Miraculous 1: Welcome to Pari...

By IsabellaAnne1803112

59K 2.2K 1K

Amber Bourgeois, formerly Cimarosa, is a foreign exchange student from Italy. At a boarding school, she met C... More

Origins Part One
Origins Part Two
Stormy Weather
The Bubbler
The Pharaoh
Lady Wifi
Mr. Pigeon
The Evillustrator
Dark Cupid
Kung Food
The Past Year
The Puppeteer
Guitar Villain
Music to My Ears
Simon Says
Princess Fragrance

The Mime

1.7K 73 23
By IsabellaAnne1803112

"What did you say the name of the play is, Mr. Haprèle?" Adrien asks as he, Amber, Nino, Ryder, Chloé, Sabrina, Mylène, and her father were standing in the brunette's room.

"Well, it's-"

"It's called "The Mime's Extraordinary Adventures", starring the most talented, amazingly awesome actor and mime!" Mylène cuts her dad off.

"Oh, come on, now."

"My father! Give it up for Fred Haprèle!"

The teens applaud him.

Fred bows, "Thank you very much! Thank you, Mylène." his daughter rubs the back of her head.

"Well, congratulations, you must make your daughter very proud!" Ryder told him.

Fred puts a hand on his daughter's shoulder, "Now all I need is my hat to complete my costume."

Amber grabs the hat from her desk and hands it to him, "Here it is!"

"Thank you, Amber! Saving me at the last minute." Fred mimes that the hat is in a box. He then opens the box and puts the hat on. Amber smiles and holds the invisible box as Mr. Haprèle winks.

"Ha! I don't think Mylène was exaggerating at all!" Nino exclaims.

"Why, thank you!" he bows, taking the hat off.

"I fixed the tear in it. I also sewed the pocket on the inside, just like you asked." Amber told him.

"You've done a perfect job. Thanks to you, I'll have my good luck charm right here next to me at all times." he puts a photo of Mylène in the pocket of the hat, "A photo of my beloved daughter."

"Aw, dad..." Mylène hugs him as he puts his hat back on.

Suddenly, his phone rings. He answers, "Hello, Sa-"

"Fred, where are you?!"

"Yes, I had to pick up my hat!"

"I need you here now!"

"It's not an excuse! I know the bus is leaving in less than a half hour, I'll be there!" Fred ends the call, sighing, "That was Sarah, the play's director. She's very nervous about the premiere. She's ready to blow a fuse! So I better get going." he kisses his daughter's forehead before taking his leave, "See you tonight at the Eiffel Tower!"

"We can't wait!" Sabrina told him.

"Love you, Dad!" Mylène waves.


"Thanks, Amber. I gotta go. I wanna swing by my house to change before the show." Mylène smiles and waves as she leaves.

"We'll see you there!" Amber waves back, "Let me change really quick! I'll be right back down, Adrien!" she rushes behind a changing screen, Chloé and Sabrina giggling as they go to help her.

"So, you and Amber, huh?" Nino nudges him.

"W-We're not dating. We're just attending the show as friends!" Adrien blushes.

"Your red face says otherwise." Ryder points out.

"You ready to go, Adrien?" Amber walks out.

"Ye-" Adrien cuts himself off in a loud gasp as his face turns even more red.

The brunette was wearing a Chat Noir themed outfit, "What do you guys think?" she shakes her wrist around, the bracelet chiming with little bells.

"That's so cool! I want a hero themed outfit!" Nino exclaims.

"Me too." Ryder adds.

"Us three!" Chloé and Sabrina exclaim.

Adrien stammers for a moment, "Y-You look really beautiful."

Amber smiles bashfully, "Aw...thank you, Adrien."


Adrien and Amber stare out the window, Gorilla driving them to the event as Nathalie was in the passenger's seat, talking to Gabriel on the phone.

"Yes, sir. Understood, sir. I'm...sure he'll understand, sir." Nathalie hangs up.

Adrien's expression changes as he sighs in disappointment, making Amber turn away from the window, "My dad's flaking, isn't he? Let me guess. Something came up?"

"Yes, but he has reserved the best seats in the house for you and Miss Bourgeois, Adrien. Front row."

"As usual. The best money can buy."

Amber places a hand on his shoulder, "It doesn't matter where we're sitting, Adrien. All that matters is that we watch the performance together."

The blonde smiles at her before Gorilla gasps and slams on the brakes, the car coming to a complete halt as something was in the car's way.

Amber hugged Adrien's neck, looking concerned, "Are you okay?"

The blonde, whose head was pressed into the brunette's chest, blushes, "Y-Yeah. I'm fine."

"I'll handle this idiot." Amber rolls the window down as she starts shouting, "Get out of the road! You could have seriously injured someone!"

Ladybug stood in front of her, spinning her yo-yo. When the brunette started shouting, the bug heroine turned to say something, but stopped. She simply stared dreamily at Adrien before she realized what was going on. She turned to Amber with a slightly angered expression, "Stop holding him! You're suffocating him!"

"What? No, I'm not!" Amber argues before an arrow hits the side of the car, "You can't even protect civilians correctly. Some hero you are." she says as Adrien helps her out of the car, the two, Nathalie, and Gorilla run away.

Ladybug gasps in offense.

Adrien and Amber break off from the group as the former goes to transform.

"We gotta transform now, Plagg." Adrien lets the kwami out from his jacket.

"I thought I was gonna be a spectator, not a performer. What about the show date with your girlfriend?"

The blonde shakes his head, "No time. And she's not my girlfriend! Plagg, claws out!"

Back with the bug heroine, she continues to dodge the arrows from Mime, an akumatized Fred, until Ladybug uses her yo-yo to destroy the invisible bow in his hand. She retracts it with a smirk. The Mime mimes a box and opens it, taking something out and setting it on his shoulder. Ladybug dives out of the way as he shoots at the Agreste car, blowing it up as an explosion goes off. The Mime mimics a whip and wraps it around Ladybug to restrain her.

"Grab her Miraculous, the earrings! Now!"

The Mime starts to pull her close to him, reaching for her earrings. He is then suddenly knocked away by Chat Noir, who had extended his staff to do so.

The black cat hero retracts his weapon, "Keep those hands to yourself, clown! It's okay, I've got this."

"My pleasure, Chat Noir..."

The black cat charges at the Mime, only for the villain to mime a cell to knock him back. He then runs his hand along the bars, miming a set of keys to lock them in. He bows while taking off his hat before setting it back on his head and walking away.

"Apparently, not seeing is believing." Ladybug comments.

"We can't let him go like that!" Chat Noir adds, looking angry as the two backed away from the bars.

The Mime mimes car keys, a beeping noise heard as he gets in the invisible car, putting his seatbelt on before driving away.

Ladybug stumbles forward from the bars, revealing them to be gone, "When he started miming the car, the bars disappeared."

"Maybe he can only mine one thing at a time!" Chat Noir guesses before the two heroes follow after the akumatized villain.


They land on top of the invisible car.

"Nice ride, but if I were you, I would have at least made it a convertible." Chat Noir comments, saluting.

The Mime looks angry as he slams down on the gas pedal, speeding up the car and knocking into other vehicles in the process.

Ladybug observes what the villain is going after. It's the Mime show tour bus, "He's one of the actors from the theater troupe, and he's after that bus!"

The Mime makes a turn and dives out of the car.

"Where is he going? We gotta stop this thing!" Ladybug quickly gets into the car.

"Slam down on the brake!" Chat Noir advises.

"What brake?" Ladybug sees a woman and a child crossing the street, and hits the invisible brake before it could hit them.

"Not bad, for driving an invisible car. Course, they'll never believe us if we tell them we just saved their lives." Chat Noir comments.

The Mime mimes a motorcycle, miming a helmet to put on his head and strapping it on as he takes off, the invisible car disappearing as Chat Noir lands on top of Ladybug.

"He's already off again! We gotta catch up with the bus before he does!" Ladybug says before Chat Noir wraps an arm around her, "What do you think you're doing?"

"Good thing you have friends in high places. Hold on!" Chat Noir uses his staff and extends it to elevate the two into the sky.

"I could have done this on my own." Ladybug retorts.

"Cheer up, will ya?" Chat Noir spots the bus, "There! Get ready!" the two head down and land on top of the bus, causing the crew inside to look up in confusion and slight fear.

The heroes wait around for the Mime to catch up.

"Where could the akuma be?" Ladybug asks.

"Maybe there's something in the hat?" Chat Noir hints towards where the akuma is.

"It's not a magician's hat. Don't be stupid." Ladybug retorts.

As the Mime gets close, Ladybug uses her yo-yo to make a net in an attempt to stop him, but he dives through, jumping across cars and landing on the bus. He then mimes a sword, preparing for battle.

"I got him." the black cat hero leaps off the bus, meowing as he lands on cars and catapults himself to stand behind the Mime. The two start to fight against each other as Ladybug tries to grab his hat.

The Mime holds onto his hat before getting knocked off the bus. Ladybug quickly grabs his hand to prevent him from falling, the akumatized villain smacking against a window. She pulls him up. The Mime quickly tries to grab her Miraculous, but she swiftly moves out of the way. The bug heroine nearly falls off the bus, but Chat Noir grabs her and pulls her up.

"His hat! Grab his hat!" Ladybug commands.

"Look out!" Chat Noir yells as the Mime tries to hit Ladybug, who lets go to dodge him and sends him falling off the bus and landing onto a car.

The Mime mimes a chainsaw and cuts a hole in the ceiling of the car. He then jumps into the passenger seat and gestures to the driver to keep driving. The driver whimpers as drives faster.

"We got to get the passengers to safety!" Ladybug says.

"I'll keep the Mime at bay, you protect the passengers." Chat Noir told her.

Ladybug nods as she knocks on the bus' door, waving as the driver opens it, the bug swinging in.

"Stop the bus!"

"Ladybug, what's happening?" Sarah gets up and walks over to them.

"One of your actors has been akumatized, and for some reason, he  seems to have it in for your troupe!" Ladybug explains.

"Fred?" Sarah asks as the crew gasps.

The Mime heads for the bus and mimes a bow and arrows, firing them at the black cat hero. Chat Noir deflects the invisible arrows, however one arrow ends up hitting one of the bus' wheels, making it spiral out of control, the people inside screaming. Chat Noir looks ahead, leaping up and using his staff, extending it between two posts to stop the bus.

"Stay inside and don't panic. We'll get this under control." Ladybug starts to head outside.

"Ladybug, I know why he's after us." Chris peeks up from behind his seat, "I took his role from him. But he can perform instead of me! I don't care anymore! Please, just keep us all safe!"

"What do you mean you took his role from him?" Sarah puts her hands on her hips, "He lost it!"

"Not exactly. There's something I have to tell you."

The Mime reaches the bus and leaps onto it, running on top as he mimes a sword. He then begins to fight against Chat Noir, Ladybug joining in by tying her yo-yo around the akumatized villain's wrist.

"I don't know what's made you this violent, but I don't think your daughter Mylène would approve!"

The Mime gets out of the bug heroine's grasp, miming a bomb before throwing it at the two heroes, who get thrown back.

"He sure brings a whole new meaning to silent but deadly." Chat Noir comments.

"Ughhh...Lucky Charm!" Ladybug throws her yo-yo into the air, receiving...

"A shoebox?" Chat Noir asks, "Great. There better be some explosive boots in there or something." he goes back to fighting the Mime.

Ladybug uses her vision and highlights Sarah's glasses, the bus' light, a Mime poster, and the Eiffel tower, "Of course! We have to make him really angry! Blow his fuse!"

Chat Noir kicks the akumatized villain away, "You don't think he's angry enough?"

"Chat Noir, you're good at annoying people, do you thing!" Ladybug gathers up the items she needs.

"Hey!" Chat Noir shouts in protest before thinking to himself, "...That is true."

Ladybug takes Sarah's glasses, "Gotta borrow these." she then grabs the Mime poster, "A watch, a magnifying glass, some light..." she puts the items into the shoe box and uses the bus' light to project the Mime poster onto the Eiffel Tower, "Voila! A homemade projector. Hey, Mime! Nice poster, don't you think?"

The Mime becomes angered, his facial expression twitching as he leaps up and mimes a sword, cutting the Eiffel Tower in half. He lands on the ground and becomes shocked, miming a shield to stop it from falling as the civilians run away in terror.

"Yes!" Ladybug exclaims victoriously.

"That's right! He can only mime one thing at a time!" Chat Noir remembers as he extends his staff to grab the Mime's hat, "Yoink!" he grabs the photo from inside the hat and rips it in half, the akuma flying out.

"No more evil doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug captures the akuma, "Gotcha!" she releases the purified butterfly, "Bye bye little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" she throws the shoebox into the air, reverting everything back to normal.

The Mime turns back into Fred, "What happened? How did I...get here?"

"Pound it!" the two heroes fist bump.

Sarah approaches the man, kneeling down next to him, "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, Fred."

Chris walks over as well, "I'm sorry too. I was so desperate to perform that I lied to you about where we were meeting up."

Fred smiles, standing up and putting his hat on his head as he shakes Chris' hand.

The two heroes watch until a beep was heard.

"Your earrings!" Chat Noir reminded her.

"Better get going." Ladybug takes out her yo-yo and swings off.

"Well, I have a date to go to." Chat Noir catapults away.


Alya waves Marinette over, the bluenette sitting down next to her. She turns and gasps, "Marinette, don't look."

"Why-" the bluenette looked over anyway to see Amber and Adrien walking over, the pair holding hands.

"Amby!" Chloé and Sabrina rush over to her and hug her.

"Looking good, guys." Ryder walks over to them with Nino.

The six sit down in the front row, Adrien and Amber being far away from Marinette as possible.

The bluenette glares angrily at not being able to see Adrien and for Amber showing up with him.

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