The unscripted scenario

By Eleanora16

96.6K 3.7K 270

Amaia has joined Jam Republic's team to take part in Street woman Fighter 2, a dance serie involving some of... More

The call
Meeting the Team
First day of filming
No Respect Dancer Battles
The Rookies
Making friends with the ennemy
Different strategies - Part 1
Different strategies - Part 2
True Leaders
Sisterhood - Part 1
Sisterhood - Part 2
Pool Party - Part 1
Pool Party - 2
Do you get dรฉjร  vu ?
Alone at Last
Reality Check
Jealousy, Jealousy - Part 1
Jealousy, Jealousy - Part 2
Dancing around
Closing the distance
Heart over Brain
Home stretch
Final Countdown
Home run
Morning Bliss
Loud and Clear

Lights Out

2.3K 100 8
By Eleanora16

I'm bacckkkkkkkk ! First chapter of a serie of almost one-shots exploring Bada and Amaia's relationship :) A long one to begin with (you guys deserve it for the wait), but I'll post shorter ones as well ! Thank you for all the love and support you keep on showing for this story <3333



Kirsten burst into the room, drawn by Audrey's near scream. "OHHHHHH!" she echoed as she turned towards the source of the commotion and found Amaia at the centre of it all. Within 30 seconds, the room was filled with the entire crew, curious about all the noise.

"What?" Amaia asked, a little embarrassed. "Is this too much?"

"Too much? Girl, you're killing. I need to step up my outfit," Latrice declared, before scurrying back to her wardrobe to change her top.

Amaia took a moment to check her reflection in the mirror. It felt great to be wearing a cute outfit that she hadn't really been able to flaunt on the show. She wore her high boots with a big heel so that she could dance comfortably for hours, paired with a short silver sequined dress and a one-sleeved black body. She had done a silver liner to match her sequins and added sparkly lip gloss. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

Amaia hummed along to the background music, the beats setting the mood for the celebration to come. Audrey, struggling with her hair as usual, drew a smile from Amaia, who promptly went over to help.

"Soooo, is this your plan to make Bada fall even more in love with you?" Audrey teased as Amaia helped her define her waves.


"Hahaha, I knew it."

"I'm doing it for me first," Amaia added. "Just being able to dress up a bit cute is a good opportunity, let's say." Audrey just laughed.

As the girls were slowly finishing to get ready, everyone reunited for some pregame drinks. Amaia's suggestion of a strawberry vodka shot to pregame before the club gained unanimous approval and with Audrey, they concocted the most disgusting drink they could muster for a game of Ring of Fire.

The game began and Audrey started to forget the rules after the 3rd  round. Everyone kept making up the stupidest stupid rules ever, adding to the existing ones. Ling subtly placed her thumb on the edge of the table, prompting the rest to follow suit. Latrice was the last one to catch on and ended up taking a swig from her shot glass. The game continued, until Amaia finally drew the last King and almost threw up at the thought of drinking the mixture.

"HA KARMA" yelled Kirsten who had been praying all along that she wouldn't be the one to drink the potion.

Amaia motioned for Audrey to pass her the bottle of strawberry vodka to cleanse her palate.

"Cleaning alcohol with alcohol ? Girl?" Ling was stunned, while Amaia valiantly tried to swallow down the burn that traveled down her throat.

"Alright chicas I think it's time go ! An Uber will be there shortly!" " Kirsten's voice cut prompting everyone to scurry outside the room after doing final touch ups like jewelry and perfume, before leaving on Audrey's trace locking the room behind her. As they settled in the Uber, Ling took charge of the playlist to keep the vibe strong.

"Omggg this makes me hope the club will play some 2000s songs"

"That'd be dope"

Excited to party now that the alcohol was hitting them all, the girls left the Uber, going pass the queue as the agency had booked them some tables.

Instantly, Amaia's senses were heightened tenfold by the dimmed lights and neon corridors leading to the heart of the club, the walls already vibrating with the bass of the music. Her vision was almost blurred, and she felt her heart quicken, the familiar anticipation of a night without constraints the next day, where the only instruction is to enjoy.

She trailed behind Audrey, who followed Latrice and Kirsten to a table on the upper floor. Amaia was itching to hit the dance floor, feeling the perfect blend of tipsy and self-awareness that comes with just the right amount of alcohol.

Her thoughts were quickly sobered when she saw the familiar figure of Bada, already seated alongside her teammates, sipping a cocktail.


She saw her before the other noticed her and took the chance to check out the view, for once having a head start. Bada looked stunning, wearing a mesh crop top that showed off a metallic blue bra and matching blue make-up. Amaia swallowed, surprised that as she approached, Bada still didn't seem to notice her presence. Yet she saw her turn towards Kirsten, stand up to hug her, just as Tatter and Lusher were doing for Ling and Kirsten. Amaia detached herself from behind Audrey, and Bada finally met her gaze. Amaia couldn't help but smile at the bewilderment in her eyes.

"Close that mouth" Amaia teased, closing the distance between them. Bada shook her head and blinked several times, as if to make sure she was seeing clearly.

"How are you even real" she managed to say. Amaia barely blushed, emboldened by the alcohol.

"I take it you like it?" Amaia further pushed.

"Euphemism of the century "

"All the better, I've spent a lot of time on this for once, after all, a winner deserves a trophy, don't you think?".She said, laughing outright at Bada's expression who seemed to have lost again her ability to speak. Tatter did not wait for Bada to manage to align 2 words, and took Amaia in her arms, interrupting their staring.

"Girl you want revenge by winning the Fashion week or what?"

Amaia burst out laughing "Thanks Tatter, but more seriously, when are we going to dance? I don't plan on staying at this table all night!"

"Ah thank you, finally someone who speaks the same language! The grandmas are still drinking, but I've had more than enough to go dancing!"

"I knew I could count on you, shall we?". With that, Amaia and Tatter descended the few steps to the dance floor. The music engulfed them, a mix of familiar beats and eclectic tunes spun by the DJ. Amaia and Tatter surrendered to the rhythm, matching moves, and lip syncing.

Sitting at the table, Bada looked at Amaia, still fascinated.

"Well, well, it looks like the fans were right?" it was Harimu who had teleported next to her.

"Huh?" Bada was a little slow to respond, the alcohol starting to take its toll.

"I mean your little moment with Amaia at the results ceremony ? Come on, didn't you see the posts on Instagram? My feed was flooded, fans were breaking the number of edits on you two," laughed Harimu, along with the other girls who seemed to unanimously agree with her. Bada didn't try to pretend that she didn't know what she was implying. In any case, Harimu didn't wait for an answer.

"I mean, I can only understand, she's beautiful! And if you don't find her on the dance floor now, I'm sure others won't wait around," she said teasingly, before rushing onto the dance floor alongside Redy and Amy. As if predicting the future, Bada saw Tatter and Amaia surrounded by another group of friends who looked very nice, but perhaps too nice for her liking. When the members of Bebe and JR decided to join the dance floor, Bada took it as her cue. With a confident stride, she joined Amaia on the dance floor, pushing aside a complete stranger who thought it was a good idea to get close behind Amaia's back.

"Hello again, beauty queen," Bada said, genuinely happy to see Amaia again, as she glared at the boy behind her who raised his hands innocently before disappearing back into the crowd. That's right, as if he had a chance, Bada thought.

"Hello, my winner." Amaia didn't want to say more, simply enjoying the fact that she could finally lean into the older without being cautious of prying eyes anymore. She moved closer, never leaving Bada's eyes, until they were almost forehead to forehead, and wrapped her arms around her neck. Bada's hands went instinctively to her lower back and the two girls began to move as one.

Amaia noticed that Bada was leading them a little further away from the rest of the group, and looked at her quizzically. Bada confessed, still pressed up against the other brunette

"I have to steal you away from everyone, I won't stand much of a chance otherwise"

Amaia smiled broadly

"Come on, if they still don't understand that from the start, I've only had eyes for you, they're blind "

"And I don't think you have any idea how gorgeous you are", replied Bada, just as a stranger walked past Amaia, deliberately touching her arm and winking at her, proving her point perfectly. Bada just gripped her tighter while Amaia shook her head.

"It's a meagre payback after you've been the crush of all South Korea for the last 6 weeks".

As the DJ put on some reggaeton, Amaia widened her eyes, knowing the song absolutely by heart.

"Come on dear student, it's time to put our lessons to good use".

With the rhythm picking up, Amaia began to dance around Bada, getting closer and then distancing herself, only to swing back against her harder. She took Bada's hands and placed them on her hips, moving to the rhythm of the music against her, grabbing the back of Bada's neck to press herself as close to her as possible, resting her head back against her shoulder. As she almost naturally rolled her hips against Bada, the other responded with soft kisses on her exposed neck.


Amaia felt blissful. Lost in the pulsating beats, she couldn't keep track of time—it might have been an hour, or maybe four. The night felt a hazy dream she could only remember in flashes. Tequila shots, too many dance-off, collapsing on a sofa, and taking mirror selfies in neon-lit corridors.

Bada never left her, and every time she was wondering where she could have gone, it took seconds for them to reunite again. Audrey had managed to steal her away from times to times, excited for her friend and cheering on them whenever she could. The sweat, the dizziness from the alcohol, the sore feet despite the comfy shoes, the collision of sticky bodies on the crowded dance floor and the raspy strain in her throat from belting out lyrics to every song were undeniable signs—Amaia was getting tired. Around 4 am, Ling made the first call to end the night, as she had to study the next day for an upcoming online exam. It was only when half the group had dispersed that Kirsten approached Amaia, gauging her exhaustion and extending an invitation to share an Uber back to the hotel. Amaia, refusing to admit defeat, shook her head.

"Kirsten, this is too much fun! Just one more hour!"

Kirsten, with a knowing smile, countered, "Amaia, we're all beat, and I'm sure you are too. Let's call it a day."

Amaia protested with a playful "Noooo" and darted back into the remaining crowd. Audrey shook her head "I am too tired for this shit", knowing how much of a devil Amaia could be when she was intoxicated. Bada, returning from the restroom, asked Kirsten.

"What's going on?"

Kirsten sighed, "Amaia's still going strong, we want to go home, she doesn't."

Bada chuckled, "It's okay, I'll wait for her"

Concern etched on Kirsten's face, she hesitated. She KNEW Bada was a sweetheart, but Amaia was still their rookie and she really felt that extra weight of responsibility.

"I can ask the Uber to drop her off at your hotel don't worry" Bada immediately clarified. That convinced Kirsten and Audrey.

"Text me if you have any problems, and keep me updated," Kirsten instructed.

"Will do! Get some rest now," Bada replied, rejoining the crowd to catch up with Amaia, who had magically acquired ten new friends, collectively screaming the song at the top of their lungs.

In the end, 30 minutes was enough to exhaust Amaia.


"Yes love?" Yes, they were both way too drunk, Bada thought.

"Can we go home now?"

"All right, I'll book an Uber to drop you off at your hotel."

"No, I want to stay with you."

"I can come in the Uber, but then I deserve some sleep."

"Can't I crash at your place? Bada sighed. She had to be the voice of reason.

"Amaia, we're too tired" and too drunk. Way too drunk.

Amaia just smiled, came close and kissed her with all her might.

"But for once we can be together," she begged, pouting. Bada was NOT equipped for those eyes and tried to resist the urge to just kiss her senseless in a more private place.

"Let's just go out and get some fresh air."

Both clinging to each other, the girls made their way out, Bada, experiencing a fleeting moment of lucidity, hoped no one would catch them in that state. Fumbling with her phone, she tried to type the address for the Uber drop-off but drew a blank on the name of Amaia's hotel.

"Amaia, what is the name of your hotel?"

"I won't tell you."


"Hum hum hum. Guess you'll have to let me crash at yours," she sang.

Bada may have had a lot of willpower, but she was only human. She just collapsed with Amaia in the back of the Uber and prayed that Kirsten wouldn't kill her. By some miracle, she managed to text her:

I didn't know the name of the hotel. Amaia won't tell me. We're going to my place.

When they arrived at Bada's place, Amaia swayed a little before falling asleep on the sofa almost immediately. Bada hesitated.

"Do you need help getting out of these clothes ?" Amaia cracked an eye open.

"I'm afraid you'll have to help me." With careful hands, determined not to make her uncomfortable, Bada helped Amaia remove her top, averting her eyes as she realised the girl was sporting just nipple covers.

"You're missing the best part," Amaia laughed under her breath.

Bada bit her lip, feeling a blush creep up.

"I swear, another time when we're not seeing double"

"2 Bada actually sounds like a dream, but you really have to be perfect huh " Amaia said as she finally wrestled into the t-shirt Bada had handed her, while Bada kept her eyes closed.

"You can look now. Not that you couldn't before"

"Do I have to carry you to bed too?" Bada smirked.

"Piggyback rideeeeee"

Bada clumsily manage to carry Amaia to her bed, dropping her unceremoniously and wrapping her in blankets. She leaned down to plant a kiss on Amaia's forehead, pretty proud of her performance despite feeling herself still swaying.

Amaia, with a satisfied grin, teased, "You're forgetting the good night kiss too, Bada."

Bada gave in, pecking Amaia on the lips "There you go, now sleep."

Intent on returning to her sofa, Bada moved away, but Amaia patted the space next to her with a glint. "You're not leaving, are you?"

Bada hesitated, then rolled her eyes and hopped onto the bed, making sure to keep a safe distance, not wanting the other to feel strange when they woke up.

She slept soundly, and when the morning sunlight painted the room a few hours later, she stirred to find herself spooning with Amaia. The events of the night and the warmth of the moment left a lingering smile on Bada's face, and she snuggled back against the other, trying to get some more rest.


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