Race To Your Heart |Lee Heese...

By vilorioa

61.5K 3.3K 773

In which a girl and her fanboy brother go on a planned trip to France which gets interrupted by a charming pr... More

Special Part
The End


1.1K 61 8
By vilorioa

Angel furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he heard the door to their hotel room open.

He stood from the bed and walked towards the door, seeing Rea dropping her bag on the floor and taking her shoes off.

He stared at her in confusion as she walked further into the room.

"What's up?" She said as a greeting as she sat on the bed, making him continue to stare at her. "What? I can't be back in my own room?"

He raised his hands in defense as he walked towards his bed and laid down, looking at her for a couple more seconds, before looking up at the ceiling.

Rea looked down at her hands as she tilted her head in thought.


He kept quiet for a few seconds before humming.

"You're being suspected for trying to murder Heeseung." She said softly, making him nod his head slowly.

"I know."

She looked at him, her eyes filled with doubt, but she turned her head back to her hands.

"I know you didn't do anything."


His responses were fast, making her notice that her brother had nothing that would make her not be on his side.

"But I have my own suspects." She whispered as she turned in her seat towards Angel, and he looked at her in question.


"Josh, Mr. Kim and Matteo."

Angel furrowed his eyebrows as he sat up and turned to her too.

They looked into each other's eyes. Rea trying to read him and Angel trying to read her.

"I know about Josh, but Matteo? What does he have anything to do with Heeseung?"

Rea couldn't help but smile a little at the genuine confusion on her brother's face. He genuinely has no involvement with this.

"He was at the hospital and he was the one that made Heeseung's pulse drop. But detective Lahaye already told Heeseung that he thinks Matteo has nothing to do with this." She informed confidently.

"What about Mr. Kim?"

"Mr. Kim is just... weird. He was trying hard to get me off your side. He wanted to give me reasons to doubt you. It was almost like he was trying to convince me, instead of trying to inform me on the case."

Angel thought as he nodded his head slowly.

"Do you know why they're suspecting me?"

"It's because they saw a person with your same haircut, and the same build as you. So they think it was you."

"That makes no sense, they should have more than that." He shook his head.

"They said the person had a flower tattoo on his wrist, and that's when I knew it wasn't you."

Angel's eyes widened as he looked down at his wrist.

Her gaze followed his as he lifted his sleeve to show her a small daisy.

Rea furrowed her eyebrows and so did he as he wondered how they had gotten such a description of him. Especially the tattoo that he almost always hid under his long sleeve shirts.

"What?" She whispered out loud as she tilted her head again.

"Rea, I promise I-"

"I know, Angel. I know you're just as confused as I am." She crossed her arms as Angel stood from the bed and started pacing.

"But if they have that description of me, it's enough to put me in jail. I don't want to go to jail for something I didn't do, Rea."

"No, it isn't. They're still trying to figure out what's happening. Especially detective Lahaye."

He ran a hand through his hair as he shook his head.

"When did you even get that tattoo?"

"I got it in college." He informed as he closed his eyes in stress.

"I need your help." She said as she watched him pace.

"What do you need me to do?"

"Do you know anyone that might know about your tattoo?" Rea questioned and he stopped in his tracks.


"Anyone else?"

Angel sighed a little before giving up and looking at Rea.


"How would she know?" She narrowed her eyes at him, and he only shook his head.

"I have sex with her sometimes." He said in almost embarrassment.

Rea nodded her head, not surprised and Angel couldn't help but look at her in shock.

"Why do you look like that? I just told you I have sex with Dal from time to time. You won't tell Sara will you?"

"I hate Sara."


"Sara and I haven't been friends in years."

"We really know nothing about each other anymore, do we?" Angel shook his head as he started pacing again.

Rea wasn't focused on his question for once, and was thinking deeply about how Dal could have anything to do with this.

"I need to meet that lady."

"What lady?"

"The one that said she saw you."

Rea looked for her phone in her pocket and dialed Heeseung's number.

"Yes, girlfriend that left without saying a word?"

She rolled her eyes, before standing up and reaching for the small notepad on the bedside table.

"I'm sorry, whiny boyfriend. I need some information from you. Are you alone?"

"Yes, now that my girlfriend that left without saying a word...left. Yes. Very alone."


"Sorry." He giggled making her contain her smile and shake her head.

"I need you to tell me the name of the girl that Mr. Kim told you."

"Sure. But why?"

"Don't worry about it, I just need it."

Angel shook his head and walked towards her in a hurry, grabbing the phone from her hand, making her look at him in confusion.

"Heeseung, she wasn't going to tell you. But Mr. Kim is suspecting me of being the one that changed your tire provider. The girl gave him a very specific detailed description of a guy that looks just like me, even my tattoo." Angel spoke on the phone as he sat down on the bed, softly biting his nails.

Heeseung was silent for a few seconds, making Angel even more nervous, but he only heard a small laugh.

"You? What could you do? You know you need very specific signatures for that. Plus...you?" Heeseung laughed making Angel sigh in relief.

"Tell him about Mr. Kim." Rea whispered, raising her eyebrows.

"You tell him." Angel mouthed as he passed the phone back to her.

Rea stared at the phone before grabbing it.

"Heeseung. If I told you someone close to you, acts suspicious, would you believe me?"


Rea was taken aback at his quick response, but she only sighed.

"Mr. Kim was trying really hard to convince me it was Angel."

"So... you think he has something to do with this? Somehow?"



Rea waited for him to say something as she sat down next to Angel. Her knee shook just like Angel's did as she looked down at the floor.

"I'll send you the contact information of the girl."

"Okay... Thank you, baby."

She didn't want to press anymore as he was probably thinking about the information she had randomly dropped on him.

"You're welcome."

"I'll see you there in a couple of minutes. Don't walk too much- I can hear you shuffling Lee Heeseung." She scolded making Angel smile a little.

"Shhh. You're not here so I'll do whatever I want to."

"Just sit down. You walked around the entire hospital this morning."


Rea could almost see his annoying smirk, so she only let out another sigh.


"I'll sit. Bye." He laughed before she hung up the phone with another deep breath.

Not long after, her phone dinged with a message.


Rea stepped into the office as she looked around curiously.

Her eyes spotted three men at three different desks, and they looked up at her in question.

She smiled awkwardly, before fully stepping in, letting the door close on it's own.

"Good morning." She spoke with a small skip to her step.

The men looked at each other, wondering if anyone was going to talk to her in English.

"Is there anyone here, that I can speak to?" Rea cautiously questioned, and one of them nodded his head and held up his hand.

"Wait." He said softly as he stood up and walked through a door in the back.

One of the other guys gestured her to the two couches near the door. She smiled at him and sat down as she looked down at the floor in thought for a couple of seconds, before looking around the office again.

Rea kept her hands together for a while as she waited patiently.

Suddenly the door opened, and Mr. Kim walked inside looking around.

Rea furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of him and he also did the same when he spotted her.

"Why are you here?"

"Why are YOU here?"

The guy came back out, with a woman following behind.

"Hello, I'm Anne, how can I help you?" She asked as she smiled at her.

Mr. Kim kept his gaze on the woman as he noticed the familiar name and face, so he quickly invited himself to sit next to Rea.

Rea noticed this but decided to stay quiet as the woman sat across from them.

Rea stared at her smile for a couple of seconds, before mirroring hers and giving her a small fake smile.

"Hi, I just wanted to talk to you about a couple of things. I'm Heeseung's girlfriend." She informed.

Rea immediately noticed a reaction at his name and she tried not to let her know that she noticed it.

"I'm Heeseung's manager." Mr. Kim added as he also shook her hand.

"I'm sorry about the accident, he's a great guy. I hope he recovers quickly."

"Yeah, he's doing well... I just want to ask you about the guy that you saw that came in to change the providers. Can you tell me what he looked like? They've already told me a description and they want me to identify if I know him so I just want a little more details, if that's okay."

Mr. Kim looked at Rea as she was here to ask the exact same question he was here for.

"Oh. Um... He was tall and lean. He had dark brown hair, in a mullet, and he also had a flower tattoo on his wrist."

"Do you mind telling me which arm?"

"I- I don't remember which arm. I think it was his left arm." She hesitated as she tilted her head a little, making Rea nod her head in fake understanding.

"Do you know how big it was? The tattoo I mean."

"It was pretty big."

"Hmm." Rea said quietly as she looked down at her hands, feeling another wave of relief go over her body.

Angel's tattoo was so small it was barely noticeable, and it was on his right arm not his left. So it was someone else and not Angel, or this lady was completely lying.

"I was told there were no security cameras. Like they weren't working?" Mr. Kim mentioned as he raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, it's a bummer, we would've given the police the footage immediately."

"Hmm." Rea hummed as she looked at her for a couple of seconds, furrowing her eyebrows a bit when she realized something.

"Are you related to Dal somehow?" Mr. Kim asked as he tilted his head.

Her eyes widened a little, before she nodded her head.

"We're distant cousins."

"Oh wow! That's such a crazy coincidence. She's great." Rea raised her eyebrows as she smiled brightly.

"Yeah, she's great." The lady waveringly smiled as she looked down at her hands for a few seconds. 

"Thank you for answering my questions." Rea said as she stood up with a smile.

"You're welcome. I hope I helped somehow."

"You definitely did."

They went quiet for a couple of seconds.

"Have a good day."

"Have a good day." Mr. Kim echoed as he stood up, giving her a polite bow and Rea did the same.

"You too." The lady said with a small smile as she watched her walk past her.

Rea waved at her as she walked out of the office and pulled out her phone as she walked, placing it to her ear.

Mr. Kim snapped his fingers as soon as they were outside. "I was here for the same reason as you. I wanted answers. I didn't think your brother could have done it, you need more credentials for that and signatures and influence-"

"Cody, you need to talk to that fling of yours. I think she's our culprit."

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