Mystic Heat

We2etge6 द्वारा

80.3K 2.5K 165

Another Klonnie story Disclaimer: this is not my story just wanted to share it on wattpad with you but a FanF... अधिक



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We2etge6 द्वारा


Bonnie didn't mind Klaus driving the way back home. After the ritual and everything that she'd been through today she was mentally beat. Not to mention the upcoming bundle of joy she had yet to tell her mate about. She was silent the whole ride, pondering what exactly to do, how to bring it up. She knew he would probably be excited, the damn hybrid had been talking "Always and forever" since their first time. But again Esther's words had planted concern. What sense of morality would he teach their child?

But it wasn't just Klaus's parenting she was worried about.

I'm eighteen. I don't know anything about this.

She'd barely even lived her own life and now she was responsible for another? The thought was terrifying.

"What's wrong, Love?"

She hadn't noticed when he'd pulled into the driveway. She glanced out the window to see that they were already at her place.

" need to talk about something."

He took her hands, caressing the knuckles as he held them.

"Whatever you want, talk away."

His eyes were so warm. She swallowed.

"Maybe inside."

He nodded and they headed in. Her father wouldn't be home for another week and even then he'd be flying back out in a couple of days so privacy wasn't an issue here. But she was still nervous as they sat on the couch in the middle of the living room. Klaus watched her patiently, a look she definitely wasn't used to seeing on him. Patience and Klaus was like an oxymoron.

"I have something to tell you. And it's kind of freaking me out but it's happening so..."

She cleared her throat before taking his hand.

"I figured out how Esther possessed me. It was through a family member, of yours and here."

Bonnie placed his hand on her lower belly. Klaus's eyes widened in understanding.

"You're...are you telling me you're..."

She nodded, her nerves still kicking in high gear.

"I'm pregnant."

Klaus looked too shocked to give any reaction. Again a look she'd never seen on him.

"But I'm a"

She shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe because you're a hybrid?"

Back at the school Stefan had said that vampires weren't driven by biological urges the way wolves were. By that logic Klaus shouldn't have been affected by her scent the way Tyler was. Stefan and Damon hadn't been. But since he had been, maybe the wolf in him was able to reproduce.

"You're sure?" Klaus leaned closer to her belly, sniffing.

Bonnie leaned back, a little tickled by his canine-like action.

"My ancestors confirmed it. And so did Esther. She used the baby to take over my body."

Klaus lifted her shirt and pressed his nose against her skin. He sniffed again before murmuring;

"I knew you smelled different in the Salvatore's backyard but...the idea that you could be pregnant never crossed my mind. I thought it was impossible."

He glanced up at her and Bonnie nearly fell backward at the emotion in his eyes. It was a mixture of pride and wonder...and love.

"You're carrying my child? My actual child is inside you?"

He pulled her closer, her back against him as his hand rested on her exposed belly.

"Our child," she corrected him softly, "is growing inside me, yea. Half Bennett, half Mikaelson. I felt the baby's soul when Esther possessed me. I had to fight to set it free."

She remembered the light in it's blinding purity. The strength of its innocence. There was warmth there as she'd felt with the other Bennett souls who'd lent her their support. She'd always be grateful for what they'd done to help. Especially to Grams for making her understand and to Emily for holding Esther off in the process. She'd never forget their effort or Emily's final words before she'd faded back into the spirit world.

Take care of yourself. And my descendant in there too. Don't let the Mikaelsons corrupt her light.

Wait a minute. Her light? So the baby was...

"I hope it's a girl," she was surprised to hear Klaus say.

"And that she takes after you in every way."

Should she tell him what Emily had revealed to her or let it be a surprise?

"Well almost," he added. "I'd rather our child have better taste in friends. But if it's a boy that's fine. Any child that comes from our union is worth loving."

She started at the insult to her friends but Klaus tightened his hold and her body relaxed. He continued to hold her, his wolf heat having the same calming effect as earlier in the caves. The apprehension and fear she'd felt at becoming a mom so young was slowly melting.

"I grew up with four brothers; Finn, Elijah, Kol and Henrik. We only had one sister, Rebekah. You can imagine the testosterone in our household. The competition, the fights, the efforts to prove ourselves...and having a father like Mikael only made it worse. Don't get me wrong, we loved each other dearly but of all of my siblings Rebekah has always been the most loyal to me. Much like you are with your friends."

Bonnie closed her eyes, enjoying this glimpse into the heart of her new mate.

"And that's why you want a daughter? Because you think girls are more loyal?" she asked.

He paused.

"Well that sounds a bit sexist don't you think?"

She smiled teasingly, "Yea, I guess it does."

"Sorry to say you're sorely mistaken. Did you forget that I was conceived through the adulterous actions of my mother who joined forces with a woman colleague to murder the love of my eternal life? Hardly grounds to promote trust in the female species."

She nestled into him.

"But you trust me," she noted.

"Of course I do, Bonnie. You're my mate. And the mother of my child."

He spoke the words with such reverence.

"In all of my thousand years there are only two things that I was sure I'd never have," Klaus confessed.

"And today you've given me both."

He planted a tender kiss at her temple and Bonnie sighed in contentment.

"What's that?" she was curious to know.

His hand caressed her belly and she immediately knew one answer.

"A child of my own and..."

Bonnie turned as far as she could to face him.

"And?" she pressed.

Blue eyes flickered to gold and back as he gazed upon her.

"And this."

He took her lips in his, treating her to a soulful kiss. Bonnie opened at his will and the kiss grew. Their tongues met, stroking each other, loving eachother as Bonnie felt him harden beneath her. Enticed by the feeling, she gave her bum a wiggle to tease him.

"Mghh," he began to grind up into her.


She turned to face him, shifting her legs on each side of his. She watched his eyes turn gold as she pulled the shirt over her head to reveal her breasts.

"You're the most beautiful vision I've ever laid my eyes on, Bonnie Bennett. Even more so with our child inside you."

The fire in his gaze said that he meant those words. She started to reply with a compliment of her own when his mouth fell upon a breast and began to suckle. A low moan of pleasure was all she could muster at the act.

Klaus was still grinding at her center, even as his hand reached up to cup her free breast. Bonnie moaned again, shifting her hips to meet his movements. The thin layer of their sweat pants barely contained his hardness, thus enhancing the friction between them.

"Off," he growled before the claws came out and the next thing she knew her sweatpants were in shreds.

Bonnie gasped as his bare erection slid under her wetness, still grinding outside where it needed to be. But feeling oh so good against her. His mouth never once stopped teasing, his tongue fondling her nipple peaked hard and wet with his saliva.

"Klaus..." she began grinding harder, wanting him inside her.

After everything today she was due for release.

But the hybrid glanced up from her breast and gave a sultry wink.

"Patience, Love."

His tone was deep, so heavy with arousal that she just couldn't take it. She needed release! She needed him. Now. Disregarding his warning Bonnie hiked up to her knees and angled his hardness at her entrance. Klaus barely had the chance to groan before she sat right on it, taking him in completely.

A shared shudder of pleasure seized them both.

"It's not polite to make your mate wait for what's hers," she breathed as she began to rise and fall.

Klaus stared for a second, gold flaming in excitement at her initiative.

"And this," she clenched, giving his tool a squeeze from inside her and he shivered, "is mine!"

That did it. A growl like from the caves shook him and the hybrid gripped her hips to take control. Phasing alpha thrusts rocked her as his mouth continued to devour her.

Yes, this was what she craved! More, more, more!

She screamed his name, loving the way it made him hold her tighter, the sounds he made in appreciation. The harder his thrusts...She might have started out controlling the pace but there was no controlling an alpha in his heat. He was going to fuck you the way his animal commanded.


She came hard in his lap, throwing his name out one last time before collapsing against his neck. Klaus growled as she spasmed, nowhere near his completion. The man had stamina, he'd go on all night if she let him.

Given how good he felt inside her, maybe she should.

"Don't stop," she begged when he slowed down to check on her.


She shushed him with her mouth on his and he groaned loud.

"Don't...stop..." she repeated, wrapping her arms around him.

Her mate obliged her, moving until she reached another climax. When again she begged him to continue, he fed her his blood and they went another round. The cycle continued as the night wore on, neither hybrid nor witch paying time any mind. They had each other. They had a family. They had all that mattered.

"Bonnie..." he was panting her name when he finally broke, between groans and growls.

She loved when he lost it like that. When she caused him to lose it like that. Her teeth bit harder on his neck and he howled his euphoria as he filled her again. This time when he finished, Klaus fell backward, pulling her down onto his chest with a satisfied smile.

"Am I to assume this is an early pregnancy side effect?" he chuckled lightly.

She closed her eyes against his skin, ready to pass out.

"I don't know," Bonnie mumbled sleepily.

She felt his fingers glide gently over her bare back.

"I should get you pregnant more often."

She had enough energy to slap his shoulder in a lazy reprimand. The last thing she heard was his amused laughter as she dozed off into a peaceful sleep.
It was well into the early a.m. when he heard someone stirring at the Bennett's front door. After Bonnie had fallen asleep he'd taken her up to her bed, watching over her slumber which was why he was awake to hear. In protection of his family, Klaus vampsed out the door, pinning the trespasser to the ground with a snarl.

Familiar eyes stared up at him, startled at the ambush. He instantly recognized the intruder and blinked.

"Stefan? What are you doing here?"

Klaus pulled himself up, offering a hand to the visibly shaken vampire. That in and of itself was an odd sign. Stefan was a lot of things (self-righteous, heroic, villanous, a ripper... ) but easily shaken wasn't one of them.

"Why did you call me your brother?" the vampire blurted once on his feet.

Oh. This was about that.


It had been a slip of the tongue courtesy of his heat raged mind at the time.

"When Greta tried to kill me, I heard what you said."

He wondered how long Stefan had pondered this before approaching him. Better to fish and see how he'd come to such a conclusion.

"And you assume I wasn't talking about Elijah?"

Stefan gave an exasperated sigh.

"Cut the crap, Klaus! Greta was in my head. I know her memories and she never attacked Elijah. There's something you're not telling me. And I don't know if it has to do with your plans for me or why you keep saving Damon for me or why Greta thought my death would affect you but you're going to tell me right now, damnit!"

Well, Stefan had never been slow on the uptake. Even if his arrogance sometimes superseded his sensibilities.

"You're demanding answers," Klaus summarized, reigning in his temper.

"From me?"

It wasn't the brashness of Stefan's demand that offended him so much as the reaction he might receive with the truth. Because Stefan didn't remember the 1920s, when they'd met at the bar, when he'd charmed Rebekah and reminded Klaus what it was like to have brotherly camaraderie. He'd initially distrusted the young vampire who'd so easily smitten his baby sister but by the end of the night they were kicking back drinks and draining obnoxious patrons like they'd been besties all their lives.

It was this ripper Stefan that he'd grown fond of, that didn't judge his cruelties the way Elijah and Finn did or constantly challenge him and ruin his plans like Kol did. Stefan had been a friend, a brother he wished he'd had.

Then he'd compelled him to forget about the Original family and fled town from Mikael's pursuit.

But this moral, humanity infected Stefan wouldn't accept those memories. Worse than Elijah, he would reject him for his eating habits, for his aspirations, for the brutal tactics he often had to employ to ensure that Klaus Mikaelson remained respected and feared. This Stefan wasn't ready for the truth. And Klaus wasn't ready for his rejection.

"Yes, I am," Stefan didn't show an ounce of backing down.

"We both know you won't kill me."

Even in his goody-goody mode the ripper's arrogance was still there. Klaus gave him a look.

"Fine, you want to know? I'll tell you everything. But on one condition. You have a drink with me."

He saw the flash of thirst in the vampire's eye at the mention of a drink. Clearly he was still jonesing from the Donavan kid earlier.

"You know I can't-"

"Just a sip. To get you by. Come on. Bonnie's asleep. We can be back before she wakes."

He saw the hesitation but also the yearning in his old friend. All he needed was just a little push in the right direction. Then maybe he'd be ready to accept their past together.

"Come, Stefan. Have a drink with me."

Tyler arrived at the Salvatore home pretty late, it was most likely after 3am. After seeing Caroline home he'd spent the majority of the night sniffing out her daylight ring, hoping to return it to her before morning light. He'd finally succeeded, thanks to his heat-hypersensitity, and left it in the mail slot. If she didn't see it, her mom would.

Now he was alone, with questions he still couldn't answer, and feelings he still couldn't express. About what happened with Bonnie and the shame he felt for driving her to do those things to him. (At the thought he saw Klaus's face and cringed.) About the next time he went into heat, if he encountered another witch. How would that affect his relationship with Caroline?

He couldn't talk to Matt about it. Matt was a good guy who'd never violate a friend. Besides he was also human so he couldn't possibly understand. Tyler needed someone who struggled to control himself as much as he did. Unfortunately there were no wolves in town, leaving one person he had to settle for.

"Stefan? You up?"

He knocked on the door but there was no answer. The light was on, however but that didn't mean anything.


He gave up after the fourth try. Guess vampires needed their beauty sleep too. Tyler turned around, heading back the way he came unaware of the pissed off vampire inside searching for his younger brother.

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