By Graceguya1

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This is a continuation ( book 2) of my re-writing of the Grimm's fairytale, Hansel and Gretel as a Telenovela... More



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By Graceguya1

Back at Aurelio and Aranza's house,

They have both just finished reading the letter and listening to the tape. They are beyond shocked. Aranza asks Aurelio what they should do. He says that they shouldn't be the ones to deal with this. He says that they should hand it to Hector, Martin, and Antonio because this is explosive and is beyond them. Aranza agrees. She says that she can't believe Isabella and her gang could be so heartless. Aurelio adds that what angers him most is that Adrianna, Gina, and the babies could have been hurt.

Aranza says it angers her too. She then says that despite all that has happened, they need to be calm and do what is best for the children. Aurelio says that it will be a complicated process to switch the children back. Aranza looks at him like he was crazy. She says that Marianna and Isabella exchanged their own children and don't deserve them back. She adds that after what they did, it is clear that they don't love their children at all. Aurelio agrees.

Two days later, on Monday,

At Montes De Alba Inc,

Aurelio has gone to Antonio's office. He asks Antonio if he could come over if he isn't busy because Aranza and him (Aurelio) want to talk to him. Antonio looks at his cousin suspiciously. He asks him if something has happened to either him or Aranza. Aurelio says that they are both fine. He then adds that Aranza is going to look for Martin and Hector as well.

Antonio looks at Aurelio again and asks him if he is fine. Aurelio says he is. Antonio asks him why they want to talk to him, Martin and Hector. Aurelio tells him to come, because it is important but to invent an excuse if anyone asks him. Antonio asks again what is going on. Aurelio says that work isn't the place to discuss personal issues.


Aranza has arrived at the cafeteria, where Hector told her, he was. He was with Martin. She greets them both and sits down. Hector says that she came there quite quickly after she called to ask him where he was. Aranza says it was because they were both here, and she needed to talk to them both. Martin asks her what she did. Aranza says that despite what lies Antonio and Hector may have spread about her, she is a good girl. She says that she and Aurelio want to talk to the two of them and Antonio. She says that Aurelio went to talk to Antonio. Hector asks them if they are both okay.

Aranza says they are. Martin asks her why she insists on meeting him, Hector and Antonio if they are both okay. Aranza says that they are at work and they can't talk about personal issues. Martin looks at her suspiciously, and Hector says that if something is wrong she should tell them (Hector and Martin) and they will help her. Aranza sighs and tells Hector, to stop being so stubborn. She says that they will know when they come. She folds her hands and asks them if they are coming. Martin and Hector both agree to come.

Back with Antonio and Aurelio,

Antonio tells himself that Aranza and Aurelio are either upto something or something has happened to one of them. He says that he will go just to make sure that everything is okay with both of them. He then tells Aurelio that. Aurelio sees Antonio's skeptical look and tells him to relax because everything is okay.

At the mental hospital,

John has another flashback of the young boy with his mother. This time they are at their house. He again asks himself why the child's mother looks like Gina. He asks himself if he is the child, Gabriel. He then says that if Gina looks like his mother, Gina and Hector are somehow connected to him, and are the key to uncovering his past.

Sometime later at Montes De Alba Inc,

Antonio is with Hector and Martin, at the cafeteria. They are discussing Aranza and Aurelio's strange request. Martin asks Antonio if he is going. Antonio says he is. He adds that they should check on them (Aranza and Aurelio) just to make sure nothing is wrong and they aren't upto anything. Hector agrees and says that he will also come. Martin says he will as well.

Meanwhile, Aranza is about to enter a lift, when she sees Adrianna and Gina in it. She momentarily looks at them freezes, then enters. Gina asks Aranza if she is fine. Aranza assures them she is. Adrianna asks her why she looked at them like she had seen a ghost. Aranza pouts and tells them they are being dramatic. Adrianna asks Aranza if she is upto something or she is in trouble. Aranza pouts and says that she is a good girl.

Gina asks Aranza if she has seen Hector. Aranza says she talked to him and Martin sometime earlier, at the cafeteria, but she hasn't seen him since then. Gina tells herself that she has a feeling her brother and sister are upto something because they are different sides of the same sneaky trouble magnet coin.

The rest of the day passes and at the end of the working day, Hector, Martin, and Antonio leave in Antonio's car, for Aurelio and Aranza's house. Aranza and Aurelio had already left earlier, and so Antonio, Hector, and Martin find them at their home. Antonio asks Aranza and Aurelio why they look so serious. Aurelio says it's because they called them there to deal with a serious matter. Hector asks Aurelio what it is. Aranza removes a letter and tape from a basket and places them on the table.

Martin asks Aranza what is in the letter and tape. Aurelio says that he will let Aranza explain because she found them. Aranza says that a couple of days ago, she found them while arranging the cupboards in their bedroom. She adds that Emma left them, probably a few days before she died. They are all shocked, especially Martin. He musters up some courage and asks what it is. Aurelio says that it is better if they hear it. Aranza asks Martin if she should play the tape. He says it's fine. He adds that if they can get one step closer to finding Justice for Emma, a little discomfort is worth it.


Carlos and Juan Patricio are at one of their secret hideouts, overseeing some of their illegal businesses. They are inspecting their smuggled products.

Back at Aranza and Aurelio's house,

The tape, where Emma is heard saying what she knows has already been played. Neither Antonio, Martin nor Hector say anything for a little while. Aurelio says that they have to consider the fact that this could be the reason Emma was killed. Antonio says that he doesn't want either Gina or Adrianna living with such monsters. He adds that either they or the children could have been harmed or died in the process of the schemes. Aranza adds that the tape and letter aren't enough proof that Isabella and her cronies did anything and that even with a DNA test they will only be able to prove that the children were switched.

Antonio says that he should handle telling Gina and Hector says that he will handle telling Adrianna. Martin, however, suggests that Antonio tells Adrianna, and Hector tells Gina to keep them safe and avoid Isabella, and her friends from suspecting anything and tampering with their plans. Hector knows that Martin has a point, no matter how hard it will be. He wants nothing more than to be by Adrianna's side. He knows how hard, finding this out will be for her because she is so sensitive. Aranza says that she thinks that it will be better, if they get Adrianna and Gina in one place, and tell them.

Meanwhile, John is in his room. He has another flashback, in it, he is with a boy and girl who are both about five years old. In it, he calls them Hernan and Gabriela. John asks himself who they are. He asks himself if they are his children. He then remembers that Hector and Gina's names start with similar letters and they are practically the same age.

John says that he is sure Hector and Gina are connected to his past, because Gina looks like the woman he is sure is his mother, while Hector, looks exactly like the man he thinks is his grandfather. He asks himself if it is a coincidence that Hector and Gina also have names that start with H and G.

Back at Aranza and Aurelio's house,

Hector asks Aranza exactly what she means. Aranza says that it will be better if he ( Hector) and Antonio, work together to bring Adrianna and Gina together, so that they can all meet in one place, and agree on what to do, and on how to be communicating. Hector says that it's a good idea as well. Martin meanwhile cannot believe everything they have just learned.

The next day, on Tuesday

At Montes De Alba inc,

Gina is with her brother, in the office garden. Gina knows something is going on. She knows her brother too well. Hector asks her what she wanted to interrogate him about. Gina rolls her eyes. She apologises for answering him rudely and being bossy. She said she had to do it, to make Horacio think they were arguing otherwise he would suspect something if they talk secretly. Hector asks Gina if Horacio has ever laid a finger on her. Hector adds that if he has, he (Hector) will teach him a lesson because she is his little sister, and he won't allow anyone to mistreat her.

Gina smiles at him and assures her he hasn't. She then says that she isn't his little sister, because they are twins and they are equal. Hector says that she can lie to herself if she wants, then asks her what she wanted to interrogate him about. Gina says that he is up to something, and she wants to know. When Hector remembers what Aranza and Aurelio told him, Martin and Antonio, yesterday, he doesn't even have an interest in disturbing his sister. Gina becomes even more sure her brother is upto something. He looks at the ground, then at his sister, who has folded her arms and is looking at him.

Calmly, he tells her that he needs to talk to her alone. Gina asks him what happened. Hector says nothing, he adds that he just wants to talk to her alone in a more private place. Gina looks around, and when she sees nobody, she tells Hector, that her twin sense tells her something is going on, and she wants to know. Hector shrugs and says that there isn't.

Meanwhile, Adrianna and Antonio, are at the cafeteria. He says that he would like to talk to her and Aranza, as soon as possible. Adrianna looks at him worriedly. She asks him if he and his son are okay. Antonio says they both are. Adrianna then asks him what schemes Aranza has put him upto. Antonio assures her Aranza isn't upto anything. Antonio says that it's just important, they talk.

He tells her that she should come up with an excuse if anyone else asks. Adrianna tries to get Antonio to tell her, what is going on, but he is adamant and says that she should remain calm and that he will only talk when Aranza is also there. Adrianna doesn't know what to make of how Antonio is acting. He smiles at her and tells her that everything will be okay.


Marianna meets Martin, on the lift, as they both enter to go two floors up. Martin remembers what Aranza and Aurelio told him, Antonio and Hector. He glares at her in such a way that for the first time, Marianna is afraid of him. If looks could kill, Marianna would be dead by then. Martin doesn't say a word to her.

He says to himself that she was involved in Emma's murder and that he will never forgive her for that. Marianna asks herself what she could have done that has got Martin so angry at her. She says that she knows that they aren't friends but, she doesn't understand why he is so cold towards her. It is a tense and uncomfortable ride.

Elsewhere at Armando and Luisa's house,

Clara holds up her newborn granddaughter, Rosa Milagros, and gazes at the baby with love. She says to herself that God has blessed her, with an angel.

Later that day,

Anna Patricia goes to visit John alone because Hector and Gina were busy. She asks herself just how much he remembers about his children and his life.


Hector and Gina, Antonio and Adrianna, Martin and Aurelio, and Aranza had left work early and separately arrived at a house owned by a friend of Antonio's who was on leave. Antonio had access to the key because he was keeping it for him. Hector and Gina are the last to arrive. Gina immediately asks the guys and Aranza what they are up to. Adrianna says that she too wants to know why they have all been acting weird.

Aurelio who wasn't in the room, at the time, comes back with a basket and removes a letter and audio. Gina stares at him curiously. She asks him what it is. Antonio says that Aranza found some things that Emma left behind before she died while arranging files and boxes, in their room. Gina asks them if they know what Emma said. They all nod. Hector says that's why they brought her and Adrianna there so that they too could know. Adrianna says that they are ready for whatever it is.

Meanwhile, Horacio, Isabella, Marianna, and Alejandro are in a meeting spot. Alejandro has just gotten off the phone. He tells them that the people they hire to monitor Adrianna, Gina, Hector, and Antonio's movements have reported that Hector, Gina, Aurelio, Adrianna, Antonio. Aranza and Martin are in one place, at a place owned either by Antonio or one of his friends. They are all concerned. Isabella says that this needs to be checked out because they have worked so hard to break them up and they cannot let anything destroy that.

Back at Antonio's friend's house,

Gina and Adrianna are both shell-shocked. They cannot believe what they just heard. Adrianna who was sitting near Gina faints, and the secret is forgotten, as everyone rushes to help her.

At the mental hospital,

John tells Anna Patricia that he would like to attend the children's birthday this year. He adds that he understands why he couldn't attend before. She is a little surprised at this. She says that she knows that he loves the children like his own grandchildren, and he would want to be there on such an important day. He says that he does want to be there. He adds that it was understandable that his interactions with the outside world were limited, earlier because despite his recovery he was still in a delicate condition after years of being sick.

He adds that he feels ready to begin a new stage of his life and move on. He says that he isn't getting any younger, and he doesn't intend to spend the rest of his life in that room. Anna Patricia says that she understands and agrees with his decision. She adds that Hector and Gina will be happy to have him there. John adds that life is too short and should be enjoyed and lived. He adds that he has important decisions to make. He then takes one of her hands and puts it in his.

She looks at him and asks him what he is talking about. He says that in the few years he has known her, he has come to see what a remarkable woman she is. He says that she is a beautiful woman both, inside and outside, and the kind of person he would love to spend the rest of his days with. Anna Patricia as much as she hoped it would happen is still shocked, at the intensity of her feelings.

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