Waves Of Love (Revitalized)


91.7K 3.3K 1.6K

Nejire Hado. Quirky. Beaming. Outgoing. Izuku Midoriya. Not so Quirky. Not so beaming, and most definitely n... More

Prologue: Pageant Queen
I: The Reason
II: Hope
III: Sweet As Candy
IV: Truth Of The Matter
V: Weight Of The World
VI: Floaties
VII: Cookies and Milk
VIII: Impromptu Sleepover
IX: While It Lasted
X: Funny Kind Of Feeling
11: This Dream And You
12: Haircut
13: Question Of The Ages
14: The Next Step
15: Care Package
16: Headlines Pt. 1
17: Headlines Pt. 2
18: This Dream Come True
19: Rules
20: Opinions
21: The Source
22: Rain
Epilogue: Greatest Gift of All

23: Sundial

1.7K 65 44

"Guyyyyyys...Kaminari's doing the thing again."

"I'm gonna do it."

"Oh my god."
"Dude stop."
"Ashido don't let him."
"He's gonna tase me if I get too close."

"He's doing iiiit."


"This is ludicrous!"
"That's disgusting."
"Somebody stop him!"





"HOHHHHHHHHHHH! BEHOLD MY DIVINE CREATION-" Proclaimed Kaminari as he stood on the common lounge couch with a paper plate held high above his head holding his 'masterpiece'. "TWO WIENERS IN ONE HOTDOG BUUUUUUN!"


"Oh. My freaking. Goodness dude." Jiro said as she pinched the bridge of her nose while shaking her head in disappointment. Hopping down from the couch and plopping on his butt Kaminari opened wide and took a large chomp out of the twin hotdog, a grin of absolute glee and joy spreading on his face at the explosion of flavor in his mouth. "You and all your cracked out food combinations. First was the cheeseburger with fries added in it, then came the pizza with the wing sauce drizzled over it, and now THIS? A DOUBLE barrel hotdog dude?"

"Mmhey!" Kaminari exclaimed before swallowing his food. "It's convenient okay? Two chili and cheese wieners loaded into one bun saves us buns AND it saves me from having to get more hotdogs because of the less stuff I'm using. Think about it, if I get two regular hotdogs that's two wieners and two buns I'm using. BUT, if I load it up like this, I now am only getting two wieners and ONE bun. That's TWO TIMES the efficacy on food."


"I said that."

"No you sure as hell did not."

"Normally I am not one to comment on other people's choice of food combinations." Tokoyami stated. "But to see Kaminari's creation with my own eyes is-....heinous, I must confess. I did not think there would ever be a day where I bare witness to an amalgamation as dastardly as this."

"Hey come on guys! It's not THAT bad it's just two wieners in ONE bun what's wrong with it? Yaoyorozu help me out there."

"Well, I suppose the efficiency of using one bun instead of two for multiple hotdogs does seem to stand as a good point. Saves more buns for the future and it does seem to stuff one more quickly."

"Exactly! See-"

"Buuuut I must confess-" Yaoyorozu continued. "-it's just weird."

"Oh come on!"

"I mean if there was ever anything to give ya praise on-" Ashido snickered. "-it'd be the way you took a good bit of TWO wieners in ONE bite there Kaminari. Kinda...Kinda experienced there aren't you-PBBBBBT HA-HAAAAAAAA!"

"Yeah ha-ha." Kaminari grumbled as his classmates all joked and poked him for his unholy creation, taking another bite of his twin hotdog and keeping to himself. "Very funny."


Bouncing out from the opening elevator doors came Midoriya who repeatedly attempted to pat and flatten down his hair on the right side of his hand, but each attempt was unsuccessful as evident by the quiet grumbling underneath his breath. His attire was neat and semi-formal, a dark grey marshmallow vest over a black and white long sleeve buttoned up all the way with matching dark color jeans. The laces of his right shoe were loose and undone, having to hop along on one foot towards the common lounge while tying the shoe at the time. His presence would nearly go unnoticed were it not for Ashido pausing in her laughter and shifting attention to Midoriya.

"Ohhhh? And where are we going looking all fancy like that?" Ashido asked as everybody present turned heads to Midoriya. "If you wanted to go on a date you know you could have just said so."

"I'm going out to eat at a reservation I made for tonight." Midoriya answered. "Sorry, I'm a little bit behind so I gotta get going."

"Dude is that styling cream in your hair?" Kaminari questioned to the gleaming color of green hair under the lights. "What kind of reservation did you make for somebody like you to put styling cream in your hair no way did I ever expect to see this."

"It's a special kind, one that I can't miss and one that I really have to get going to I'll tell you guys about it later. See ya."

"OOOOOH! I bet it's the kind of reservation he's made for that special little somebody he's been romancing to." Ashido teased just as Midoriya opened the front door. "Girlfriend maybe?"

Midoriya paused with half his body out the door, his back straightening out to stand straight as he took a moment to think and reflect. Turning over his right shoulder, he smiled at his classmates. "Yeah, it is for my girlfriend actually. I'll see you guys this evening."



"....................I'm sorry huh?"


"-and that's why I think, that the whole world would be ten times better if we were all made up of big giant cuddly teddy bears. Ahhhh, so cuddly."

"Yeahhhhh." Midoriya agreed with a semi-agreeing smile. "Sure, I uh, kinda got lost around the whole 'our insides being replaced with fluff instead of organs' bit but, sure Nejire I agree heh."

"OHHHH! Our first real date!" Hado giddily squealed as her feet kicked underneath the table of a restaurant Midoriya had made reservations to. The girl wore the same exact outfit she wore at the beauty pageant for the Cultural Festival, her fairy-like dress with same color flats so cute and flawless in her appeal. Seeing her in the dress made the boy's heart flutter like a fairy, to the point where if anybody else were to be seen wearing it in no manner would they come close to the level of appeal Hado gave. "I'm SO excited! I've been having pins and needles about this for the WHOLE, day."

"You're definitely not the only one, though if I'm being honest I thought things would somehow turn out to be a lot worse than they are now."

"Like how?"

"Well, this sounds stupid but I was thinking something somewhere along today would just go absolutely wrong and ruin this for us. Like a dinosaur with laser eyes attacking out of nowhere."

"A dinosaur with laser eyes?" Hado giggled. "Oh Izuku, you're so silly."

"I'm serious, but at the same time stupid, I know. The only bad thing that's happened thus far is this stupid styling cream that doesn't want to play nice for some reason." Midoriya grumbled as he again tried to smooth down a clump of hair on the right side of his head but was unable to. "Guess my hair just doesn't like having things put in it."

"Well to be fair, I think you look handsome as is without any kind of hair appliance. You don't need to smooth it down to look any better I love it as is. I love you, as is."

The first year warmly smiled. "I love you as is too, Nejire."


"Hm?" Hado hummed to her facedown phone vibrating on the table, taking the device and flipping it to see a new text message had arrived. "It's from my dad."

Double tapping the notification the text message read as:

Dad: Looking good kiddos 👍👍😁!
One attachment: Photo.

Squinting in question Hado opened the picture sent by her father before her eyes bugged wide and she looked to her left across the restaurant. Again her eyes widened as she tucked into her body with a hand covering her face. "Ohhhhh, my goodness this is so embarrassing!"

"What?" Midoriya asked. "Is something wrong?"

"Izuku, look across the restaurant."

With an eyebrow raising at his girlfriend Midoriya did what was instructed as he looked across the restaurant and scanned the area, attempting to locate what was making Hado turtle up into her shell. His scan would not go for long however as he spotted it, his head cocking like a dog at what he was seeing on the other side. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hado were present in the same establishment, the father happily waving at the boy with a giant beaming grin. And as for the mother-


Well, he knows how she likes to express herself.

A hand squiggled up for Midoriya to nervously wave at Hado's parents with a same manner chuckle, turning away before the mother's gaze turned his entire world into a frozen realm. As for his girlfriend she was completely a beet colored red, trying her best to not make it look like she wanted to melt into a puddle and slime away to safety. "Ohhhh, my goodness."

"Heh, w-wow what are the odds huh?" Midoriya said. "Didn't know your parents were gonna be here too."

"Neither did I."


"Oh nooo." Hado grimaced as her phone now began to vibrate from a call, her worried expression wincing at the name of who was calling. Looking across the restaurant for a moment she answered and raised the device to her right ear. "Hi, Mom...Yeah, yeah I'm fine just, didn't know you and Dad were gonna be here...Izuku?....Uh, sure."

Hado held the phone across the table to the first year. "My mom wants to speak with you."

Midoriya gulped as he took the phone and held it against his left ear, feeling an odd chill emanating even through the line itself. "Uh, hello?"


'Ohmygod, even through the phone it feels like this woman wants to kill me!'

"Midoriya, good afternoon."

"G-Good afternoon, Ms. Hado."


"A-AH RIGHT right sorry M-Mrs. Hado, so sorry."

"Why so nervous Midoriya? Does the mother of your own girlfriend frighten you?"

"Uh....a-a little?"

"Hmph, well at least you are honest with your feelings, and for that I commend you. I'm merely calling because I would like to know what your plans are with my daughter this evening. Where do you plan on taking her after this establishment?"

"Back to the dorm?" Midoriya answered. "Just thought that after we're doing eating here we'd be too full to do anything else."

"You disappoint me."


"As a child Nejire loved to go to the beach just to have the chance of coming across hermit crabs or seeing a divine seashell or two, she loves it. If you still have the reserves left to not feel sluggish from whatever it is that you're about to eat take her to the beach, I assure you it's an opportunity you would not want to pass up."

"Oh, okay sure! Thanks."

"Wait, before I hang up there's also one more thing I'd like to say."


"My daughter, she-...What I saw at dinner when you came over was....love. In it's most basic, simplistic, unrefined state possible, there was nothing but love for you that came from Nejire whenever she looked at you. I know this not because I'm her mother, but because I recognize that look to be the same look I gave my husband back when we first got together. That look of nothing else being important because the one and only the one is right in front of you, I know those feelings. They're precious.

Nejire is a sensitive child, she hurts quickly and can be scarred by even the most mild of incidents. But through that sensitivity she has love to give, an abundance of it, so long as her heart is kept true and intact I know my daughter will never stop loving those that she does even if the end of the world is coming about. I blame myself for allowing her to become sensitive, I just didn't want her to grow up the same way I did....Midoriya."


"Don't ever stop loving my daughter, please. Knowing her and her sensitivity the thought of you two separating would surely crush if not cripple her entirely, by then I do not know what would happen to that love of hers. She loves you, all I ask is that you do the same, forever and always. Can you do that?"

Midoriya smiled. "That's not something you ever have to worry about from me, Mrs. Hado. I wouldn't dare to think about doing anything else."

"I am thankful to hear that, truly. And, Midoriya?"


"If you do decide to go back on what you said, and you break my daughter's heart?"


"I will do much worse than severing your optical nerves with a spoon and skinning you alive from head, to toe. Do I make myself clear?"

Midoriya gulped from the overwhelming pressure on his shoulders. "Y-Yes, yes ma'am. I-I'll never go back on what I said, ma'am."

"Good, glad we can both be on the same page about something. Enjoy your date you two."


Midoriya quickly thrusted the phone across the table for Hado to grab. "Here. Take it."

The third year took her phone with a curious eyebrow at the sudden departure of color from Midoriya's body. "Uh, everything okay?"

"No yeah totally everything's cool..."


"....your mom legitimately terrifies me."

Hado giggled. "Yeah, she scares me too. But underneath all that scary stuff, I know she loves those who mean a lot to her. Just wait until Christmas, she's gonna love you too. What did you guys talk about?"

Midoriya sighed out the intensity that was Hado's mother before he smiled at the girl sitting across from him, her beady blue eyes reflecting under the light. "Nothing that I wasn't already doing in the first place. Forever and always."


The beach? After their reservation at the restaurant the beach is exactly where Midoriya took Hado next for their first real date, just like the girl's mother suggested he do. But when it came to walking around and searching for little crustaceans with seashells lying all over the floor?


The fattest of chances.

Smacking her lips and rubbing her eyes tiredly Hado leaned to her left where she leaned herself against Midoriya's body, the two sitting on a bench on the sand and facing the sun that was setting in the distance. The air from the breaching waters was refreshing and cool, perfect to go against the warm stuffy feeling that glowed in their stomachs from food. The sun shimmered and moved over the surface of the calm waters, a feeling so euphoric it lifted one's soul from this very plane onto the next.

"Mmmmm..." Hado groaned as she closed her eyes and snuggled into Midoriya's body, the first year's arm coming around and wrapping itself outside her shoulders. "Schleepy."

"Hmph, yeah that makes two of us." Midoriya agreed while stifling back a yawn. "All that food is definitely getting the better of me right now, don't know what I was thinking trying to do anything else after that."

"Can't even walk right without wanting to take a nap, uwaaaaah....so tired. Hey hey you know what I just remembered Izuku?"


"Snipe said he's not sure yet and he's really hoping it isn't the case but apparently they've been thinking about bringing back the Work Study program within the next few months or so."

"Really?" Midoriya quirked. "Huh, Aizawa hasn't told any of us about the Work Studies coming back. That's gonna be interesting."

"Yeah and especially for you since you know, what happened with Sir Nighteye and all. Is there a place on your mind that you might wanna try going to?"

"Not really, honestly I don't think I would complain about getting an offer from anywhere. I could try Ryukyu."


"Heh, no I'm just joking."

"Hrmmm." Hado pouted. "Hey hey, that's not fair, teasing with me like that about going to the same Work Study as me."

"Well I mean it COULD still happen." Midoriya shrugged. "If she offers me an opportunity to be there then I'd definitely consider it. I mean it's Ryukyu we're talking about who wouldn't want to work with Ryukyu."

"Yeah that's true, considering how super duper DUUPER awesome Ryukyu is as a teacher you'd have to be really crazy not to study under her."

"I wouldn't doubt it..."



"You okay?" Hado asked. "You're kinda having the same look that you had last time, just staring off into the distance and all like you're dead."

Midoriya sighed a deep and content sigh, a smile gracing his face as he stared out and over the waters that breached the sandy shores. "I'm fine, perfect even. Perfectly, fine. Just....thinking."

"About what?"

"About how my life managed to change so drastically in such a short amount of time, it's so crazy to think about. At the beginning of the year I was constantly broken from my Quirk, constantly reflecting back to the days where I wasn't of use to anybody or anything, constantly thinking about what I may have done in a past life to deserve the life I had back then. I hated it, man did I hate waking up every day back then. And now within the duration of a single school year, look at what my life has turned into.

I have a handle on my Quirk, I'm not constantly reflecting on back to the days where I wasn't of use to anybody I'm always trying to improve and get stronger with my Quirk, and now I'm constantly thinking forward to the future to see what else is in store for me. And the best part of it all? I have a girlfriend now, I mean ME, Izuku Midoriya former Quirkless class nobody with nothing to show for himself other than his own name, has a girlfriend now. And it's a girlfriend who makes me feel all the good things that I didn't have the opportunity of feeling back when I was in middle school.

The feeling of being loved. The feeling of being wanted, needed even. The feeling of being able to have the chance of having fun and being happy....The feeling of being existent, even. I have all of that now. And...it's just so crazy to think about knowing I got all of this and the school year isn't even through yet. Somebody must have struck me with a Luck Quirk or something."

Hado chuckled as she reached up to Midoriya's left cheek and pulled it towards her so that she may lean up and press a kiss onto his right cheek, her lips soft and gentle like the clouds he rode on whenever she was around. Breaking from the kiss she returned to her position of leaning against his body as the two melted into each other and watched the sun set in the distance, their hearts connected and beating in perfect sync. "This had nothing to do with luck Izuku, it's just you. And because of that, it's all the reason I need to love you for the kind of person you are. Always."

With both stomach and heart full to the brim in content, Midoriya could do nothing but to simply sit on the bench with the girl of his life in his arms and watch the waters glow from the faint star in the horizon. But was there anything else he wanted to do besides that? No, there wasn't, for this very moment was what he believed to be the very culmination of everything he's been through at this time. For all the tears, for all the sweat, and for all the strain he's given up to now in what he's done, he was granted this, his token of reprieve. For that was enough to mend the broken heart of the Quirkless child within to feel what he has not been able to feel for so long. Happiness.

And as the two continued to enjoy the moment of nothing else being a concern, something caught Midoriya's eye on the sand close by. A small, light blue sundial shell lay with the spiral up and protruding out of the sand, it's color near identical to the girl that he sat next to.


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