Those Blue Eyes

By MS3478

82.6K 1.3K 52

Story about y/n y/l/n, youre a professional footballer. You don't do relationships atleast thats what you tho... More

The offers
The choice
The signing
Welcome party
First training
Matchday Aston Villa
Australia or England
London Derby
Get yourself together
England camp
New roommates
Matchday Spain
Day off
Matchday Netherlands
First date
Matchday Leicester
Meeting the parents
Team night
Birthday party - part 1
Birthday party - part 2
Media day
Christmas morning
Happy new year
Matchday Manchester City
Continental cup final
Lovers into strangers
On loan
I promised
Authors note
First games
More then friends
Semi final
Date in Australia
The final
Vacation - part 1
Vacation - part 2
Vacation - part 3


1.2K 20 1
By MS3478

Me and Leah are back home in our appartment getting ready for the party. Leah is in the bathroom doing her make up while I am putting on my outfit, I am really looking forward to the party because Leah and I decided to make us public after. I walk into the bathroom just as Leah finishes her make up, I go stand behind her and put my arms aroud her pressing our bodies together. I start to nibble her neck and leave sweet kisses 'You' kiss 'look' kiss 'stunning' kiss. Leah giggles and turns around putting her arms around my neck and leans against the sink. 'Your handsome too' Leah says and we start making out, I try to let my tongue slip into her mouth but she doesn't let me in 'Le why not?' I say while checking her out with lust 'Because y/nn, we will be late' Leah says stern 'They wont notice if we sneak in a few minutes later' I try but Leah shakes her head and turns around, leaning a bit forward to apply lipgloss which gives me a perfect view off her back. 'You are making this very hard' I say as I bite my lip 'What? I am just applying my lipgloss' She says with a smirk, I lean forward and put my hands on her ass 'Fine but tonight your mine' I whisper in her ear 'We will see' She says and gives me a kiss on the cheek before leaving the bathroom. Not much later we leave the house and the uber brings us towards the club, we decided on a uber because we are both planning on having a drink.

^ Your outfit for the night, you wear a black bomber jacket but that is just for outside

^ Leah her outfit

We arrive at the club and Jen had arranged a private booth for us all at the back of the club. I step out off the uber and walk hand in hand with Leah towards the girls, we greet the ones who are at the booth but some are already on the dancefloor. I haven't sit down for a minute when Katie shouts 'Get up y/nn' as she walks towards us with a tray filled with shots, this is gonna be a eventfull night. I laugh and stand opposite of her with a high table inbetween us, we devide the shots both having 5. '3..2..1..go!' Russo shouts giving us the start sign, Katie and I start drinking them as fast as we can 'Done!' I shout and putting the last empty shotglass down, Katie still needed to do 2 so I won. I go and sit down next to Leah, she is in deep conversation with Wally but still leans her body into my side. As the night goes on more alcohol gets into my system while I talk with Caitlin and Kim. Eventually I get bored and I want do go dance, 'Le, can I have a few dances?' I ask while standing up, she gives a quick look to Wally who nods, Leah takes her jacket off and we walk towards the dancefloor. Leah is dancing with her back against my front, I have my hands on her waist and place kisses in her neck every so often. Leah turns around and puts her hands in my neck 'I love you' She says over the music 'I love you to Le, your everything to me' I tell her while looking her in the eye so she knows how much I mean it, in response she crashes her lips on mine and tongues fight for dominance. 'Lets take picture' Leah says when we finally break, I take my phone out of my pocket and Leah places her lips on my cheek and I smile widely. Just as I want to hit the picture button someone bumps into Leah which causes her to almost fall on the ground but I can catch her on time. What the fuck. 'Hey dude, use your fucking eyes' I push him back and he turns around in response 'I didn't even touch you so what is your problem?' 'But you did touch my girlfriend' I say clenching my fist 'She is your girlfriend? Probably hasn't had a proper dick' I want to swing my fist in his face but Leah grabs my wrist and pulls me away from him. 'You wanted to hit him?' Leah asks suprised 'Are you okey? You aren't hurt right?' I ask ignoring her question, Leah holds my face 'Im fine y/nn, you had me on time' she reassures me 'But you really wanted to start a fight?' She repeats her question 'He almost hurt you and talked with disrespect about you' I say with clenched jaw, Leah kisses me passionatly 'Go have a drink and cool off, I will be with the girls' I nod and give her one last kiss before she goes back and I go to the bar.

'Suprise me' I tell the bartender as I sit down on a stool 'As you wish' he replies and prepares me three jagershots and a double vodka lemonade, I down the shots and vodka in no time and order the same again.
I start feeling the alcohol from earlier and the shots from just now kicking in hard. I really need to go to the toilet so I stumble off the barstool and get to the toilets but definitly not in a straight line. Just as I want to enter a group of girls walk out, I hold eye contact with one of them as she leaves. She is a brunette with green eyes, olive skin and a lovely smile, I give her a wink before I go inside. I stumble to the sink and look into the mirror while leaning against the sink, the room is spinning like crazy. I need to go to Leah after this pee. I go into one of the cubicles, I want to lock the door but instead it opens and she is standing there, she enters and locks the door behind her before I can do something about it. 'Hi I am Lisa' The girl who just walked out of the toilets says 'Hi im y/n' I respond with a smile 'So.. whats was that wink meant to be?' She asks standing inches away from me because its small inside the cubicle. Nothing, it just happend but it didn't mean anything, think about Leah. 'Just wanted to let you know you caught my eye' I say and letting my eyes check out her body, she wears a dress that shows her body shapes really good. No no no. 'So I am your type?' She asks stepping closer which makes the space between us minimum. Just say no, Leah is your type, blonde with blue eyes who you are in love with. 'More then' With that she connects our lips and I kiss her back without thinking. Fuck y/n, you asshole. I sit down on the toilet and pull her on my lap, she is wearing a short cocktail dress so I can easily slip my hand under it and move it closer to her center, she starts kissing my neck as I do so. I pull her panty a bit lower and let two fingers run over her wet folds. You can still stop y/n, we can forget this every happend, come on. My fingers enter her and she starts moaning in my ear, grinding her body against mine. I look at her face and am met with green eyes. Green eyes? No no this should be blue ones, I want blue eyes. I directly pull my fingers out of her and stand up, she almost falls but catches herself on time 'Sorry this shouldn't have happend' I tell her before unlocking the door and walk out. That is when I am met with blue eyes, the blue eyes that I want but there isn't a spark in them anymore like they used to have, the eyes look from me to the girl behind me and back to me. 'Why?' She asks in disbelieve 'Leah..' I start. I never sobbered up this quick. 'No y/n no no no' Leah keeps saying as her eyes fill with tears 'It didn't mean anything Leah trust me, fuck I am so so sorry' I try to grab her hand but she steps back. Y/n you fucking asshole, what the hell did you do? To the only person who you truly cared about. 'I- you said you loved me not even an hour ago' She says in between her tears 'But I do, I do love you Leah' I reassure her but it doesn't help, she turns around and storms out of the toilets. 'Leah wait!' I shout as I quickly follow her, she walks towards the girls and straight into Lia her arms who embraces her in a hug and looks at me with a what the fuck happend look and she is definitly not the only one. I look at the floor and take a deep breath, I don't know what to say 'I- I did.. I didn't mean to' I stutter out eventually still looking at the ground 'What did you do y/n?' Katie asks stern, I want to answer but Leah already does 'She fucked another girl in the toilets' She says with disgust not even looking at me. 'You what!?' Kyra yells, this is the first time in our friendship she yells at me 'I- it never meant to happen, I love y-' I try to say but Katie cuts me of 'Fucking leave y/n' Katie says as she points towards the exit from the club, Caitlin walks to me 'For real leave, I know your hurt and shit to but for now you need to give Leah space and time so leave' I nod and give Leah one last look but she has her face buried in Lia her shoulder. Fuck what have I done?

I leave the club and head towards the nearest liquid store. 'One bottle of scotch' I say and give the man £20 pound 'You look rough' The man says letting out a slight chuckle 'Give me the scotch and take the money' I say not in the mood for a whole conversation. The man does and I exit the store, I take off the cap and directly put it on my mouth, taking a few big gulps. I walk through the streets of London when I feel a tears run over my cheek, I haven't cried in forever. I decide there is only one thing I can do to give Leah her time and space, I need to go on loan to another club in another country for the rest of the season and maybe longer. It is 3am but I do try and call Jonas and to my suprise he picks up.

Jonas: Hi y/n, why are you calling so early?
Me: Hi Jonas, I need to leave Arsenal
Jonas: I don't understand what you mean?
Me: I want to request a loan, I can't stay at the club
Jonas: Very funny, you are drunk.
Me: I probably am drunk but I am not joking
Jonas: This is your first season y/n, why would you want to leave already? You are doing amazing
Me: It has nothing to do with the club it is personal but could you please put me on loan, I know it closes in a week.
Jonas: I want to talk to you face to face tomorrow afternoon after training, I will put you on the list as a possible.
Me: Thank you. About training could I get the day off?
Silence again.
Jonas: Fine but I expect you to be at our meeting at 2
Me: Ofcourse, thank you Jonas I will be there.

I hang up and take a few big sips again before continuing my walk through London. I just keep walking and walking until I find myself standing infront of Ravi his restaurant. I take a few more big sips from the bottle before letting it fall on the ground, it shadders into million little pieces. I walk to the door and push it. Fuck it is closed, ofcourse it is 4am. I open my messages and scroll in mine and Ravi chats until I find his address, I put it into google maps. 30 minutes jeez. I get angry while walking, angry at the universe but most of all angry at myself, I feel the tears rolling over my face again.
I eventually arrive at his house and push the doorbell a few times until the door opens. 'Y/n what the fuck are you doing here? It is too early' Ravi says still sleepy 'I fucked up' I slur out 'Shit your drunk, come in'. He leads me to his couch and gets me a glass of water 'Go to sleep, we will talk tomorrow' I nod and make myself comfortable before drifting away to sleep.

I wake up the next morning with a banger headache. I slow sit up and grab my phone to check the time 9:30am and then it dies, great. I get up and walk into the kitchen, Ravi is preparing breakfast 'She is awake' He says chuckling and I just give him a smile before sitting down at the table. Ravi gives me a coffee and sits opposite of me 'Out with it' He says stern, I stir my spoon in the coffee debatting what to say 'I- Leah and I broke up' I say soft, Ravi his facial expression fills with pity 'Im sorry, I know how much you loved her' 'Its my fault that it happend' 'How so?' 'I cheated' Now his facial expression fills with dissapointment 'Fucking hell y/n, how could you?' I shake my head lightly 'I don't know, I was drunk and this girl.. fuck I dont even know it anymore' I rub my head 'Y/n you ruined everything big time' Ravi sighs and starts paching the kitchen 'I am leaving Arsenal' 'Where are you going?' 'I don't know and dont care as long as it is outside of England' Ravi chuckles softly in disbelieve 'Your running away you know' 'I am not' I say stern 'Yes you are' 'I am not' I repeat 'I am giving Leah space'. Am I or am I running away from everything like always?. I take a shower at Ravis and charge my phone. Ravi is bringing me to London Colney for my meeting with Jonas, I hope I dont run into one of the girls while I am there.

'You dont have to leave Arsenal you know' Ravi says parking his car in the parking lot 'But I do Ravi, I can't stay here for now' I say with reluctance because I do want to stay here, it has become my home, but I just can't. When I enter the building I directly head to Jonas his office and luckily dont see any of the girls, they are probably still training. The man behind the reception lets me wait in Jonas his office and just before 2 Jonas enters. He gives me a warm smile when noticing me sitting here already 'Hi y/n, you are early' He says sitting down at his own desk 'Yes sorry, didn't want to be late' I reply 'No problem, so you want to go on loan?' He asks checking if I still stand by what I requested last night 'I do if that is still possible' I answer and he looks dissapointed. 'Well it is possible, I have put you on the loan window last night and already have a few clubs interested' He says giving me a stack of files, I open the first few. Manchester United, City and Aston Villa, all in England not an option. The last three catch my attention. Bayern Munich, FC Barcalona and Real Madrid. 'Wow this are some big teams' I say as I read the contracts 'They are indeed, could I give you my advice?' He asks 'Ofcourse' I say having no clue what to do 'I would go to Barcalona, you may not play many minutes but you will learn a lot which will improve you as a footballer' He explains 'Barcalona is an amazing club and it would be an honour to play for them' I tell him 'Made your choice then?' I nod 'Barcalona it is'. We go over some practical information, like salary. 'When do I leave?' 'They want you as soon as possible so whenever you are ready' Jonas explains 'Then I will leave tomorrow' I tell him 'Alright, I will let someone arrange a flight and let Barcalona know you are coming' I nod. He gives me his hand and I shake it before leaving his office.

Bye Arsenal, for now atleast

A/N: What is next for y/n?
Any ideas?

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