The Grimm in Huntsman's Cloth...

By WinterBear94

59K 1.5K 252

Y/n L/n was born as a Half Grimm, the first ever Human and Grimm hybrid to ever exist on Remnant. Having no i... More

Prologue: New Huntsman
Chapter 1: A New Student
Chapter 2: Initiation
Chapter 3: Meeting New Friends
Chapter 4: Combat Practice
Chapter 5: The Bully
Chapter 6: Fighting the Dragon
Chapter 7: The Reveal
Chapter 8: Bringing Him Back
Chapter 9: The Stray
Chapter 10: Black and White
Chapter 11: Shocking Changes
Chapter 12: Best Day Ever
Chapter 13: Welcome To Beacon
Chapter 14: A Minor Hiccup
Chapter 15: Painting the Town
Chapter 16: An Apology and Confess
Chapter 16:A Plan (Short) part 2
Chapter 17: Extracurricular
Chapter 18: Burning the Candles
Chapter 19: Dance Dance Infiltration
Chapter 21: Search & Destroy
Chapter 22: Mountain Glenn
Chapter 23: No Brakes
Chapter 24: Breach
Chapter 25: Round One
Chapter 26: New Challengers
Chapter 27: It's Brawl in the Family
Chapter 28: What To Know
Chapter 29: Never Miss a Beat
Chapter 30: Fall
Chapter 31: Reassuring (Short)
Chapter 32: Destiny
Chapter 33: PvP
Chapter 34: Battle of Beacon
Chapter 35: Heroes and Monsters
Chapter 36: End of the Beginning
Chapter 37: Still Standing
Chapter 38: The Next Step
Chapter 39: Remembrance
Chapter 40: Reunited
Chapter 41: Family
Chapter 42: Tipping Point
Chapter 43: A Much Needed Talk
Chapter 44: Kuroyuri
Chapter 45: Welcome to Haven
Chapter 46: Dread in the Air
Chapter 47: A Date
Chapter 48: Lighting the Fire
Chapter 49: Rest and Resolution
Chapter 50: Alone Together
Chapter 51: Second Date

Chapter 20: Field Trip

740 15 2
By WinterBear94

Ozpin's Office

Ironwood: "They were here.. Ozpin, they were here!"

It was morning time, Ironwood raised his voice before he angrily slams down his fist on Ozpin's desk due to what happen last night.

Glynda: "We're very much away of that! Thank you, James" Glynda said as she was standing on the other side of the desk. 

Ironwood: "Fantastic! You're away! Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us!?"

Soon the alerts, indicating that there were someone in the elevator. 

Ozpin: "Come in"

The elevator doors open revealing Ruby and Y/n, they both step out of the elevator and head further into the room. 

Ruby: "Sorry it took so long. Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the elevator on the way up here"

Ruby nervously laugh as Y/n was giving her the side eye. 

Ozpin: "Thank you, both for coming. How are you two feeling?"

Ruby: "Okay, I guess. I'd feel better if my bad-guy-catching record wasn't O for three"

The three adults stares silently. 

Y/n: "sheesh, tough crowd" Y/n mutter to himself. 

Ironwood: "Ruby, I feel it's appropriate to let you know that I think what you did last night is exactly what being a Huntress is all about. You recognized a threat. You took action. And you did the very best you could"

Ruby: "Thank you, sir" 

Ozpin: "Now, the General here has already informed of the events that... transpired last night, but now that you two have rested, we were wondering if you two had anything to add"

Glynda: "Was anybody else with her? Did she look familiar at all?"

Y/n: "I hadn't managed to get a good look on her, all my attentions went to Ruby"

Ruby:" I... I don't know. She was wearing a mask, and she never said anything to me. But I know she fought with glass" 

Glynda: "Save for the glass, that sounds like the woman I fought the night we met Ruby" 

Ironwood: "Embedding Dust into clothing is an old-age technique. It could have been anyone" 

Ruby: "Wait. You think this girl is connected  to Torchwick and the White Fang?"

As the atmosphere gotten cold, Ironwood and Glynda turn around to face Ozpin as he placed his hand under his chin. 

Ozpin: "It's possible. But we still lack the requirement evidence to link the two together" 

Ruby: "Actually I-i think I remember her saying something about a hideout, or something, in the southeast. Just outside the Kingdom"

Y/n glanced over her. 

Ozpin: "Interesting"

Glynda: "I thought you said the intruder never-" 

Ozpin cutted her off. 

Ozpin: "Thank you for your cooperation, Ruby. Why don't you go and spend some time with your team? You have a big day ahead of you. And you, Y/n. Can you stay here for a while longer, we were like you have to talk with you"

Y/n nodded and Ruby was walking to the elevator.

Ruby: "Anytime"

Ozpin" And Miss Rose" 

Ruby glances back to the Headmaster. 

Ozpin: "Please try and be... more discreet about this matter"

Ruby: "Yes, sir"

Ruby left the Office, leaving Y/n with the grown ups. 

Ozpin: "What do you think. Mr. L/n?"

Y/n: "What's exactly is in the southeast?"

The three adults all look at each other before turning their direction over to Y/n. 

Ozpin: "In the southeast, it was an city that was suppose to be the expansion of the city of Vale. However due to Grimm, it was quite difficult to live, killing its resident and was proving to be unsuccessful"

Glynda: "In order to protect the people of Vale, the council had decided to seal the place up, ultimately creating the world's largest tomb" 

Y/n took some time to process the information. 

Y/n: "Seals off from the Kingdom, surrounded by Grimm. Sounds to me that it is true that the White Fang had made it their hideout"

Ironwood: "Well there we have it. We send as many troops as we can to  the southeast, find out exactly what's going on, and eradicate any forces that stands in our way" 

Ironwood says as he was leaning against the window behind Ozpin. Glynda growled in frustration towards Ironwood. 

Glynda: "Why must your answer to everything involve a triumphant display of military bravado?! You treat every situation like it's a contest of measuring di-" 

Ozpin: "Glynda!"

Ozpin stops Glynda in time. 

Glynda: "Well, he does"

Ozpin turn his chair around.

Ozpin: "She's right. As much as I too would love to end this situation once and for all, we must remember that this may go beyond Vale. Beyond Beacon. And if this truly is part of some master plan for which we know not the final move, we must not be so bold. Nor can we risk the spread of panic" 

Ironwood: "I have served you faithfully for years. But if you mean to tell me that your plan is to really hold the defenses and wait"

Ozpin: "It is not!"

Ozpin quickly stands up from his chair. 

Ozpin: "You're a General, James. So tell, when you're prepare to go to war, which do you send in first? The flag-bearer, or the scouts?"

Y/n: "Can I get a saying in this, too?"

Ozpin, Glynda and Ironwood all turn to face Y/n with his hand up. 

Ozpin: "Of course, what is it that you would like to tell us?"

Y/n: "Knowing them, they'll do anything they can to go to the southeast. So, why not let them. They did managed to stop the White Fang before"

Ozpin: "Indeed. Thank you for your time, Mr. L/n. 

Y/n nodded and left the office. As soon Y/n left the room, Glynda looks over at Ozpin.

Glynda: "You know that those girls will need someone to go to the southeast with"

Ozpin didn't say anything, but smiles.


Weiss: "That was a risky move" 

Weiss said with her arms cross. 

Blake: "No, I think you handled it well" 

Ruby: "I hope so"

Yang: "I'm sure everything will be alright, Ruby" 

Yang said. 

Yang: "Oh! I know what will cheer you up"

Ruby: "What's that?"

Yang walk over to a desk where there was a cylindrical package was standing on. Yang pick it up. 

Yang: "I don't know yet. Dad sent it to us. I though we could open it together"

Ruby: "Ooh! Something from home!" 

Ruby using her semblance, dashes behind her sister, clinging her legs around her and start swatting her arms around, trying to grab the package from her sister. Then another cylindrical cover in black fur was drop to the floor, moving around before transforming. 

Yang, Ruby, Weiss and Blake all leaned in to get a closer look of what it was. 

Zwei: *Ruh! Ruh!*

Weiss and Blake reacted with shock, while Ruby and Yang cheer in excitement. 

Ruby: Zweeeiii!"

Blake: "He sent a dog?!" 

Weiss: "In the mail??"

Ruby was busy giggling as Zwei was licking her face. 

Yang: "Oh he does stuff like this all the time"

Blake, hiding on Ruby's bed. 

Blake: "Your father, or your dog?"

Weiss leans in again at their dog. 

Weiss: "Are you telling me that this mangy, drooling, mutt, is going to wive with us forevah? Oh yes he is yes he is. Oh isn't he adorable?

Weiss was overcome by Zwei's cuteness.

Blake: "Please keep it away from my belongings" 

The next thing they heard was Professor Glynda's voice coming from the intercoms. 

Glynda: (P.A.) "Will all the first year students please report to the amphitheater"

Weiss: "Well we can't exactly leave him here while we're gone for a week" 

Ruby places Zwei back to the floor and he ran directly towards Blake, standing on the side of Weiss' bed, looking up at her. 

Yang reach inside the package and pull out a letter. 

Yang: "Look, there's a letter. 'Dear girls, I've got to leave the island for a few days. So I'm sending Zwei to you to take care of. Enclosed is all the food you should need. Love you both, Taiyang' "

As Zwei ran over back to Yang. Yang flip the package over and the sounds of crashing cans fell on top of Zwei, surrounding him in dozens of dog foods. 

Weiss: "What is he suppose to do with that?"

The next item bounces off of Zwei's head, falling in front of Ruby was a can opener. 

Yang: "Well, that settles it. Come on girls, Zwei will be here when we get back"

Weiss: "Oh I'll miss you so much we're going to be best friends I can't wait to see you again"

Blake jump on the desk, avoiding Zwei while Weiss's tone ended up turning incomprehensible babytalk. Weiss and Blake left the room, leaving Ruby behind as she look at Zwei with a smirk and Zwei tilt his head at her.


In the amphitheater. Ruby can be seen wearing a backpack with the other first years. Ruby places her backpack down next to other luggages before joining her teammates with JNPR standing in front of them.

Glynda: "Quiet! Quiet please. Professor Ozpin would like to share a few words before we begin"

Glynda was walking away, Ozpin was standing in front of the microphone. 

Ozpin: "Today we stand together, united. Mistral. Atlas. Vacuo. Vale. The four Kingdoms of Remnant. On this day, nearly eighty years ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, greed, and of oppression. A war that was about much more than where borders fell or who traded with whom, but about the very idea of individualism itself. We fought for countless reasons, one of which being the destruction of all forms of art and self-expression. And as you are well aware, that was something many could not stand for. As a result, those who opposed this tyranny began naming their children after one of the core aspects of art itself: color. It was their way to demonstrate that not only would they refuse to tolerate this oppression, but neither were the generation to come. Ans it was a trend that is held to this very day. We encourage individuality, expressionism, and unity through diversity. As I have said, today we stand together, united. But this bond cannot exist without effect. Which is why today, while the rest of the world celebrates peace, Huntsmen, Huntresses will work to uphold it. As first year students, you will be tasked with shadowing a professional Huntsman or Huntress on a mission. Some of you may be taken out of the Kingdom for several days, other may work within the walls for the rest of the week. But no matter which path you choose, remember to be safe, remember your training, and remember to do your very best. 

As soon Ozpin was finished with his speech, the students were clapping their hand before departing to different screens on the walls. 

Ruby: "This is perfect! All we have to do is shadow a Huntsman working in the southeast!"

Yang: "Yeah! We'll follow them by day and give them the slip by night!"

Weiss: "Let's check 'Search and Destroy'"

Meanwhile with Y/n. Y/n was currently standing outside as there was a few students walking by. Right now he was just waiting for Ironwood for something he wanted to give to Y/n during his mission.

Velvet: "Y/n!" 

The next thing he heard was the voice of a certain bunny girl. He turn around and saw Team CFVY with a small swarm of students checking them out as Velvet and Coco rush through and give Y/n a hug and kiss on his cheeks. 

Coco: "It is so good to see you again" 

Y/n: "Coco! Velvet! I've try reaching out to two of you, what happen?"

Velvet: "We're sorry, but we were just so busy taking down Grimms. There were too many of them" 

Coco: "But hey, now that we're back. We can go on our first date, two girls and one guy" 

Y/n nervously scratch his hoodie, chuckling. 

Y/n: "Yeah...uhh, girls. There is something that I am needing to tell to the two of you"

Velvet: "What is it?"

Before Y/n could even say his first sentence. 

Blake: "Velvet? Are you okay?"

The entire RWBY was standing beside them. 

Velvet: "I'm fine, I had Yatsuhashi to look out for me" 

Weiss: "Your mission was suppose to end a week ago. What happened?"

Velvet: "N-nothing happened. It was just, there were just so many"

Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang all look at each other. 

Velvet: "Oh but don't worry, you first years are just shadowing huntsmen so you should be fine" 

Coco: "Well, speaking of fine. Y/n was about to tell us something very important, so Y/n. What was it that you wanna tell us?"

Y/n inhales deeply before exhaling and say. 

Y/n: "I am in a relationship with Team Rwby" 

Y/n lowered his head. 

Coco: "Really? These girls?"

Yang: "Uhh.. What do you mean 'these girls'?" 

Coco: "Well, don't get me wrong, but. A girl who is fifthteen, a Schnee, a introverted girl and you, who makes tantrum by a piece of hair" 

Weiss: "Excuse me!? But I don't see you dating him by the slightest, except for Velvet" 

Velvet: "Thank you, Weiss" 

Yang: "Well, how about we settles this then. Our team, against you and Velvet" 

Y/n: "Isn't that a unfair advantage?"

Coco: "Experience, versus strength. Hope to see you later" 

Coco walk away. 

Velvet: "I should probably go with her. I need some rest, so bye Y/n" 

Velvet hug Y/n before turning to face Ruby. 

Velvet: "Bye, Ruby" 

Ruby: "Bye, Velvet" 

Velvet left the courtyard. 

Weiss: "She thinks that she can beat us. Well, we'll show her" 

Ironwood: "Ah, there you are Y/n!" 

Y/n look to his side to see Ironwood walking up to him with a weapon in his hand. 

Ironwood: "I know that the five of you are going to the southeast. So I thought that it'll be the best if you have this as backup, in case anything goes wrong" 

It was an Revolver. 

Y/n: "Thank you, Ironwood" 

Ironwood: "You're welcome, but I must warn you something else. I've gotten a report from one of my guys and he told me that there are numerous amount of Grimm then there usually are. Just be careful"

Ironwood then left the students alone with thought. 

Ruby: "We can do this" 

Her team look over to her. 

Ruby: "We've never backed down before and we're not going to start now" 

Blake: "Right!"

Ruby: "Besides it won't only be us out there. We'll be fighting alongside  a genuine Huntsman!"

Yang: "Yeah!" 

They finally discovered of who, they are shadowing. 

Oobleck: Why, hello everyone! Who's ready to fight for their lives?"

It was Doctor Oobleck.

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