Those Blue Eyes

By MS3478

91.1K 1.4K 54

Story about y/n y/l/n, youre a professional footballer. You don't do relationships atleast thats what you tho... More

The offers
The choice
The signing
Welcome party
First training
Matchday Aston Villa
Australia or England
London Derby
Get yourself together
England camp
New roommates
Matchday Spain
Day off
Matchday Netherlands
First date
Matchday Leicester
Meeting the parents
Team night
Birthday party - part 1
Birthday party - part 2
Media day
Christmas morning
Happy new year
Matchday Manchester City
Continental cup final
Lovers into strangers
On loan
I promised
Authors note
First games
More then friends
Semi final
Date in Australia
The final
Vacation - part 1
Vacation - part 2
Vacation - part 3


1.9K 27 0
By MS3478

I have been back at Arsenal for over a week now. We have a game this sunday against Leicester City away, but today is just a simple training session and quick preview for the game. Since being back from camp I have picked Leah up everyday so we can go to training together. Thats why im driving to her at the moment.

I go to the front door and knock, a few seconds later the door opens but it isn't Leah. 'Hi, is Leah home?' I ask confused by the other woman 'Yes, she is. Come in' the woman says. 'Leah! Y/n is here' the women shouts to Leah 'I am Sarah by the way, Leah her niece' I shake her hand 'Nice to meet you' I want to go into the living room but two kids come running out of the room with Leah behind them. 'Hi?' I ask suprised by the whole situation 'Hey!' Leah hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek 'Whats going on here?' I ask pointing at the two kids 'Shit, I forgot to tell you. I promised my niece to babysit her kids today, so we are taking them to training with us and they stay until after dinner' Leah answers 'Thats no problem I hope?' Leah quickly asks insecure 'No, no Le, its fine' I reassure her pecking her lips. Leah and I have been close since camp, really close but none of us have made it official, I don't know if I am ready.
The boy is called Josh and is 6 years old and the girl is called Ella and is 3 years old.
Sarah helps us put Josh and Ella their carseats in my car, I didn't knew carseats were this hard to install. We are finally ready to go, Leah takes place in the passenger seat while Josh and Ella sit in the back singing along with the lyrics of the children songs Leah put on. 'You are okey with this right?' Leah looks at me worried, I lay my hand on her thigh and give her a little squish 'Ofcourse Leah, its no problem. I like kids' She gives me a grin and places her hand on top of mine.

We arrive at the training ground, I open the trunk and grab my, Leah and the kids bags. We walk inside, Leah is carrying Ella and Josh holds Leah her other hand. Jonas knows that Josh and Ella are here today so he has arranged someone from the staff to keep an eye on them while Leah and I are training. Leah takes them into the changing room and all the girls are directly all over the kids 'Someone is on Aunty duties today' Katie shouts, that makes me laugh. We quickly change and head outside the kids are going with Monica, she is really kind I think she normally does administration stuff.

Training was good, we did some possesion games, passing drills and a 11v11 at the end. I was on a different team then Leah, but my team won with 5-2, I scored 2 and assisted 2. I showered, dressed and went to the meeting room, we have a quick preview for our next match against Leicester. After an hour we are done and we can go home, Leah and I decided to take the Josh and Ella to the park before going home.
Monica said everything went alright and that they were the sweetest kids she ever met.

We arrived at the park, I grab the ball from my trunk and Josh takes it immediately and runs off. Ella wants to go too but is shy because there are a few big boys and girls playing with Josh 'Aunty y/n/n, do you want to go with me?' Aunty y/n/n, did she just call me aunty?? Shit what if Leah thinks its too soon or weird. I looked at Leah shocked, she is looking at me too but she has a smile from ear to ear which makes my worries go away. 'Ofcourse Ella' I stand up and take her hand. We enter the pitch and the play stops, I ask 'Hi guys, this little girl wants to play too, is it okey if we join?' A few of them say 'yes'. Ella gives me a hug ands says 'thank you' before running off. I just go stand in defence until I receive the ball and decide to show some tricks, I dribble past almost every kid and nutmeg the keeper. Josh jumps in my arms and yells 'This is my aunty' I lift him up like a troffee and laugh at his comment. After a while some of the girls that are playing are walking towards me, all a bit shy and nervous. 'Are you y/n y/l/n?' One of them speaks up 'Yeah I am' I smile at them. 'I told you' one of them whispers 'Could we- could we maybe get a picture?' An other asks shyly 'Ofcourse but only if you support Arsenal' I wink at one of them who is wearing a Chelsea kit, I see her going red 'No no, only joking everyone can get a picture' We take the pictures and Ella comes walking over 'Hi Ella, what is wrong?' 'I am tired aunty y/n/n' I pick her up and say 'Lets go back home then' and to the girls I say 'Sorry girls, gotta bring this one home' they nod and thank me for the pictures before walking off. I shout to Josh 'Josh, come here, we are going back home' 'But I don't want to..' he replies with a sad face 'I know but we can go get an ice cream on our way back okey?' His faces lights up 'Can you pick me up too? I don't want to walk anymore' I also pick him up and we walk back to were Leah is sitting, she notices us coming back and smiles before taking a picture.
'So how was it?' Leah asks Josh, as Ella has fallen asleep on my shoulder. 'Great, Aunty y/n/n said I can have an ice cream now' Josh says excited 'Oh, did she?' Leah gives me an are you serious look, I just shrug my shoulders and smile innocent. 'Guess it's your lucky day, little men' Leah kisses his and Ella her head and walks away but I don't follow her 'You coming?' She asks confused 'Im waiting on something' I say childish, Leah rolls her eyes and walks back giving me a kiss on the lips 'Happy now?' 'Very happy' I reply.

We arrive back home after getting an ice cream at the McDonalds drive thru, I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared these kids would spill in my car, luckily they didn't. Leah put Ella in bed and when she came back downstairs I was reading a book with Josh, Leah took a picture off us. 'Is it okey if I post the pictures on instagram?' She asks 'Ofcourse Le' I reply and continue with reading the story.

^ Imagne this is you and its in the park.

^ This is you to and the boy is Josh and is 6

^ This is also in the park

Liked by: Y/n_y/l/n, BethMead and 102,373 others
LeahWilliamson: Aunty duties with @y/n_y/l/n.

Y/n_y/l/n: Now I am tired 😴
^LeahWilliamson: We still have them for a few more hours 😉🤭
^y/n_y/l/n: I knowwww! go cook us food we are hungry
AlexScott: Leah and y/n rocking the aunty duties
AmandaWilliamson: Can't wait to be a grandma!
^LeahWilliamson: mom..
LeahArsenal: Leah and y/n are together?
^J_e73i2: Nothing has been confirmend but seems like it
^WSL_bestleague: Ofcourse they are
^woso.couples: new favorite couple
More comments...

'What do you want to eat tonight?' I ask Leah who is leaning against me 'Mm, good question. We can bake pancakes?' 'YES PANCAKES!' Josh shouts looking up from the tv 'Guess were eating pancakes' I laugh. Leah gets up and starts preparing the mix, I get up too and follow her into the kitchen. I wrap my hands around Leah her waist and start kissing her neck, Leah turns around and we start making out and things get heated fast until Leah pulls away 'We can't y/n' she says shaking her head 'Come on Leah' I beg her trying to kiss her again but she looks away 'Ugh, this is why I don't want kids' Leah looks back at me quickly 'You- you don't want kids?' She asks sad, I see her eyes looking everywhere but at me. Fuck no shit, I didn't mean it like that, fuck why im I always bad with my words, I know how bad Leah wants to have a family. 'No Leah no' I cup her cheeks, forcing her to look me straight in the eye 'I do want kids but not right now' Leah starts kissing me again, her lips are so soft and perfect. 'I don't want them now either but I do want kids eventually' 'I know Leah' I peck her lips 'Go back to the couch so I can make you kids dinner' She says while turning around, I slap her ass and quickly run out off the kitchen 'Oi y/n!' I hear Leah shout.

We eat our pancakes, Ella has woken up by now. Josh is telling us about school and football, he wants to play for Arsenal and England like Leah does. It warms my heart that Leah is his idol. I clean the table and wash the dishes before we need to take the kids back to their parents. Leah is packing the bags inside while I put Josh and Ella in their seat. I open the door for Leah when she has put the bags in the trunk and I start driving, the drive isn't that long but the kids have fallen asleep. Leah lifts up Ella and I lift up Josh and the bags, we walk to the front door were Sarah and her husband Thomas are standing already 'How was today?' She asks 'Good, we took them to training were they spent most of the time with Monica after that we went to the park and then this one' Leah says pointing at me 'Promised Josh an ice cream so we went to the Mac on our way home and for dinner we had pancakes' Leah finishes 'Then its no suprise they are tired' Thomas says. We hand them back their kids and I put the bags down in their hall 'Thanks again Leah and y/n' Sarah says before closing the door 'No problem' Leah and I say at the same time.
We have just arrived at Leah her house, I want to kiss her goodbye but Leah says 'stay' 'huh?' I asked confused 'Stay the night' Leah replys, a grin appears on my face 'Maybe we can finish what we started in the kitchen?' I ask hopefull 'You and your dirty mind' Leah says stepping out of the car, I follow her inside.

A/N: I will let the rest of the night to your imagenation but they didn't sleep much ;)

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