Mystic Heat

By We2etge6

80.3K 2.5K 165

Another Klonnie story Disclaimer: this is not my story just wanted to share it on wattpad with you but a FanF... More



2.8K 96 5
By We2etge6


Klaus turned, carrying Bonnie away from the opening, toward the darker area of the tomb she'd had yet to explore. Where Tyler had originally claimed to smell him earlier.

"Get your hands off her!"

Her phasing friend's voice drifted farther and farther away. That was a good thing. It meant he was safe. Tyler, Stefan and (okay fine even) Damon were out of harm's way.

Now what would become of her?

Even as she thought to question, she knew that Klaus had no intention of hurting her. He'd made that quite clear the last time they'd been alone together.

"I would never hurt you, my mate. I would only protect you, provide for you, love you until you're screaming beneath me in the wildest ecstasy imaginable..."

Yea, like she would ever let that happen. No way. She would never derive pleasure from the Original Evil Incarnate!

Yet when his tongue had caressed her skin not even a minute ago she'd felt something one could only describe as full on tactual pleasure. Just the memory of it now had her oozing moisture below. Klaus shuddered and she knew he must have caught that scent too.

"Your body is ready for me," he breathed out sensually.

Instead of responding, Bonnie struggled to keep herself awake. She'd overused her magic so that wouldn't fight him off. Now she could barely keep her eyes open. Briefly she wondered what would happen if she passed out. Slave to his instincts, would the wolf in him take advantage?

Maybe not, he'd stopped before when she'd asked...

Her question was soon to be answered as Bonnie felt her eyes closing.

"Oh no you don't, Love. I need you awake for this."

The taste of blood at her lips. Her faculties returning. She opened her eyes to find Klaus's glowing pupils boring into hers. His wrist was still at her mouth. She blinked, never having been this close and vulnerable to the Original before. She was actually in his arms, depleted of magic. Completely at his mercy.

She should be afraid. Especially looking into that lust-consumed gaze but...there was something about that gaze that drew her. Curiosity again hit along with the pressure he'd mounted in her lower regions. Her panties were feeling pretty damp by now.

He pulled his wrist away. And immediately replaced it with his mouth. Bonnie moaned again as his tongue met hers, dominating the kiss with a possessive growl. He moved expertly in her mouth, touching every crevice. Marking it as his own. She felt his heat as he pressed her down into a soft patch of earth, his body on top of hers.

His skin feels so hot.

Practically bare skin as again she noticed most of his shirt was gone. His pants were a thicker material but they hadn't escaped damage either. It seemed he had healed fine however, as her hands tentatively found their way up his back. Klaus groaned excitedly at her touch, deepening the kiss. His leg pushed her thighs apart, placing his body right at her center.

When he ground his hardness against her there Bonnie couldn't stop herself from arching into him. A desperate moan escaped her at the sharp spike in pleasure. this felt...


Reading her mind or more likely her body, the hybrid gave her just that, grinding into her again. She squeezed her thighs around him, having never come this close to orgasm with another person before.

Was she close already? If he kept moving like that she would be. Klaus never broke the kiss. Even as wolf claws tore apart fabric, as another growl poured from his throat into her willing mouth. As hot fingers slid between their now naked bodies, down past her pelvis to the slick lower lips of her-


He was touching there, where not a single person save herself had touched since her diaper days. There where she was swollen, her feminine button full of arousal and sensation and oh god what was he doing with his fingers? Bonnie cried out, beyond moaning now. Her cry was swallowed by his hungry kiss.

He toyed with her clit, fingers of paradise as he drew her even wetter. Bonnie couldn't kiss back anymore. She could only make noises, unfamiliar whiny noises as her body was seized with pleasure. Her hips arched into him, reacting to the manna of his touch. She never wanted it to stop!

It didn't and then she was seeing bright white as her body lurched into her first nonself-induced orgasm.

Bonnie screamed her nirvana.

Original heat devoured her skin as hybrid lips scaled down her throat, nipping and suckling and marking her as his. Everything was sensitive as those lips hit her clavicle, her chest, her now exposed breasts. Which of course he had to take into that sinful mouth of his.

Bonnie groaned in delight as he tasted her peak, his tongue swirling it with skill. Her hips rolled against him instinctually and his fingers dared to glide even further.

She'd never been penetrated before. Yea, okay she'd started using tampons when she joined the cheerleading squad (couldn't exactly move confidently in a bulky pad) but no one, not human or hybrid or finger or otherwise had ever actually entered her. Even when she'd attempted to "discover" herself her touches had been limited to clitoral stimulation. Now Klaus's fingers were moving toward her entrance.

Too rapt up in what his mouth was doing to her nipple, she could barely motion to stop him. And once his fingers gained entry, she no longer wanted to.

"God, you're so wet for me," he lifted up enough to say before attacking her free breast.

She was. There was no denying it. She was Niagara freakin Falls right now.

"My mate. My delicious mate."

Her fingers found their way into messy blond hair as she managed another moan of bliss. This was new but it felt so wonderful, so absolutely wonderful.

"I need..." Klaus was practically panting now. His breath on her wet nipple made her quiver.

"I be inside you."

His fingers had picked up the pace. His heat was finally breaking him.

He pulled his mouth away long enough to align himself. Bonnie took that moment to stare up into his eyes and the ravenous need there could have swallowed her whole.

I did that. That look is for me.

She couldn't possibly be more turned on by the realization.

"I'll try to be gentle, Love," he rasped struggling to contain himself as the head of his tool touched at her gateway.

The thought of it briefly frightened her. She'd heard it would hurt the first time. Golden wolf eyes were sincere when he cupped her cheek with his free hand.

"I'll be gentle," he repeated.

She didn't know why she trusted those words from Klaus Mikaelson of all people but she did. When she nervously nodded her consent, he brought his lips to hers for another mindblowing kiss. Then he was pushing inside her.

Whatever pain she felt from first entry ebbed away as his kiss intensified. She gasped into his mouth as he settled his entire length deep inside. His breathing was at twenty, heavy and hot as he slowly began to move.

"Oh my gooooood," she breathed against his lips.

He was so thick. So filling. In an awesomely good way.

Klaus groaned in response.

"Oh my..." but words escaped her as he gave another stroke.

Bonnie felt her eyes rolling back. Every thought left her as she surrendered completely to the hybrid inside her. To his breath on her lips as he panted against her, to his sweat smearing her in his wolf scent, to his manhood inside her which happened to be increasing in pace. She couldn't hold back her squeals of ecstasy. Squeals that were dangerously close to screams.

Klaus growled rather loudly and Bonnie heard something primal in that growl. The animal within threatening to break free. Her brain failed to comprehend the fact as it was preoccupied with pleasure sensory functions. Major pleasure sensory. She tightened her grip in his hair, tugging it in her euphoric state. Nothing, could bring her down.

"Bonnie..." he sounded off kilter, as if he were holding on by a smidgen of a thread. As if his wolf instincts were winning out.

The growl in his tone was enough to catch her attention, despite the daze his movements had her under. What she saw excited her enough to nearly make her cum a second time.

Klaus's eyes were totally wolfed out, his fangs visible through his open panting mouth. His expression was one of both ecstasy and strain.

He was staying true to his word, trying hard keep his wolf in and not hurt her. She could see his efforts. He was holding back. A little devil sparked inside her and before she could think it through, she touched his scorching cheek.

"Let him out," she breathed, sex morphing her voice into some sensual command.

She wanted him all. The man, the monster, the beast.

Her Original lover growled in warning.

"Bonnie..." her inner walls clenched at her name on those dangerous lips and she saw him feel it.

"I know...nngh...what you are, Klaus... unleash yourself...mphh...or I will..."

Wolf eyes blazing with restrained passion drilled into hers. Stubborn hybrid. She would just have to resort to dirty tactics.

Were all wolves' nipples extra sensitive during phasing?

One hand still clasping his hair, Bonnie directed her free hand across the hot expanse of lean muscle that was Klaus's chest. He grunted at her touch, still stroking her gloriously when she ran her thumb across a hard pebble.

That. Changed. Everything.

A growl like she'd never heard roared from his throat and suddenly he was thrusting hard, fast, fucking power thrusts that had Bonnie's brain bouncing in her skull. She squeaked as the onslaught of brutal pleasure tore through her soul. This was wolf sex. This was wolf heat. This was fucking a phasing alpha!

She wasn't conscious of her noises, only his as she toyed with his weak spot mercilessly. Another orgasm floored her and she could swear she'd died in its hold. Tremors rocked her entire her body and she shrieked her lover's name.


Suddenly teeth sank into her neck, just where her shoulder connected and she felt Klaus pumping rabidly. Something hot burned her insides sweetly as he finally came within her. She could feel him releasing within her. Over and over, a torrent of his seed filling her. She gasped at the sensation.

She'd already been warned of a wolf's ejaculation but experiencing Tyler via hand job was nothing like feeling it happen inside of her. Klaus was pulsing, actually pulsing in her canal and it wasn't letting up. He wasn't letting up. She whined at the pain at her neck but the hybrid had clamped down hard. His groans were hot enough to make up for the pain except the bite had pierced more than skin.

Had she not been washed with yet another climax she might have felt all of the pain. As it was she was still quite dazed. But she was aware that it hurt and aware that he wasn't releasing his jaw.


His body jerked a few more times before he slackened his grip and began licking at the wound.


Shockingly enough, his tongue seemed to heal the pain. No vampire blood needed.

"Always and forever mine."

He was still nestled inside her as he licked at the freshly healed mating mark on her neck. The unique shape of his own wolf print, he knew it would be mistaken for no one else's. His mate was finally claimed. No other wolf could touch her now.

Bonnie was still breathing pretty hard and he could hear the drum of her heartbeat but her body was slowly relaxing under his. Her satisfaction filled his nose in the pleasant scent of her release. She'd released multiple times he recalled smugly. He'd pleased her very much. Klaus nuzzled into her throat, taking in the aroma of his officially claimed mate before coming up to meet her glassy eyes.

"Are you alright?"

He hadn't intended on ravaging her the way he had. Not for her first time but his bloody heat had a way of taking his mind. She deserved finesse, a patient lover, mindful of her inexperience. He'd be sure to give her that once this phasing ordeal was over.

"You bit me," she was blinking.

His poor witch, she didn't understand.

"I mated you, Love. We're bonded now for the remainder of my life."

Which just so happened to be forever.


Her beautiful green eyes were wide in confusion. He comforted her with a lick of her nose. Then another on her lips.

"Mates," he clarified feeling sated for the first time since his dreadful heat began.

"It's what wolves do when we find the one. We mark them, we mate them, we bond til death do us part."

Alarm was raising in his mate's face.

"You mean like a marriage? Are you telling me you wolf-married me?!"

She wasn't reacting the way she should. Being mated to the only unkillable being alive was a great honor. Then again when had Bonnie Bennett ever behaved in a manner he approved of? She was always thwarting his plans and conspiring against him with the Salvatores. Now that she was his mate that would have to change.

"Nooo, a marriage can be voided, anulled. Wolves mate for life. There is no divorce."

She stared.


Her heart was racing again and not for the right reasons he knew.

"" she stammered.

"We can't be..."

It was clear that his mate was in distress. Struggling to understand what had happened. He supposed it was natural. She wasn't a wolf. She knew nothing about wolf customs other than secondhand dribble that her friends passed along.

"Bonnie, just breathe for a minute, Love."

He held her cheek in his hand as he sought to soothe her.

"Let me explain. Mating isn't simple wolf instinct. It's an honor. Any wolf can rut during a heat but to claim a mate is to say that one is above all else in the world. When an alpha mates you it isn't just for sex. It's a pact, a mystical contract that says that he will live for you, breathe for you, die if need be just to protect you and ensure your happiness.

"When an alpha takes a mate you become one. Your weakness is his weakness, your strength is his strength. Should any harm befall that mate it would be worse than death. If the alpha doesn't go insane he would surely take his own life."

He hoped she was understanding the gravity of what he was conveying to her. Of what he'd done by mating her.

"Are you saying that you would die for me?" she asked skeptically.

Yes, I would die for you, my mate.

"I cannot die, Bonnie," he responded, not liking the doubt on her face.

"So this mating thing. It's til death do us part you said? Only you're an Original so really it means for the rest of my life," she was reasoning.

"Til death do me part."

He didn't want to think of her ever dying.

"Rest assured I would never let you die, Bonnie Bennett."

He wouldn't turn her, taking away her magic would be taking away an integral part of her being. Having had his wolf side stripped from him for so long he would never do such to his mate. But he'd known many witches over the centuries, seen many spells. With his knowledge and her power they could keep her by his side forever.

"So you're just going to make that decision for me?"

It was his turn to stare in confusion as Bonnie's beautiful countenance turned to a scowl.

"You're just going to show up at my school and sniff me and hump me and suddenly we're mated forever? I'm eighteen years old! What about my future? What about my dreams? I'm supposed to go to college with my friends and meet boys and travel the world. I'm supposed to make mistakes and laugh at them when I get older. I'm supposed to get married and have children and become everything I complained about my Grams being. Not be mystically tied down to a raging hybrid monster who tries to kill me and all of my friends!"

That hurt. With the cold stab of rejection he hadn't felt since his father's first blow, her words tore through his chest. Klaus couldn't help it, he physically winced at the emotional pain before climbing off her. Bonnie turned away from him, closing her legs and hugging herself.

"Is that what you think of me?"

His chest was heavy. The weight of fresh anguish making it hard to breathe. She hated him. His own mate actually hated him.

"What am I supposed to think?" she spat, turning his way.

"All you've done since you came to town is terrorize my friends. You've killed people, people we cared about. I'm just supposed to forget that because you're amazing in bed?"

Again she turned away.

Klaus had no response to her words. He had done terrible things. He had killed people. But those things were necessary, to demonstrate his power and build his legacy. Those people were insignificant, not even flies but gnats in the face of his greatness. He was Klaus fucking Mikaelson, he did what he wanted, killed who he wanted, mated who he wanted! He answered to no one!

Yet he was now feeling a crippling knot in his heart at the rejection from one mortal witch.

"I gave myself to you," Bonnie sniffled.

"You tried to kill Tyler and I gave myself to you."

She wiped her eyes, still not looking his way. Obviously in turmoil. Despite her rejection, despite her mention of that insolent little brat, Klaus still felt the need to comfort her. Regardless of how she felt about it, she was still his mate. His instinct would always be to facilitate her happiness.

When he touched her shoulder she pulled away. He didn't let it stop him. He lied back down to her level and pulled her back into his chest. Bonnie barely fought it. Klaus wrapped his arms around her, knowing that his wolf warmth would be soothing to his mate. He rested his chin on her head, holding her. Saying nothing.

"If it would make you happy, I swear never to hurt your friends again," he finally whispered after a long silence.

"You mean that?"

"I do."

She actually nestled closer.

"And you won't kill Tyler?"

He grit his teeth at the whelp's name.

"You have my word, Love. Tyler Lockwood is going to live for a very long time."

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