Teen Titans X Reader (Male)

jae2089 द्वारा

16.1K 403 55

We've all imagined what it's like to be a superhero, saving the world from evil, or just living everyday life... अधिक

Author's Note
Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5.5 | Movie Night
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9.5 | Bloopers
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 14.5 | Lunch Break

Chapter 3

1K 31 4
jae2089 द्वारा

Titans Tower | 8:34 AM

(y/n POV)

It's a bright and sunny day; a very unusual sight for someone from Gotham, but a very welcome one nonetheless. Unfortunately, the positive energy that the recent good weather had given me was being canceled out by the contagious stupidity of the clowns I had spent the past few days living with.

In fact, I'd been bombarded with the dumbest questions known to man for the entire morning. Here's a few examples for you.

"Hey y/n, what's your favorite type of door?"

"Oh y/n, have you ever been to the Florida?"

"y/n, what's your high score on Fruit Ninja?"

"What side of the bread do you put your jam on?"

I genuinely couldn't believe these people were the same age as me.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by Robin, who had told us all to sit on the couch and wait a couple minutes earlier.

Robin: Good morning Titans. It's a brand new week, which means more duties to be fulfilled.

I tilt my head slightly in confusion, watching Robin give some sort of keynote speech.

I lean over to Raven and whisper to her.

y/n: Does he do this every week?

Raven: Unfortunately, yes.

Robin: I've been monitoring HIVE's activity recently, and it's pretty likely that they're attempting to build some kind of super-weapon. That's probably why Gizmo was trying to acquire a power source yesterday- Yes, y/n?

y/n: Who's HIVE?

Robin: Well, uh... HIVE is the Hierarchy of International Vengeance. They have an academy that isn't far from here and I guess it's kind of like... Harvard but for aspiring villains.

y/n: Is that... a joke?

Robin is silent for a few seconds before he promptly goes back to his speech.

Robin: No. Anyway, y/n was probably able to delay the construction of this weapon further by disrupting Gizmo's efforts, but we still need to do something about it. It's vital that we shut this plan down early. A couple of us will infiltrate the academy and find out the schematics for the weapon. That way, we can destroy it if they ever try to use it.

y/n: Wouldn't it be better to just destroy HIVE before they make the weapon?

Raven: I second this plan.

Robin: What? No! We can't just go around blowing everything up!

Starfire: But exploding is the most enjoyable!

Robin: Ok, look. It's important that we do this stealthily. First, we can gather more information about HIVE in general. Second, it lets us play smart and maintain a defensive position instead of going in blindly.

Beast Boy: Ooh! Can I be the spy? I'd be so cool as a spy... The name's Boy. Beast Boy. Pew pew!

Beast boy aims and fires gun fingers at Cyborg.

Cyborg: Ahh! Curse you!

Robin: Guys, quit fooling around. And Gar, you're the last person who should be a spy.

Starfire: So who is the spy?

Robin: Well, I gave it some thought last night, and I've decided Raven and y/n would be our best options.

y/n and Raven: Me?

Raven: No way. I'm not going to school.

Robin: Come on, Raven. You're probably the least likely out of all of us to not get distracted or pressured.

Raven: Well, what about you, huh?

Robin: I've gotta stay back here and monitor everything, since I wouldn't exactly feel safe having Beast Boy and Cyborg at home alone.

Cyborg: He's got a point, you know.

y/n: Ok but, why me though?

Robin: You're new here. Nobody's ever seen you before, so you'll be much more convincing. Plus, we need to figure out what you're capable of. Although... you might need a villain name. Any ideas?

Starfire: Ooh... how about... Amazing-Man?

Raven smirks.

Raven: Sounds great to me.

Robin: "Amazing-Man" sounds like a cheap spin-off. Any other ideas?

Cyborg: Well, how about we ask Buzzfeed?

Cyborg swivels the screen around to show me a list of made-up superhero names.

Robin: Power-Man... Torpedo... Captain Canada...  Specter... Water-Man?

y/n: Do you maybe... have any other options?

Beast Boy: Nah, that's badass, bro! Specter is totally a villain name.

Robin: It'll have to do. What about you, Raven?

Raven: The Demon of Azarath. How's that?

She closes her eyes and grins proudly, just as everyone else starts cracking up.

Raven blushes bright red under her cloak and sinks further into the couch.

Raven: Fuck you guys... I'm keeping it!

H.I.V.E. Academy | 11:47 PM

(3rd person POV)

A couple days later, after successfully infiltrating HIVE academy, the undercover Titans are now attending a physics class in an ornately decorated hive-themed lecture hall.

The professor vigorously slashes his chalk across the blackboard as he continues his lecture.

Professor: Based on this observation, we may use the basic formulæ for projectile motion. However, we must also account for inconstant acceleration for both components due to air resistance...

Raven: What part of this is supposed to be helpful again?

She sighs and messily puts her hair up.

Robin (over comms): To blend in, you're gonna have to sit through classes as well.

y/n: Could be worse you know. It's just physics.

Robin: Exactly.

Raven: Yeah well I could also be at home, reading.

y/n: But isn't this your job?

Raven rolls her eyes and leans her head on her palm, pouting.

After another half hour of lecture, class ends. The pair stay behind and watch as the multitude of students briskly packs their things and hurries through the entranceway of the room.

Raven pulls out her phone and starts scrolling.

Raven: So what's our plan?

y/n: Robin said we have to "mingle" with other students.

He makes air quotes with his fingers.

Raven: I'm not mingling.

y/n gets up from his chair and stretches, his muscles rippling through the tight compression shirt he's wearing.

y/n: You know, It's weird because you don't strike me as a Rachel.

Raven: Eh... Rachel isn't a bad name. Don't really know why my dad didn't give me some stupid-ass demon name but I'm not complaining.

y/n: Demon name?

Raven: Long story. I'll tell you one day.

In order to accompany their new villain personas, the pair had been equipped with a couple of inconspicuous outfits to help them blend in better.

Much to his dismay, y/n was dressed pretty much entirely in black sportswear in an attempt to fit the "emo assassin" image. His outfit consisted of a plain black compression shirt on top and a nice pair of equally black joggers on the bottom for improved mobility.

Raven on the other hand, had just settled for a cozy, oversized navy blue hoodie and black leggings, since it was the closest thing she could find to her cloak. Add to that the legendary Clark Kent glasses and it's the perfect disguise.

y/n: Come on, we're here to gather information. Let's get this done quickly... Just a few days and we're out of here.

Raven: Fine...

She reluctantly begins to stand up, just as the two of them are approached by a group of people.

Jinx: Are you guys new here?

Raven: Mhm.

Raven tucks in the chair she was sitting on and resumes her scrolling, barely acknowledging the group's existence.

Jinx: Well, d'you have names?

y/n: Specter.

y/n tries his best not to cringe as he says his villain name.

Raven: ...I'm Rachel.

Jinx: Sweet... How about you two come and eat lunch with us? After all, it just wouldn't be right not to welcome you properly.

Jinx says, grinning, as her accomplices do the same behind her. Clearly they're here to intimidate or something similar, but it doesn't seem to be working all that well.

Raven: We'll pass-

y/n: Yeah, sure. Why not?

Raven crosses her arms and shoots an annoyed look of betrayal at y/n, who just shrugs in response.

The group begins walking through the hallways of the academy while Raven trails behind slightly with one hand in her pouch, the other holding her phone.

y/n: Sorry about my friend. She's a little... antisocial.

Jinx: Oh, that's alright. You know... handsome guys like you are a rare sight around here.

y/n just fakes a smile in return.

The group of students enters the HIVE cafeteria, which is decorated in an equally yellow fashion to every other room in the building. Jinx and her gang lead the undercover Titans to a table, as y/n hangs around at the back to wait for Raven.

y/n: God, this place is hideous.

Raven: I know, right? Looks like the Bee Movie in here.

Everyone sits down as y/n gently elbows Raven. She reluctantly puts away her phone and sighs.

Raven: What's for lunch? I skipped breakfast today.

See-More: Looks like tacos.

He spins his eyeball back from his x-ray vision.

y/n: What the hell was that?

See-More: My power. I can do whatever with my eye, basically. X-ray vision has a lot of benefits, I'll tell you that- Ow!

Jinx slaps him on the neck condescendingly.

Billy Numerous: So what abilities do y'all have?

Raven: I'm a demon, so I'm currently holding back the urge to rip your heart out of your chest and eat it.

She licks her lips and grins, looking proud of herself after seeing the horrified looks coming from the rest of the group.

I decide to break the tension with another one of my character building lies.

y/n: I've got good agility, I guess, but I'm mostly just a regular human.

Jinx: Mm... agility, that's hot.

Everyone chooses to ignore that.

See-More: Oh yeah... you guys hear about Gizmo? Apparently he got busted by the Titans again. I heard Blood in his office this morning. He was fuming!

y/n: Blood?

See-More: You know, Brother Blood? The headmaster?

y/n: Oh, yeah. Of course.

See-More: So anyway he was all like, "Those damn Titans! If I ever get my hands on them..."

y/n exchanges a look with Raven as she stands up to get food, while the others continue their banter and begin complaining about the workload.

Raven: I'm hungry. Want anything?

y/n: Uh... Just a coffee. I could really use the caffeine.

Raven: You're so boring.

y/n: How is that boring?

Raven: You just are.

Raven smirks endearingly without any further elaboration and walks away.

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