Mystic Heat

By We2etge6

80.4K 2.5K 165

Another Klonnie story Disclaimer: this is not my story just wanted to share it on wattpad with you but a FanF... More



2.7K 96 4
By We2etge6

𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐭

He was moving on instinct, his rage and lust having done away with all other mental faculties. Klaus wasn't even aware of his surroundings nor the trail his nose followed.

Bonnie. Find her. Claim her. Mate her.

His nose led him on, ignoring the blare of horns, the screeching of tires, the exclamations of petty humans urging him to move out of the way.

Then he felt a bone crushing weight smashing into his side. Suddenly he was off his feet tumbling over a hot metal surface before hitting the ground.

Bloody fucking hell...

Klaus felt himself coming back to his senses in time for the sharp jolt of pain in his right hip. He sat up anyway, no stranger to a broken bone or two. He'd had enough of those even before his immortality thanks to his father.

The yelling of some ridiculous human momentarily broke his thoughts.

"Oh my god, man you hit him?!"

He'd been on his way to her. To his Bonnie. And this degenerate had interfered. His veins still black Klaus turned to glare.

Two fairly young humans, one male, the other female, were staring from the vehicle that had struck him. They looked to be older than his beloved though not by too much. Maybe in their twenties or so.

"You go check him, I'll call 911."

Insufferable little shits. He'd teach them to come between him and his mate. Barely slowed by his injury Klaus was on his feet before the car. Both passengers seemed to freeze. The driver's heart rate leaped as he struggled to register what he was seeing.

"Dude you got the plague or something? What's up with your face?"

He was more of a fool than he looked. Klaus gave him no chance to react, landing on the front hood, tearing through the windshield to yank him toward his extended canines. As the girl watched screaming, he tore into the boy's throat and took a long satisfying drink.

Well at least he tasted better than his manners.

Tossing the body aside he went for his second snack. She was just as delectable.

More cars were pulling up behind. More concerned and morbidly curious humans. More blood— delicious blood pumping rapidly through delicate veins. It was like Christmas for the raging hybrid, the perfect release for his frustrations. He would drain them all, messy and slow. Yes, savoring their dying screams!

He leaped onto the next vehicle, shredding the roof with Original strength. There were four heartbeats inside going ballistic. What tasty treats they would make! He was ready to reach inside when the whiff of a familiar scent stopped him in his tracks.


No. Not Bonnie. But a friend of Bonnie? Someone who could bring her to him. He vaguely remembered a plan.

Capture her. Claim her. Mate her.

Klaus shook his head. Had to clear it. Had to think. Had to claim her. That was when he saw the pick-up. It had stopped at the other end of the bridge, the driver staring his way. With his keen sight he could see blue eyes startled by his presence. Hear a heartbeat jump into overdrive. Suddenly the truck began to reverse. But the hybrid couldn't have that.

He vamped over in half a second. Matt Donavon's heart was racing as Klaus drove his fist through the driverside glass to grasp him by the collar of his varsity letter jacket.

"Hello Matt, might we a bit of a chat?"

Their eyes locked in compulsion and Matt could not refuse.

He sat in silence, his task completed. Nothing ran through his mind except to obey Klaus's command. Call Bonnie. Tell her to come to their location—that it was urgent! So Matt had done so. Now he sat and watched as the bloody hybrid cleaned himself in the kitchen sink.

"Your relationship with Bonnie," Klaus asked as he discarded his own shirt.

"Tell me about it. What is she to you?"

"She's my friend. We've known each other since we were kids."

A part of him wondered why he was answering these questions but Matt couldn't quite think it through. He just knew that he was to obey Klaus.

"Since you were children? Were you ever romantic?"

With Bonnie?

"No, she's always been my friend."

Though he had to admit she was pretty. He'd be lying if he said he'd never had any thoughts about her in the past but that just wasn't the nature of their friendship.

"And who is she romantic with?"

Matt shook his head.

"You mean like a boyfriend? Bonnie's been single all semester. The last guy she dated was some Luca guy. A witch like her."

Matt hadn't dug too deep into it. He preferred to stay out of supernatural matters. His life was hard enough.

"Ahh yes, Greta's brother. I believe they sought to kill me," Klaus chuckled.

"Whatever happened to him? I should pay him a visit."

The smile on his lips said it would be anything bit cordial.

"He's dead. Something to do with helping Elijah."

Klaus's smile relaxed.

"And what of the wolf? What's his relationship to Bonnie?"

It took Matt a second to realize who he was talking about.

"Tyler? Well he's her friend too. We all are."

"Hmm. How close a friend is he to her?"

Matt answered honestly.

"They care about each other but they don't hang out or anything like we do. But Tyler's an only child. Son of the mayor. Descendant of a founding family. He's not exactly easy to get close to. I'm probably his closest friend."

The hybrid raised a brow.

"Founding family? Like the Salvatores and the Gilberts."

"Yea. All of our friends really. Me and Bonnie are the only two who aren't a part of that. I mean our families have been here a long time but they weren't the founders."

He shrugged.

"I guess we kind of stand out in that way. Being the only two commoners invited to the club."

"Oh there is nothing common about Bonnie Bennett."

When Klaus had removed the blood from his person, he left Matt with the command not to move. Matt complied, and awaited his return. The hybrid proceeded to ask him more questions, all about Bonnie. Though Matt didn't understand why he was asking, he noted Klaus's varied reactions. Amusement at some anecdotes, appreciation at others. But whenever a male was mentioned, a dark scowl.

"So you mentioned Damon's name quite a bit."

He was dressed and looking like he hadn't just slaughtered two motorists on the road when Matt had spotted him.

"Yea, Bonnie hates him. She tried to kill him twice I think. He tried to kill her too. But that was last year."

Klaus growled.

"Sounds like Damon needs to be taught some manners."

Their conversation ended when Klaus seemed to hear something off in the distance.

"Stay here. Don't move or make a sound."

Then he was gone, leaving Matt to wonder what exactly was going on.

He could smell her arrival. Her delicious aroma of pure fertile witch. Klaus compelled the quarterback to stay put and moved on to meet her.

He'd had Matt lure her to an old cabin on the outskirts of town. Foliage surrounded the area, making it harder for the human eye to catch things (like frisky hybrids looking to give pleasure beyond the realm of human tolerance). It was from the cover of the greenery that he watched her exit her vehicle and start for the cabin.

Her eyes scanned the area warily. He could hear her heart beating faster as she approached the door.


Her hand was on the knob when she paused. Klaus heard the jump in her pulse. She shivered slightly and turned around.

She can sense my presence.

Her magic was truly remarkable. He watched Bonnie glancing around, attempting to pinpoint what exactly she was feeling.

"Who's out there?"

He should toy with her. Make her seek him out. But her aroma was messing with his head again and he found himself growing impatient. Among other things.

"Hello, Love."

Bonnie froze, her hand shooting up in his direction. She was ready to fire. He took the chance and stepped out from behind the tree that had shielded him.

God she smelled scrumptious.

"Klaus! Where is Matt?"

Her sweetness filled his nose, poured down his throat. Wrapped around his insides and jolted his groin. He couldn't help but to take in a deep breath and groan out his desire. That action caused Bonnie's pulse to spike once more. Sending that scent, oh god that scent!

Claim her now!

He shot forward, only to slam into what felt like a brick wall before her. Mere inches away now he tried to reach her again but was held back by the invisible barrier.

"Bonnie," he tried to reach her.

His voice wasn't his, much more husky, saturated in his arousal. She blinked but stayed fast.

"Look, I know you think you want me but you're just phasing. What you're feeling isn't real—"

"Drop this barrier and you will feel how real this is."

He continued to fight against said barrier, trying to get to her. His body was burning hotter with every attempt. He began to press harder, groaning his frustration as his witch kept him away.

"Bonnie," he warned.

But she drew her brows closer and her barrier held.

"Where is Matt?" she asked again.

"He should be of is no concern to you when you are mine!" Klaus growled out.

His body felt like that time Kol had shoved him into the daylight in his two-hundredth year. He would burst into flames if he couldn't be with her. If he couldn't bed her now.

"Your friend is safe and sound. If you'd like to keep him that way you'll drop this barrier."

That shook her. Her green eyes wavered with concern.

"If I find out you hurt him you'll wish I could kill you," she threatened.

"Your keeping me from ravishing you on this very spot is killing me, Love."

She stared at him, for the moment speechless. Another wave in her eyes, he made her nervous. Why? Was she not used to sexual advances? From what her friend said, she'd entertained male company before. Surely one of them had made a move.

The thought of any other making a move on his witch past or present didn't sit with the Original. She was his and only his!


Wrapped in the sudden burst of possessiveness, he renewed his attack, needing to strike down the barrier—destroy the fucking thing so as to plant himself deep inside his mate. His new vigor startled her and to his pleasure, Bonnie took a step back. Taking advantage, Klaus managed to gain an inch on her before he could smell her panic. Green eyes widened and he suddenly felt a crack as his neck twisted involuntarily. The pain hit his brain again, even worse than at the school house and for a brief moment he saw nothing.

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