Affinity- GMW Farkle Fanfic

By Cheerios1234567

36.7K 1.5K 409

Aviana Lucía Pérez has been always been in the dark.. She wasn't like her older siblings... That's when she d... More

Girl Meets Aviana
Girl Meets World
Girl Meets Boy
Girl Meets Sneak Attack
Girl Meets Mariana Pérez
Girl Meets Maya's Mother
Girl Meets The Fathers
Girl Meets Smackle
Girl Meets Flaws
Girl Meets Hidden Persona
Girl Meets First Date
Girl Meets Kayden vs Two Mothers
Girl Meets Getaway Pt. 1
Girl Meets Getaway Pt.2
Girl Meets Getaway Pt.3
Shawn Meets Kayden (And The Kids)
Girl Meets The Last Straw
Girl Meets Sisterly Fights
Girl Meets Apologies
Girl Meets Tension Pt. 1
Girl Meets Tension Pt. 2 : Farkle's Breaking Point
Girl Meets Secret of Life Pt.1
Girl Meets Secret of Life Pt.2 : Her Story
Girl Meets Secret of Life Pt. 3 : Oliver Luca Diaz
The Protector
The World Meets Oliver

Girl Meets Tension Pt 3: Aftermath and Delusions

659 45 27
By Cheerios1234567

Not edited
Farkle ended up surprisingly only getting detention for two weeks with Flynn since people were called in to talk about the situation. Mateo and Sofia found out about the siutation because the school ended up calling my dad but he was at work so they called Mateo instead. Unfortunately Mateo came down to the school and found out that Flynn had kissed me and that him and Farkle ended up fighting. Mateo almost went to fight Flynn himself but I stopped before he could even think of running off. Farkle ended up telling them what Maya said about me kissing Flynn which shocked them since Flynn openly admitted to kissing me but I couldn't care less if I was being honest. But Maya better stay out of my face because she acting delusional over Flynn and i'm done sparing people so she need to stay away from me. I just know this shit is not over and it's only going to get worse from here.


"Really Farkle? Fighting in school? What will your mother say?" I snorted softly at my dad trying to lecture me. Right now I was in the pricipal's office with my dad, Flynn, and Josh. My dad was putting on a show for the principal, acting like he was scolding me but I knew he was actually happy that I finally got Flynn for what he did.

"I expected better from you Farkle, you're lucky I'm only deciding to giving you two weeks of detention and not suspending you for fighting on school grounds." I held back rolling my eyes, there were many fights in school and some people got away with it multiple times.

"Don't worry I will have a conversation with him when we get home." I smiled softly and coughed to cover my laugh. I got up and walked out with my dad and once we were far enough, he started laughing.

"Good job son, never thought you had it in you." I chuckled

"Dad you know I don't play when it comes to Aviana. And plus, he had it coming." "You're lucky your mom didn't answer the phone, you know how much she loves Aviana. She would've probably made matters worse." I nodded in agreement, my mom really does love Aviana. They get along really well, Avi has even told her that she sees her like a mother figure.

"Aviana told me to let you know that she's going by her house to get some stuff and that she will meet us back home." I nodded


"Wait so Farkle fought Flynn and won? Wow never knew he had it like that." I snorted at Sofia's comment.

"Why didn't you just tell us Hermana pequeña?" Mateo asked
(Little sister)

"Because there was already a whole bunch of other stuff going on, I just needed get away and plus I wanted to spend some alone time with Farkle and his parents." I said shrugged packing some stuff to go over Farkle's house.

"But you could've still told us and it's bad enough that Maya really believes that you would kiss Flynn when you're practically married to Farkle." Sofia said making me and Mateo laugh.

"It's whatever but she better not start with me because I will be the next one to get into a fight. I've been sparing a lot of people but I'm not doing that anymore." I said

"People keep playing in my face, thinking I won't do anything because I decided to be nice and not start problems but that ends today." Sofia looked at me for a second.

"Why do I feel like that was shade towards me?" I shrugged

"Take it however you'd like if you feel hit." I said

"Is this about before? You never said why you were mad at me." Mateo groaned.

"Sofia..." " No Teo, it's fine if she wants to know." I told him

"You were trying to act like you were my mother, you're not my mother. You're my sister, there are lanes to things and you were crossing it. When I needed you to step in, neither you or Mateo were there. Now granted, neither of you knew what was going on yes but you still weren't there. So now that dad is in our lives, you want to start acting like this when it's truly not needed. It's too late for you to start to step into that role. It's not slick shade, it's just the truth and I don't hold any animosity towards either of you. Just play your role correctly, that's all I'm saying." I said finishing packing.

"I'm gonna head to Farkle's, I'll text you guys once I get there." Mateo gave me a hug and since Sofia was in shock by what I said, I just placed a kiss on her cheek and left.
I watched as Aviana walked out and I guess that's when Sofia snapped out of it.

"Was I really acting like that?" She asked

"Yes." I answered

"And why didn't anyone say anything?" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Josh and I tried Sofia, your ass just didn't want to listen to what we were saying. I had a conversation with Aviana before she told us everything that happened. I knew that she was still a bit mad at us for not being around like we said we would. And the way you were acting, didn't help at all. She's right y'know? It's too late to try to do something we should've been doing. Aviana is very mature for her age so yes she will need us but she won't need breathing down her neck."
"Aviana!" I smiled at Mrs. Minkus rushing over to hug me. I placed my bag down by the door and hugged her back.

"Sweetie are you okay? Stewart ended up telling me what happened." She said looking over me worried.

"I'm okay Mrs. Minkus." She glared at me playfully.

"I told you to call me Jenn Aviana, it's not surprise that you will be my daughter-in-law in the future." I smiled sheepishly while blushing.

"I'll try to remember that Jenn." She smiled at me and rubbed my cheeks in a motherly matter.

"Good, now head to Farkle's room while I go yell at Stewart for not taking to the school with him." I laughed before grabbing my bag and went to Farkle's room. I walked in to see Farkle struggling to clean his knuckles.

"Here, let me." He looked over at me as I walked over to help him. I place my bag on his dresser before sitting next to him in the bed. I looked to see he was using a regular napkin and rolling my eyes at this dumbass. I dragged him to the bathroom and grabbed the hydrogen peroxide, along with some bandages and cream. I started cleaning his knuckles, not noticing the way Farkle was staring at me with a smile on his face. I glanced up him and smiled before looking back down at what I was doing.

"What?" I asked

"You don't know how much I adore you Aviana." He said making me blush.

"I adore you too." I finished up on his knuckles before placing a kiss on both of them.

"All done." He placed his hands on my cheeks and placed a couple of kisses on my lips.

"Thank you baby." I beamed up at him.

"Of course." He pulled me back into the room so we could lay down for a bit. I placed my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"You okay?" He asked making me look up at him.

"Yeah, what about you? I know you don't like getting in trouble, I'm sorry you got two weeks of-" he cut me off

"Hey... you don't have to apologize for anything, it was my decision and I don't care about the detentions. I said if he kept it up, I was going to fight him and I stood on that. I don't blame you for anything okay?" I nodded and he kissed my forehead.

"How are you feeling about Maya?" He asked making me roll my eyes at the thought of her.

"I honestly don't care, she just better not talk to me. Flynn literally admitted in front of the lunchroom that he kissed me and she just has her head too far up his ass to see clearly." I said making Farkle laugh.

"How do you think things are going to be from now on?" "Only time can really tell..."
"What were you thinking?!" Josh shouted, right now we were at Cory's apartment with Topanga who was cleaning up my face, Riley who has been surprisingly quiet, Cory, and Maya who came to check up on me.

"Josh why are you yelling at him? It's obviously that Aviana kissed him." Everyone just looked at Maya like she was slow.

"Maya I know sometimes you tend to register things a little slowly but please try to keep up." Riley and I shared a look before snorted at Josh's comment.

"Everyone and their mama knows damn well Farkle or Aviana would NEVER cheat on each other. And in case you forgot, Flynn already admitted to doing it so why are you trying to blame Aviana for something she didn't do?" Josh asked

"Real question is why are you here?" Riley asked making all of us look at her shocked.

"What? We were all wondering the same thing, don't lie." She said after seeing the looks we were giving her.

"I just came to see how Flynn was doing." Riley gave her a look.

"Did you dump his ass?" She deadpan, making me elbow her.

"What? We all know you got dumped, it's not new news."

"So what if we broke up? We can't be friends?" I looked at her confused.

"We're friends?" Riley covered to stifle her laugh while Josh openly laughed in Maya's face. Cory and Topanga just shook their heads but you could tell that they were amused as well.

"Welp this was interesting but I'm bored now so I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." We all watched as she walked off to her room.

"Is it just me or is she acting different?" Cory commented

"You're not the one who's noticed." "I'm not complaining, she's less annoyed this way."

"Aviana!" I looked from my locker and saw Riley coming towards me, making me sigh.

"Riley what's up?" I asked, silently bracing myself for her to start blaming me like Maya.

"Hey I just wanted to see how you and Farkle are feeling after yesterday." I looked at her confused but still answered her question.

"We're good, Farkle is with the principal right now go figure how the detentions are going to work so him and Flynn don't have to be the same room." She nodded.

"You know I never thought I would be able to see that I witnessed Farkle Minkus in a fight." I let out a laugh which made her laugh as well.

"You and I both." "You hope you know that I don't think you kissed Flynn." I looked at her surprised.

"Really?" " I mean yeah, you're dating Farkle one and two, you were never on that type of timing with Flynn. So it's kind of stupid that Maya would think you would do that to her." I just blinked at her because who is this person standing in front of me right now? Because it is not Riley Matthews.

"Who are you?" I asked making her laugh.

"The last couple weeks of summer really changed me for the better. Which is why I want to apologize to me for everything I've done. For one it wasn't right for me to try to going 'after' Farkle knowing he was dating you and for what I said about your dad. The truth is that I was in denial with myself and I should've just kept my comment to myself.." I looked at her in realization.

"Riley... you're..." I trailed off

"I'm Bi but I think I actually prefer girls over boys and when I was over my mom's parents' house, I met a girl." She said blushing making me smack her arm softly.

"Shut up! Riley I'm so happy for you!" I said with a smile.

"You know you could've told us, we would never have judged you." I said softly and she smiled, nodding.

"I know that now, it was just hard because in my mind, it was like... I had to like Lucas. My mind thought that was the only way for me to truly be happy. And that me liking boys only would be the only way everyone would want to see me." I looked at her sympathetically before giving her a hug.

"We would still have love you the same whether if you like girls or not." I told her making her hug me back.

"I accept your apology because I can understand why you were acting the way you were acting. Do you want to tell the others or do you want to wait a bit?" I asked pulling away from the hug.

"I think I want to tell them... will you be there?" She asked a little scared making me hold her hand.

"Every step of the way." I told her, giving her hand a small squeeze.

...3rd Person...
Everyone couldn't believe the sight of Riley and Aviana laughing and talking to each other. Once the girls walked in, they couldn't hide their shock because it wasn't a secret that the girls had a falling out. Cory smiled at the sight because his daughter was finally back to being herself. The night Riley got back, she cried in her parents' arms and asked them to forgive her. She explained everything and they scolded her for thinking that they wouldn't love her all the same. She even apologized to Auggie because she didn't mind those words to told him, she was just projecting the words she was hearing in her head onto him. He forgave her in an instant because he could recognize his sister was being herself. He was just happy to have his big sister back. Kayden and Shawn didn't say anything but she even went to apologize to them as well and they accepted her with open arms, Kayden even sat down to talk to her about how it was for him because he understood completely what Riley was going through. Maya was seething at the sight because it was bad enough that Aviana 'kissed' Flynn ( cue eye roll) but now she was hanging out with the enemy. But deep down, she knew that she was jealous because she technically didn't have anyone in her corner because of what she believed. She didn't want to believe the truth, she didn't want to actually believe that the second she broke up with Flynn, he ran off to kiss her sister. It couldn't be true... it just couldn't.

Delusional at its finest... don't you just love it? (Note the sarcasm)
Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Riley's redemption arc, I just felt like it had to be done and plus I want to write some good parts for Riley. Maya will be the 'bad' guy for the remainder of the book as she's acting off of her delusions. How do you guys think everything will be for the group now? Just know the drama isn't over and this isn't the end of this situation. Please let me know if any errors or misspellings and I'll fix it.Thanks for reading and please let me know what you guys thought of the chapter. I'll see you in the next chapter!

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