Frank...My name is Frank

By Adgenis21

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Frank a former human who after acquiring an alien gauntlet becomes a power house as he was forced to fight of... More

Chapter 1: WTF
Chapter 2: introductions/ First Strike Part 1
Chapter 3: Introductions/ First Strike part 2
Chapter 3: A hero's tragic Story
Chapter 4: Staying in the castle and meeting Eris?!!!
Chapter 6: The Talk....
Chapter 7: The Reveal
Chapter 8: Rumble at Canterlot
Chapter 10: A spar with...NIGHTMARE MOON?!!!!!

Chapter 5: New Day and Power Demonstration

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By Adgenis21

Chapter 5: New Day and Power demonstration

Frank Pov

Some of you may not know this, but I am a big fan of anime and have come across some that have the male character seeing something perverted that causes him to have a mega nosebleed the kind where it shoots out like a fire hose. So, seeing this happen to the ruler of the sun, moon, and the goddess of chaos was both a shock and funny as the same time especially with their eyes literally turning into spirals as they lay on the floor.

Once I got dressed, they had finally woken up as I turned to them asking them what the issue was, but once they turn to me, they go red in the face, wings straight, and before I knew it, they all disappeared via teleportation. I then looked toward Needle Works and Sharp Edge with a raised eyebrow with the guard mare facepalming herself as the seamstress looks at me with a *are you serious* look on his face as I groaned in annoyance.

I was then brought to my room thanks to Sharp Edge and bid her farewell as I entered my new room and proceeded to remove my shoes and lay on the bed. Some of you may be wondering how I learned of the guards name you see during our walk toward Needle Works office I decided to make some small talk with the mare. Though I could tell she was nervous when we first spoke and that is probably due to never meeting someone or should I say something like me before, but after a while we exchanged names. Though I really wished I did not strip right in front of her when Needle Works started to measure me, I may not have been able to see her face, but I could tell she was embarrassed at this. I may need to find some way to make up for that and I also hope the princesses and chaos goddess are okay...

3rd Pov

Meanwhile in Princess Celestia's private chambers we see a red faced Celestia taking a cold shower as she tries to calm down from what she saw as well as clear any lewd thoughts coming into her mind. In Princess Luna's private chambers Luna was on her bed as she hid underneath her covers trying to erase the image of seeing the naked human from her mind as her face remains red as she twists and turns trying to fall asleep. As for Eris she is residing in a cottage near the Everfree as she was sitting in the corner as hearts begin to form over her head as she rocks back and forth and giggles lightly as some of the animals were shaking in fear from her bizarre behavior as she continued to have a nosebleed.

And as we returned to the castle, we see Frank passed asleep on the bed of the guest room as the ordeal of being on the run and arriving had finally caught up with him as he sleeps the night away. Sadly, it will not be a peaceful night for him as memories from his ordeal back on earth comes back to him in his dreams as he recounts the destruction, the kills he made, and as he remembered killing Kane, he sees himself smeared in alien blood, panting heavily, as well as growling like a wild animal gritting his sharp fanged teeth before letting out a loud screech into the sky before charging forward like a wild animal.

Frank POV

I woke up in a panic from a dream as it was enough to have me jumping off the bed and hit the floor headfirst though it did not hurt, I did cause some cracks to form on the floor as I groaned in frustration before getting back up.

"Fuck... I had that dream again." I said as I looked at the cracked floor and prayed to god or Faust that it would not get any worse than that. I then notice looked out the window and notice that the sun was now coming up.

"Jeez I didn't think I was sleeping that much I mean the sun was just setting the last time I checked. Then again, I have not been able to sleep for I think about a week. Or was it half a month? Honestly, I lost count since the damn military were constantly on my ass." I said however it was then that I smelled something weird only to realize that it was coming from me and as I started to smell myself, I nearly vomited on the spot by how bad it was.

"Yeah... I should take a shower right now." I said as I walked toward the bathroom to see a shower and tub as I begin to strip my clothes off and entered the shower and proceeded to clean myself of all the dirt and grime from me. Thankfully, the soap and shampoo were able to do that and as I continued to wash myself as I started to sing a little.

"And I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch I said, ooh, I'm drowning in the night. Oh, when I'm like this, you're the one I trust" I sang out from the song *Blinding Lights* by The Weeknd and after finishing the song ended the shower as I got out and proceeded to dry myself with a towel.

"Dios mio, I can't remember the last time I was able to take a shower in peace." I said as I walked out of the bathroom and notice a maid as she placed a set of clothes on the bed.

"Hello there." I greeted the maid as she turns to me with a smile. Before you ask, I made sure to cover myself because I did not want a repeat of what happened yesterday.

"Greetings good sir my name Velvet Breeze I am one of the maids her in the castle. I was told from the royal seamstress to deliver these clothes to you." She said motioning to the clothes as I nodded as I grabbed them and proceeded to put them on the style of *Superman* as I started to spin rapidly and as I stopped was now fully clothed and I have to say I like how they feel.

The shirt was the same as my old one, but felt rather soft around my upper body, the jeans were also great as they were able to stretch out to fit my legs and boy do, they feel comfortable. I did keep the belt that I had on me seeing is how it belonged to my dad as I placed it around my waist and locked it in place.

Note: If you're not sure what I mean think of how Clark Kent got into his Superman costume after entering a phone booth and used the sliding in the first superman movie.

"I must say I have never thought of any pony getting dressed that way and very fast as well." Said the maid as I started to put on my socks and shoes on while also taking a good look at the maid herself. She was a unicorn mare with an amber coat and light brown mane and tail and was wearing on outfit you would see in a maid café in Tokyo.

"Is there something wrong sir?" asked the maid as I mentally scold myself for staring at her and possibly creep her out because of it.

"Oh, sorry about that I didn't mean to stare. I just wasn't expecting to meet a maid is all especially one so pretty." I said causing her to blush as she looks away as I mentally scream at myself for saying that without thinking.

"Oh, dios I am sorry that came out nowhere-..." I was cut off as she raised her hands up to me.

"It is fine sir. I was just didn't expect to be complimented is all." She said as she smiled while I sighed in relief grateful that I did not creep her out or anything as I finished lacing up my shoes and stood up from the bed.

"Now that your ready I will escort you to the dining room where you will be eating breakfast with the princesses." Said the maid as I nodded and smiled at the thought of eating something since, I have not eaten anything decent while being on the run as we exit out of the room and down the hall. And on the way I decided to make some small talk.

"So, Velvet what's it like to work here in the castle?" I asked as she took a moment to answer my question. "Well, it's really great, I honestly didn't think I would ever land a job working on a maid especially after messing up on some other jobs." She said as I could relate to her on that.

"Yeah, I can understand back home I had a hard time trying to find work, but due to a fist fight that I could have avoided I lost any chance of going to college I am just glad to find work." I said as she looked at me and nodded though I could tell by her expression that she was not expecting that response.

"May I ask you something as well?" she asked as I nodded to her. "Well, I heard that Ponyviled was attacked by raiders and a dragon but was stopped by a powerful being who took them on by himself. Was that you?" Asked the maid.

I was not sure if I should answer truthfully but seeing is that the rumors of what had happened back at the town were spreading there was no avoiding it.

"Yes, that was me." I answered honestly as the maid smiled happily.

"It really means a lot to me. Ditzy was actually there when it happened, and I was worried when the raiders arrived." She said as this caught my attention.

"Ditzy?" I asked as the maid nodded. "Yes, Ditzy Doo she is a grey Pegasus pony with blonde hair who was there when the raiders attacked, but she sent me a letter explaining that she was saved thanks to a strange being that came out of nowhere and took them on and even fought a fully grown dragon as well. At first, I did not believe her, but when I overheard some guards talking about the incident I was convinced, and I can't thank you enough for it." Said the maid as she smiled at me as I felt a bit embarrassed from the praise.

It was then that we had arrived at the dining room as she opens the door and motions me to enter as I thank her and walked into the room where I see Celestia and Luna eating some pancakes. It was then that the princesses noticed that I was there as they both smiled at me as I did the same.

"Ah good morning Frank it is good to see that your awake and I also love the new clothes you have I especially love the shirt your wearing don't you agree sister?" Said Celestia as Luna nodded at her sister's question.

"Indeed, sister our marks do look good him." She said as I looked at the shirt again and noticed that on the sides of the short sleeves were Celestia's and Luna's cutie marks. Celestia then looks over to maid.

"Thank you miss Breeze for bringing our human friend here. You may continue your other duties now." Said the princess to which the maid nodded. "You're welcome your majesty." said Velvet as she leaves the room as I bid her goodbye to which smiles and waves back to me before leaving the room.

I then turn to the princesses as they motion me to an empty seat next to Luna to where a stack of pancakes in syrup were as I made my way to the chair and sat down. I then grabbed a fork and knife and proceeded to cut myself a piece and eat and let me tell you it was good the best I ever had in a long time.

"I take it you like them?" Asked Celestia as I ate more and swallowed before answering her.

"Oh, por dios, yes I do your majesty. It's been a while since I ate anything this good in a while." I responded as both princesses smile and giggled my response.

"By the way are you, Princess Luna, and Eris alright? I mean you both were completely red from the incident yesterday not to mention that you were having a major nose bleed as well." I asked as this made both princesses do a spit take as they were drinking their juice when I asked them that and had an embarrassed look on their faces.

"Y-yes we are both okay." They both said rapidly.

"Are you su-..." I was cut off as they both screamed out.

"WE ARE FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

At that moment I realized that it was best to just accept it and just move on to avoid any more complications.

"I see. But may I ask you both the reason for that?" I asked as both princesses were silent for the moment as Celestia was looking away as Luna was about to say something.

"Well, we wish to speak with you of something important that we forgot to discuss with you when you first arrived. Which we will discuss after your demonstration in the training yard." She said as I nodded.

"Speaking of demonstration what abilities will you be presenting in the yard?" Asked Celestia as I started to wonder myself.

"Well, I could show some that I wasn't able to show in the throne room though I have to warn you some abilities are a bit destructive so I may need to use little power to present it." I said to I hope to god and Faust that none of the guards would be quick to attack me due to that since they were quick to have me cuffed and sent to the dungeons during our first meeting.

"I see. Oh, by the way there will be other important figures joining us in the demonstration apparently they were curious about the being that stopped the attack on Ponyvile." Said Celestia.

"May I ask who will be joining us?" I asked as Luna answered.

"Well, the first being Captain Spitfire of the wonder bolts, Dragon Lord Ember of the dragon lands, and Captain Steel Wing of the Royal Guard." Said Luna though I was surprised to hear about the dragon lord arriving to meet me.

"The dragon lord?" I asked as the princesses nodded at me.

"Yes, she wishes to meet the one that took down Garble who took part in the attack in Ponyvile and is coming to the castle as we speak." Said Celestia as I nodded though I was honestly not expecting that Ember another one of my favorite characters would be coming to meet me. It was then that a thought came into mind.

"By the way how is Rainbow Dash and her friends doing?" I asked as Celestia finishes her drink.

"She is doing alright as for her friends they are making a full recovery as well. Though Twilight is still recovering from fighting the dragon I am grateful that you came to her aid before things got worse." She said in with smile as my face started to heat up wait why am I blushing?

Luna then clears her throat. "We are both grateful for your act of heroism Mr. McCloud though I do wonder who the others will react to your abilities during the demonstration."

She did have a point I mean they both were able to handle some of the abilities I used when I fought the raiders and the dragon, I just hope that they do not freak out or be quick to call me a threat and try to attack me as if they could since not even magic or dragon fire could stop me. Soon the three of us were done with our breakfast as they make our way to the training yard as we pass by some maids who waved at me as I waved back though when we passed by some guards, I notice them eyeing me almost as if they were expecting me to do something to which I simply shrug as we continued along the way. Once we arrived at the yard, I noticed a lot of the guards exercising and training with their spears, swords, and magic. But once I stepped in, they all stopped and noticed me walking with the princesses and using my enhanced hearing was able to hear what they were saying among themselves. Some of them asking what I was, why I am walking with the royals, why do I look weird, and the strangest being that I was good looking to which I shook my head as we arrive to the middle of the yard where three individuals were waiting as they all turn to us. The first being Captain Steel Wing who was glaring up at me for some strange reason, the other next to him was a Pegasus mare with a yellow coat, orange hair and tail, and was wearing a tight blue jumpsuit with a yellow lightning bolt along with goggles over her forehead. And the third one being dragon lord Ember wearing golden armor and carrying a purple scepter with a red gem on the top.

Note: Before you ask this was the only image, I could find with her being in her full body jumpsuit but keep in mind she is an anthro. Props on the artist on this one though. The same goes for the design of Ember and damn do these artists have a unique design for them.

"Greetings your majesty it is a pleasure to see you both again. And is this the being that stopped Garble's attack in Ponyvile?" Asked the dragon lord to which Celestia nods as she motions me to step forward as I notice three expect for Steel to step back a bit.

"Hello, my name is Frank McCloud, and it is a pleasure to meet you all." I said as Spitfire got close to me as I notice that she and Ember were up to my chest the smaller dragon being up to my waist along with the captain of the royal guard.

"Well, I didn't expect the guy that stopped that raiders and a fully grown dragon to be so......tall." Said Spitfire though I raised an eyebrow at why she stopped for a moment as Ember stepped forward and started to observe me.

"Strange I have never seen anything like you before but hearing that you took down a legion as well as a fully grown dragon has me curious." Said Ember as I was not sure how to react to this as she was a bit close to me.

"I still don't get how this thing took down the raiders and the dragon all on his own." Said Steel Wing though he seemed to put emphasis on the word thing.

"Which is why he will be demonstrating his abilities here in the yard, though I wish to remind you captain that our friend has a name." said Luna who was glaring the captain in disappointment as he sighs and nods just what was up in his butt.

Soon something poof into existence as Eris arrived behind me as she wrapped her arms around me her breasts pressed up against the back of my head.

"Hey there cutie" She said as I looked at her with a WTF look on my face as she was pulled off me by an annoyed Celestia. "Hey what was that for?" Asked Eris as Celestia sighed at her.

"Well, if you must know Frank was about to demonstrate his abilities though I am sure he can't do that with you pressed against him from behind him." Said Celestia who was looking at Eris with a glare as the chaos goddess hmphed and crossed her arms as I lightly snickered at the action.

"So, Frank what is the first thing that you will be showing us today" Asked Luna as they all looked at me as I was a bit nervous since I never did something like this before as I then took a deep breath and exhaled.

3rd pov

"When I heard you were going to do some demonstration, I figured I would join the others to see what you got. So, what's first? Asked Ember.

"Well, the first thing I should do is to show you some of my physical abilities. And the first being high-speed." Said Frank as he proceeds to run with incredible speed leaving a dust trail as he runs around the area leaving many wide-eyed and mouth agape as the captains, dragon lord, and Eris looked with astonishment as the princesses giggled at their reactions before Frank stops before them.

"How did you do that?" Asked Steel Wing who could not believe what he just saw as the human smirked. "Well like I said I possess unique abilities that allow to do things like that heck I even made a twister once when I ran around in a circle. Which I won't be showing because I don't want to destroy the castle." Said Frank once he noticed the scared faces at everyone around him.

"What else can you do?" Asked Spitfire as Frank faces her.

"Well believe it or not but I can also fly." He says though this causes Spitfire to chuckle at his answer.

"Very Funny, but that's impossible for you to even do that since you don't have any wings." She comments as Frank smirks at her as he fires up into the sky like a rocket making a loud boom as he proceeds to swirl around the air as everyone back on the ground looked on in awe. Spitfire however looked in disbelief and with mouth agape as the human made various turns and swirls spins throughout the sky before stopping as he floats up in the air as everyone watching are stunned at this as Frank smiles at every pony down below and noticed some Pegasus ponies with their wings extended to his surprised. He then proceeds to land back at the ground as he sticks the superhero landing as he is seen kneeling down on the ground with his right hand pressed to the ground and his left arm tucked in as he slowly rises up and wipes off the dust off from his pants and shirt as he crossed his arms.

"Does that answer your question?" he asked Spitfire who shook her head before nodding at me nervously while trying to lower her wings that were straight up.

"I saw some Pegasus ponies with their wings up, but I wasn't expecting you to do the same." Commented Frank as Spitfire looked at him with surprise as Steel Wing raised an eyebrow.

"Wait how were you able to see anything from all the way up in the sky?" asked the captain as Frank points to his golden eyes.

"Another one of my abilities is called Sniper Vision that allows me to see things from far distances by simply zooming in anything that my eyes are locked in. Not only that I could also hear the sound your wings made thanks for my enhanced hearing." He said as Eris floats towards him. "What's next enhanced smell?" she asked jokingly.

"Well judging by the smell of rose shampoo I would say yes." Said Frank as Eris blushes and backs away.

"Apparently my nose can pick up scents of any being around me as well as pick up any other scents like shampoo and perfume though it can be annoying since some smells can be too strong that my eyes start watering. I once smelled a skunk once and that damn thing had nearly burned my nose off." He commented as the girls giggled at his comment while Steel shock his head and rolled his eyes.

"You certainly possess unique abilities, what else can you do?" Asked Ember as Frank proceeded to walk over to the weapons rack where a few swords, shields, and spears as he grabs a small sword and faces the group.

"Watch this." He said holding up the blade in his right hand and stood out his left arm and proceeded to swing nearly startling the group but were soon shocked to see that blade had shattered into pieces and his arm was completely fine. The females were drawn to this as Ember lifts his arm and examines it still in disbelief at how hard his skin was as she flicks the nails of her claws into his skin only to make a loud ting like hitting steel as this surprised Ember.

"How is that even possible I thought only dragons had tougher hides, yet your skin is as hard as metal." Said Ember in a surprised tone.

"I wonder if that's the only thing that can get hard." Whispered Eris as Celestia smacks her beside the head. However, Frank was able to hear it thanks to his hearing as Ember lets go of Franks arm as he moves toward a training dummy.

"Now that I have shown you my physical abilities, I will now show you one of my more powerful abilities." Said Frank as the group gathers the girls curious at what was about to start, except for Steel Wing who groaned as he crossed his arm. Frank stands tall as he takes a deep breath before blasting out red fire from his mouth as the training dummy is engulfed in red flames as the group except the princesses were nearly scared off their feet at this.

"This ability is called Dragons Breath basically I can fire a blast of red fire out of my mouth it's something I use when dealing with groups of enemies. I also used this when facing against the dragon as I pushed back his flames with my own." He said as this surprised Ember as she stares at the red flames.

"He is correct we were there to witness Frank when the dragons fire breath did nothing but burn the clothes of his upper body as he then fired his own flames that repelled against the dragons and even burned the black dragon." Said Celestia as Luna nodded making the group look at Frank in awe however Steel Wing looked annoyed.

"Now then let's proceed with the next one." He said as he looks back at the burning dummy as his eyes as begin to glow blue as he fires twin beams of light blue energy as the once burning dummy was now incased in ice.

"That is called Cryo-Vision an ability that allows me to fire beams of energy from my eyes freezing anything that gets hit by them in ice something I use to trap enemies in case they try to escape. Something I used on some the raiders back in ponyvile." He said as the group looked at the princesses for confirmation as they both nodded.

"Jeez its almost like something out of a comic book my cadets have been reading." Commented Spitfire as Frank smiled at that.

"I would agree with you though there is still some more I wish to show. Though these two are something that I am sure that the princesses will find the most interesting." Said Frank as motions over to some other dummies as he stands over the sun light.

"Now before I begin, I have to explain how this ability works. You see it requires me to use a certain type of energy and that energy is sunlight." He says as he closes his eyes and extends his arms out as his body was glowing in golden aura surprising the group as they shield their eyes as well as the other guards around the area who were watching the whole ordeal as the light started to dim down leaving as Frank's metal hand started was glowing in a golden aura. He then turns to the dummy and points his index finger as the tip started to form a golden ball before firing a beam of gold energy piercing the dummy through the chest and hits the wall behind it. This causes the others especially Celestia to go wide-eyed as Frank fired multiple beams from his fingers hitting the dummy in the chest, leg, arm, then neck as the entire thing hits the ground in pieces as the holes simmer from the shots. Frank then pulls back his hand and proceeds to blow off the smoke coming from his finger as he turns and snickers from the group's reaction however Celestia was looking away trying to call herself at the sight of seeing someone else with a connection to the sun.

"That ability is called Solar cannon by absorbing energy from the sun allows me to fire beams of solar energy that can pierce through anything something I used when things get serious. But that's not all check this out." His metal hand then sparks into a blueish aura as he slaps his hands together and proceeds to form a spear made of blue energy as he grabs it in the center and proceeds to twirl it around before holding it with both hands. "This is called Lunar spear this ability allows me to form an energy spear that I use when fighting various groups of enemies and also..." he stops as he hits launches the spear straight to the dummies chest before separating into smaller spears as it pierces the dummy in many places. "When I throw it separates into smaller ones as they can pierce through even the toughest of armor which is possible by absorbing moon light very helpful when dealing with enemies in the night." He says as this causes Luna to blush at the idea of a being who could use the moons power as well as how well he twirls the spear like a true warrior of the night as she tries to calm down.

"But that's not all." He says as he steps toward the third and last dummy covered in armor as his arm started to glow red as a blade of red energy was formed from his right hand as everyone looked in awe as he presented it to them. "This is called the plasma sword the ability to form an energy blade from my hand something I used when fighting up close and like the previous energy abilities is that this can also cut through anything and I mean anything and is one of my favorites." He said as he swung his arm in a horizontal slash then a vertical slash making the sound like that of a lightsaber as he steps back yet the dummy is still intact much to the confusion of everyone watching.

"It would seem that this ability does nothing, but only make the user look good and nothing else." Commented Steel Wing as he receives an elbow by Spitfire who glares at him. However, the sound of wood cracking is made they all look back at the dummy to see the armor pieces fall off as they were cut in half and horizontally before the rest of the dummy hits the ground doing as it falls into pieces.

"You were saying?" Asked Frank as Steel Wing looked on in disbelief as the others looked on in amazement.

Frank smirks at the sight of their reactions mostly towards Steel Wing who looked upset for being proven wrong though he wanted to what was wrong with him seeing is how Steel was quick to have Frank sent the dungeons.

"Jeez I didn't thing anyone would possess that kind of magic before." Commented Ember as Spitfire joined in. "That's right you probably possess some unique magic to perform those abilities and to fly like that."

Frank raises an eyebrow at that until Celestia came in. "Frank does not possess magic for his race do not possess the ability to use magic."

"Wait if you can't use magic how were you able to do all of that?" Asked a perplex Steel Wing as Frank lifted his metal hand as this caught everyone but the princesses attention.

"This metal hand is what grants me the abilities to use those abilities not to mention it also grants me new abilities from anyone I defeat. Speaking of which I also acquired a new ability from defeating Garble after tearing that dark crystal from his head and as of now I wish to try out what it is. But first I may need some space just to make sure no one gets hurt from whatever new ability I received." said Frank as he stepped into the center of the yard as Celestia, and Luna motioned everyone back in a safe distance he closed his eyes and started to concentrate as something from within him started to build up as his body as raised his hand and formed a large battle axe covered in black flames and began to twirl it around before embedding it in ground shaking the area as everyone around him tried to stay on their hooves/feet as they Frank lifts it up and began to examine it.

"Holy shit." He said as the girls run over to him and were in disbelief at what they were seeing.

"How is that even possible?" said Celestia at the sight of weapon as Eris then proceeded to touch only to burn her paw as she steps back.

"Ow. Yeah, that's definitely dark magic though it feels strangely different." Said Eris.

"But how is that even possible he can't use magic plus dark magic corrupts the user, yet Mr. McCloud is completely fine." Said Luna as they all look to Frank who looked at him however, they notice that his eyes around the iris were completely black.

"Is there something on my face?" asked Frank however his voice suddenly became deeper as this startled the girls while some of them found it oddly attractive in a way.

"Frank are you still you?" Asked a worried Celestia as Frank looked at them with a confused look.

"I am though for some reason I feel a bit weird though I have to admit I love the axe." He says as he spots a target with some arrows around the center as he then proceeded to throw scaring the others as the weapon proceeds to cut the target in half and embedding itself in the wall behind it as cracks began to form. Frank then extends his hand as the axe then flies back toward him as he catches it by the handle.

"Well, that was surprising I think my gauntlet allowed me to covert the dark magic from the crystal into energy which then allowed me to form battle axe made out of dark energy though I wonder why an axe though?" He wondered as Spitfire rushed at him.

"How the buck are you this calm?" asked Spitfire as Frank snickered at her reaction. "After all the things I have been through I am practically used to it." He answered as Spitfire a look of disbelief.

"Though I am surprised to have unlocked a dark form." He said as this causes Luna to raise an eyebrow.

"Dark Form?" she asked as Frank nods at her. "Where I came from there are these fictional stories that have a have a character use something called a dark form an ability used by absorbing dark energy or in this case magic to unleash his or her wrath on their enemies. Though some of them have drawbacks whether it makes you lose control or can cause harm to the user the longer they use it at least that's what I have read." He said as this intrigued the group however both Celestia and Luna were worried about the drawback part.

"But is it possible for you to turn back to normal?" Asked Celestia as Frank wondered as well as he closes his eyes as the axe disappears as his he opens his eyes as they return to normal.

"Well, that answers that question." He says as both princesses sighed in relief as Ember approaches him.

"Well, I have to admit that was pretty impressive. I especially liked the dragon's breath for a minute I thought you were part dragon. I also wish to thank you for stopping that idiot Garble when he attacked Ponyvile. The fool tried to stage a coup in the dragon lands in the hopes of taking the role of Dragon lord for himself, unfortunately for him it failed and was on the run as we have been looking for him for the past few weeks. It wasn't until I received a message from Princess Celestia that I learned of his involvement in the attack on Ponyvile though I was told that he turned into a fully-grown black dragon." Said Ember as this catches Franks attention.

"But what I want to know is how he became a black dragon in the first place. I understand that it was from the black crystal that was embedded on his head, but what I want to know is where he got it from." Said Frank.

"Sadly, Garble has yet to say anything due to being.... beaten to a pulp as most of bones are broken including his jaw." Said Luna as Frank rubs the back of his head at this.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I went berserk after hurting miss Sparkle and when I heard that he wanted to harm some other dragon that miss Sparkle knew." He said as this catches Ember's attention as she clenches on to the scepter as she tries not to look pissed.

"Well now than I am happy that you taught that poor excuse of a dragon a lesson he will never forget." Said Ember as Eris appears behind Frank.

"Oh, he did I just went to check on Garble and is currently groaning in pain and when mentioned Frank the dragon started to freak out from his cast." She said as she started to laugh though Celestia and Luna were not amused though Frank, Spitfire, and Ember chuckled a bit.

"Though I must ask what is it that you tend on doing now? I mean you appeared out of nowhere stopped a group of raiders and a dragon, so I wonder what you plan on doing now." Asked Steel Wing toward Frank with a serious look on his face as Frank looked at him in confusion.

"Well seeing is how I don't have now how to get back home the princesses have offered me a place in the castle so I will be staying here for the time being." He responded though Steel Wing did not change his expression as he snorts at him before turning away.

"Well since your done with your little demonstration I will be taking my leave then for I have to deal with a lot of paperwork back in my office. I do apologize for having to leave so suddenly your majesties." Said Steel Wing as he says the last part toward the royal sisters as Celestia nods at him as he walks off. However, Celestia does sigh at this as Luna shook her head at their captain.

"Yeah, I also need to go I as well need to look over the new recruits for the wonderbolts back in HQ. Say if you're ever free how about we do a little race in the sky what do you say?" Said Spitfire as Frank scratched his head before nodding at the captain.

"You got it, but I must warn you I won't be holding back when we race since I wasn't using my full speed during my demonstration." He said to which Spitfire smirked at him as they both shook hands.

"I will be looking forward to it. Again, thanks for having me here princesses and you were right this would be interesting." She said as the last part was directed toward the royal sisters who nodded and giggled as Spitfire puts on her goggles and shoots up into the air as Frank whistles at the sight of her flying off into the sky.

"As much as I want to stay, I also need to take care of some things with some traitorous dragons that helped Garble. Still, it was interesting to meet you maybe someday I will invite you to the dragon lands and show you around the place. Plus, I want to see the faces of the those who helped Garble by showing him his battered body and the guy who took him down. Also, if he says anything about how transformed be sure to send me a message okay?" Said Ember as Frank nods as the two shook hands.

"Thank you again Princess Celestia and Luna I will be taking my leave." Said Ember to which both princesses bowed and the dragon lord before spreading her wings and taking off into the sky as Frank waves goodbye to her as she does the same before flying off.

"Well now that that's over I think all that's left is to discuss whatever you two wanted to talk about." Said Frank toward the royal sisters who stood still with blushes on their faces as Eris wraps around him literally.

"Oh, this sounds interesting I wonder what the Sunbutt and Moonbutt want to discuss with the human here." Said Eris in a mocking tone as this catches the other guards attention only for them to be blinded by a flash from Celestia's horn and as the light faded the royal sisters, human, and Eris were now gone much to the guards confusion.

Frank Pov

You know sometimes I wonder if some entity other than Eris is trying to mess with me as I found myself rolling on the ground from the bright flash as my eyes were hurting like hell as my vision was slowly starting to return as I could see or sort of see Celestia and Luna helping me up on my feet and were looking worried.

"I am sorry for that Frank I really didn't mean to use that again after you warned us about your sensitive eyes. But I was hoping to have this discussion in private, but it seems that Eris had to get the attention of our guards." Said Celestia as she and Luna glare Eris who was trying not to laugh as well as trying not to laugh.

I was then able to gain my vision back as the two motioned me to sit down on a chair as I looked around and notice that we were in some bedroom and noticing the décor related to the sun I realized that we were in Celestia's room. She and her sister sat on the edge of the bed while Eris decided to float in the air as if laying on an invisible hammock with her leg over the other.

"Okay so what is that you wanted to discuss with me? And why are we doing this in your room Princess Celestia." I said though I noticed that they were extremely nervous for some reason just what did they want to discuss with me about.

"Well to answer your second question I brought us here, for what we are about to discuss something very personal and private." Said Celestia I raise an eyebrow.

"As for what we wish to discuss with you well it is something that relates to something that will be coming very soon." Said Luna as I started to wonder what they were talking about until a thought came into my mind something I recall when reading some of the fan fiction back home as I look back at them trying to look neutral as I mentally tell myself that it cannot be that.

"Frank do you know what heat season is?" Asked Celestia. And just like that I was shocked beyond hell for I had no idea what to say but this. "Oh fuck..."

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