Incoming Doom

By Rose_Z_NinjaMystreet

21.8K 844 674

Acronix and Crux have returned with a plan to get all four of the time blades and there doomsday device. they... More

ch 1 (re-written)
ch.2 (rewritten)
ch.3 (rewritten)
ch.4 (rewritten)
ch.5 (rewritten)
ch.6 (rewritten)
ch. 7 (rewritten)
ch. 8 (rewritten)
ch.9 (rewritten)
ch. 10 (rewritten)
ch.11 (rewritten)
ch.12 (rewritten)
ch. 13 (rewritten)
anouncement 2
ch.14 (rewritten)
anouncement 3 (im so sorry another one)
ch. 15 (rewritten)
ch. 16 (rewritten)
ch.17 (rewritten)
ch.18 (rewritten)
ch 19 rewritten
ch 20 rewritten
ch. 21 rewritten
ch.22 (recovery arc)
ch 24

ch. 23

95 5 0
By Rose_Z_NinjaMystreet

Kai sat on the edge of the training ground, a distant gaze fixed on the sparring ninjas under Master Wu's watchful eye. The rhythmic clashing of weapons and the swift movements of his comrades were a mere backdrop to the thoughts that consumed him. Beside him, Master Wu sat in quiet companionship, sipping tea.

Unbeknownst to the others, Kai was immersed in a different world. His fingers moved deftly over his phone's screen, composing a message to Neuro. The virtual conversation became a lifeline, a shared understanding between two souls who had weathered the storm of captivity.

Kai: "Hey, Neuro. Just watching the training. Feels weird being here but not really being here, you know?"

The response from Neuro was swift, a digital connection bridging the physical distance between them.

Neuro: "I get it, Kai. Everything feels different now. Like we're living in the aftermath of something we can't quite escape."

Kai nodded, his eyes briefly leaving the phone to glance at the training ninjas. "Yeah, it's like I'm here, but part of me is still back there. Can't shake off this lost feeling."

Neuro: "I feel it too. It's hard to put into words. But at least we're not alone in this, right?"

A small, grateful smile tugged at Kai's lips. "True. It helps having someone who gets it. We'll find our way back, Neuro, whatever that means."

Kai took another sip of his tea, the warmth spreading through him as he found solace in the companionship of his mentor and the understanding bond he shared with Neuro. In the midst of the training grounds, a quiet resilience emerged, forged in the crucible of their collective experiences.

Kai's phone buzzed with a new message from Neuro, and he continued the digital conversation, fingers tapping out his thoughts.

Kai: "It's tough being back, isn't it? Like you're a stranger in your own home."

Neuro: "Yeah, exactly. I thought coming back would be a relief, but sometimes it feels like I'm invisible. They're trying so hard not to upset me that it's like they forget I exist."

Kai's heart sank at Neuro's words, a pang of empathy coursing through him.

Kai: "I get that. It's like they're walking on eggshells, right?"

Neuro: "Exactly! I appreciate that they care, but it's almost overwhelming. I miss feeling like a part of my own family."

Kai nodded in understanding, his mind flashing back to moments when the others looked at him with a mix of concern and uncertainty.

Kai: "It's like they're afraid to treat you normally, fearing it might trigger something. It's a strange kind of isolation."

Neuro: "Exactly. I just want things to go back to normal, but I'm not sure what 'normal' means anymore."

Kai: "Maybe 'normal' is overrated. We'll find a new normal, Neuro. And in the meantime, we've got each other to lean on."

Neuro's reply came after a brief pause, reflecting the weight of the emotional struggle.

Neuro: "Thanks, Kai. It means a lot to have someone who understands. I'm just trying to navigate this strange, new terrain."

Kai: "We'll navigate it together. And remember, you're not alone. We'll figure this out, step by step."

Master Wu observed Kai's troubled expression, and with a furrowed brow, he decided to address the unspoken turmoil.

Wu: "Kai, what occupies your thoughts? Your silence speaks volumes."

Kai hesitated, his gaze fixed on the training ground outside. The words seemed caught in his throat, as if the weight of what he wanted to say held him back. Sensing his student's reluctance, Master Wu took a decisive step.

Wu: "Come with me."

Without waiting for a response, Master Wu led Kai to his room. The door creaked open, revealing a space that reflected the sensei's calm and collected demeanor. Kai hesitated at the doorway, his eyes scanning the room almost nervously.

Wu: "Sit."

Kai entered cautiously, choosing a seat across from Master Wu. His fidgeting did not go unnoticed by the wise sensei, who could sense the undercurrent of anxiety in his student's demeanor.

Wu: "Kai, you're safe here. You can speak your mind without fear of judgment."

Kai's gaze flickered around the room, absorbing the details almost as if assessing escape routes. Wu noted the tension in his shoulders, a silent indicator of the internal struggle Kai was facing.

Wu: "I'm here to help, not to pry. But if you're not ready to talk, let me at least tend to the physical wounds that linger."

Kai's eyes met Wu's, a mix of gratitude and wariness in their depths. Wu moved to a drawer, retrieving healing supplies. He explained calmly, "I want to check the bruising on your neck. No need to be alarmed; I won't touch you without your consent."

Kai nodded, a subtle acknowledgment, though his body tensed as Wu approached. Master Wu took a gentle but observant approach, making sure Kai felt a semblance of control over the situation. As he examined the bruising, he maintained a quiet presence, respecting the unspoken boundaries yet conveying a message of support.

Wu: "You've endured much, Kai. Healing takes time, both physically and emotionally. Whenever you're ready to share your thoughts, I'll be here to listen."

The dinner table buzzed with a lively exchange of words and laughter as the team gathered for a well-deserved meal. The clinking of utensils against plates and the aromatic symphony of Zane's cooking created an atmosphere of warmth and camaraderie. Kai, however, sat amidst the lively chatter with a reserved demeanor, his thoughts drifting elsewhere.

As the conversations flowed around him, Nya, seated beside Kai, nudged him playfully. "Hey, Kai, you've been unusually quiet tonight. Everything alright?"

Kai offered a small smile. "Yeah, just lost in thought, I guess. It's good to be back, though."

Cole, seated across from Kai, chimed in. "Well, we missed your fiery personality, Kai. It's not the same without your sarcastic remarks."

Kai chuckled, the brief moment of camaraderie lifting the heaviness that lingered within. "I'll try to bring back the sarcasm then. Wouldn't want you all getting too sentimental."

Jay, always the jokester, joined in. "Sentimental? Us? Never!"

As the conversation shifted to recent missions and plans for the future, Kai found himself drawn into the orbit of his friends' banter. Yet, beneath the surface, a quieter struggle persisted.

As the others chatted about recent events and plans for the future, Kai discreetly pulled out his phone under the table, typing a message to Neuro.

Kai: "Hey, how's Griffin doing? I didn't have his number, and I've been meaning to check in."

While waiting for a response, Kai picked at his food. The aroma of Zane's cooking, once a comfort during tough times, now seemed to linger with a sense of unease. Despite missing it terribly in captivity, the act of eating became a struggle for him. Each bite felt heavy, almost undeserved.

Kai's fingers hesitated over the plate, his gaze fixed on the meticulously crafted dishes before him. The aroma, once a comforting embrace during the darkest of times, now hung in the air with an unsettling weight. Zane's cooking, which Kai had longed for during captivity, now felt like a bittersweet reminder of the complexities of readjusting to a life he thought he knew.

Each bite became a symbolic struggle, a silent confrontation with the dichotomy of his emotions. The flavors, though familiar, seemed to carry a different weight—laden with the echoes of captivity, tangled with the uncertainty of his own readjustment. The joy he anticipated in reclaiming the simple pleasure of a well-cooked meal was overshadowed by an unspoken disconnection.

Kai couldn't shake the feeling that he was eating in someone else's skin, that the person consuming Zane's masterful creations wasn't entirely him. The taste, though rich and savory, felt dulled by the lingering memories of captivity. The camaraderie around the dinner table, while genuine, felt like a scene from a life he observed rather than fully participated in.

As he picked at his food, each bite seemed to carry the weight of the lost time—the months of captivity that had reshaped him in ways he was only beginning to understand. The texture of the meal, once a source of comfort, now felt foreign, and the act of eating became a symbolic struggle against the heaviness that clung to every mouthful.

Kai's mind wandered, navigating the dissonance between the past and the present. The laughter and chatter around the table became distant echoes, and the vibrant atmosphere that should have been a celebration of reunion felt muted.

Cole noticed Kai's distant gaze and tapped him on the shoulder. "Everything okay, Kai?"

Kai mustered a brief smile, "Yeah, just lost in thought, you know?"

The response from Neuro appeared on his phone, drawing Kai's attention.

Neuro: "Griffin's holding up. Tough guy. How about you?"

Kai contemplated the message for a moment before replying.

Kai: "Glad to hear he's okay. I'm getting by. We should catch up sometime."

The conversation at the table continued, but Kai's mind remained divided between the camaraderie of his friends and the silent exchanges on his phone. The struggle to eat persisted, a battle between the lingering shadows of captivity and the desire for a sense of normalcy.

Zane noticed Kai's hesitation and placed a supportive hand on his shoulder. "Is everything to your liking, Kai? Your input is valuable."

Kai managed a nod, grateful for the concern but unable to voice the internal conflict. As he navigated the delicate balance between engaging with his friends and reaching out to those who shared his ordeal, the dinner table became a microcosm of his journey—striving for connection while grappling with the scars of the past.

Kai sat on the edge of his bed, the soft glow of his phone illuminating his face in the dim room. Leaning back against the cool wall, he continued to tap out messages to Neuro, the digital conversation a lifeline in the quietude of his surroundings.

The room held a subtle stillness, interrupted only by the soft clicks of the phone's keyboard. As Kai waited for Neuro's response, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the day's emotions settling around him.

Neuro's response finally lit up the screen, and Kai's eyes focused intently on the words.

Neuro: "Yeah, Griffin's doing okay. Tough as nails, that guy. How are you holding up, Kai?"

Kai let out a quiet exhale, relieved to hear about Griffin. His fingers moved swiftly over the phone's screen as he replied.

Kai: "Glad to hear Griffin's alright. I'm... getting there. The adjustment is tougher than I thought, you know?"

Neuro: "Yeah, it takes time. We're all finding our way back. It's okay to take it slow. And hey, we've got each other to lean on."

Kai's lips curled into a small smile at Neuro's words. The camaraderie, even in digital form, provided a sense of comfort that transcended the physical distance.

As Kai continued to exchange messages with Neuro, the room remained a haven of solitude. Leaning back against the wall, he found a moment of respite in the quiet connection.

Kai's fingers hovered over the phone's screen, pausing mid-response as the distant laughter of his teammates seeped through the walls. The realization hit him like a sudden gust of cold wind—while he was held captive, life had continued without him. The team had thrived, found their rhythm, and laughter echoed in a space that, for a moment, felt like it no longer included him.

Doubt crept in, fueled by the haunting words of Krux and Acronix. Were they right? Was he truly indispensable to the team? The laughter, a distant reminder of the camaraderie he longed for, now seemed tinged with a sense of exclusion.

Neuro, sensing Kai's silence, attempted to call him. The sudden ring of the phone jolted Kai out of his numb state. Panic rippled through him, and the device slipped from his grasp, landing on the bed. Fumbling to pick it up, Kai's heart raced as he answered the call, the cool screen pressing against his ear "Hey, Kai, you there?" Neuro's voice carried genuine concern.

"Yeah, I'm here," Kai replied, his tone carrying the weight of unspoken thoughts.

"You seemed a bit off. Do you want to talk about it?" Neuro offered, his virtual presence a reassuring anchor.

Kai hesitated, glancing down the hallway toward the lively sounds of his teammates. "I appreciate the offer, Neuro, but I don't think meeting up is possible right now."

Neuro's voice held a persistent edge. "Kai, if they refuse to let you leave, isn't that the same thing the Time Twins did? Keeping you against your will?"

The truth in Neuro's words struck Kai, a bitter realization that echoed the accusations of the past. Reluctantly, he agreed, "Alright, let's meet up. But I can't promise how long I can stay."

Neuro's understanding tone came through the phone, "That's all I ask. Take your time, Kai."

Hanging up, Kai felt a mixture of apprehension and resolve. As he made his way down the hallway, the walls adorned with framed memories seemed to close in on him. He glanced at the photos—one by one—feeling like a spectator in a stranger's life.

The images captured moments he had missed, smiles frozen in time. The camaraderie, the victories, the laughter—all painted a picture of a life that felt distant and unattainable. Kai ran his fingers over the frames, the touch almost hesitant, as if searching for a connection to a past that seemed to slip through his grasp.

The hallway, once familiar, became a corridor of memories that echoed with a poignant disconnect. Each photo, a testament to a life he had missed, evoked a sense of loss and isolation. With each step, Kai grappled with the unsettling notion that the person in those frames, surrounded by friends and shared experiences, was a version of himself he struggled to recognize.

Kai entered the living room, where the glow of the television cast flickering shadows across the faces of his teammates. Jay and Cole were engrossed in laughter, Zane questioning a statement he had missed during their banter. From the doorway, Kai observed them silently, a mix of admiration and envy swirling within him as he marveled at their ability to find joy in the midst of their challenging lives. The laughter, the camaraderie—it all seemed so distant, yet he pushed those thoughts down, unwilling to confront the growing chasm between him and the team.

Clearing his throat, Kai interrupted the lively scene, "I'm gonna go for a walk. Might be out for a bit."

The sudden announcement prompted the others to pause the movie, turning their attention to Kai. Jay's laughter faded, and concern etched across their faces.

"Kai, it's late. Where do you want to go?" Cole inquired, exchanging a worried glance with Zane.

Zane chimed in, "Is everything alright, Kai? You seemed a bit off earlier."

Kai hesitated, his eyes flickering between his concerned teammates. "Just need some fresh air, you know? Clear my head."

Nya, sitting on the couch, spoke up, "But it's late, Kai. Are you sure you're okay?"

Kai forced a small smile, "I'll be fine, Nya. Just need some time alone."

The concern in their eyes intensified, and Jay added, "We can come with you, Kai. You don't have to be alone."

"No, really, I just need some space," Kai replied, his tone firm.

As he turned to leave, the questions persisted. "Kai, are you sure?" Zane pressed, his blue eyes filled with worry.

Kai paused, his gaze flickering with a mixture of emotions. "I just... I need to go out, scratch my legs or something."

The room fell into an awkward silence, the weight of Kai's words hanging in the air. He started to elaborate, sharing a glimpse of the captivity he endured, but the words caught in his throat. Abruptly, he cut himself off, waving a dismissive hand.

"Never mind. Forget about it," Kai muttered, his steps quickening as he rushed away from the room, leaving behind a worried ensemble of teammates.

The living room, once a space of shared laughter, now echoed with the unspoken tension of Kai's departure. As he disappeared into the night, the team remained unsettled, grappling with the shadows that seemed to linger even in the midst of their supposed victory.

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