Get Me High

By Cinn614

1.2M 34.3K 103K

Friends to lovers but it's a bit messier than you think it is. More

Coming Soon.
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GMH 25

21K 594 3.2K
By Cinn614


"You missed our session yesterday" Ms Nam said, her eyes piercing through her reading glasses into Wooyoung's soul.

"I was sick" he lied.

She raised a brow. "Is that so? "


"And you're fine now? "

"Yeah. I'm fine. "

"Well that's good news. Shall we continue from where we left off then?"

Wooyoung knew that she knew he was lying but he wondered why she was letting it slide though.

"Now tell me more about this San. You only mentioned his name last time" she asked as she opened the book she always had with her, jotting down anything Wooyoung told her.

"What do you want to know? "

"What does he mean to you? "

"A lot obviously"

"And what would your definition of a lot be? " she persisted.

"I don't know. He's just... He means the world to me. "

"Does he? "


"And does San know this? That you mean the world to him? "

Wooyoung shrugged. "I guess so. "

"When did you two meet? "

"5 years ago. "

"At school I presume? "


"Did you approach him or was it the other way round?"

"He approached me. "

"And why do you think he did? "

"He said he wanted to be friends"

"Do you not believe that? "

"What do you mean? "

"You're still addressing it in his words. "

"I'm just telling you what he said. " Wooyoung stressed.

"What about you think? That's what I want to know. Do you believe you two are friends? "

"Of course I do. "

She paused for a second before writing something on her book.

"Is San your only friend? "

"What does that matter? "

"Getting defensive everytime I ask you something that you turn negative inside your head is not going to help you through this. Now let's try that again" she adjusted her glasses. "Is San your only close friend? "

"Yes. I mean Yeosang too but he and I are not as close as I am with San. "

She nodded. "I see. Was he your first close friend? "


"Who was the first? "

"Is this necessary? "


Wooyoung sighed."Yeonjun. He was the first. When I was eleven. "

"Are you still close now? "


"And why's that? "

"He moved away"

"And why did he move away? "

"I don't know. "

"Did you treat him the same way you're doing with San now?"

"I was eleven"

"That's not what I asked Wooyoung. "

"It was different "

"How so? "

"San would never leave me. "

"So you resent Yeonjun? "

"..... "


"..... "

"Does it hurt to talk about Yeonjun? "

Wooyoung swallowed the lump clogging his throat.

"If you don't speak then I won't know what you're thinking and how to help you. I'm here to listen and understand you, not to judge. Remember that"

"I needed him. "He said quietly.

"Who did you need? "


"And why did you need him? "

"He was the only friend I ever had"

She hummed as she nodded her head. "And do you know why he abruptly left like that? "

"No but I can guess"

"What do you think was the reason? "

"Me obviously. It was only going to be sooner or later that he'd realize being friends with someone who was being abused at home and hated at school for no reason was not it "

"Wasn't he already aware of that when you two met for the first time? "

"He was"

"Then wouldn't you consider that reasoning irrelevant? Wouldn't he have avoided you from the very beginning if that had been the case? "

"What are you trying to say? "

"That maybe coming up with your own assumptions and conclusions when you haven't heard his side of the story is not going to work in your favor "

Wooyoung frowned. "What story? All of that happened after that day. What other explanation would there be? Exactly whose side are you on here? "

"No one's. I'm not here to take sides. "

Wooyoung huffed and folded his arms.

She smiled at Wooyoung's attitude, not even fazed by it. "Do you keep in touch with Yeonjun? "

"No need to because he's here now"

She raised a brow. "He's here? "

"That's what I said"

"When did he come? "

"Don't know but I just saw him two days ago for the first time since well you know when"

"And how was that for you? "

"In terms of what? "

"Feelings of course"

"I was fine. "

She clasped her hands together"Lying again? "

"What do you want me to say? "

"What you want to say"

"I have nothing to say. "

"To me maybe but to him I'm sure there's a lot. Have you guys talked? "

"Depends on what talking means. "

"Did you ask him why he left? '

"No. I don't need to because I know. "

"But you don't. That's just your perspective on it. How about this? You go to Yeonjun and have a serious conversation with him. Ask him what you've been wanting to ask him for years. You need to free this anger and resentment you're holding inside your heart...

Wooyoung opened his mouth to speak.

".....and no don't tell me that's not what it is. I've dealt with people like you before, even with more intricate issues compared to yours so I know what I'm talking about. Do yourself a favor Wooyoung and tell Yeonjun what you've been wanting to tell him since the day he left you"

He clenched his jaw. The bitter feeling that came each time after being analyzed spot on by her settling at the bottom of his stomach."And what if I'm right? "

"Then express yourself. Tell him how he hurt your feelings by doing that to you. Let it all out to him. You and him both need this. It's the only way you can mend this broken friendship of yours. You do want to fix things with him right? "

Wooyoung would be lying if he said no. Wooyoung would be lying if he said not keeping in touch with Yeonjun all those years wasn't him being petty and wanting him to contact him first instead. Wooyoung would be lying if he said he never dreamt of a life when things didn't go south and Yeonjun was still by his side. Ever smiling and teaching him how to play games.

"I do" he mumbled.

"Good. But I have one question though"

"What? "


"What about him? "

"How does he feel about all of this? "

Two days ago...

There was a knock on the door. Wooyoung wiped his tears away with the back of his sleeves. He couldn't let Yeonjun see him like that. After so many years the last thing he wanted to show him was his tears. He did not need to know Wooyoung had never stopped wishing he'd come back. He did not need to know that he had hurt Wooyoung so badly he never bothered making friends until he met San because they weren't like him. Yeonjun didn't need to know that Wooyoung's heart had raced when he saw his face. All grown up and looking happy like he hadn't just up and left Wooyoung without saying a word when they were kids.

The door to Mingi's room opened slowly and Yeonjun walked in, a sad smile on his face when his eyes met Wooyoung's. Yeonjun had grown. Changed. He looked so carefree, handsome and confident. But then again he had always been that way. It's just that he was now longer eleven but 20. Tattoos painted the fair skin of his hands and neck, his piercings glistening under the dim light of the room and his face. His face....

"Hi. Again"Yeonjun muttered, interrupting Wooyoung's train of thought.

He sniffled and tried to compose himself. "Why did you follow me here? "

Yeonjun sat next to him on the bed, his misty cologne potent in the air. "Because I knew you're not going to be throwing up like you claimed you would be"

"Can you stop talking like you've been around me for the past fucking 9 years! " Wooyoung snapped without thinking. Yeah. He was doing a very great job at hiding how bothered he was.

Yeonjun didn't even react and just lightly chuckled."I really tried not to make this awkward but I guess 9 years without talking is a pretty long time huh? "

Wooyoung wasn't sure how to take his nonchalance so he didn't reply.

"I missed you" Yeonjun muttered.

Wooyoung hated how those words tugged at his heart.

"What are you even doing here? " Wooyoung asked.

"Was pretty much homeless and moved in with my aunt here. "

"What? "

"Shit just happened" Yeonjun stood up and went to stand by the window.

Wooyoung itched to ask more. That reply was so annoyingly vague and concerning. It seemed like that habit of his never changed. Always wearing a smile and hiding things from Wooyoung. Even at that young age, Wooyoung was pretty observant and Yeonjun would never tell him stuff about himself. What kind of toys he liked to play with. What kind of food he liked. What cartoons he liked. It was always about Wooyoung.

"Why were you homeless? " Wooyoung tried either way.

Yeonjun smirked, pulling out a lighter and blunt. "Because it was painful. Unbearable. I'm not that mentally strong it seems"

Wooyoung gave up. He had no idea what he was talking about and he knew he was not going to get anything more than that from him. He quietly watched him smoke instead. The silence that overcame them so deafening it made Wooyoung uncomfortable.

"That guy. The one you were sitting on his lap. "

"San? "

"You two look pretty close"

"We are close"

Yeonjun hummed. "Can't say I'm not jealous but I'm happy you found someone you can be close like that with. "

"Am I supposed to say thank you? " Wooyoung asked dryly.

Yeonjun chuckled. "You're being awfully hostile right now. "

"I think I have a right to be don't you think? "

"Yeah. You do. "

"Why did you even come up here? "

"Because I was worried"

"You don't have the right to be worried about me let alone say that to my face"Wooyoung said.

"Do I just not have any rights then? "

"Stop fucking playing around Yeonjun"

It went quiet again. That seemed to break Yeonjun's stoic expression a little bit. The sound of the muffled music from downstairs and Yeonjun's deep exhales as he smoked filled the quiet room.

"Did you cry? " Yeonjun looked at him.

"No I didn't. "

"Thought we agreed on not lying to each other"

"That was 9 years ago and you're one to talk"

Yeonjun nodded. "Fair enough"

Wooyoung hated this uneasy feeling.

Yeonjun put out his blunt and walked across the room to him. He sat back down next to him.

"Mind if I touched you?"

Wooyoung blinked. Heart beat racing and slamming against his ribcage. He was overcome by so many emotions but he somehow managed to make his mouth work"No. "

Yeonjun gently placed his hand on his thigh. "I have so many things I want to tell you. Things that I haven't come to terms with myself. I don't know where to start or where to end. But just do me this one favour"

"You're not really in any position to be asking for favours right now"


"What? "

"Don't cry because of me. I'm not worth it. " Yeonjun muttered.

"I didn't fucking cry"

Yeonjun reached a hand out and with his thumb, wiped away the tear that had just rolled down Wooyoung's cheek. He held back from shedding more. Christ, why was he even crying?

"Yes you did dummy. And so did I. A lot" Yeonjun tucked his hair behind his ear like he always did but Wooyoung's heart dropped to his stomach when he saw the scars on his wrist.

Yeonjun suddenly pulled his hand away when he saw where Wooyoung's eyes were looking. He shoved it in his pocket and cleared his throat. Wooyoung abruptly stood up. There was no fucking way that was what he thought it was. The tears he had been holding back came flooding down his cheeks. He wouldn't have been able to stop them even if held at gunpoint.

"Wooyoung " Yeonjun asked in a confused manner.

He hid his face away from him. "Tell San I'll be waiting for him in the car"

He ran out of the room without another wod, too scared of the reality of what he just saw. He hadn't even realized San was not in the living room when he came back downstairs but he was thankful for how long he took to come giving Wooyoung time to bawl his eyes out in the car.

There was just no way what he saw was real.


Present day.....

"Did you have an early session with Ms Nam? " Yoona asked. They were sat at their table during lunch, Wooyoung avoiding sitting with the guys because San was there watching him. Literally watching him.

"Yeah" Wooyoung replied lifelessly.

"You haven't touched your food and it's been like 20 minutes now. What's going on? Did you and your boyfriend fight again? "She teased.

"Yoona please. "

"Wrong timing? "

He nodded.

"Sorry. My bad. Do you want to talk about it? "



"How did you do for your exam? Your project results were released today right? " Wooyoung changed the subject.

"Yeah. They were alright. "

"Alright? Did you fail? "

"Yeah. 87."

"87? Are you serious? 87 and you call it alright? Are you a genius or something? "

She scoffed."Im no damn genius. I get fucking 50s and 60s for Math and Chem. It's just that I'm really good at Art because I'm passionate about it and i've never gotten anything below 90 so it kind of bummed me out a bit "

"That's impressive. I'm passionate about Math and yet it's still such a pain in the ass. "

"Shut up. Mingi told me you ace that shit like no one else"

"Don't believe anything he tells you. Everything that comes out of his mouth is always exaggerated. "

"I still think he's.... "

"Hi." A voice suddenly said from behind Wooyoung. Yoona stopped talking and judging from her expression, Wooyoung didn't have to turn back to know who it was.

"Uh.. Hi" Yoona awkwardly replied.

Yeonjun pulled the chair next to Wooyoung and sat down then placed a can of lemonade soda in front of him.

Wooyoung looked at him in confusion.

"Still your favorite right? "Yeonjun's hair was covered by his bucket hat, looming over his eyes.

"Uh... Yeah. Thanks? " Wooyoung muttered, still confused by the sudden casual behavior from him.

Yeonjun smiled. "You're welcome"

Yoona cleared her throat and stood up. "Well, that's my cue to leave"

"Where are you going? " Wooyoung asked.

"I'm meeting up with someone. I'll see you later or tomorrow. " she gave Yeonjun a quick nod before grabbing her things and walking off. The view that Yoona had been blocking was now open and Wooyoung was immediately met with San staring at him from across the room.

Wooyoung shifted his eyes away and looked down.

"Did I interrupt and scare your friend off?" Yeonjun asked.

"What are you doing here? "

"Are you going to keep asking me that everytime you see me? " Yeonjun opened the can for him.

"Are you attending school now? "Wooyoung asked more softly feeling bad for making him think he was annoyed everytime he showed up.

"Yeah.I'm in the same class with Mingi. Unfortunately. "

"Till the last day of senior year? "

Yeonjun nodded, putting his elbow on the table then resting his cheek on the palm of his hand to stare at him. He was wearing a black long sleeved graphic tee so Wooyoung couldn't see the scars from the other day on his wrist.

"Why did you run off like that at Mingi's? Do I make you uncomfortable? "

"..... "

"Wooyoung if you want me out of your sight you can just tell me and I'll fuck off. "

"Those scars.... On your wrist. How did you... How did that happen? " Wooyoung in the end couldn't help himself.

Yeonjun's body visibly tensed but his expression remained calm. "Go out with me tomorrow and I'll tell you. "

"What? "

"You want to know right? "

"I mean yes but... "

"Then let me shamelessly use this opportunity to get some of your time. I think we have a lot to talk about don't you think? "

Wooyoung blinked. As much as he wanted to know what was going on in Yeonjun's life, going out with him for some reason felt wrong. There was some kind of guilt etched deep in the back of his mind and whether it had to do with his mixed and all over the place emotions or San at the moment longingly looking at him from across the cafeteria, he didn't know but the guilt was there.

"Where are we going? "

"So you're saying yes then? "

"I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't. "

Yeonjun pursed his lips. "You've grown so cold and sarcastic. " he reached a hand out to tuck Wooyoung's hair behind his ear but this time Wooyoung flinched and his eyes darted back to San who was no longer looking at him but walking off with his still full tray of food. Fuck.

"Am I crossing the line? "

Wooyoung looked back at Yeonjun. "Huh? "

Yeonjun sighed. "Nothing. I'll pick you up at 7. Is that okay with you? "

"Yeah I guess, but where are we going? "

"Why? Is there somewhere you want to go? "

"No. It's just... I don't want to go to crowded places and stuff"

"I know better than to recklessly do that to you. " Yeonjun said as he stood up.

"You're not going to eat? "

"I don't have an appetite. But you should eat though. You've barely touched your food. I'll text you. "

"I don't remember giving you my number" Wooyoung pointed out.

"That's because you didn't. I got it from Mingi. Don't bite his head off though. I forced it out of him. Eat up. " Yeonjun reached a hand out to touch his hair but stopped himself halfway and put it back in his pocket. He gave him a small awkward smile then walked off.

Wooyoung watched him till he left through the exit. Ms Nam's words then out of nowhere began echoing in his head.

You do want to fix things with him right?


Wooyoung skipped practice the following day, too anxious about how everything was going to go. He told Yeonjun to pick him up at school because his place wasn't an option. Sitting on the bench by the gate, his hands were clammy and sweaty as they fisted the hem of his knee length cargos. It was half five and he probably should have considered finding something to do while waiting than just sitting there by himself for the next hour and a half.


Wooyoung looked up and San was standing in front of him in his basketball kit.

"Hey. When did you get here? "

"Just now. I noticed you seemed so lost in thought to see me approach you. " San sat down.

"Sorry. I just have a lot going on in my mind"

"I can tell. We've barely talked since you left my place after that night. Do you want to come over tonight? We can play games and stuff. " San offered.

"I can't. "

"Why not? I won't ask about that night if that's what you're worried about. I just.... miss you that's all. " San said the last part quietly.

Wooyoung's heart broke at how vulnerable he sounded
He was doing this to San and he hated himself for it. He wished he could stop. Stop trying to find out about Yeonjun. Stop worrying so much about everything else and just be with San.

"No that's not what it is. I have plans today. With someone"

"Again? "

"Yeah. I'm sorry, maybe tomorrow'"

"That's what you said on Monday Young'ah. "

"San I.... "

"Is that someone Yeonjun? "

".... "

San let out a deep sigh and stood back up. "It's fine. You'll come when you're free"

"San'ah." Wooyoung grabbed his arm. "Please. Don't get mad at me. I just... I need to sort some stuff out. "

"I'm not mad Young'ah. You do what you have to do. I can wait. I'll see you tomorrow" San smiled at him but it didn't reach his eyes. He pulled Wooyoung's hand off of him and walked away.

He watched San's back as he got further and further away. Wooyoung was seeing that way more often than he liked.

"And how does San feel about this? "


"Movies? " Wooyoung questioned as they parked outside the cinema.

"Yeah" Yeonjun got out and rounded the car to go open the door for him.

"Thanks" Wooyoung mumbled as he hopped off.

"Are you not going to be cold? " Yeonjun asked gesturing towards Wooyoung's flimsy long sleeved oversized shirt and knee length cargos with his old converses. "No. I'm fine. What are we watching? "

"Jupiter Ascending. Please tell me you haven't seen it yet. It's like pretty old too."Yeonjun put his hand on the small of Wooyoung's back as they went up the escalator.

"Channing Tatum? "


"I've only ever seen a trailer and some random clips. "

"Good. Then you'll get to see the whole thing with me then"

"Have you watched it already? "

"This would be the tenth time. "

Wooyoung frowned. "Why would you show me a movie you've already seen? "

Yeonjun shrugged. "Just wanted to see your reaction and what you think of it. Come on"

Yeonjun held his hand and intertwined them. Wooyoung resisted the urge to pull his hand away because he was just not used to this. It didn't feel as right as he had always imagined it to have been. Yeonjun got them popcorn and drinks then led him into the big movie theatre.

"Why is there no one in here? "Wooyoung asked as they walked down the aisle.

"You said you didn't like crowded places. "Yeonjun ushered him to the front row.

Wooyoung's eyes widened. "Did you... "

"Yeah" Yeonjun blushed, sitting down.

Wooyoung didn't comment further on it since he clearly looked uncomfortable and just quietly sat down instead.

They watched the movie and if Wooyoung was being honest, he only paid attention here and there. Thoughts were running wild in his head after seeing San leave like that. What he said about waiting. It was like that's all Wooyoung ever made San do.Wait. He felt horrible inside. Yeonjun would steal a glance at him when he thought wasn't looking, sometimes even place his hand next to his. But Wooyoung feigned ignorance to all that.

As soon as the credits rolled in and walked out, Wooyoung noticed Yeonjun watching him carefully.

"Why are you staring at me like that? " Wooyoung asked.

"You don't want to be here do you? "

"Of course I want to be here."

Yeonjun hummed with a nod but he didn't look like he believed that at all."Do you want to get something to eat? There's a cafe around the corner."

"Okay " Wooyoung agreed hesitantly.

The cafe they went to was nice and barely had people inside. They sat by the window, facing each other. Yeonjun had ordered both of them the same thing, iced coffee and a lemon meringue cake slice. Wooyoung was a fan of anything lemon flavoured and he was genuinely surprised Yeonjun still remembered that.

"I've been wanting to say this since earlier. " Yeonjun leaned forward.

"What? "

"You became prettier. You look so perfect with long hair. "


"Fine. I'll stop. "

Wooyoung cleared his throat. "I see you weren't really joking when you said you'd get tattoos and piercings when you're old enough"

He smirked."Neither were you. I noticed the one on your back the other day"

"Mine are nothing compared to yours. You've like... changed completely"

"No. I just grew"

"You call your emo phase growing? "

"Wow. Throwing shade now are we? "

"I wasn't trying to throw shade. "

"Sounded like it. "

"Stop twisting my words. I meant that I would have never expected you to have such an image. "

"And what exactly were you expecting? "

"I don't know. Definitely not this. "

Yeonjun sighed and put his fork down. "I was hoping we could at least eat and talk about random stuff but you seem so eager. Fine then."

Wooyoung swallowed hard, not even sure he was ready to have this conversation.

"You want to know why I left you like that don't you? "

Wooyoung waited for him to continue.

"It wasn't my choice. My dad was transferred to another state and we had to move with him. Mom didn't work at the time so he was basically the breadwinner. The timing was too coincidental but yeah. That's what happened. "

Wooyoung wasn't liking how completely different this was already turning. "But you still avoided me. Before you moved. "

"Because I didn't know how to tell you that we were going to be moving without breaking your heart. I knew if I did you'd think i was lying and trying to avoid you because I was scared of your father or something like that"

"So leaving without even trying to explain yourself and letting me assume the worst was your best option? "

"I was only eleven Wooyoung. At the time it looked like the right thing to do. I wasn't ever going to stay away from you. No matter how many times your Dad threatened our family."

"Fine. Let's say that was the case. What about calling after that? You never reached out or anything! "

"I couldn't. "

"Why? "

".... "

"Guess you didn't think of an excuse for that one huh? " Wooyoung snarked.

"I couldn't face you. I realized later on how wrong I had been to do that to you. I knew how you were treated at school. At home. I knew I was the only person in your life at that time that gave you some kind of comfort for the hell you were going through. And yet I left like that. Without a word. Hurting your feelings and leaving you by yourself. I was embarrassed to face you after that. "

"And now you show up now? You're not embarrassed anymore? "


"I fucking liked you, you idiot! "He blurted out.

Yeonjun froze and so did Wooyoung when he realized what he had just admitted. But there was no going back. It wasn't like it was a lie anyway.

"When I kissed you on the cheek that day. Do you know what I was doing the night before? " Wooyoung paused momentarily to stop himself from crying."I stood in front of the broken mirror in my room and practiced my confession. With bruises but a smile on my face, I kept repeating the words Yeonjun, i like you. I walked to your house all giddy and shit so I could express how much I liked playing with you and wanted us to be soulmates even though I didn't fucking know what that word actually really meant but to me what we had was special enough to amount to that. But instead all I got in return was you avoiding me and almost getting beaten to death by that fucker"

"Wooyoung I.... "

"You're right. You were just eleven. You had no control over anything and doing what you thought was right. And I can't hold that against you. But Yeonjun I was also eleven. When you first held your hand out to me I took it because I wanted to believe there was actually someone out there who didn't hate my existence. I'm not blaming you. I just wanted you to know how much you actually meant to me. The reason why it hurts to see you now."

Yeonjun buried his head in his hands in distress.

"But i wanted to apologize too. I think I got overly dependent. You were just a kid. And i put so much pressure on you and making you think you needed to save me or some shit. You don't owe me anything. It was my fault for being such an emotional baggage. " Wooyoung looked down at his own hands on the table, nails digging into his palm and unconsciously hurting himself because he was trying to suppress his emotions.

"You're not an emotional baggage. " Yeonjun clarified quietly.

"Yeonjun please... "

"I liked you too"

Wooyoung's heart stopped, words dying in his throat.

"And I still do. "

Yeonjun took a deep breath and looked at Wooyoung directly in the eyes. "There's more to this than you think there is. "

"I'm gay Wooyoung. I knew when I was like 15. I came out and my mom supported me by my dad hated it. So much he'd argue with my mom and tell her he wished I was never born. I ignored him though because my mom was there for me. But that didn't last long because she ended up dying in a car crash months later. A car my dad drove drunk but was the only survivor of. He served his time and I was put under child services. All of that happened in one year by the way so it took a huge toll on me. " Yeonjun rolled the sleeves of his leather jacket back and an array of scars on both of his wrists covered his skin. They looked all healed but they were deep.

"I started cutting my self. Landed in the hospital a few times. Went from one psychologist to the other but when I turned 17 my aunt took me in. I was homeschooled for a year but I begged her to finish school properly for my last year. We both moved here together and that's when I found out a while ago that you'd be at the same school and you were also friends with Mingi. So yeah. Sorry for the trauma dumping but I just wanted you to know that I wasn't out there happily living life knowing I left you behind like that"

Wooyoung was completely speechless. Yeonjun was casually telling him all that like it wasn't a big deal while he had spent so many years resenting him. His mother died and he kept it to himself. His father emotionally abused him and even went to jail but he didn't say anything. All because he was embarrassed to face Wooyoung?

Yeonjun chuckled. "Did I just break you? You're being awfully quiet right now"

Tears began to seamlessly fall down Wooyoung's cheeks. "Why did you skip school for that one month? "

"Oh. That. I'm anaemic and it was very bad last month so I was just bedridden most of the time"

It was like everything that came out of Yeonjun's mouth didn't sound real. No way all of that happened and he was just sitting across him with a smile on his face while eating cake.

Yeonjun shook his head and pulled out a tissue from his pocket. He stood up and went to squat in front of Wooyoung and dabbed the tissue on his damp cheeks, wiping his tears. "I thought I told you not to cry because of me Wooyoung hmm? "

He didn't even think about it. Just leaned in and hugged Yeonjun tightly. He didn't care if people were staring at them. Wooyoung's whole body broke into heavy sobs.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for being so selfish and ignorant. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. " he cried holding him tighter.

Yeonjun rubbed his hands up and down his back. "I see you're still such a baby. "

"I'm so sorry. "

Yeonjun pulled away and cupped his face. He sighed and squeezed his cheeks. "Seriously what am I going to do with you? What are you even apologizing for silly? Stop crying. You're breaking my heart. "

"Why didn't you tell me? " Wooyoung hiccuped.

"I don't know. I think I need to work on that. But seriously though, stop crying. I'm not trying to get murdered by your friends for making you cry. They were kind of scary last time i saw them."

"Stop joking around Jun" Wooyoung whined, hitting him on the shoulder.

Yeonjun grinned.

"The fuck are you smiling for? "Wooyoung took the tissue from him and wiped any remnants of tears on his face.

"You haven't called me Jun since 9 years ago"

Wooyoung's mouth parted in disbelief. "Seriously. What is wrong with you? "

Yeonjun laughed and pulled him back in a hug. "It feels so nice to have you in my arms like this. "

Wooyoung sniffled. "Are you okay now? "

"You mean the cuts? "

He nodded.

Yeonjun snorted."I'm not suicidal if that's what you're worried about. "

"Yeonjun! "

He broke into a fit of laughter. "Are we good now?"

" if I say we are what are you going to do? "

Yeonjun pulled back and cupped his cheek, caressing it with his thumb.

"Then I'm going to be selfish just this once and ask you out"

Wooyoung went still.

"Wooyoung, go out with me. Be my boyfriend"

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