Kamen Rider Chrono

By SnowBlitz0

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(I do not own Kamen Rider, this is simply for the fun of writing and suggest you take the time to check out a... More

Chapter 1: Wish for Hope
Chapter 2: Warrior in Gold
Chapter 3: Zodiac
Chapter 4: Pigs and Gears
Chapter 5: Lucky Rabbit Jumps the Moon
Chapter 6: Gears Time
Chapter 7: Rampaging Ox & Loyal Dog
Chapter 8: Paradox Authorized
Kamen Rider Chrono: Christmas Riders
Chapter 9: Back to school
Chapter 10: Rabbit Ox Dog Part 1
Chapter 11: Dragon Tiger Horse Part 2
Chapter 12: The Gears That Sets The Future
Chapter 13: A Reason To Fight
Chapter 14: The Dreaded Dessert
Chapter 15: Alter Time
Chapter 16: Investigating the Riders
Chapter 17: Tiger and Horse
Chapter 18: Trishception
Chapter 19: Mercy's Contingency
Chapter 20: The Immovable Pig Guards the Innocents
Chapter 21: Kibou's Resignation
Chapter 22: A Normal Life
Chapter 23: The Chrono Trials
Chapter 24: Alter versus Gears
Chapter 25: Decide What You Want
Chapter 27: Who is Kamen Rider Chrono?
Chapter 28: I Know What I Want
Chapter 29: Chrono Booooost!
Chapter 30: Zetsubou
Chapter 31: The Fall of Aquos
Chapter 32: A Deadly Duel
Chapter 33: Time for a New World
Chapter 34: Hope vs Despair
Finale: The King of Time
Prologue: Kamen Rider Strike

Chapter 26: The Dragon's Command

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By SnowBlitz0

It was bright and early in the morning when the Goat Zodiac had decided to attack. It was weird, since all it really was doing was causing damage to buildings, but Paradox didn't question it. She quickly drove over to where the Goat was last recorded and dispatched of it. It barely put up a fight, even, just stood there and let Paradox defeat it...

Paradox: "That... I don't trust that. It was far too easy..." She questioned, twisting the coin around to look at it.

Aquos: "I'm sorry it didn't give you that much a thrill, but it was strictly under Dragnis' command."

Paradox quickly spun around, just in time to see Aquos jumping toward her, foot extended to kick the Kamen Rider. All the Rider could do was brace for the impact, sliding backward and falling to her knee as a scorch mark was left on her armor.

Paradox: "The Horse Zodiac..." She said, more to herself than anything.

Aquos: "Yup, and we got some unfinished business, Rider punk."

Paradox: "Unfinished business, huh? I guess you remember that time I embarrassed you?" Trish mocked the Horse Zodiac, hoping she would lose her cool, which she did.

The Horse Zodiac charged at Paradox, letting out a low growl and extending her hand to strangle her by the neck. Paradox responded by rolling forward and sweeping the legs out from under the Horse.

Paradox Driver: "Distorting Reality... Paradox Authorized. Splicing DNA: The Swift Rabbit."

Paradox took on a rabbit aesthetic as the Rabbit Coin allowed her to keep up with Aquos. Aquos quickly recovered and the two ladies started exchanging blows, eventually ending when they clashed their forearms together, each trying to force the other back.

Paradox: "What do you mean by it was under Dragnis' command?"

Aquos: "I mean the idea was to lead one of the Riders out here so I can distract them, and thankfully it was you."

Paradox: "Why would you want to distract the Riders? What are you up to?"

Aquos: "Classified, darling." The Horse Zodiac kicked out one of Paradox's legs and punched her away.

Aquos: "I will enjoy this, though."

(The Road to School)

Yuya: "I don't understand why they sent me to school in the first place... I can't be wasting time like this, not when the Zodiacs are so close to being defeated... Not when Zetsubou..."

Tignus: "Talking to yourself? That's rather pathetic, coming from a Kamen Rider."

Yuya glanced over his shoulder, and saw the Tiger Zodiac leaning against the wall of an alley. The Zodiac took one last drag of his smoke before stomping it out and walking toward Yuya.

Tignus: "One on One, let's go somewhere more private."

The teenager nodded and followed Tignus, watching his movements carefully just in case he tried anything. After a while of walking, they found themselves on a construction lot for a new building. Tignus turned into his Zodiac form while Yuya slotted in the Double Gears.

Yuya shot his hands out to his sides and bent his right arm up and left arm down. The two arms then crossed each other to form an X.

Yuya: "Henshin..."He said before splitting open the middle of the belt, both his hands extended to his sides.

Double Gears Addon: "Double Gears Time! Battling! Fighting! Overclock and Overpower! Kamen Rider Double Gears, All Green!"

Tignus: "That's a new form for you. It also doesn't use any of the powers of the Zodiac."

Gears: "Because this is a power that I designed myself. The next evolution of the Gears System."

Tignus: "Impressive... Let's see if it's any good."

(HOME Base)

Zetsubou: "This is weird..." Zetsubou commented, looking at the screen that Mercy used to locate Zodiacs.

Business Lady: "What is it? Is it something I should be worried about?"

Zetsubou: "Yeah, it looks like the Dragon Zodiac appeared in the middle of Seven Siblings... I wonder what he's doing in a place like that."

Business Lady: "Does it really matter what a monster like that does? Just leave it to me, and that Dragon will be slayed."

Aibo: "Don't underestimate the Dragon Zodiac. Out of all the Zodiacs he is the most dangerous, to the point where he nearly beat the Chrono before you..."

Business Lady: "No offense, AI, but didn't you guys say that the Chrono before me was some high schooler who barely got to thirty or so compatibility."

Aibo couldn't help but get offended by that comment. He didn't know if it was from all the time he spent with Kibou, and he knew that she was at least PARTIALLY right...

Aibo: "Compatibility isn't everything. Not when it comes to being Kamen Rider Chrono."

Business Lady: "But it does count for a large portion of it... Now, if you have nothing else to say, we have a Dragon Zodiac to stop."

(Seven Siblings Campus)

The Trish from the timeline was rounding the corner to Seven Sisters with Ann close behind. After Ann's attempts to question the Riders, she actually grew closer to Trish which seemed to have some inside knowledge about them.

Ann: "I can't wait until all the Zodiacs are gone." She said, letting out a loud yawn as she rubbed her eyes.

Trish: "Yeah, I get what you mean. I'm just thankful that we had the Riders here, otherwise things would be a lot more chaotic."

Ann: "You can say that again. My only question now, though, is what the Riders plan on doing once all the Zodiacs are gone... You think they have a 9-to-5?"

Trish looked off to the side, and felt herself let out a sigh. All the Riders didn't seem to have anything outside of being a Rider. Kibou had all but abandoned school recently, her future self was dedicated to helping secure the future, and from what Connor told her, that Gears Rider was more of a soldier than anything.

Trish: "I doubt it..."

Ann: "Yeah... They always seem to be on top of things when it comes to Zodiac problems. Especially that Chrono guy... Say, do you believe the rumors?"

Trish: "What rumors?"

Ann: "That Kibou Kitai is Chrono! I mean... it makes sense doesn't it? We have two witnesses saying that Kibou saved them from a Rabbit monster. When that same Rabbit monster was seen at our school, people recorded a male student running toward it and becoming Chrono. Plus, you telling me the perfect and punctual Kibou would suddenly skip school?"

Trish: "That... Does make a lot of sense doesn't it?"

Ann: "It does! I swear, all I need is just a piece of hard evidence and I'll have the story of my life! 'Kamen Rider Chrono Unmasked!?' I could feel the fame now..." She giggled as she thought just how popular that article could become.

Trish: "That sounds more like a Youtube clickbait video... You're a weird girl."

Ann: "Yeah, I'm weird, but I'm weird in a good way... Hm? Isn't that Sakura?" The student reporter pointed out as they approached the gates to the Seven Sisters and Seven Brothers schools.

Trish: "It is... Hey, what are you doing out here? Isn't class going to start in ten minutes?" Trish called out, drawing Sakura's attention.

Sakura: "I'm just waiting for Kibou... He should've been here right about now, but he isn't. Needless to say, I'm worried."


Sakura: "I lied."

Ann/Trish: "Urk... So straightforward..." Both the girls were caught off-guard just by how matter-of-fact he acted about lying to Ann. 

Sakura: "Hm? Hey, is that a new teacher or something?" Sakura felt his blood run cold as a grown man in a fur coat walked up toward them.

Ann: "I didn't hear anything about a new teacher..."

Trish: "Should we get an adu—" Trish didn't get to finish her thought when a pillar of flame erupted in front of them.

(Kitai Household)

Kibou had spent so much time last night catching up on his work that he had passed out on the table. When he finally woke up, his parents had already finished breakfast without him and watching the weather report.

Kibou: "What time is it...?" He asked, rubbing his eyes of the dust.

Mrs. Kitai: "Oh, you're finally awake. I packed the work into your bag, so get going." His mother ignored his question, not even turning to face him.

Mr. Kitai: "It's 7:22. If you run, then you should be able to get to class on time." His father added on, taking a sip from his leftover coffee.

Kibou: "Right... I'll head out, then." Kibou pushed himself out of his seat and picked up the bag on the floor, ready to walk out when the weather was interrupted for a special announcement.

News Reporter: "This just in! The city is currently under lockdown as a monster that resembles a dragon has taken the Seven Siblings School hostage."

Kibou's eyes widened and he dropped his bag, running over to the tv and leaping over the couch.

Mr. Kitai: "Hey! Watch out!"

Mrs. Kitai: "You could've seriously hurt us!"

Kibou ignored them, watching as the people on the scene recorded the entire event. All the students and teachers were gather out in the yard as Dragnis, in his Dragon Zodiac body, stared at the camera crew.

Dragnis: "You... Over here... Now." He commanded, and even Kibou could feel the pressure that his voice commanded. He had faced the Dragon Zodiac once in the past, and this felt nothing like that time. 

The poor camera person stumbled over, obeying Dragnis' word.

Dragnis: "This is a message to HOME. This is a message to Kamen Rider Chrono... I am expecting you, and if you fail to show..." Dragnis snapped his finger and the last thing Kibou saw was flames engulfing the camera followed by panicked screaming.

Mrs. Kitai: "Geez... Suddenly I'm glad that you overslept.""

Mr. Kitai: "No kidding, darling. Let's leave that dragon guy to the masked man."

His parents spoke like it didn't concern them what just happened on tv. Like they were safe from it all, but people would die if he didn't... Right... He wasn't Chrono anymore.

Kibou lowered his head and gripped the edge of the tv. He couldn't stop himself from shaking. The thought of rushing in, the thought of saving everyone was his instinct, but as he was right now he couldn't do it. He didn't have the strength, he didn't have the power to do that sort of thing. 

"Decide what you want, Kibou, because no matter what you choose, I'm sure you'll make the right choice."

Sakura's words echoed in his head. He was so sure that Kibou would make the right choice, but what if Kibou himself wasn't sure what the choice was. He had relied on Aibo to fight, and now Aibo was most likely with someone else. He couldn't do anything at the moment.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, Kibou!"

"You're a real-life hero!"

Kibou wasn't sure why he suddenly recalled this memory. It was near the beginning of the school year, and he was on his way home when a mysterious fog had blanketed the entire area. It was that same day he saved those two girls from the Rabbit Zodiac.

Kibou: "I didn't have Aibo then... What makes this time different?"

Mrs. Kitai: "What was that, Kibou?"

Kibou slammed his fist against the tv and dashed toward the front door. He ignored his father and mother. He could worry about them later. Right now... Right now he was going to do what he thought was right.

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