Teen Titans X Reader (Male)

By jae2089

16.1K 403 55

We've all imagined what it's like to be a superhero, saving the world from evil, or just living everyday life... More

Author's Note
Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5.5 | Movie Night
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9.5 | Bloopers
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 14.5 | Lunch Break

Chapter 5

684 26 1
By jae2089

HIVE academy | 10:53 PM

(y/n POV)

Raven and I swiftly make our way to the main elevator and force open the doors to reveal a dimly lit elevator shaft.

Robin (over comms): Are you sure you've got this?

y/n: Yeah. No sweat.

Robin: Alright. I'll be on standby if you need me.

I nod at Raven and we hop into the shaft. I free-fall for about 10 seconds before using telekinesis to slow my descent and land with a gentle thump. Raven floats down shortly after and quietly disintegrates the elevator shaft doors with her magic.

Raven: It says this place is off-limits for students, so they've gotta be hiding something here.

We exit the shaft and we're greeted with an oddly futuristic-looking corridor which extends dozens of feet to our left and right.

Raven: Hm. What do you know, they are aware that yellow isn't the only color that exists.

I tap my earpiece gently.

y/n: Hey, Robin. You getting anything?

I hear him type something and smack the enter key.

Robin: ...Hold on... Your sensors are reading crazy levels of ionic charge nearby. I'm sending you the data now.

Raven and I follow the energy signal through the empty corridors for a few minutes until we come across just another generic-looking, windowless room.

Robin: This is it, alright. Sensors are going haywire.

y/n: Looks like we need a passcode.

Raven: Can't we just destroy it?

Robin: This much concentrated energy is incredibly volatile. You don't want to risk setting it off...

I spot a panel underneath the lock system and rip it off, revealing a relay unit.

y/n: What do you suggest, Robin?

Robin: Well, looking at it from the picture you sent, it's a Wayne Enterprises Osmium mark two. Solid stuff, but if one of you puts your earpiece close enough to receive a radio signal I could probably break in.

I quickly detach my comms unit and clip it onto a wire as Robin said. A few minutes of waiting later, Robin manages to crack it and the door slides open, revealing a large room with a unit in the center. The middle console is accompanied by a glass enclosure above it, surrounded by control panels seemingly used to analyze whatever is supposed to be inside the glass.

I put the earpiece back into my ear and make sure it's connected before following Raven into the room.

Raven: Robin, there's nothing in here, it's just some control room.

Robin: That's weird... I'm still getting the same reading.

All of a sudden, a figure steps out from the shadows behind the middle console.

Brother Blood: Well, well... Weren't you informed that this area was restricted to staff members only? I thought we made it clear in the signs but it seems otherwise.

Next to me, Raven takes a defensive stance as her hands become encircled in black orbs of energy.

Raven: Well, if it wasn't obvious enough, we're not here to learn from you.

Brother Blood: I commend your efforts, child, but clearly you still need practice. You got caught, didn't you?

y/n: We know you're building a super-weapon. Care to explain that?

Brother Blood: You know what, since you asked so nicely, I will... You may have thwarted my original plans to build an antimatter cannon, but then I thought to myself; why bother with that when I already have something far more powerful?

He balls his hand into a fist and lifts his right forearm, which is encased in a slate black armband with gold accents.

Brother Blood: This... This is the Ion Amplifier. An object capable of multiplying the output of an energy source by unimaginable magnitudes. The ultimate weapon.

Robin: Guys, he's not bluffing. That thing is seriously dangerous.

Raven: Yeah, no shit, he's got the goddamn infinity gauntlet.

Brother Blood: You two seem quite capable. How would you like to join me? 

The man stretches out his hand in a welcoming manner before retracting it again upon seeing our indifference.

Brother Blood: Well... Not that you really have a choice in the matter, it's just polite to ask.

His eyes begin to glow a bright red which fills the room as he cackles maniacally.

Brother Blood: You really thought you could oppose me?!

I watch blankly as Brother Blood slowly realizes that I'm unaffected by whatever mind control shenanigans he's trying to pull. 

Brother Blood: ...How are you resisting my influence?

He asks, obviously pretty irritated at this point.

y/n: Who knows? Maybe you're getting old.

I immediately blast Brother Blood into a nearby wall, causing both his and Raven's eyes to fade back to normal.

Brother Blood moves a couple pieces of debris out of the way and stands up.

Brother Blood: Congratulations, kid. You've made me angry.

Raven: y/n! The Ion Amplifier!

He sticks his hand out and charges a ball of red energy which begins glowing brighter and brighter as the ion amplifier crackles with short bursts of plasma.

Brother Blood releases the beam, which shoots towards me like a wall of lasers. I manage to dodge in time, but the blast grazes my arm, which results in a pretty nasty burn.

Brother Blood: How's that?

He grins evilly, admiring his own power.

Using her magic, Raven rips a chunk of rock from the ground beneath us and hurls it at Brother Blood, sending him flying through multiple walls of the basement as he just manages to stick his hands out in time to push the rock to the side.

He gets back up and fires a barrage of beams at the two of us, which barely miss and leave simmering scorch marks everywhere.

y/n: Raven, back me up here.

Raven nods and floats a little higher towards the ceiling, joining her hands together in front of her body.

Raven: Azarath Metrion Zynthos!

Raven's eyes turn a menacing black as a wave of black energy pulses towards Brother Blood. Just as the blast is about to land, he disappears and reappears behind me with his hand drawn, ready to strike.

I whip around and dilate my pupils, unleashing a powerful shockwave through my eyes.

Brother Blood: Wha-

The shockwave rips through Brother Blood's body, rendering him paralyzed as I slash through his torso with a dark, fuchsia colored energy blade.

He drops to the ground, silent and unmoving as I breathe out a sigh of relief. I drain my aura as I feel my energy begin to evaporate into the air. The heat leaves my body as I shudder from the sudden coldness.

I wearily slip the Ion Amplifier off of Brother Blood's limp arm and turn towards Raven, who, uncharacteristically, has a shocked look on her face.

y/n: Robin, we got the amplifier. Should we destroy it?

Robin: Great work, Titans. Bring the amplifier back to the tower so we can learn more about it. I've already called the police so they're coming to take Brother Blood off your hands.

y/n: What?

Robin: What do you mean, what?

y/n: You wanted him alive?

Robin: Are you saying he's not?

Raven: He looks pretty dead, Robin.

Robin sighs heavily.

y/n: Was I not supposed to kill him?

Robin: ...Look, just... make sure you don't lose the amplifier.

He hangs up as Raven floats over, still looking a little shaken.

Raven: That was... I don't know. Unexpected. We don't usually kill people.

y/n: Do you think that was wrong?

Raven: ...Somehow, I don't think you'll get in trouble for killing a terrorist.

I look down at the HIVE headmaster, wishing I could at least feel a little remorse for ending another life.

Maybe this is what Bruce meant by "training my judgment".

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a confused voice coming from the doorway.

Jinx: Woah... What the fuck happened here? You killed Blood?

Having been startled, Raven instinctively begins charging a blast aimed at Jinx.

Jinx: Hey, hey. Calm down. I knew I heard something happening down here... I just want an explanation, ok?

Jinx picks up a revolving chair from the ground and sits on it, as Raven rolls her eyes and reluctantly explains everything to her.

Jinx: Yeah... You looked a little bit too familiar for comfort. I knew something was up.

She gestures towards Raven.

Raven: Wow... I really thought the glasses would be enough.

Raven takes off her fake glasses and examines them thoughtfully.

Jinx: I mean, I'd be lying if I said I didn't dislike the Titans. Well, I guess I can make an exception for you, y/n.

y/n: So what now? Are you gonna come after us?

Jinx: Mm. Honestly, it was about time the dinosaur retired anyway so I don't really care.

Raven: You don't?

Jinx: Don't get me wrong though, I'm still your enemy... Now leave, before somebody else shows up.

y/n: So you're saying we'll meet again?

Jinx: For sure, cutie.

She grins cheekily, leaning forward in her chair and resting her chin on her palm.

Raven: Bleh, get a room... Seriously, can we go now?


What's up? Hope you're enjoying the story so far, and I promise that the next parts will be just as fun to read.

Every so often, I'll be including a sort of filler chapter, which is just going to be just whatever I feel like doing then. It's gonna be mainly extra comedic relief and serves as a way to really ingrain y/n into the environment more, so I'm hoping that you have fun with these chapters as well.

That's enough rambling from me, though. Stay safe and have a good one!

- Jae

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