Not Sure, Not Me

By 0827Kiki

511 45 1

"I love you, X-Xueer." Yuyan stuttered as she held onto Xueer's hands, looking earnestly into Xueer's doe eye... More



29 2 0
By 0827Kiki

"Sorry about yesterday."

Feigning disinterest, Jiaqi glanced briefly at the person that the voice belonged to before she looked away.

Following which, Jiaqi placed her bag on the seat beside her, preventing anyone from sitting there.

Seeing this, Xueer smiled and placed an item on the table.

"I got this for you... because it reminded me of you."

Xueer nudged the item towards Jiaqi.

Curiously, Jiaqi looked at Xueer with a small pout on her face. Jiaqi then glanced at the item and her pout was replaced with a big smile that Jiaqi quickly hid with her hands.

"Hazelnut chocolate reminds you of me?" Jiaqi spoke slowly.

"I noticed that your eyes are actually hazel brown. From afar, I thought that they were black." Xueer elaborated as she played with and twirled the ends of her hair.


Even Xu Jiaqi herself only knew this after closely examining herself to find her best angles for dancing and Xueer noticed the colour of her eyes within one and a half days?

Jiaqi could feel butterflies in her stomach.

"Th-thanks." Jiaqi kept the chocolate in the side pocket of her bag.

Xueer beamed as she watched Jiaqi do so. Thereafter, Jiaqi removed her bag from the chair and placed it on the ground beside her. Appreciatively, Xueer sank down into the now available seat beside Jiaqi and Xueer proceeded to take out her laptop from her laptop casing.

And their lecture for the week began.

After a gruelling 3 hour lecture, Jiaqi felt like there must be a mistake somewhere. There was just no way that Jiaqi was in the lecture theatre right now. No way that Jiaqi was in that lecture theatre learning about coding.

God bless, what on earth?

All Jiaqi could see after the lecture was just endless lines and lines and lines and lines of code.

Endless lines of code floating in front of her eyes.

"Ar–Are you okay, Jiaqi?" Xueer stifled a laugh as she caught one look at Jiaqi's aghast face.

"Oh my... Oh my... Oh my god." Jiaqi got out before she whispered, "What was that?"

"That was C#, one of my personal favourite programming languages." Xueer responded and added, "I can't wait till we get to learn about Python and Java, yet another two of my all time favourites."

"W-wait," Jiaqi spluttered, "Languages? There is more than one?"

"Yes! Isn't that delightful?" Xueer exclaimed, "Just like your English and Business English, and our Mandarin and Business Mandarin. Other than whatever I have listed, there are still some languages that I have not mentioned but maybe I will tell you about them later... when we are closer."

Jiaqi gasped. She felt like she was very close to fainting.

"Come now, let us get clos- let us get dinner?" Xueer tilted her head as she looked expectantly at Jiaqi.

"Well..." Jiaqi hesitantly began.

"-We can discuss our project over dinner." Xueer quickly intercepted with a note of finality.

Jiaqi blinked a few times at Xueer.

"Okay... For the project." Jiaqi conceded.

Xueer smiled,

"Follow me. I know just the place."

With that, Jiaqi found herself waiting for the bus with Xueer just outside the school compound on a late Wednesday afternoon.

"Where are we going?" Jiaqi broke the silence by asking, "I don't want to stay out too late."

"You know, Jiaqi..." Xueer knitted her eyebrows as she trailed off, "I never took you for such a good student..."

"Thought you would be more... of the opposite? You know, your looks and all. Though, you must get that alot." Xueer stated.

Xu Jiaqi did not know how to reply to that. Contrary to Xueer's belief, Jiaqi was rather invisible. One would only notice Jiaqi if they specifically sought her out and even then, there was no guarantee.

Xueer's inquisitive gaze lingered on Jiaqi who directed her attention to the ground.

"What about you? Are you a good student?" Jiaqi decided on asking Xueer.

"Me?" Xueer paused like she was in deep thought.

"You could say that I..."

Right at that moment, just like how Xueer's timing when she dances is impeccable, her timing with her flawless too.

" to live a little." Xueer smiled as golden hour shone upon the both of them, illuminating the colour of Xueer's chocolate brown eyes while highlighting Jiaqi's black hair that became light brown under the light.

With golden hour, Xueer could not mistake the way that Jiaqi's hazel brown eyes dilated when Jiaqi looked at her; the way that Jiaqi's eyes were full of admiration for her; that Jiaqi's eyes only reflected her; Kong Xueer.

Tips of her ears tinged red, strands of light brown hair falling over her face and her backpack slung over one shoulder, Xu Jiaqi was a sight to behold.

Jiaqi was in a dream-like trance as she stood there rooted to the ground, at the bus stop, mesmerised by Xueer.

"Are you going to tell me that you are not staring again?" Xueer recalled.

At that flashback, Jiaqi immediately snapped to her senses and she shook her head vigorously.

Jiaqi then caught sight of the approaching bus.

"Look! The bus is here. Let's go." Jiaqi all but ushered a very amused Xueer onto the bus.

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