【2】God-Level Live Broadcastin...

By Kazuyuuki95

13.9K 585 1

Author: Lianxi Ningmu/憐惜凝眸 Category: Danmei novels Status: 720 chapter Introducing: Reporter: "What kind of p... More

Chapter 401 - 402
Chapter 403 - 404
Chapter 405 - 406
Chapter 407 - 408
Chapter 409 - 410
Chapter 411 - 412
Chapter 413 - 414
Chapter 415 - 416
Chapter 417 - 418
Chapter 419 - 420
Chapter 421 - 422
Chapter 423 - 424
Chapter 425 - 426
Chapter 427 - 428
Chapter 429 - 430
Chapter 431 - 432
Chapter 433 - 434
Chapter 435 - 436
Chapter 437 - 438
Chapter 439 - 440
Chapter 441 - 442
Chapter 443 - 444
Chapter 445 - 446
Chapter 447 - 448
Chapter 449 - 450
Chapter 451 - 452
Chapter 453 - 454
Chapter 455 - 456
Chapter 457 - 458
Chapter 459 - 460
Chapter 461 - 462
Chapter 463 - 464
Chapter 465 - 466
Chapter 467 - 678
Chapter 469 - 470
Chapter 471 - 472
Chapter 473 - 474
Chapter 475 - 476
Chapter 477 - 478
Chapter 479 - 480
Chapter 481 - 482
Chapter 483 - 484
Chapter 485 - 486
Chapter 487 - 488
Chapter 489 - 490
Chapter 491 - 492
Chapter 493 - 494
Chapter 495 - 496
Chapter 497 - 498
Chapter 499 - 500
Chapter 501 - 502
Chapter 503 - 504
Chapter 505 - 506
Chapter 507 - 508
Chapter 509 - 510
Chapter 511 - 512
Chapter 513 - 514
Chapter 515 - 516
Chapter 517 - 518
Chapter 519 - 520
Chapter 521 - 522
Chapter 523 - 524
Chapter 525 - 526
Chapter 527 - 528
Chapter 529 - 530
Chapter 531 - 532
Chapter 533 - 534
Chapter 535 - 536
Chapter 537 - 538
Chapter 539 - 540
Chapter 541 - 542
Chapter 543 - 544
Chapter 545 - 546
Chapter 547 - 548
Chapter 549 - 550
Chapter 551 - 552
Chapter 553 - 554
Chapter 555 - 556
Chapter 557 - 558
Chapter 559 - 560
Chapter 561 - 562
Chapter 563 - 564
Chapter 565 - 566
Chapter 567 - 568
Chapter 569 - 570
Chapter 571 - 572
Chapter 573 - 574
Chapter 575 - 576
Chapter 577 - 578
Chapter 579 - 580
Chapter 581 - 582
Chapter 583 - 584
Chapter 585 - 586
Chapter 587 - 588
Chapter 589 - 590
Chapter 591 - 592
Chapter 593 - 594
Chapter 595 - 596
Chapter 597 - 598
Chapter 599 - 600
Chapter 601 - 602
Chapter 603 - 604
Chapter 605 - 606
Chapter 607 - 608
Chapter 609 - 610
Chapter 611 - 612
Chapter 613 - 614
Chapter 615 - 616
Chapter 617 - 618
Chapter 619 - 620
Chapter 623 - 624
Chapter 625 - 626
Chapter 627 - 628
Chapter 629 - 630
Chapter 631 - 632
Chapter 633 - 634
Chapter 635 - 636
Chapter 637 - 638
Chapter 639 - 640
Chapter 641 - 642
Chapter 643 - 644
Chapter 645 - 646
Chapter 647 - 648
Chapter 649 - 650
Chapter 651 - 652
Chapter 653 - 654
Chapter 655 - 556
Chapter 657 - 568
Chapter 659 - 660
Chapter 661 - 662
Chapter 663 - 664
Chapter 665 - 666
Chapter 667 - 668
Chapter 669 - 670
Chapter 671 - 672
Chapter 673 - 674
Chapter 675 - 676
Chapter 677 - 678
Chapter 679 - 680
Chapter 681 - 682
Chapter 683 - 684
Chapter 685 - 686
Chapter 687 - 688
Chapter 689 - 690
Chapter 691 - 692
Chapter 693 - 694
Chapter 695 - 696
Chapter 697 - 698
Chapter 699 - 700
Chapter 701 - 702
Chapter 703 - 704
Chapter 705 - 706
Chapter 707 - 708
Chapter 709 - 710
Chapter 711 - 712
Chapter 713 - 714
Chapter 715 - 716
Chapter 717 - 718
Chapter 719 - 720(End)

Chapter 621 - 622

73 3 0
By Kazuyuuki95

Chapter 621: The crazy man who loves his husband has [Second update]

Xu Xiuli, you are really good!

Zhen Shuai was speechless for a moment.

Ma Xiaolian looked embarrassed, "Shuai Shuai, look...if I don't get this money back, your Uncle Ming will beat me to death! When school starts in September, the children at home will still have to pay tuition..." Zhen Shuai rubbed his face, "Aunt Ma, we must accept this account. I am worried that you will not be the only one who was deceived by my mother and borrowed money."

Ma Xiaolian was shocked and slapped her thigh, "It's true! It's true! No, let me ask you about it?"

Zhen Shuai agreed without hesitation, not wanting to save Xu Xiuli's face any more. Let Ma Xiaolian go and inquire about it. The farther this matter spreads, the better. "Then I'm sorry to trouble you. As for your money, give me some time and I will find a way. I will return it to you before school starts. What do you think?" Although Ma Xiaolian didn't believe that he could make it in two months.

I have collected the money, but I can only accept it, otherwise what else can I do?

She said sadly: "Oh, okay, I'll go back first. If you find out any news, I'll come back." "I'll give it to you." Zhen

Shuai asked Zhen Duo to bring the last pheasant and forced it to Ma Xiaolian, saying with a smile , "Don't worry about money. If things don't work out, I can go to the mountains to catch pheasants and hares and pay back some every day." The attitude expressed in the words was very obvious. Ma Xiaolian felt relieved and her tone softened, "Okay, then Auntie, just wait

. I'm sick. But you must pay attention to safety when you go to the mountains. The whole family depends on you!"

As soon as she left, Zhenxiang and the other three cried uncontrollably.

Zhen Guo cried miserably, "Why is she so cruel? Is she really our biological mother? Five hundred yuan! Even when our father was still here, our family couldn't save a hundred yuan all year round! "

"I don't have a mother anymore. I don't have a mother anymore. Even if she comes back in the future, I won't recognize her as my mother!" Zhen Duo burst into tears, unable to wipe away her tears no matter how hard she wiped them away.

Zhen Xiang's eyes were red, "I don't know if she has... defrauded money from other people... What if there is still... what to do in the future..." "Brother,

she is committing fraud. How about... calling the police? " Zhen Guo said hesitantly, "Maybe calling the police can bring her back. Bringing her back is not because I don't want to let her go, but because I want her to pay back the money. Otherwise, when will we be able to pay back so much money?" "Even so

. It's hard to find her even if you call the police." Zhen Shuai hugged Shen Xingdu and sat down. "Now it's not like before when you need a letter of introduction to go out. As long as she has money, she can go anywhere. Finding her is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

Zhen The three people in Xiang cried more violently.

Zhen Shuai tried to persuade them for a while to no avail, so he stopped trying to persuade them and waited for them to recover on their own.

Zhen Guo's cooking skills are pretty good. The scrambled eggs with leeks and fried eggplants with green peppers she made in the morning are very fragrant, as well as the rice porridge. But the breakfast was tasteless to all three sisters.

Not long after finishing the meal, Ma Xiaolian came with a look of joy on her face.

"Xiao Shuai, I've asked around. No one else has lent money to your mother, only my family!" "

Auntie, are you sure you've asked clearly?" Zhen Shuai was worried.

Ma Xiaolian nodded firmly, "I'm sure! There are only a few people who have a good relationship with your mother. Apart from them, no one else can lend her money." "That's good, that's good!" Zhen Xiang let out a long breath

, Send Ma Xiaolian out with great gratitude.

Less than two minutes after Ma Xiaolian left, a group of villagers came to Zhen's house to visit, asking about Xu Xiuli's loan. Needless to say, most of these people came to watch the fun. There are also those who sympathize and offer some words of relief, but it is of no use. Zhen Xiang and the other three were very sensitive now. They just thought that they were all here to see a joke. They felt very embarrassed, their faces turned red, and they did not dare to look up from the beginning to the end.

It was Zhen Shuai who sent these people away.

"Thank you for your concern, aunties. It's time for us to go to the vegetable garden to weed."

Those people didn't force them to stay and talked as they walked.

"Did you see it? His pigsty is empty. I heard that the chickens and pigs were sold by Xu Xiuli!" "

This mother is really cruel. You said you want to leave, but at least you can leave some money for the child! It is said that Not even a penny was left. Zhen Cheng went to his uncle's house to get food and got beaten!" "

Wu Guixiang, what kind of good person can she be? Not to mention Zhen Cheng, a little kid like us, we occasionally go to her house to sit and sit. , who drank a sip of tea from her family again?"

"Hahaha! That's right!"

"Zhen Aimin is not a good person, and those are his nephews and nieces! What about him? He did it in front of Wu Guixiang Don't even dare to let one go!"


They talked without any scruples, and they could be heard clearly in the courtyard of Zhen's house.

Zhen Guo picked up the hoe and said to Zhen Duo, "I'm going to weed, will you go?"

Zhen Duo picked up the basket and said, "Go."

"I'll go with you." Zhen Xiang didn't want to stay at home either.

Zhen Shuai said: "Let's all go, I just wanted to see what vegetables are in the garden." What the

few people didn't know was that not long after they went out, another group of people came to visit. They saw General Tie holding the door and left angrily.

There is still a lot of fun for children in summer, such as catching butterflies, catching cicadas, swimming, fishing for lobsters... With these interesting games, they seem not afraid of the heat, running around in the sun and sweating His head was shining with golden light under the scorching sun.

At this time, there were several boys fishing for crayfish by the pond. The tool is very simple. Just find a thin wooden stick, tie a thread to the stick, tie an earthworm or a piece of cicada meat to the other end of the thread, and throw the bait into the water. Crayfish are very stupid. After waiting for about ten seconds, someone will take the bait. With a quick pull, the crayfish will be fished out of the water.

One of the boys' enamel basin was half full, and crayfish of all sizes were crawling around with claws and teeth, but they couldn't escape.

"Huzi, do you want to eat the crayfish yourself or sell it?" Zhen Shuai asked him.

Huzi was less than ten years old and had the head of a tiger. When he heard this, he didn't even look back. "You won't give us the money even if you sell it. We'll bake it for ourselves later!" Xiaozizi turned his head and showed his big white teeth

. , "Little handsome brother, we also brought salt. If you want to eat it, I can leave one for you! But there is only one." Zhen Shuai smiled, "Thank you, I won't eat it. I plan to collect a batch of lobsters, you

want Don't you want to sell it to me? It's a dime higher than the market price. You can go back and discuss it with the adults at home." A

smile appeared on Zhen Guo's face.

Huzi rolled his eyes, "Okay, I'll tell my mother when I go back." "

Okay. I'll be at home in the afternoon, and you guys come over in the afternoon."

The vegetable garden is not far from the pond.

Half of the villagers' vegetable gardens are in this area, because it is easy to water and not far from home. When vegetables are needed, they can be picked and eaten immediately.

Zhen Shuai looked at his own vegetables and saw that they were all growing well. Although Xu Xiuli has flaws in her character, she is not lazy. She takes good care of the vegetable garden, which is full of cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, cowpeas, and tomatoes; water spinach and leeks are lush and lush.

When they saw some weeds, Zhen Xiang and the others pulled them out.

"What's for dinner?" Zhen Guo asked, "Brother bought crayfish and fried one or two more dishes." Zhen Shuai said: "

Crayfish are not bought for eating, I want to sell them."

"Ah?" Zhen Guo couldn't hide her disappointment and quickly cheered up, "Brother, are you going to be a second-rate dealer? Can you make money?"

Both Zhen Xiang and Zhen Duo looked at Zhen Shuai curiously.

Zhen Shuai gave it up and said, "No, you will know when the time comes."

Some viewers speculated that the anchor was planning to sell barbecue? I remember that in the world of metaphysics, anchors started selling barbecue.

Zhen Shuai did not hide anything from them.

[Yes, it is the late 1980s. I don’t know about other places, but barbecue is still a new thing here, and Malatang is not available in the city. You can make these two first. The main reason is that the cost of these two foods is also low. 】

The audience feels that the anchor has considered it very comprehensively. Who makes the anchor poor now? Even if I wanted to do something else, I couldn't.

"That night we had fried eggs with leeks." Zhen Guo neatly cut a large handful of leeks with a sickle.

Zhen Xiang tried to stop her, but she said, "Anyway, you won't stop until you finish eating those eggs." Zhen Guo retorted

, "Sister, I didn't eat less in the morning!"

Zhen Xiang was speechless for a while, "You've already done it, why can't I eat it? ? If Chengcheng keeps clamoring for eggs, go and coax him!"

"Isn't there candy? He won't think about eating eggs if there are candy." Zhen Guo said.

Zhen Cheng had sharp ears and hugged Zhen Xiang's legs, "Sister, I want to eat candy!"

Zhen Xiang glared at Zhen Guo. Fortunately, she had the foresight to put one in her pocket before going out. She took it out to Zhen Cheng.

Zhen Cheng nimbly peeled off the candy wrapper and stuffed the candy into his mouth. Sometimes his left cheek bulged, and sometimes his right cheek bulged. His eyes were only looking at Shen Xingdu, full of showoff.

This scene happened to be seen by Zhen Shuai, and he felt uncomfortable. Although he knows that Xingdu cannot care, Xingdu is just a child now. He wants Xingdu to have what other children have, and even better!

[Xiaosi, come out here. I'm telling you seriously, you don't have to let me use anything in the space, but you have to ensure that my Dudu brother has snacks! You must agree, otherwise I will never be done with you! ]

004 was also afraid that the host would keep nagging about this matter, so he reluctantly compromised, [Okay, host, you can use things in the space, but there are three restrictions. 】

Zhen Shuai looked soothed, 【You say. ]

[First, anything you take out can only be used on Brother Shen and cannot be used by yourself; second, you have to spend money to take things out; third, apart from that, space has no effect on the host. ]

[That's it? ] Zhen Shuai thought it was some kind of harsh condition, so he readily agreed, [No problem. I first buy a lollipop for Brother Dudu, the colorful one. ]

004 reminded, [This kind costs five yuan. ]

Zhen Shuai sounded like a rich man, [Isn’t it just five yuan? purchase! ]

[In the pocket of the host's pants. 】004 Road.

Zhen Shuai touched his pocket and took out a rainbow-colored lollipop that was almost bigger than Shen Xingdu's face. The lollipop is wrapped in a transparent plastic wrapper and tied with a purple tie into a bow, which is very beautiful.

"Dudu, take it."

Zhen Cheng looked at the lollipop stupidly and cried "Wow". The candy slipped out of his mouth and fell to the ground. His eyes were like faucets that couldn't be turned off, and tears flowed down. Obscene.

[Anchor, you are a doting husband, do you want to bully children? Hahaha...]

Chapter 622 Preparations before setting up a stall [First update]

[Small brother Shen and lollipop go well together! I think the picture I took can be entered into a photography competition! ]

[It's really bigger than Brother Shen's face, so fun! Hee hee hee...]

Shen Xingdu had to hold the lollipop with both hands, otherwise it would be a bit heavy. He looked at Zhen Shuai's proud smiling face and guessed what agreement he and 004 had reached, his eyes were helpless and doting.

Zhen Guo's eyes widened, she had never seen such a beautiful lollipop before; Zhen Duo quickly looked away and secretly licked her lips.

"I want, I want..." Zhen Cheng fell to the ground, crushing a large piece of leeks.

Zhen Xiang said sourly, "Aren't these lollipops cheap? I'm not saying I can't buy them for Dudu, but Chengcheng is your biological brother, so you can buy two." "Of course I know he is my biological brother

. , I will buy it for him when he becomes sensible." Zhen Shuai glanced at Zhen Cheng and still felt that he should correct his problems as soon as possible. Five years old is too young to be considered young, and if I don't correct it, I'm afraid it will be too late.

Zhen Xiang had a look of disapproval, and was a little unhappy when her eyes passed over Shen Xingdu.

"Chengcheng, get up quickly. Look, you've crushed Caicai to death!" "

I can't afford it, I can't afford it! I want a lollipop! I want a lollipop!" Zhen Cheng glanced at the crushed leek. , sat up, grabbed a handful of leeks with each small hand and pulled hard, and his feet were not idle, kicking and grinding hard. Leeks are easy to rot, and they will be destroyed after a while. While he was doing bad things, he looked at the faces of his brothers and sisters.

Zhen Duo was furious and picked him up from the ground, "Zhen Cheng, do you deserve a beating? Sister, do you still care?" Zhen Xiang looked at Zhen Shuai accusingly, "Isn't it your brother's fault? Shuai Shuai

, Hurry up and give the lollipop to Chengcheng."

Zhen Shuai ignored him and ran away with Shen Xingdu in his arms.

Zhen Cheng immediately got up, stretched out his hands, and cried heartbrokenly.

"Wow... lollipop..."

Zhen Guo and Zhen Duo looked at each other and chased after Zhen Shuai.

Zhen Xiang had no choice but to hug Zhen Cheng and coax her.

"Don't cry, don't cry. Let's go back and cook some eggs for you, okay? There are a lot of candies at home. I'll give them all to you. Not to my brother, nor to my second and third sisters! Okay?" Zhen

? Duo discovered that the direction Zhen Shuai was walking was not the direction home.

"Brother, where are you going?"

"The canteen."

"Brother, I'll go with you!" Zhen Guo handed Zhen Duo the hoe and sickle and ran away.

Zhen Duo had no choice but to go home first with a basket, a hoe and a sickle.

The canteen is called Wujia Canteen. It is located at the entrance of Wujia Village on the opposite side of the national highway, next to the national highway, and there is an iconic big banyan tree in front of the door. The big banyan tree is at least a hundred years old and has luxuriant branches. Even in summer, it is very cool here. Villagers from several nearby villages come here to buy oil, salt, sauce and vinegar. Over time, villagers would gather here to play cards during their off-farm days. As for men, there are very few who don’t drink and smoke. When you drink, you have to have snacks, right? The canteen has fried peanuts and fried broad beans, which are great for drinking. Therefore, people come and go at the canteen all day long. The boss set up five or six tables and installed two special light bulbs. It is extremely popular.

Three men were playing poker shirtless, with a group of onlookers nearby, and their shouts could be heard across the national highway.

Almost every four or five minutes, a vehicle drives by on the national highway, including horse-drawn carriages, tricycles, tractors, cars, long-distance buses, and large trucks... Among them, trucks are the most numerous, bringing up bursts of dust and soon being blown away by the wind. blow away.

Zhen Shuai stopped and observed for a while, then continued walking towards the canteen.

The proprietress Wang Hehua is in her forties, dressed very fashionably, with curly hair, a red dress with white flowers, and a gold necklace around her neck. She was sitting behind the counter eating melon seeds. When she saw the lollipop in Shen Xingdu's hand, a warm smile filled her face.

"Hey, where did you buy this lollipop? It's quite expensive, isn't it? I don't have such good products here." "I

bought it in the city." Zhen Shuai said, "Mrs. Boss, your place is quite lively."

Wang Hehua said with a smile: "It's all the villagers who give me face..."

Just as he said a word, a large truck stopped on the side of the road, and the driver waved in this direction.

"Boss! Get two packs of Hongtashan cigarettes! Do you have hot tea? If so, drink a pot!" "

Yes! Here we go!" Wang Hehua responded and hurried over.

"Brother, I want to eat ice cream." Zhen Guo put her hand on the freezer.

Zhen Shuai touched his pocket, he was so shy, "I'll buy it for you when I have some money left after I finish shopping."

Zhen Guo pursed her lips and nodded.

When the landlady came back, Zhen Shuai asked her to weigh out some seasonings for him, including two liang each of pepper powder, chili powder, star anise powder and Sichuan pepper powder. Tangerine peel, fennel, bay leaves, grass fruits, licorice... these condiments are not sold in the canteen, so you can only buy them in the county or city another day.

The landlady asked Zhen Shuai if he was buying these to make braised vegetables.

Zhen Shuai casually said, "There is a noodle maker in the village, so I brought it for him."

After taking two pots of cooking oil, the money was almost spent, with only more than five yuan left.

Zhen Shuai bought six more ice creams, each costing two cents.

Zhen Guo was extremely anxious while carrying four ice cream bags. "Brother, walk faster, or you'll melt before you get home!" "

Run back," Zhen Shuai said.

"Okay, I'll leave first!" Zhen Guo flew away like a butterfly. Fortunately, I remembered to help pick up the condiments.

Zhen Shuai only needs to get oil.

However, he decided to finish his ice cream before leaving.

He and Shen Xingdu were squatting side by side under the shade of a tree. The audience in the live broadcast room was very happy to see how cute the young and old were.

You can grab the ice cream at will, and the tastes are different. The two took a bite of their own, and then exchanged a bite. Judging from the expression, I like both flavors very much.

The landlady took one look at it and couldn't help but smile.

After eating the ice cream, Shen Xingdu wanted to help out of habit, so he hugged a pot of cooking oil with his arms, but he couldn't hold it up with a strong force.


Zhen Shuai suppressed his laughter and easily carried a pot in one hand, "Let's go."

Shen Xingdu stood there for a while and slowly followed with his short legs.

[Brother Shen is definitely autistic! Hahahaha, I am so happy! ]

[Commander, please don't laugh out loud. I, Brother Shen, am already embarrassed enough! 】

Zhen Shuai coughed lightly, 【Aren’t I just holding back? ]

He seemed to hear a sigh and quickly turned around.

Shen Xingdu looked at him silently.

Zhen Shuai was sure that he sighed, but felt a little distressed, and warned himself not to laugh. In order to divert attention, he brought up an irrelevant topic, "I'm going to the county town early tomorrow morning to buy seasonings. Do you want to go with me?"

Shen Xingdu was worried that he would go to the county town alone.

"Let's go together."

Zhen Shuai nodded, "Okay, let's go together. After I buy the crayfish, I will run out of money again. It will be cooler in the afternoon and I will have to catch a few prey for money." Supervisor Shen Xing said: "Take your time."


Shuai He said easily, "Well, there's no rush. Everything is difficult at the beginning, but there are too many trivial things at the beginning."

When he got home, he put the oil in the kitchen, hugged Shen Xingdu and prepared to go out.

Zhen Xiang stopped him, "Where are you?"

"Go and chop some bamboo. What's the matter?" Zhen Shuai said.

Zhen Xiang said: "On such a hot day, if you go out with him in your arms, he will be warm if you warm him up. If you have something to do, go and do your own business. If you leave him at home, can we still eat him?" Zhen Shuai looked at her suspiciously


Zhen Xiang was a little embarrassed and turned around and went into the house, "If you don't feel too hot, just hug me!"

Zhen Shuai looked at Zhen Duo and Zhen Guo.

Zhen Guo spoke quickly, "Sister, I promised Chengcheng to go over and give him the Dudu lollipop."

Zhen Shuai was speechless. The Lollipop thing hasn’t been over yet?

Zhen Duo blushed, "Brother, I'll chop bamboo with you."

"No need."

Bamboo is used to make bamboo sticks.

Zhen Duo squatted aside and watched how Zhen Shuai did it, "It's easy, I can do it too." "

In that case, you do it for me and I will give you some extra pocket money at the end of the month." Zhen Shuai quite likes this insightful person. little girl.

Zhen Guo ran out of the kitchen, "Brother, I can also help, and you also need to give me more pocket money!" Zhen Shuai laughed, "Okay! I will make as much as you want. In this way, I will calculate the wages for you, and if you make

ten A penny."

Zhen Xiang's voice sounded behind him, "I can do it too."

Zhen Shuai: "..." Okay, they all want to make pocket money.

"Okay, but your main task is still Zhen Cheng."

"I know."

The peeled bamboo sticks will inevitably have bamboo thorns, Zhen Shuai said: "These are used to skewer food. After they are peeled, burn them with fire. There can't be bamboo thorns on it."

"Don't worry."

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, people started bringing crayfish over. Zhen Guo was quite thoughtful and hid the bamboo stick without anyone noticing. Zhen Shuai collected crayfish according to the price of three cents per catty, and collected ten catties in total.

At around five o'clock, the temperature in the mountains dropped, and Zhen Shuai went to catch a wild boar. In order to get cash as soon as possible, he sold the pig directly to the butcher in the village, keeping ten kilograms of meat and exchanged the rest for 165 yuan.

I have a hand-pushed trolley at home, and I need to modify it to use it as a barbecue trolley. Zhen Shuai spent several more hours modifying it himself. Zhen Xiang and the others were very curious about what Zhen Shuai was going to do, so they kept watching and stayed up with him until after ten o'clock in the evening. The cart was modified and turned into a double-layered cart. The upper layer can hold oil pans, various ingredients, dishes, etc.; the lower part is divided into three compartments, one compartment for the coal stove, one compartment for the briquettes, and One grid is spare. Zhen Shuai also installed a bamboo pole to hang the lights. He had already thought about it, and he could borrow electricity from Wu's canteen when the time came. The owner of the canteen will probably not refuse if he pays for the electricity bill.

Zhen Xiang and the others saw with their own eyes that Zhen Shuai had made so many preparations, and they began to look forward to his stall business.

At dawn the next day, Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu went to the city to buy all the seasonings they needed. They also bought a double-eared pot specifically for frying food.

It is more troublesome to use charcoal for barbecue, so Zhen Shuai plans to use deep-frying. People in this era are very economical with oil, and fried food may be more popular than charcoal grilled food.

The preparation work is basically completed here.

Homemade barbecue powder has also been prepared.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

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