You're My Biggest Mistake

By Kweny88

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"Just how much of a lightweight drinker is she?" Byun Baekhyun entered SM entertainment in 2011 and met his c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 25

26 3 0
By Kweny88

Kim Taeyeon's Point of View

I get out of my car and try to run to Baekhyun's now-wrecked car with all the remaining strength I have. I fall to my knees right after opening the car door and seeing Baekhyun covered in blood. Sirens are soon heard alarming the whole street for Baekhyun's aid.

I was weeping the whole time even after he was sent to the surgery room. Looking back, there was barely a day that went by without me crying since I broke up with Baekhyun. Every day without him went dull and meaningless, and I barely survived.

Perhaps, the reason I was able to keep going was seeing him daily whether he was apologizing, explaining, or crying. Even if it breaks my heart to see him in those states, the fact that I could still see him kept me going.

The beeping of the machine is the only sound that can be heard in the room and my sobbing. I'm holding Baekhyun's hand, where the IV is inserted, and caressing it gently.

I'm sorry for being untruthful to my feelings...

The door bursts open and reveals Chanyeol and Suho with worried faces. They run to see how Baekhyun is doing, but they're greeted with nothing.

No one dared to start taking. Not long after, the doctor in a white lab coat enters the room along with two nurses and, before leaving, says, "The patient received a traumatic head injury which led to a coma. We don't know when he'll regain consciousness, but he's fast recovering."

Chanyeol starts shedding tears and looks at me with such hatred, "Did you really have to take it this far? How could you hurt him this bad?" Suho stops him from saying more hurtful words which makes Chanyeol cry more before walking away and leaving the room. As if I haven't cried enough, my eyes spill more tears.

Suho sits beside me and says, "Baekhyun always had high hopes that he'll be able to fix the bond between the two of you. He would ask for our opinions on what gifts to give you and ask us how he can get you to just date him again." He looks at me with a comforting smile while I sob like a lost kid, "You know he never stopped loving you, Taeyeon. He never stopped wanting you back. All he wanted was to have a normal relationship with you, but he would feel helpless when you ignore his calls and his letters. Yet he never gave up on you and went to you before all of this happened." He stood up after looking over to his phone which alerted him of a new message, "I'll meet Baekhyun's parents in the lobby, but please do him a favor. Don't leave his side... especially now that he needs you the most."

I inhale sharply the last time before crying my heart out. I don't want to show Baekhyun's parents my current state, but if I stay here, they will see me like this. In the end, I drag myself to the restroom and bawl with my hands against my lips to stop myself from whimpering.

Someone opens the door to my surprise, so I quickly wipe my face with the end of my sleeves. When I turn around, it's his mom. I brace myself for a series of unbearable slaps from her for hurting her child in the most cruel way; instead, she gives me a hug and cries with me.

"Look at the shape you're in," she sobs. "It's okay, honey."

I hold her hands and practically beg, "Can you please let me stay by his side until he recovers?" She nods as an answer and gives me relief with a stroke on my hair.

I spent the past month in the hospital to help Baekhyun heal, yet he hasn't shown symptoms of consciousness. It was mentally draining, but I could not give up on him, knowing he got hurt while loving me (quite literally). I even got closer to the guys within this past month while caring for Baekhyun, but Chanyeol is still holding a grudge and doesn't allow himself to be alone in the same room with me.

I wring a small towel in warm water and wipe Baekhyun's arms with it. A ball of noise soon enters the room, and I immediately know it's the guys.

"Let's eat chicken!" Kai excitedly shouts with two bags in his hands.

Xiumin chuckles, "How are you, Taeyeon?"

I smile as I nod and finish what I'm doing.

Suho leans on a wall and looks at me, "You need to go home, Taeyeon. You've been here for two weeks straight now. Go and take a rest."

I give in, "Okay. You know I'll come back though." I chuckle and grab my things, "Take care of him for me."

I head down to the ground level and am about to leave the building 'til I hear a nurse murmur, "Did you hear? Baekhyun finally woke up."

I stop in my tracks and run back up to see him when all of a sudden, I freeze on my spot. I'm two doors away from his room and can clearly hear the guys fuss out of excitement, but I can't bring myself to go and see him.

What if he doesn't want to be involved with me in any way? What if he doesn't want to see me anymore? What if he resents me with his life?

I don't think I can handle when he refuses to even look at me...

I took three steps back before turning around and finally leaving the hospital.

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