lord Commander of the King's Guard.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves Elowen entered the room, her eyes flitting around taking in all the details. King Viserys and his Hand, Otto Hightower, sat at the head of the grand table center of the room but quickly stood when she entered.

"Lady Elowen, I apologize for calling upon you so early in the morning." King Viserys greeted the woman, waving to the open seat on his right.

"No need for apologies, Your Grace, I fear sleep might have evaded me last night." Elowen flashed him a small smile, which the King eagerly returned as Elowen sat beside him.

"I fear apologies are in order, my lady," The Hand spoke, his voice breaking the moment between Elowen and the King. "We did not call upon you with good news."

"What is it, Lord Hand? What has happened?"

"I fear your lord husband had an accident befall him last night." Silence filled the room as Lord Otto Hightower spoke. "His body was found in Flea Bottom during the hour of the bat, it seems as if he owed a great debt to one of the gambler's dens. The Silent Sisters are preparing his body in-"

Elowen could no longer hear, it was as if her body had begun failing her. Ser Otto's words had left her utterly empty, Her husband was dead, killed for an outstanding debt.

First the Stranger had stolen her sweet Aemma, and now her husband was gone as well. She no longer had a reason to stay in King's Landing. She didn't even have children to secure her a place at Redfort, she would be forced to return to Heart's Home and rot away. 

Elowen could feel the pitying looks from the men in the room, but  couldn't hear or see them. She couldn't see the concerned look on Viserys face as she became unresponsive. She couldn't hear as Viserys dismissed his Hand. She couldn't see as Viserys slowly approached her, kneeling beside her chair.

She could feel a warm hand grabbing her own, as another cupped her cheek, tilting her head to face Viserys. She could see his lips move though no sound reached her ears. Viserys lifted the hand he held, pressing her palm to his chest.

Elowen could feel a faint heartbeat against her palm and the rumbling of someone calling her name. Her fingers twisted in the fabric of Viserys's overcoat, fearing he too might be taken from her.

"Elowen?" Viserys called for the third time. His chest felt tight with worry at the unresponsive state of his friend.

"Your Grace."Elowen whimpered.

A relieved smile pulled at his lips. "Viserys right now, just Viserys. You have earned the right to my name."

"Viserys." Her whisper filled the room like a dragon's roar, setting Viserys's body alight.

"Elowen,"  Viserys called again, his thumb caressing the delicate skin below her eye.

"Viserys what shall I do? I have no reason to stay in King's Landing now," Elowen cried. "I shall be sent back to Heart's Home."

"I would never allow that," Viserys promised. "I would rather you stay by mine and Rhaenyra's side for the rest of our lives, if it is not too selfish of me to wish so?"

"I'll gladly stay as long as I am allowed too."

"Then you shall never leave."

The two smiled at each other, neither caring for the inappropriate touches they shared. Both thought they might drift away without the shared point of contact.


Elowen's eyes fluttered open, something had woken her. Sitting up the widow looked around for a clue about what had broken her from a deep sleep. Finding nothing out of place hazel  eyes flicked to the windows lining one of the walls of her room only to see pitch darkness. Elowen sighed, accepting she would not easily find sleep again.

"Elowen?" A voice came from the foot of her bed, startling Elowen.

She pressed a hand to her chest, hoping to soothe her racing heart. Standing at the foot of Elowen's bed was the Princess, dressed only in a thin nightgown and dressing gown. Her fingers twisted together as she waited for Elowen's response.

"Rhaenyra, what are you doing in my chambers so late?"

"I heard of what happened to Lord Richard," Rhaenyra questioned. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Elowen sighed, patting the empty space beside her in an invitation. Rhaenyra didn't hesitate as she climbed under the sheets beside Elowen, leaning into the older woman's side.

"I didn't wish to burden you, Rhaenyra," Elowen explained, wrapping an arm around Rhaenyra's shoulders. "My problems are mine own."

"They don't need to be. When my mother died you put your own grief aside and comforted me, I wish to do the same for you."

That is very sweet of you, Rhaenyra." Elowen pressed a kiss to her hairline. "But it is late and we should both be asleep right now."

Rhaenyra was silent for a moment, wishing to stay in the loving embrace for a moment longer. "Can I stay?"

"I suppose so." Both women laid back, turning so they laid on their sides facing each other.

Elowen's eyes closed, trying to find sleep. She didn't feel how she thought she should. She wasn't saddened by her husband's death, more so by his absence and what it would mean. Though the room was to silent for her liking, she had long since grown accustomed to Richard's loud snores.


"Hmm?" Elowen's eyes remained closed, trying to hold onto any tethers of sleep she could.

"Don't leave," Hazel eyes flew open at that, searching out watery lavender. "You and my father are all I have left, and once he remarries I fear I might lose whatever part of him I gained after my mother's death."

Elowen grasped Rhaenyra's hand where it laid beneath them, offering her a reassuring squeeze. "It would take a great army to take me from you and even then I would fight to return to your side."

"Thank you." Rhaenyra whispered. Within minutes of closing her eyes soft snores began to spill from Rhaenyra's lips.

Elowen remained awake, watching Rhaenyra as she slept. She prayed to the Gods to remain in King's Landing, to be allowed to stay with Rhaenyra even if she could not have Viserys.

AN: Are yall liking the rewrite so far? I kinda rushed through it originally cuz I was working 40 hour weeks and taking 18 credit hours that semester so I was insanely busy at the time. Crazy how in the original we were already well into part 2.


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