By Jikook_GotYourJams

842 480 42

"You can't change how things are you can't change my faith jungkook ! It's being delusional " . . . . "... ar... More



54 38 0
By Jikook_GotYourJams


" I have learned now that while those who speak about one's miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more"


The following day, Jimin attended school and carefully selected his attire. As he got dressed, he gazes at the scars on his body, memories resurfacing. However, he dismissed any negative thoughts, focusing on his responsibility.

 Observing his swollen legs wrapped in bandages, he maintained a positive mindset.Limping, Jimin managed to leave the house, sensing the scrutinizing gazes of the maids and guards. 

Their sympathetic looks make him uncomfortable; the pity he detects was unwelcome. Jimin despised the notion of pity, refusing to accept or acknowledge it.Entering his limousine, Jimin maintained a stoic expression, instructing the driver to proceed. 

A prolonged silence ensued before they reached the school. He walked slowly to class, making a concerted effort to preserve a straight posture and composed demeanor, ensuring that others remained unaware of his injury.

He genuinely felt foolish, constantly attempting to cover up for his dad.

 The red scars that marred his skin made it impossible for him to enter the changing room, fearing that his classmates would inquire about the visible marks.

Jungkook walked up to his seat, and Jimin's gaze shifted to Jungkook's outfit. Wearing a tailored blazer that hugged his well-built frame, Jungkook exuded a sophisticated yet alluring vibe.

 The charcoal-gray blazer was paired with neatly pressed black trousers, highlighting his toned legs. Beneath the blazer, he sported a crisp white dress shirt that added a touch of refinement. 

Jimin couldn't help but be impressed by Jungkook's sharp and hot ensemble, which seamlessly blended style and confidenceJungkook looked at Jimin's back, smiling, but Jimin immediately averted his face, cheeks flushing a deep red. 

He began to mumble, but Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle, sending a shiver down Jimin's back.

Drawing closer to his ear, Jungkook whispered, "Daddy bites, especially if you look at me with those eyes. Don't you agree, dollface?" His warm breath on Jimin's face, Jimin abruptly stood up, screaming.

The teacher turned around, asking if Jimin was okay.

Jimin responded with a quick yes before sitting back down.

He swiftly slapped Jungkook on the arm, warning him never to call him dollface again.

 Returning to his cold demeanor, Jimin fixed his icy gaze on Jungkook before turning around.

The atmosphere between them lingered, the unspoken tension adding an edge to the air as they navigated the remainder of the class with a newfound awareness of each other's presence.

Several minutes had passed since the two had last spoken.

Jimin was enjoying a moment of peace, contemplating his next move, when he felt his hands being grabbed by a larger hand. 

Attempting to shrug it off, his hand was instead pulled further and placed on something sizable.

His eyes widened, meeting Jungkook's accusatory gaze.

Without hesitation, Jimin swiftly withdrew his hands, reaching for his sanitizer to cleanse them. 

Cheeks flushed, he seized the opportunity to leave as the class ended, rushing out to make it to his violin lesson without delay.

Finally done for the day, Jimin could rest for a while.

He laid on his bed, the day's events flashing in his head. 

Jungkook's voice echoed in his ears, and he held his pillow, screaming into it.

Suddenly, he jumped up with joy, only to fall back down due to the lingering pain he still felt.

Finally done for the day, Jimin could rest for a while. 

He laid on his bed, the day's events flashing in his head.

Jungkook's voice echoed in his ears, and he held his pillow, screaming into it. 

Suddenly, he jumped up with joy, only to fall back down due to the lingering pain he still felt.

Getting ready to tackle his homework, Jimin heard his name being called by a maid.

Opening the door with still-flushed cheeks and a faint smile, his expression fell the moment he recognized the unwelcome face.

"You aren't supposed to be here," he said, his tone turning cold.

"I'm sorry, sir. Your dad is calling you for dinner," the maid stammered.

Jimin, wearing his slippers, briskly pushed her aside.

"By the way, you are fired," he declared, the words laced with frustration.

Rushing down the stairs, he carefully navigated each step, mindful of his injured leg.

Dinner, an unusual occurrence. His abusive, workaholic, power-obsessed father wanted to eat with him.

Jimin's emotions were a chaotic blend of irritation and apprehension as he descended to face the unexpected encounter with his father.

As the father continued to heap unexpected attention on Jimin, the atmosphere became increasingly surreal.

 "My son," he repeated, a strange mix of pride and insincerity in his voice.

Jimin, while physically present at the dinner table, felt emotionally detached, like an actor in someone else's play.

His fingers continued to fidget, dancing nervously as his father spoke.

"You've made me proud," the father declared, raising his wine glass in a toast.

 Jimin managed a forced smile, his mind buzzing with skepticism. This sudden change in his father's demeanor raised more questions than it provided answers.

The dinner unfolded with an eerie tension, the strained attempts at familial connection palpable. Jimin couldn't shake the feeling that beneath the veneer of congratulations lurked a hidden agenda. 

He remained guarded, unsure of what game his father was playing.

As the evening progressed, Jimin grappled with a complex blend of emotions – a subtle longing for genuine connection, a stark wariness born from years of neglect, and an unspoken fear of the unknown motives behind this unusual dinner. 

The once-dreamed-of moment had morphed into an unsettling reality, leaving Jimin with a lingering sense of unease.

"You are getting married," he said bluntly. Jimin dropped the glass of wine to the floor, shattering it into ten thousand pieces. "Jimin, be careful," the father said, seemingly unfazed.

 "Don't worry; the maid will clean it." He smiled at Jimin, who was lost in the sudden revelation.

The words echoed in Jimin's mind. He? Getting married? It felt like the ground beneath him had shifted, leaving him in a state of bewildered disbelief. 

His father's casual demeanor only added to the surreal atmosphere, as if announcing a mundane change in plans.

Jimin's emotions, already in disarray, now swirled with confusion and a profound sense of disbelief. 

Marriage, a concept that had never been part of his life's equation, suddenly thrust upon him. The shattered glass on the floor seemed to mirror the fragments of his own understanding, scattered and broken in the face of this unexpected revelation.

he wasn't ready he knew it there were too many responsibilities that came along with anything that had to do with marriage.

it wasn't only about giving attention to the wife but also care taking of a child he wasn't matured enough to take care of ,he was young, and wanted to do so many things when his dad would die, but getting married would just weight him down the responsibility that one word

marriage .


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