The Weak And Helpless (Yona o...

By Shizuko-Chan

94.8K 3.8K 436


The Two Strangers
The Bottom of The Valley
The Four Dragons
Heading Out
Visiting A Village
The White Dragon
The First Dragon Joins Us
I Get Mistaken For A Villager
You've Upset The Dragon
Weak Spot
I Hate Chopsticks
A Failed Search
Hidden Village
The Blue Dragon
Going Back
A Dragons Help
The Blue Dragon Takes A Swim
I Visit My First Brothel
The Green Dragon
I'm Sorry, But Did You Say Mascot?
Joining the Pirates!
Make Over
Authors Note (Please Read)
I'm Going To Fight!
A Plan
Taking Action
The Captive Of Kumji
A Promise
The Hero
A Royal Encounter
Nothing Important
The Five Tribes
Roku And Jealously
A New Dress
A/N: Sing Beautiful
In The Garden
Running Away
Forced Out
The Weak And Helpless

Port Awa

1.7K 78 12
By Shizuko-Chan

After leaving the Blue Dragon's village, we walked for days while resting, and rested well me walked. Then finally, we made it to Port Awa.

Yona and the others with the exception of Hak marveled as they saw the ocean for the first time well I stare at the ocean scowling. My tiny hands formed fists as I looked out at the water. What would happen to me if I went in the water? Ever since the incident, I had stared to fear large amounts of water. When ever it had rained I would start screaming and freaking out.

After a whole bunch of group meetings and a lot of deep breaths I had managed to somewhat tame my fear and not scream my head off every time a raindrop hit me. But, I still was afraid of the ocean.

"Hak, is that the ocean! It's so beautiful. I've never seen it before. " Yona cheered happily her eyes wide as she took in the scene. "It's the Earth Tribe's Awa Port. I'd never thought I'd be back here." Hak answers.

I look up at him surprised. "You've been here before?" I questioned surprised. "Long ago. The old geezer brought me here." Hak explained. Who's this old geezer? Yona turned to Gija. "Gija, is the Green Dragon here?" Yona asked. Gija looked sick. "Well..... he seems to be moving about at a dizzying speed."He replied his eyes swirling as he falls over dizzily. "G-Gija!" Yona stutters.

Yun looks down at Gija. "I guess the dragons powers aren't indefinite. After a certain point, they lose a lot of strength. " Yun notes raising a hand to his chin in thought. "I'd like to look for the Green Dragon, but we're exhausted from our long journey. We should get more food, too." Yun thinks aloud.

Shin-Ha, Gija, and Yona's faces light up as they here this. "Lets go to the port city!" Yona beamed in agreement.

Yes, because no one will notice Gija's strange arm and silver hair. And I doubt people will recognize a red-haired princess at all. Don't even get me started on Shin-Ha. With his weird wig and odd mask, Ao poking out of his robe. He's clearly suspicious.

"We're not going! We can't take you guys down there! Especially the one in the mask!" Yun scolded. As much as I wanted to argue with Yun that they could go, he was right and I felt really bad for Shin-Ha.

"I'll go then. I remember how to get around the city." Hak offered. Yona stepped towards him. "Hak. I wanna go, too." Yona protests. "Princess your growing uglier lately." Hak replies bending down to look more closely at Yona's face.

"Hey!" Shouted Yona. Clearly offended. "How dare you! The princess is b-beautiful." Gija yells his face turning red as he says the last part. "You have bags under your eyes. Your hands are covered with cuts. Your pushing yourself too hard. You should get some rest." Hak insisted patting Yona on the head.

Yona looks down at the floor. "I don't know what you're talking about." She argues back stubbornly. "Just be careful. Don't start any trouble." Yun warned as Hak grabbed his bag about to leave. "You guys should hide." Hak said handing Gija his weapon not wanting to draw attention to himself he turned around to leave.

"Wait!" I called to Hak. He turns back around. "What?" He asks annoyed. "I'm coming with!" I announced. "No, go hide." Hak denies turning around and beginning to walk away. "Hay, Hay, HAY! I'm not suspicious! I can go!" I shouted back, running after him as Yun, Yona, Shin-Ha, and Gija went off to hide.

Hak looked down next to him and tsked his tongue when he saw me. "Go back." He ordered. I ignore him. Hak sighs. "Fine." He groans looking tired of me already. "I'll meet up with you in front of Awa Port at the gates, ok?" I say starting to walk away as we enter the town.

Hak snatches my hand. "Your not going alone." He protests. I turn to face him "Hak, do you know how long I lived on my own once my father died?" I asked looking him straight in the eyes. "Thats irrelevant." He answers. "Two years." I continued. Hak tightens his grip on my hand. "I can take care of myself." I reassure. Hak let's go of my hand. "Ok, we meet in front of Port Awa at the gates."

I wandered over to a large cliff hearing the sound of crashing waves. I sat down on the grass making sure I was a good distance from the cliffs edge. I looked up at the sky as I lay on by back listening to the crashing of the waves as I started forming clouds into images.

Suddenly I heard the sound of a instrument playing. I didn't recognize the instrument but it sounded beautiful the tune the instrument played reappeared in my head and I couldn't help but sing along to the beautiful melody.

Times ahead are filling with dread

Tears have spilled at thoughts I could not send

As the sky above shows a burning red

Burning red just for you

See the strengths and faults laid within your soul

Once you feel your passion flow

You'll know

Little one, do not be afraid

Follow on and show them that you are brave

Break the wind that will push you back

Go til the dawn shall crack

Lighting down a path in your way ( Raise your arms and reach up to the sky)

Let your feet help you to run and fly

There are vows we could never know

From times of long ago

Meet their word and bring forth the day

The tune suddenly ended as I finished my song. "Uh? I wonder what happened." I mumble, sad that the tune was gone as I still look up at the sky laying on my back. Out of nowhere a black dot flew by. I sat up and searched the sky. I didn't see anything. "Your voice is rather beautiful." Whispered a voice in my ear. I screamed. Scrambling forward, away from the suddenly voice.

I whipped my head behind me to see who had talked. My jaw dropped as I looked at a man with green hair put up into a ponytail. A neat orange bow was wrapped around his pony keeping it in place. He wore a blue robe with gold edges, along with tan pants tucked into a pair of long white boots. "Your scream is so cute." The man chucked as he watched me with interested eyes.

I lean away from him. The man frowned. "I won't hurt you." He reassured. "Wh-Where did you come from!" I demanded. The man laughed. "From the bottom of the cliff. Would you like me to show you." The man explained. I furiously shaked my head.

"I can't." I reply sternly. "Oh? And why is that?" The man asked curiously. "The water. I-I'm afraid of the water." I answered looking at the cliff's edge nervously. The man walkes over to me and before I could retreat farther away from him he scooped me up in his arms. "Hay! Who do you think you are picking~" I began to protest but stop as the man places a hand over my eyes.

I feel the cold night wind hit my face. Then it stops and the man removed his hand and put me down. I looked around to see I was at the bottom of the cliff and the ocean water washed over my feet. My eyes widen and I screamed stumbling backwards until I hit the cliff wall.

I squeezed my eyes tight not moving. Help me! Help me! Help me! Help me! Hak! I'm sorry I ran off! Hak! Gija! Shin-Ha! Yona! Yun! Anyone! Come save me! A familiar chuckle that was quickly becoming annoying came near by. "Why are you so afraid of the water?" The man asked. I gripped the wall of the cliff.

"It can kill me! If I drown even for one minute. I'm dead. My lungs can't work like they used to not after my accident!" I screamed. I felt blood trickle down my hand from holding the cliff wall to tightly.

"Take me back! Take me back! I don't want to be here! Take me back. Please!" I plead fearfully. I one swift motion I felt myself be picked up and a hand be placed over my eyes. The same breeze came as before and I was back on the top of the cliff.

The man put me down I panted heavily. To much adrenaline, hyperventilating! I clutch my chest and breath deeply thinking about the advise Yona had given me during those many rainy day meetings. I quickly return to my normal breathing pattern.

The mad man who had somehow thrown me down the cliff unharmed stood next to me watching me curiously. I shot up and began to run away ignoring the burning sensation in my lungs. This mans insane!

I ran to the town panting once again and walked around looking for Hak. It was to early for him to be at the gate. As I walked around I spotted two officials harassing a young woman.

I watched the two wondering what I could do to help when Hak suddenly appeared punching one of the men in the face. The man who had I had just meet a few minutes ago punched the other. The green-haired man took the girls hand and began to run away Hak following.

"After them!" Shouted a group of officials near by who had seen everything. They chased after them. In a hurried frenzy to help Hak I clutched a handful of rocks and threw them at the soldiers. They all turned toward my direction unharmed but annoyed looking for who had thrown the rocks.

I turned around to run but of course knowing my luck tripped over my own two feet foolishly. The officials surrounded me. "Look what we got here, a little girl." Cackled one of them. "She's so tiny, I wonder how long it will take to break her." Another added.

I got up off the floor and pulled out my dagger. "L-Leave me alone!" I demanded. The men laughed taking a few steps closer toward me. "I-I'm warning you. Don't come any closer!" I stuttered as they advanced on me.

Then as if by magic all the officials fell to the ground. "Uh?" I looked around to see who had jumped in at the last minute to save me and I spotted the green-haired man running off on the roof tops. Thank you.

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