TDS Oneshots - Love in the Air

By Italais

31.5K 352 1.5K

Hello! ๐Ÿ˜ Shipping book ๐Ÿ˜ณ Welcome to my silly oneshot book full of ships, nsfw, and plenty of love! I gladl... More

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๐ŸŒ™ Lunar Servant x Solar Servant โ˜€๏ธ
๐ŸŒ™ Lunar Servant x Solar Servant โ˜€๏ธ -Part 2
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๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿš” Titan Discord got Leaked ๐Ÿš”๐Ÿšจ
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[April Fools] ๐Ÿ”ž ๐Ÿฅต Solar Eclipse Orgy ๐Ÿ”ž ๐Ÿฅต
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A\N: I have returned bitches! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
๐Ÿ‘‘ ๐ต๐‘’๐“‰๐“‡๐’ถ๐“Ž๐’ถ๐“ || (Fem!) Fallen Queen x (Tower!) Reader โšœ๏ธ
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๐Ÿ”ฎ Void Caster x Narrator (Lunar Overture) ๐ŸŽญ
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๐ŸŽ„ Elf Rebellion ๐Ÿ’ฃ
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โœจ Indomitable Tower Spirit || Umbra x (Tower!) Reader ๐ŸŒž

๐Ÿค Ducky Rebellion || Commander & Scout ๐Ÿช–

472 8 38
By Italais

Requested by: @THROW_AWAY_102
(Sort of?)

Scout learns about a dark truth that Commander had been hiding from everyone.
What really happened to the duckies...

I presume that none of you speak 'Duck' so I took the luxury of translating everything Nerd Ducky says into English. You're welcome.

Note: Professor Nerdy will speak duck but occasionally switch to English since it's his third language!

(T.W: Gore, animal death, terrorism & suicide)

"Freedom is calling
to all birds who spread their wings..."


On a quiet, small little road in the middle of nowhere, a column of trucks makes their way to an isolated farm. In the back of one of these armored vehicles were soldiers. Scout was riding in the back with his friends. Sniper, Gladiator, and Militant. As the truck came to a screeching halt, Scout saw Commander already on the ground.

"Hey, Com!" Scout exciting hopped out of the truck. "What are we doing on this mission? Why are we at a farm?"

"We have to pick up and transport this harvest back to base. We need to distribute it to Korblox, Robloxia, Blox City-"

"- Boo!!" Scout interrupted Commander. "We should be fighting some zombies or kicking Titan butt!"

"We need to feed our people, Scout. You must understand that a good leader must balance combat and taking care of your people."

"Yeah. And a good leader doesn't bore his troops with some lame cargo mission! A good leader knows how to have fun!"

Commander chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair. "You got a fiery heart, kid. You'll make a great leader one day. And a better man than I could ever be."

"What? No! You're a great leader. And an awesome guy!"

"I'm not a good man, Scout. I've... done things that I shouldn't have. I did what I thought was ri-"

Unfortunately, this conversation was cut short. The ground began to violently rumble. The water in the pond began to shake. Everyone turned to the woods up ahead. Trees were being knocked over. Smog was rising from the tree lines like a phoenix rising from the ashes. What emerged from the forest could only be described as a 'War Machine'.

A robot, larger than anything this military squad had encountered so far, popped out of the woods. They were like ants to this mech. The robot was a replica of "Ducky Doom". Except, it was more evil looking. It had four red horns, disturbing eyes and more weapons. In the chest of the robot, a hatch opened. A ducky popped his head out. This duck adorned glasses and a nasty look on his face. No one could recognize this duck.

"Awe, look at the handsome little yellow boy!" Militant oogled the little ducky.

"Did little ducky boy build a big giant robot with machine guns for headpats and breadcrumbs? SO ADORABLE!!" Engineer squealed.

"Quack quack! Quackie..." Nerd Ducky peeped.
(Given the opportunity I will kill you all for your crimes against my species! You've enslaved innocent duckies, destroyed our religious artifacts and stolen our land...)

Unfortunately, almost none of the towers spoke duck. Except two people. Engineer and Commander. Engineer was more shocked at what Nerd Ducky said. Her eyes widened in sheer horror. Commander on the other hand, was not amused at all. He was the only one who knew this ducky. And he was familiar with his behavior.

"What did he say? Did little duckie say he wants headpats!! Aww." Mortar put his hands together and his eyes turned to sparkles.

"Hush your mouths!" Commander yelled at his troops. He turned to Nerd Ducky with an irritated scowl. "What do you want, Professor Nerdy?!"

(I only demand the freedom of my people from the shackles of oppression)

"Your people are invasive and terrorists." Commander said sternly.

"Quack quackity??"
(What do you gain by murdering us innocent duckies??)

"You are far from innocent. You steal our harvests! There is little food in the cities. We can barely feed our own people! And you duckies eat our food. Bomb our farms. People are starving!"

(Because you humans have stolen our lands. Our food sources. We've resorted to stealing from your farms just to scrap by...)

"You kill our people!" Commander fired back.

"Just as you kill ours..." Nerd Ducky spoke in english. His voice contained a heavy ducky accent.

"You're a typical terrorist. You claim your fighting for justice. Yet you murder women and children. Where is their justice?!?" Commander ridiculed the duck. "Lying scumbag,"

"Quack quack quackity quack..."
(I'm a liar? You lie to everyone. Your friends, your people, and especially your soldiers...)

That line pinched a nerve with Commander. You could see how red his face turned. His skin was boiling. Steam came out of his ears. Scout didn't know how Nerd Ducky was getting Commander this mad. Unless it was something...
From their past...?


The towers guns lowered. They looked at Commander with a confused look. What did he mean by that? The lies they need? The younger soldiers were frightened. They'd never seen Commander so angry before.

"Quack, quack..."
(You're awful, Commander...)

"Me? I'm awful? How am I awful?"
Commander questioned.

(Enslaving my people, killing my friends, taking away my family. You're evil. You're disgusting filth. You're just like the rest of them. If the world has gone to shit, you're just another maggot crawling in the pile)

"You're a terrorist. You're garbage who kills for money. You're going to rot in hell. You get what you deserve," Commander growled.

"Quack? Quackie..."
(I get what I deserve? How about we discuss what YOU deserve...)

"I think we've had enough of you, Professor Nerdy. Someone shoot him." Commander called back to his stunned soldiers.

"- Quack... QUACK QUACK QUACK!!!!!"
(- What do you get when you hurt a mentally ill duck... with A SOCIETY THAT ABANDONS HIM AND TREATS HIM LIKE TRASH!!)

"Someone shoot that duck dead." Commander repeated his order.

"I'LL TELL YOU WHAT YOU GET COMMANDER!" Nerd Ducky's voice cracked.

As soon as Nerd Ducky screamed that out, a gun went off. A single shot was fired behind the towers. Scout heard a bullet whizz past his ear. He looked back and saw an Agent Ducky standing there. A gun was in his wings. The Agent Ducky was quickly shot dead by Hunter. Scout turned back to Commander and saw him on the ground. Both of his hands were covering his eye. Red dripped off his face and onto the dirt.

"The righteous will succeed, Commander..." Nerd Ducky fixed his glasses.

Medic instantly ran to Commanders side. She scrambled through her medkit, accidentally dropping several antibiotics. Medic was panicking and freaking out. But Commander ignored her attempts to help him. He pushed her off him. He stood up and stared at the duck. His eye was completely missing. It was just a bloody red hole. Scout was scared.

"Is that the best you can do, y'little bitch?" Commander roared. "Weak. Just like your father!"

Nerd Ducky looked dissatisfied that his assassination attempt failed. He released an angry quack. He climbed back inside his mechsuit. He closed the hatch of his robot. He lifted a few levers and booted his robot up. It looked like 'Plan B' had to be put in action.

Some fond memories flashed in front of his eyes. His mother gracefully swimming in a pond. His father feeding him the most delicious bread in all the earth. His friends learning how to fly across the wonderful blue skies.
Flying happy.
Flying free.

And then he saw them all disappear. His loved ones being MURDERED by the humans. He remembers his mother being ripped apart by harpoons. His friends being shot down as they flew in the clouds. His father being killed by those towers while trying to protect him. Nerd Ducky felt his sorrow turn to rage. It was time to make the humans pay. It was time to make Commander pay. He had nothing left to lose.

"This is for you, papa..."

The Ducky DOOM robot looked up into the sky and opened its beak. The robot released the loudest, most demonic roar anyone had ever heard. It sounded like a god of war. Massive chainsaws popped out of its torso. Miniguns emerged from under its wings, just like his father. On top of its wings were shotguns. Finally, rocket launchers popped out of the sides.

"QUACKIE!!!" Nerd Ducky yelled through the speaker on his mechsuit.

"SECURE THE HARVEST!" Commander pulled his pistol out as his soldiers scrambled for the crops. His eye still missing.

The ground began to violently shake. Many soldiers lost their footing and smacked into the dirt. At first they thought it was the robot. But that wasn't the case. Words couldn't describe the horror on the faces of the towers when thousands of duckies poured out of the tall grass. The towers were completely encircled by ducks on all sides. There were probably hundreds of thousands of ducks against a few dozen soldiers.

"THEY'RE IN THE TREES!!" A soldier screamed in terror. "WE'RE SURROUNDED! IT'S AN AMBUSH!!!"

As soldiers brought the food to the center, giant robot penguins began flying down from the skies. Once they landed on the farm ground, they shot orange beams out of their mouths. The lasers killed towers, fellow duckies and vehicles alike. Bullets ricocheted off their steel plating. Almost nothing could stop them. A brave tanker crew rammed their vehicle into the P3NGUS which managed to slow them down.

Operator Duckies began coming into the battlefield. They were part of the infamous 'Ducky Service'. They wore suits, body armor, fedoras and dark sunglasses. They started spawning in allies. They whipped out guns and began shooting at the towers. Killing humans with their own weapons. How ironic. A bullet nearly hit Scout between his two eyes if it wasn't for his reaction time.

"STRENGTH IN NUMBERS!!" Commander rallied his men.

Duck DOOM began driving around the outskirts of the battlefield. Barely out of range of the towers. That ducky was driving like an animal. No pun intended. He ran over farmhouses, silos and farm animals. Anything in his path was destroyed. There were so many ducks fighting for freedom.
The Ducky Rebellion had begun.

The unenlightened masses
They cannot make the judgment call



Scout shot his guns rapidly at the incoming duckies. There were so many of them. For every one ducky he killed, at least twelve more would appear out of the trees and take its place. Duckies with skateboards appeared out of the tall grass. They ran over towers who were too slow to get out of the way.

Display obedience
While never stepping out of line
And blindly swear allegiance
Let Commander control your mind


"COME ON!" Commander screamed into the radio. "FOLLOW ORDERS AND KILL THEM ALL!!"

Murder in ignorance
And grind for your happiness
You'll never learn of the real cost
Until you lose what you love the most...

Scout watched as a duckies covered in explosives ran at their defensives. They were strapped from head to toe in bombs. These duckies threw themselves at towers. Killing themselves and the enemy in the process. Scout was baffled as these duckies willing blew themselves up for their revolution. Flames and smoke lingered in the air as duckies continued their assault.

The fires of greed will burn the geese
So we'll make freedom obsolete
Making the whole fabric of society
Collective Consciousness controlled as you will see

"DESTROY THE WEAK!!!" Commander screeched into his walkie talkie. Firing his pistol into the air.

"Destroy... the weak?"
Scout thought to himself.

Scout looked behind him. He was horrified at what he saw. A mother ducky was pulling a cart full of her eggs towards their food supplies. She looked hungry. Really hungry. But in a matter of seconds, an explosion engulfed her. Scout saw dozens of eggs fly into the sky. They smacked into the ground. The eggs that didn't shatter on impact rolled to the food. These eggs were not spared. These eggs were treated like any other ducky.
Killed like any ducky.

"SCOUT, KEEP SHOOTING!!" Commander ordered the dazed tower.

War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is bliss
Happiness is misery

Accelerator had destroyed a P3NGU with his plasma gun. The robot toppled over and crushed several 'Evil Duckies' to death. Nerd Ducky watched it happen. The Evil Duckies reminded him of his papa. Smooth black feathers with beautiful horns. He was reminded of his father's death. He snapped. He drove his robot straight at the harvest gathered in the center. He crashed into it and sent boxes of food everywhere.

Nerd Ducky, inside his robot, began going on a rampage. He lost it. He was overcome with rage. He began firing indiscriminately at all the towers. Rockets flew in the air and struck the ground. Executioner was blasted with a shotgun and was reduced to nothing but fleshy bits. Nerd Ducky started firing his machine guns at the towers. It was chaos. The accelerators and minigunners were getting slaughtered before they could do any damage. The towers were powerless against Nerd Ducky. It looked like they would lose.

Until, something snapped within Gladiator. Something inside of him. He looked at his friends being massacred and decided to act. He put his dominus on and ran at Ducky DOOM. Red flames emerged from his eyes. He felt his inner warrior take over his body. Scout cried out to Gladiator who was running straight at certain death.

"Gladiator! What the hell are you doing?!" Scout yelled at his friend.

Gladiator roared.

Ducky DOOM sent one of his chainsaw arms straight down onto Gladiator. In hindsight, it should have cut Gladiator cleanly in two pieces and left nothing but a bloody mess. But that's not what happened at all. 

Gladiator used his sword to parry the blow. He blocked the ginormous chainsaw with his tiny darkheart. Gladiator used all his strength to resist the chainsaw. Scout was shocked. In fact everyone was flabbergasted. They watched as the tiny Gladiator parried the giant robot.

Nerd Ducky smacked a blue button and began firing dozens of rockets and bullets at Gladiator. A very poor mistake. Gladiator kicked Ducky DOOM's chainsaw and caused the robot to jitter. Gladiator ran toward the ballistic missles and began jumping on them. Scout started growing chest hairs from the amount of testosterone that Gladiator was releasing into the air.

Gladiator jumped off a missile and sliced one of Ducky D00M's metal wings off. The robot released a demonic shriek. It recoiled back. Nerd Ducky got even more enraged at his beautiful machine being damaged by such a brutish tower. He raised one of his chainsaws at Gladiator and swung it.

Gladiator grabbed the chainsaw on its sides before it could cut him. He released a roar and pulled the massive chainsaw with all his might. The steel snapped and the chainsaw went flying into the air. Gladiator caught it before it crushed him. The sight was utterly ridiculous. Gladiator wielded a massive chainsaw that was way too big for him. Nerd Ducky gave an angry quack and pulled a few levers.

"QUACK, QUACK!!!" Nerd Ducky growled.
(Alright motherducker, I'm going to crack you like a goddamn egg!)

Nerd Ducky swung his last remaining chainsaw sword at Gladiator with all the power his robot had. Gladiator activated his warriors call ability. Red flames emerged from Gladiator as he swung the chainsaw that he just stole from Ducky DOOM. Their chainsaws collided midair and sparks flew off the pieces of metal. It looked like a firework show from all the sparks exploding in the air.

Gladiator used all his power to push Ducky DOOM's chainsaw down to the ground. Somehow, he was overpowering the war machine. Gladiator lifted his chainsaw and sliced Ducky DOOM's saw arm. Nerd Ducky squealed when the joints in his robot were cut off. The chainsaw that Ducky DOOM was wielding flew off and smacked into the ground. Gladiator took advantage of the situation and  cut off the other wing on the Ducky DOOM robot.

Nerd Ducky quickly scrambled to ram into Gladiator with his tracks but it was futile. Gladiator jumped high up in the air. He swung his chainsaw for the final time. He decapitated the robot with a devasting swing. The head of Ducky DOOM flew off and crashed into the ground. Its red eyes deactivated and turned black.

An explosion sent the remnants of "Ducky DOOM" tumbling towards the center. Nerd Ducky hit the wall of his control center. He heard one of his wings crack. Alarms and sirens blared inside the robot. The towers cheered Gladiator. The duckies, seeing their leader defeated, began turning back and retreating back into the woods.

Nerd Ducky's robot was destroyed beyond any repair. He couldn't escape. If he opened his hatch he would be shot by the towers. He couldn't drive away. There was only one way out for him. Nerd Ducky used his non-broken wing to press a big red button. He smacked the button with all his remaining strength.


If his people couldn't have the food they need, then neither will the humans. He would make these tower pigs PAY dearly for their victory. He closed his eyes for the final time. He took one final breath. He wasn't too sad about his defeat. He would join his mama and papa in the afterlife. They'd be proud of how he slaughtered the towers like the mindless sheep they were.

The Ducky DOOM mech exploded. A ducky went flying out the window. The blast engulfed the entire battlefield. Shrapnel went everywhere. Boxes of food were incinerated from the heat. Towers flew back from the force of the explosion. Scout's little body was smacked like a ragdoll and crashed into the bloodstained dirt.

When the smoke cleared, almost nothing remained except traumatized humans, dead duckies and food scattered everywhere. The harvest was all but destroyed. Both sides fought over food like greedy animals. And when the battle concluded, no one had food. So many creatures died, and for what? No one had food. Humans were going to go hungry. Duckies were going to starve. All because of this greed.

Scout got back up. He was covered in scratches. He looked back at Commander. He was doing worse. Commander was on the ground and didn't get back up. His face was covered in shrapnel wounds and blood. His eye was still missing. Medic was freaking out. Towers gathered around their wounded leader. Soldiers ran over to the commotion and tried picked Commander. But Scout was more preoccupied. He looked at the tall grass and saw an injured ducky limping away.

Scout ran to this ducky. It was Nerd Ducky. He survived the blast. Nerd Ducky was hurt badly. His webbed feet were damaged. One of his wings was bent the wrong way. His glasses were shattered. His yellow feathers were covered with splashes of charcoal and ash. He gripped his broken wing with his functioning one. He looked in pain. He didn't seem like he would make it very far. Scout approached the duck.

"What you said about Commander... is wrong. I know him. He's been a father figure to me. He'd never lie. He's a hero!" Scout quipped.

"He started your little war with the titans..." Nerd Ducky coughed. "Does a hero start wars?"

Scout pulled out his gun.

"The truth hurts..."
Nerd Ducky spat at Scout.

"Even if he had told us lies, he's doing it for the great good! He has good intentions."
Scout reasoned.

"Even men with the greatest intentions... start believing their own lies..."
Nerd Ducky replied in a painful tone.

Scout held the gun to the ducky. His hand shook violently. He didn't know what to do. He needed guidance. He wanted to let ducky go, but he knew he shouldn't. Scout started to cry. He was confused. He didn't want to kill an animal. Killing zombies was one thing, but animals? He looked at his gun. Then he looked at Nerd Ducky. Tears poured out of his eyes. He knew what he had to do.

Scout had to follow orders
Because good soldiers follow orders
No matter how horrendous those orders are...


baby scout gets traumatized from the horrors of war 🥺🥺 MY BABY BOY DONT CRY

Gladiator hardcarries the towers 😳
#tds-discussion are going to pee themselves when they see gladiator jumping on ballistic missles

A more devastating story about greed, hatred, horror of war, dehumanization of soldiers, indoctrination of children and mind control.

Commander is controlling their minds
Commander is controlling their souls
Commander is controlling
Y  O  U


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