Smg4 and the Beast (New accou...

By Mushrooming333

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What happens when a suspicious old woman (?) comes up to the crew's Castle door before a big group sleepover... More

Intro & Notices ⚠️
Chapter One: The Old Woman
Chapter Three: What is going on?!
Chapter Four: The Beast
Chapter Five: A Curseful Recovery
Chapter Six: The Leshy & Love Tips
Chapter Seven: Confessions
Chapter Eight: Discussions
Chapter Nine: The Hunt

Chapter Two: Lets have some fun

232 11 11
By Mushrooming333

Hello just wanted to say that I also am doing this for fun! No serious purposes plus, I have had smg34 on my mind for uhhh WAY too much and I can't get over it
>D (not saying it's a bad thing lol) and I MUST find a way to nicely spread it off my mind! By writing a story about it for other people, (which is my very first story-well - two years ago doesn't count plus that story I think I deleted BUT ANYWAY it makes me feel as if I'm recycling smg34
Idk lol

Three exhaled as he walked his way back towards the game room. Thinking back to EVERYTHING that just happened.

Old woman
very Sus
the fact that she just disappeared?
How she IMMEDIATELY knew he was
this was so random wtf
He stopped in his tracks. Short of reaching the Game room. Three slowly looked down at his hand and realized he still had that Rose snug in his grip.

"Well, Sh*t."

"Hey Three! Did you get the mou..."

'Double sh*t.'

Boopkins just HAS to run out here of pleading and excitement, doesn't he?

"Uhhh three... why do you have a rose?
00Ooo are you asking someone out :D?!?"

Right after the words were said, Three ran to Boopkins and covered his mouth to make him shut up.

"NO! I- I Found it outside Boopkins. A weird person was at the door that's all."

"Oh. Wait are they gone?"

"Yes, I shooed them away."

......Can you keep a secret Boopkins?"

"Well yeah :D it depends on what it is though.

"Well if you tell anyone in there I'll kill

Boopkin's facial expression changed in a quick second.

pfff - relax I'm kidding. Well mostly but anyway-"


"I feel what we... all went through a few weeks ago, and well... I- I just want everyone to be... alone with each other for a bit. Kinda like Tari and Meggy, but not romantically You know? No stupid adventures or big events. Just all of us hanging out together."

'like a Family' he wanted to add.

"Oh, I understand! I feel the same too! honestly, I'm going to binge-watch all of my favorite animes with Jub-jub! I haven't gotten to do that with him in a while now thinking about it-"

Boopkins stopped his sentence as he saw
Three's facial expression droop.

"Smg3? Are you OK? You seem... stressed."

Due to Bookin's comment, Three noticed how much he was shaking due to earlier events, and he realized his eyes were threatening to water.

"I'm ok, Boopkins." His voice creaked as he forced a smile.

Boopkins was easy to lie to, but when it came to mental reasons the little fish thing could tell if anyone was having a bad time. He sighed to himself knowing how stubborn three was.

"Please... just release what you are feeling.
I told you this a hundred times! Was it the person at the door?"

He nodded to himself.

"Well, I just screamed at an old woman at the door Boopkins, not that I purposely wanted to, but the whole thing was just. I don't know. I don't know why I still have this dumb flower in my hand."

"Well, to make you feel a bit better she's gone now, right? So don't worry about it.
If she comes back all of us will have to teach her to move on to another place instead of here! D " he gestured to everyone still in the game room.

"By the wayyyyy, the rose is beautiful. I'll take it for you and put it in a vase for the kitchen. So you don't have to look at that anymore. Smg4 was looking for decoration in there anyways!" Boopkins gently pulled the rose from threes grasp and started towards the kitchen. Suddenly he stopped and turned towards Smg3.

"Oh also! We're all doing the group sleepover! Surely that will get your mind off of things! :D "

"Oh yeah, that sounds.... fun.:"

He said with a smile.

Boopkins smiled back and started to proceed to the kitchen without stopping this time.

With what was said, Three walked into the game room and explained to Four the person at the door was someone who was lost and needed directions, not his computer mouse.

"Ah, well that makes sense now. Hey!
Since you are here now, join us in Twister!
It's been getting really funny lately!"

Without any questions asked four took three, who started to blush, by the wrist and dragged him by his side to the new spacious game room. All of the furniture was moved to the corner of the room for the giant mat in the middle of the floor.
..And the current tributes playing the game were Meggy and Tari, Three cracked a smile seeing how tangled up the girls were.

'They're going to fall any minute now.

Everyone was sitting in a circle around the mat either watching or having a quiet small talk.


"Mario it's Lesbi- you know what never mind at least he's mostly right." Laughed

"Alright! Left hand green," Melony announced she sat in the circle with the spinning board in her hands.

"Ok..." muttered Tari. She was trying to figure out how to approach this. Because she was almost on top of Meggy. Meggy had her legs crossed and twisted around to reach the dots underneath Tari. Due to Meggy's height versus Tari, she had to go underneath. Everyone was encouraging them or smiling with laughter seeing what was happening.

"Right foot yellow!"

Both girls reached for Yellow with their right foot, while Tar nailed it down because of her height, Meggy, not so much.


Everyone started laughing. Including Smg3 and Tari.

"Just try! You can do it!" She encouraged.
Meggy reached her right foot as far as she could reach. But, she forgot how Tari was basically twisted on top of her, so when she reached her foot upwards she accidentally kicked Tari's leg out of place and caused the blue-haired to fall on top of her in a heap on the mat. Soon after what just happened they started laughing at themselves with everyone.

"Oh my god- ha- are you ok? Ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha I'm good if you are Meggy!
Melony, what was our score?" Tari asked.
"You got.... Ten spins!" D

She stood up with Meggy and double-high-fived her.

"Alright, who wants to go next??">:)


"I would like to but Mario doesn't want to so I wouldn't have someone to compete with." Claimed four.


"Nuh-uh. Thanks but no thanks. I'm better off, watching you goobers from here is enough." She said, with a smile.

" ok uuhh wait where's Boopkins?"

Boopkins came jogging in as her words left her mouth.

"Im here Melony! But I can't play because of my tiny body. :( "

"Aw man. It's ok guys."

Melony sighed. she moved to start packing up the game until she glanced over and saw three and four standing side-by-side, listening to the conversation.

she made the most mischievous smile she has ever made. Oh, she cannot help herself, and she would not let this opportunity go to waste.

she just had to play her cards right.

"Four? You said you didn't have a partner? Uhh, how about three? He might wanna play too."

"No. But Thank you." Three cut him off.

"But pleaaaasseeee I haven't seen either of you play this before! I don't remember who could be better...." She pleaded with a

"I mean I'm pretty decent at Twister, it's just been a long time since I've played it." exclaimed Four.

"Decent? I'm a bit better than just decent."

"Oh, you of all people have played Twister before? You probably can't even last that long."

"Oh really? And you of all people think you can be that athletic? You sit around and make videos all day."

"Oh yeah? You sit around and stream all day! how about that?"

"I have my reasons!"



"Alright, it's on!"

Melony just viciously giggled to herself as she had that smile still stuck on her face.

"So you are playing right?" She asked.

"Yes!" They both said in unison.
"Great!" :D

Both men got down on their knees into the center of the mat. With scowls on their faces, they stared each other down as they waited for Melony to spin the wheel. They looked like two dogs about to fight in an alleyway. The guardians had no idea how stupid they looked. But everyone else did including Mario. He was using all of his power to not laugh at Three and Four.

"Right foot blue."

As said each laid their right foot on a nearby blue circle.

"Left-hand red."

Both Three and Four copied the actions with their left hands.

"Left Foot green."

At that point, Three was almost doing the splits in his position. Meanwhile, Four was doing fine with what he had although his left foot was close to Threes' right hand.

"Right-hand green."

Four huffed as he struggled to move his hand somewhere that didn't tangle his limbs up in a heap.
Three on the other hand managed that spin fine.

"Right foot yellow."


Three thought he managed until he realized how close he and Four had gotten since their starting positions.
His right hand was over Four's left leg. He couldn't help but start blushing again.

'No! No! Stop it! Ughhh!'

But his internal thoughts only made it worse. And his face got even more redder. Meggy was looking at him with a devil of a smile as he was brighter than a tomato.

'Of course, she knows. Well, she's not stupid.'

Luckily Four was too busy to see Three's face whilst moving his foot towards threes direction.
Melony, seeing what was happening with Three, laughed as she spun the wheel for the next turn.

"Left Foot blue."

"Dammit Four, stop getting so close!"

"What's wrong? Do you not like feeling on edge?"

"PFF HA GOT EM!" Mario added.

Due to how close Four was Three had no choice but to move forwards. The Blue Man had moved so close to him that he was on the edge. Three took quiet deep breaths and slowly placed his right leg over Four's thigh. Redness crept up on his face again. Four was sitting upwards but using his hands and legs to keep himself off the ground like a crab. But he wasn't super high off the ground so Three was able to move his leg over Fours.

"So the game ends when one of us touches the ground?" three hesitantly asked.

"Yep!" replied Melony.

"Is tapping out an option?" He squeaked.

"Nope! Right-hand green!" D


He was so distracted by what Melony said he had no idea that Four moved his foot over and behind the green circle right behind him. Which meant Four's legs almost surrounded the lower half of Three's body.

"You ok Three? Your face is a bit red." Four exclaimed.
Not being phased at all by what was happening.

"W-what? I'm fine! This is just hard work! Because... this... game requires so much... physical abilities! Yeah t-that!" He sputtered out.

"Left hand Yellow."

Three had to move forward. But for whatever reason Four kept moving towards him on the mat. He couldn't tell if that dingus was doing it on purpose or just because he was well... a dingus.

So three placed his hand toward Four's left hand. But Four had other plans. Four placed his left hand on the yellow spot that was underneath three. That's when Mario couldn't hold his patience anymore and walked up to the mat and kicked Three's leg out making Three fall right on top of Four, making him collapse as well.
Similar to the recent events with Tari and Meggy.

There was a long silence between everyone including the two men. But nobody moved just yet. Those few moments for Three felt like hours. Three realized how soft Four's clothing was. Crap. Then he realized how warm Four's body was as well. Because of where three was on top of Four he could hear Four's soft heartbeat
in his chest. It was so mesmerizing. More redness hit Three's face harder than ever before. But the only thing that made him snap out of his thoughts was Mario and Bob's laughter in the background. As Three moved to stand up, he never noticed how Four's face was a red color too.

"I-I'm going to the restroom. I'll be back in a second." Three blankly said as he speed walked out of the room without looking back.

"Mario! What was that for!?" Meggy whisper-yelled at the plumber who just shrugged.

"You ok Four?" Asked Saiko.

The blue man was still sitting up on the floor where Three once was on top of him. His face was pink.

Once he realized Saiko was staring at him for a response he quickly shook off everything that just happened and smiled at her.

"Y-Yeah! Never better! That was pretty fun!" He exclaimed with a thumbs up and a fake smile.

"OK then, are you sure? Because your face is pink," she said with a devious smirk.

"N-no! What? No! just the... exercise I haven't had in a while!"

"Uh-huh. Ok. Whatever you say."
'Simp.' She thought.

"Well guys, it's getting pretty late! We should go ahead and set up our sleeping bags in the main room!" Tari suggested.

"Yeah! That's a good idea, Tari! We should do that."
Four said as he stood up off the mat.

Boopkins turned to the girls in a quiet matter where
Four couldn't hear.

"I'm going to check on Three."

"Don't worry! We'll set up his sleeping bag!" D

"C'mon Four! Sleeping bags can't set themselves!" screamed Mario.

"I'm coming!"


"'Three? Are you ok? That was kinda a big fall. But if you feel bad Four is ok. He said so earlier."

"Plus, everyone is setting up their sleeping bags! And Meggy and Tari are taking care of yours! You should join us!" D

"I'm ok Boopkins. I just need to wash my face and I'll be out in a second."


Three sighed as he turned on the squeaky faucet and splashed water on his now-pink face. He has never blushed that hard before. Never.

What was wrong with him?
Did he have a disease?
Sickness? He didn't know. He just growled in defeat.
Outside the door, he could hear everyone heading into the main room moving fabric around. Oh yeah.
Sleeping Bags.

Three eventually looked at a pile of bags neatly organized beside each other in the corner of the bathroom and realized how late it was getting.

'Well if i'm in the bathroom I might as well change already.'

He turned to his bag by the pile, everyone left their bags in the huge bathroom to make changing easier.
And he could tell who was who's easily just by the colors.

-Meggys was orange
-Tari's was light blue
-Saikos was a dirty pink
-Melonys was a pattern of a watermelon
-Marios was red
-Boopkins had a green teal
-Bobs was black and brown
-Luigis was green
-Three's bag was blue-purple with black on it
And Fours was the traditional blue he wore every day.

Three chuckled to himself as he bent down to grab his lounge clothing after looking at each bag including his.

Soon enough he got changed, brushed his teeth, took his medication, and walked out the door.

Three had on a black shirt, it had Eggdog fur all over it with his grey sweatpants, and no hat, just his fluffy hair. His hair was almost like Rapunzels when her hair got cut off. It was longer than fours but not super long.
But it was long enough for him to barely do a small man bun or a small ponytail.

Everyone in the room was setting up their sleeping bags, by what Three could tell they were almost done. A
Everyone's sleeping bags were color-coded just about similar to their bags in the bathroom. Three smiled to himself as he approached the spread-out circle of sleeping bags. He looked over and noticed his sleeping bag was already out and ready to go.

Although right next to his was Fours.

Three at first wanted to claw his eyes out, it felt like everyone and everything was trying so hard to make them be together wherever he went. But he couldn't protest anything now as Meggy was the last one to place her orange sleeping bag right next to Tari's in the circle.

Four was setting up a very bright lantern in the middle like a campfire. Seconds went by until he managed to power the thing on.

"Ok! Lantern is set up! Oh hey, Three! You're just in time! Everyone is about to change!" he said with a smile.

Three couldn't help but smile back. Four never realized how innocent and sweet he was about himself. It's just the way he was. Ever since the perfect incident Four has been doing ten times better than before. As if such an event never happened. And Three was proud of him for getting through it the way he did. Four doesn't know that. however, Three prefers to keep it that way.

In the middle of the room, everyone was standing around talking amongst themselves until Boopkins suggested a game of Duck Duck Goose after everyone eventually changed into their sleepwear. Yes, as childish as it was to everyone and Three himself, the game can get pretty intense with friends like his.

"Alright! Duck Duck goose!" Luigi said as he rubbed his hands together like a villain.

"Oooh. Tari will like this game." Meggy said as she kissed her on the cheek.

"Aww ha ha!"

Everyone sat in a circle in the middle of the room in front of all of the sleeping bags. Four and Mario left a spot in between them for Three and waved him over.


"Don't accidently pick me guys or you're screwed." threatened Saiko.

"Ok!" started Boopkins.

Boopkins was facing his back towards the group not seeing where everyone was.
"The rules of the game are simple! If you are the person that is it, you have to walk around the circle tapping everyone's heads! Each time you pass someone you say duck, but until you stop and choose who's goose, the goose will have to chase you down! If you get in the goose's spot before being tagged your safe and the next round starts with the Goose being it!"

He paused.

"Although there's a catch! Whoever is it has to close their eyes as they walk around! So they have no idea who their choosing! But once they choose goose they can open their eyes to run! And after each round, everyone will switch up their spots in the circle so the person doesn't know who's where!"

"I'm going to start the round! Big chance whoever I choose you'll easily get me but that's ok!" D

Boopkins closed his eyes as he turned around facing the group with his eyes closed. He touched the first person he could reach which was Melony.


He slowly walked through each person not stepping on anyone.





The goose that was picked was Tari. As soon as said and done Boopkins opened his eyes and started running as far as his tiny legs could go back to Tari's spot. But Tari was faster, and about halfway she was able to scoop him off the floor in a fit of giggles.

"Aww, man! :D"

"You did pretty good boopkins don't fret!" she said as she turned her back towards the group. Since Boopkins lost he sat in the middle of the circle.

Everyone started switching spots in the circle until she said stop.
"Ok! The first person is here... somewhere." she blindly moved her hand toward the first person which was three. Three helped by grabbing her hand and placing it on his head trying not to laugh because it startled Tari.
"O-Oh! Whoever that was thanks! Ha ha!"







Saiko quickly stood up and chased Tari down around the circle. Tari's facial expression said it all when she opened her eyes to run. However, Tari was close to Saiko's spot but Saiko was closer. Saiko was able to pick up Tari in bridal style and carry her to the middle of the circle replacing Boopkins. Everyone was laughing When Tari was placed down. Including her.

"Alright. All of you batches are going down!" she said as she turned around to let everyone scramble their spots.

After everyone shuffled, she started walking, touching Mario's head first.






Bob stood up and started running although before he was halfway there Saiko was already in his spot.

"WTF!? DAMMIT!" he yelled.
Bob had to walk the circle. So he let everyone scramble and then he started going through everyone.



"........ GOOSE."

Three quickly stood up and started chasing Bob down around the circle. Three had a bad start because of his socks. The hardwood floor made it difficult for him to stand up quickly like everyone else did. But he was gaining back up to Bob at a quick rate. He jumped and slid across the floor into Bob touching his back.


"It's just bad luck my dude." three said.

"Ok! Oh! It's my turn."

Three turned around away from everyone letting them shuffle their locations. He could hear a small yelp or a small giggle behind him till it went quiet.

"Everyone sounds ready."

Three closed his eyes and turned, he guessed in the direction of everyone. He went to his left reaching his hand out to the first person. Well- he missed, he almost hit this person in the face (it was Luigi) but then the person grabbed his hand and placed it on their head. Whoever it was, he couldn't help but sheepishly laugh at his mistake. He slowly walked to his left going through everyone's heads.







Meggy laughed loudly when she stood up and started chasing down three.

'Oh Yeah, I'm screwed.'

He kept running though. Three prepared to use this sock slide mechanism into Meggy's spot, except when he was about to drop and slide Meggy was able to accidentally trip Three which caused him to fly a few feet and slide across the floor like a hockey puck. He tucked himself into a ball as he slid to protect himself from the impact of the ground. however, he looked ridiculous when he was sliding across the floor and everyone started laughing. Three himself started laughing too. Meggy casually walked up to him, helped him up off the floor, and booped his nose.

"Got ya." :D

Three playfully huffed as he sat in the middle. Meggy turned around to let everyone scramble. From the middle, Three realized he had a nice perspective of the whole game. Meggy turned around and started at the first person which was Saiko, then Mario, then Four. And it kept going. Meggy slowly reached for Saiko's head but she blindly missed too. Saiko smiled as she grabbed her hand and placed it on her head.

"Oop- thanks."


She moved to Mario and tapped his head.


Then she moved to Four and hesitated a little. She slowly put her hand on the man's head and waited a second before saying..


Four got up and sprinted after Meggy. He was pretty fast, but Meggy was faster. She slid into his old spot like in Mission Impossible. It was pretty close though.
Because Four was a few feet away from where Meggy was currently sitting in the circle.
Three watched as Four sighed until Meggy spoke up.

"Hey Three! Can you switch with me? I'lI let you be in this new round. I'm worn out a little!" She laughed.

'Sure. Don't make me regret it.">:)

As the male and female switched everyone started switching their spots again.

"Ok! I got this! Yeah!" >D

Four slowly walked to the first person in the circle which was Melony. He gently placed his hand on her head.

"Duck." :D

He then moved to the next person, Luigi, Saiko, Boopkins, Mario, and Tari, and then he slowly stopped at three.

Three winced as he felt Four's hand touch his head, looking at Meggy, who was in the middle, she wiggled her eyebrows at him. Three gave her the evil eye as he still sat on the floor underneath Four's hand waiting for him to say "Duck."

However, the Blue Man waited a very long second before blurting out:


With instinct Three jumped up, getting a grip on the ground this time with his socks, and ran after Four.

When Four opened his eyes to run, his face turned to terror as he ran faster.

"COME HERE MAN I JUST WANT A HUG!" Three sarcastically yelled.

Everyone started cheering or laughing as they watched.

"Wait- you like hugs?!"


Three growled as he turned around and went the opposite way to trick Four, but he quickly moved the other way as well However Three trapped him on the other side.

This was anyones game.

Like two children fighting over the last cookie at a kitchen table. Or like a western stand-off, they stared each other down till finally, Three bolted to the direction the spot was and made Four scream and run the other way. All was well until Four made the craziest move in Duck Duck Goose history and ran away from the circle as Three chased him down.

Eventually, Three cornered the Blue Man and started to close him in a corner of the room.

"Ok dude, why would you do this to yourself?" he asked almost laughing.

"I don't knowwww no offense but you're scary when you sprint." Four exclaimed innocently with a stupid smile.

"That's the most truthful thing you have ever said to me." ;)




Four tried to shove his body as cramped into the corner as he could but before he could continue he felt Three's finger touch his nose.

"Boop. You're it loser."

Four for some reason started blushing from that action, even though Meggy just did it to Three, and he slowly realized Three had cornered him. Not that Three meant to, but that made Four blush worse. The worst part is when he glanced up he could see Three placed his arm on one side of the wall to corner him effectively, oh god Four then thought of those cringy TikToks but then realized this was not as cringy as the TikToks were. He didn't know how to put it. But he liked it.

A lot.

Sadly, Three moved and started walking back to the circle of the group where Luigi started yawning.

"Guys I think I'm going to hit the hay tonight. I'm worn out haha."


"Yeah I'm getting sleepy myself, see you in the morning guys," Saiko said.


Melony just shrugged.

"Well, I'm about to actually, everyone's yawning is spreading to me. Hehe. *yawn* haha. Good night guys!" :D


Eventually, the only ones left who were still awake in their sleeping bags were Four, Tari, Meggy, and Three.

Mario just recently went to bed in his sleeping bag as well as the others.

Three was scrolling through his phone at dead memes, meanwhile, Four was editing something on his laptop.

Tari and Meggy were playing small two-player games until Meggy silently giggled and took out a glass bottle. The girls then started playing spin the bottle, truth or dare style.

Meggy tried to spin the bottle but it was so loud Tari snatched it up with an expression of horror on her face before it made any more sounds. Meggy started laughing so hard she had to laugh in her sleeping bag to lower her volume.
Three smirked at them seeing how goofy they were.

He honestly was extremely happy for them. They were perfect for each other. Meggy helped Tari be more, well, reckless. While Tar helped Meggy with patience and being soft when you're tough too much.

'They are perfect together three. But just remember you'll never get to experience something like that.' He thought to himself. His smile withered as he looked back to his memes.


Twenty minutes go by, and all Smg3 can hear is Meggy and Tari's soft background conversations and the mixture of Four's soft keyboard taps. It was harmony.

His red Ruby eyes kept threatening to droop until finally, he decided to put his phone down and snuggle up in his warm sleeping bag.

"Going to sleep?" Four asked.

"Yep. Today... today was fun." He said with a yawn.

"Well, I'm... really happy you hung out with all of us today. It felt so... happy. Ha, I don't know how to put it."

"Oh, I know what you mean. Although I'm too tired to figure it out ha."

Four smiled for a little bit till he realized he was staring. He quickly said goodnight as he turned to his laptop once again clicking on his keyboard.

Three turned over facing away from Four and the two girls and sat there till slowly but eventually, his eyes closed till he fell asleep.


Three's brain could not understand what he was waking up to from behind him. He slowly blinked awake and rubbed his eyes. In a slow manner. He just groggily woke up to whimpers behind him. He winced as he looked at his phone screen brightness as he checked his phone for the time.

1:47 am.

He sighed as he slowly turned over and looked for the source of the sound. The room was dark as the last person who went to sleep probably turned off the lantern. so the only light that was illuminating the main room was night lights from the current room and the game room.

"N-no. Please... their.. my friends."

Three was pulled out of his thoughts as he looked towards the sounds of... Four.

He was muttering in his sleep.

The man was physically trembling in his sleeping bag.

"Ill..... a-anything... anything... If it... perfect... has to be... perfect."

Three looked around at everyone else in the room.

They were all sound asleep, and nobody stirred.

Three looked at Four, then his sleeping bag, then back at Four.

Either deal with this all night or fix it.' He thought to himself.

'Dammit, Come on Three you know better.'

He softly sighed as he finally determined to drag his sleeping bag right beside Four.

Four was tense, muscles and everything were tense.

He didn't look relaxed at all, the way he looked versus everyone else, it was obvious.
Three mustered up the courage to scoot closer and slowly move his back against Four's back.

"Shhhh.. Hey, I know you're asleep, but.."

"It's gonna be okay."

"You're safe."

"I'm safe."

"And all of your- our. friends are safe. And nothing. absolutely nothing has to be perfect Four." Three murmered.

Miraculously, when Three looked behind his shoulder Four wasn't quivering and mumbling anymore. His physical appearance soon was way calmer than before.
And his muscles visibly relaxed.
Three smiled with comfort as he adjusted his sleeping bag and his back to Four's back. Surprisingly not surprisingly Four was very warm, and something about it soothed Three's soul and made him slowly fall back to his numbed state.

Till then, everyone was asleep till morning would rise.

But nobody saw the bright blue glow immense from the kitchen.


yeah, over 5000 words. Rip my fingers. I WILL EDIT THIS COUNTLESS TIMES SO BE WARNED. I just wanted to get this out as fast as I could for you guys.
But Thank you for reading and I'll soon start on chapter three >> <3


Thank you for reading again for those who have read this already! For those who don't know I was hacked, and now my original story is now floating around in the internet now, I'm waiting till one day Wattpad will delete my old account I cant sign back into! But thank you for being patient!

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