A test

By monasabay0010

3.6K 223 127

Prequel 1 to Dom & Little Academy 1 Damn wolves. Why did I take that stupid bet, you ask? Of course it wasn't... More

01. Day 1 1of4
02. Day 1 2of4
03. Day 1 3of4
04. Day 1 4of4
05. Day 2 1of4
06. Day 2 2of4
07. Day 2 3of4
08. Day 2 4of4
09. Day 1 Kennith's POV
10. Day 2 Kennith's POV
11. W.T.F.
13. Shopping and more.
15. His Death.
16. 2 arms, 1 leg, and a worm.
17. Putting my foot down
18. Dinner
19. A special Dinner
21. bye, bye casts
23. Preschool Day 1.
24. Preschool day 2

14. A sleep

118 9 10
By monasabay0010

4742 Words

    So after last nights dinner with the wolves, I didn't really need a bath. But I got one anyway. Now that I'm able to talk a little better, and we understood each other better, my bath was a lot easier on the both of us. Papa Bear was able to help me wash up where I needed the help. But where I didn't need help, I washed myself. He did my hair, back, and because I couldn't see it, my butt. But I got to wash the rest of myself, so that was a plus. He did sit next to the tub and we sorta talked while I was in there. That was actually nice and comforting for me. I really didn't like being alone. Well I guess alone with out him there. He just had this aura about him that felt... good I guess. Sorta calming in a way. I could relax around him now that we had talked and got to know each other better.

    After the bath he did that rubdown thing on me and that really felt good this time. I didn't have to be on guard and I could actually relax a lot more. But that's also when he found out something about me I didn't really know myself. I thought the pain in my arms and one leg was normal. It was just more pain that I have had for a while now. I thought it would go away like the rest when I healed. But he looked concerned about it when I flinched every time he touched me there. He told me that he really wanted me to see a doctor as soon as possible about those spots. Along with well, everything else. So the next morning he called Sam again and an appointment was setup for me.

    We agreed yesterday that we would not talk about that whole Little thing for a week. But I would tell him what I liked or didn't like. We also agreed that it was just easier in the mornings for him to pick me up to change me. And this morning I woke up on a table getting changed. I guess I was more tired then him and I slept in a little. I woke up and almost fell of that table not knowing were I was or how I got there. He quickly put a hand on my stomach to hold me there. "It's okay buddy, I got you. I'm just changing your diaper right now. Kennith, calm down and relax a little. Can you do that for me?" I was sorta in a panic until I was able to look around and see him. But when I did see him, I calmed down and laid back. He grabbed my pacifier for me and put it to my lips. I allowed it in then I grabbed Leo. I was holding that little stuffed animal attached to my pacifier and this calmed me even more.

    After he was done with the diaper he walked away for a moment. He came back and started putting something on my feet. It tickled a little and I giggled. That sorta caught me off guard, but I played it off. At least I wasn't in a panic anymore. I was grateful that he didn't have me try to pick out what I was going to wear today. Those wolves really over did it with all the clothes yesterday. And when I found out what I was wearing, I laughed. That outfit that Sam showed me yesterday in the store, I was now in it. And it really did make me look like a bear cub, or a teddy bear at least. But when Papa Bear picked me up and called me Baby Bear I stared at him.

    There was a mirror on the back of the door and that's where I saw myself from the first time. That's where I laughed about it. That's also where he called me Baby Bear. I stared at him and he looked like he did something wrong. I knew he was about to apologize for calling me that. But I didn't let him. I put my hand to his mouth and nodded at him. I did look like a baby bear right then. I smiled behind my pacifier so he could see that I was okay with the nickname. He nodded back to me and then started walking downstairs to the kitchen.

    I was put into the hi-chair. My chair. And was strapped in just like last night. The tray was put into place and moments later a bottle was put on it for me. Of course I had no problems drinking form a bottle. I told him that yesterday. And the cold formula that was in it, was for my health. It felt good going down my throat this morning, especially after all the talking I did yesterday. So there was no reason for me not to enjoy what I was drinking.

    When a plate of food was put down in front of me I sat the bottle aside and started eating. "So how's your throat doing today?" Papa Bear asked. "You talked a lot more yesterday and I was surprised you didn't have a coughing fit again. I know you were trying to whisper most of the time so you wouldn't. But I'm still worried about that." I put my hand up and wiggled it from side to side. It did sorta hurt, but I could manage. As long as I didn't have to talk that much today, I should be okay. He nodded then said. "Okay. If it gets any worse I have the throat spray for you. But I want you to keep a bottle with you at all times today. When it gets low let me know and I'll refill it for you. You just let me know if you want it warm or cold. Point up for hot and down for cold. That way you won't need to talk if you're hurting at the time." I nodded and we kept eating.

    I learned how to use the tv that day. I also was able to explore the house including the garage. But after a while I got board and turned on the tv. It was still on a kids show, but it was interesting. The people on the show would actually look right at me and want me to join in on what they were doing. I had nothing better to do so when the dog on the screen wanted me to stand up and wiggle around with him, I decided to try it. He called it dancing and it was kinda fun. I was smiling and putting one foot in, then take one foot out, then put one foot in and wiggle it all about. I guess this dance was called the hooky poky? Or something like that. And at the end of every song we were supposed to land on our butts and clap for everyone else and our selves. I thought that was a little strange because others couldn't hear or see me. But I did it anyway. By the end of the first song and dance I was smiling and laughing.

    I kept watching the tv and doing what they said to do. I really liked this thing, but after a while, I started getting tired. And that's when another cartoon came on. At least at first I thought it was. But when I saw a lady sitting by a fire with a book in her hands, I knew it wasn't. This lady seemed really calm and quiet. She said that it was story and relax time. She had me get comfortable so she could read me a story. I ran and got my bear like she suggested. I got up on the couch and grabbed the blanket off the back of it. Another suggestion from her. I laid my head down and listened to her as she read the story also like she suggested. I never got to the end of the story. I passed out and was woken up by Papa Bear for lunch.

    At first I was confused. He had picked me up and I didn't wake up until I was already in his arms. He was rubbing my back and bouncing me a little. I was quite comfortable and it was hard for me to wake up. He had already made lunch and everything before he woke me up. I was a little embarrassed about taking a nap in the middle of the day. But he said it was Okay for me because I was still healing and I needed the extra sleep to heal. During lunch he kept looking at me and smiling. But every time I looked at him he tried to hide it. I knew what he was thinking and I just huffed at him. I was just tired because I was doing all that dancing with the tv people is all. If I wasn't doing that, I could have stayed awake. I could have.

    He still had lots of work to do today, but he wanted me to "get some fresh air" also. So after lunch he changed not only my diaper, but my clothes too. I got to wear my new shoes and those bear socks he liked. He grabbed some stuff from his office on the way as he took us out back. He was just as surprised as I was when we stepped out the back door. He shook his head and mumbled, "Damed wolves" while shaking his head. He sat his work down but not me. He sat in a chair with me on his lap. I was trying to look at everything that was back here. It was all colorful and new to me. "Okay, here's the deal. Please don't go past the fences on ether side. Past my fences are those werewolves. They won't hurt you. But I was thinking that you would be more comfortable without your socks and shoes for now." I nodded to him and he took my socks and shoes off. He had a bottle for me and sat it on the table next to him. Then he set me on my feet in what looked like new grass.

    The whole place looked brand new. The fences he was talking about smelt like paint. They went from the sides of his house straight out. But the back was forest instead of fence. And if I walked out there without shoes on, I knew my feet would be hurting. I was not interested in out there. I was more interested in the things that were my size out here. Toys, that's what they were called. I was looking at toys that were meant for children to play on. Swings, slides, a rope net the I could climb. There was even a fort at the top. There was a lot more, toys all around the yard too. Some were smaller and made out of plastic for younger children like babies. But most were bigger ones for kids that looked my size.

    I was walking around looking at all this stuff for maybe ten minutes before I saw three wolves stop just past the grass. Two were big and one was small. The big ones sat down but the small one walked slowly through the yard. That one was carrying a small bag between his teeth. It walked right up to Papa Bear and sat in front of him. It put the bag at his feet and tilted it's head like he was asking him something. Papa Bear opened the bag and looked inside. Then he looked at me. I could see he was hesitant to ask, but he did anyway. "Would you mind having a friend over? You two boy could play together out here. He's eight years old and about your size." I looked at the wolf and he looked a little scared himself. He kept looking at the other two wolves like he just wanted to leave. I nodded then looked at the little wolf. He looked a little upset that I said yes. He hung his head as Papa Bear walked him inside.

    When they came back out the boy looked really embarrassed about something. He kept pulling his shirt down like he was trying to make it longer. But before he even got to where I was he tripped and fell. He looked scared as he quickly got up and made sure I didn't see what I saw. I now knew why it felt like he didn't want to be here. That's when Papa Bear said, "Remember Kennith, try not to talk to much. But if you do, I have your throat spray right here. And Billy," The boy looked at him. "My boy has been hurt a lot. He's still trying to heal. So be gentle with him. He's not as strong as you are." That surprised Billy and he looked at me confused. I nodded and pulled up one of my sleeves showing him some of the bruising on that arm. I pulled that one back down and pointed to my other arm then my legs.

    When he got closer so I could whisper and he could hear me, I said. "I hurt all over. And I have to wear a diaper so I"m a lot slower too." His eyes went wide the moment I said diaper. I knew he would react to that. I saw the pull-up or diaper he was trying to hide. "I normally have a pacifier in my mouth to remind me not to talk because of my hurt throat." I sorta looked down when I said. "And because I sorta like it. It helps sometimes. Well, it helps me a lot really." I looked up at him and noticed a couple of things right off. One. He was right about my size. Maybe an inch taller. Two. He was really skinny like me. And three. He was really happy right now. He was grinning from ear to ear. I looked over at the other wolves and they seemed like they were happy too.

    "I...I'm Billy. And you're Ken. Your daddy already told me your name. When... when he was helping me get dressed." He hug his head a little when he admitted he got help getting dressed. "He... he said he had to help you too. But I didn't know why. I... um..." He got real quiet and leaned forward. He whispered. "I still wear those at night. But I only have to wear pull-ups during the day. I... I sometimes have accidents because I'm a runt. Do you know what that means?" I shook my head. I had no clue. "It means I'm the smallest and the weakest. And it means that the other kids wont go anywhere near me. So mommy and daddy try to find friends for me. Normally I play with the babies of the pack because they don't know anything yet. So I don't mind if you have a pacifier or wear diapers. I just want to be able to play with someone my own age, and not a baby."

    He got a little sad especially when he asked. "So now that you know I'm a runt. Are... are you going to kick me out too?" He almost looked like he was about to cry. That is until I took one of his hands and shook my head. I said let's play and he did start crying. Then he hugged me really tight. I had to tell him not so tight and he took a step back from me. "I... I... I'm sorry." I took a step to him and put my arms around him this time. I hugged him tight so he knew it was okay. He hugged me this time and matched my hug. It didn't hurt this time.

    That's when I decided to whisper in his ear. "I'm weaker then you. So who's the runt now?" That really made him smile. And then we started to explore all the stuff in the back yard.

    Hours that felt like minutes passed before Papa Bear called us over. He handed me my bottle and a sippy cup was put in Billies hand. He blushed with embarrassment at first, until he really saw what I was drinking out of. Then he started to drink and his color went back to normal. "Boys, it's getting late and you both are really dirty. So it's time to come in and get ready for dinner." He paused for a moment and looked right at me. He raised an eyebrow at me trying to let me know something was coming. Then I saw his hand in his lap nod yes. I looked at Billy and knew he did know what that meant, or that he didn't see it. I did a little nod myself as I took a drink from my bottle.

    He continued knowing that what ever it was, I trusted him. "I thought because you two have been getting along so well, that maybe Billy would like to stay the night. If that's okay with you that is." I closed my eyes not really knowing how I felt about that.

    My mind was racing thinking about all the stuff that has happened so far. He seemed to be okay with me being in a diaper and even drinking from a bottle. But would I be okay with somebody else knowing that I slept in a crib? Or worse, in a babies room? What would Billy think when he say me eating from a high chair? And all the other thing that I, to be honest, liked. And where would he sleep? In my bed with me? Would he be okay with that?

    All my thoughts were tossed out the window when I heard Billy almost scream with delight. "Can I? Can I really? I've never stayed at someone's house before. I've heard about it and it sounded like fun. A...a, a slumber party right? That's what it's called, right?" He was asking me and I had no clue if he was right or not.

    That's when Papa Bears stepped in and said. "Yes Billy. A slumber party." He was looking at me now and explained a little. "A party where two or more kids get together and have dinner. Maybe some games or a movie. And they get to talk about what they like or don't like about there parents too. And the parents don't get to interfere until bedtime." Then he looked at Billy and said. "But before this party gets started, you both need a bath." Billy hug his head when he heard that. "And then you both will be put in you night time diaper." Billy looked like he was about to cry. But then he suddenly looked up and right at me. He looked down at my crotch for a moment then smiled. I guess he just remembered that I too wore a diaper. He started to get excited again. And I started to not worry so much.

    Billy asked when it was going to be bath time. He really wanted to get this party started. Papa Bear said as soon as we got up to the bathroom. Then to my surprise, he stripped right there on the back porch. He did leave his pull-up on. Then he looked at me almost bouncing where he stood. He told me to hurry up and strip so we could go. It looked like he was about to help me strip when Papa Bear stopped him. "My cub is new here Billy. He's not like the pack. He's more like the humans. For them, being naked around others is embarrassing." Billy looked at me then and tilted his head. He asked me why. He said that we are all the same, just different sizes and colors.

    I surprised Papa Bear when I reached into my pants and unsnapped my shirt. Then I brought it up over my head. Before it was off of me I heard Billy gasp. I was still covered in bruises. Almost my whole body was different colors. A lot was a greenish color of old bruises that were healing. But I still had quite a few that were black and blue with some places that were an odd purplish color. Nobody but Papa Bear and Sam knew what I looked like until now. My face hadn't been bruised, except for that slap that last time. That had already healed. "Who... who did this to you Kin?" Billy looked like he was about to cry and a moment later I heard growling from behind me.

    The two large wolves were still there this whole time and I hadn't noticed them. But I noticed them now. They were growling and coming closer to us. I froze, but only for a moment. I saw there teeth and I ran up Papa Bear to get in his arms. You ever see one of those cartoons people running up a wall? Well that was just about what I looked like trying to get in his arms to protect me from these wolves. That alone made them stop growling and they froze. They looked at me and I knew they could see the fear in me.

    I had strong arms wrapped around me and I felt safer. Papa Bear nodded to the two wolves and said. "Alpha, Luna. You just scared my cub. Is there a reason you decided to do that? Or should we brush this off as an accident and have a talk inside? You are more then welcome to have dinner with us. I'm sure the boys would like to start there bath while we prepare that for them." He sounded... strong. He sounded like he was trying to hold back from doing something... bad to the wolves.

    I could see now, that the wolves were going to attack Papa Bear, but not me. But I also knew now, that it was to protect me from him. They thought that he gave me all these bruises. Now that I really knew that, I had to let him know that I was okay. So to calm him down, I put my hand on his cheek. He looked at me, still looking upset. I smiled at him and said. "Daddy? Good puppies joined us?" He smiled. He jerked. He was trying really hard not to laugh. He nodded holding his breath. I looked at the wolves and I could tell that they heard me too. Billy was laughing. "My daddy has not hurt me. He would never do that. Papa Bear saved me from... from a really bad man." My eyes started watering all on there own. I tucked my head between his neck and shoulder trying to calm myself now.

    I felt him rubbing my back gently, and it was helping. Then I heard a man I have never herd before say. "Our apologies to you and yours. We did not mean to scare him. Nor offend you. A meal among friends would be a good way to understand more. Would you allow us to bring food to your home? That way you could focus on the boys." I felt daddy nod to the man before I barely heard them walking away.

    "That is a high honor for the wolves." I heard him say. "For the Alpha to offer to bring us food means one of two things. Ether I am weaker then him and he needs to protect me. Or, he believes he needs to apes me because he did something wrong. If I was a wolf, him doing this would be like saying I'm a higher Alpha then he is. Or weaker and needed his protection." He paused and I felt him shake his head. He sounded better when he said. "Okay boys, bath time. Billy, grab your clothes so I can wash them tonight." He turned and walked in the house.

    When we got to the bathroom I was put down so I could finish taking my pants off. Papa Bear started the water then helped me with my diaper. I was a little embarrassed at first before I saw a naked Billy waiting to get in the bath. Bubbles were added and some toys too. After we both were in he said. "Now Billy, I don't know about you, but Kennith here needs a little help from me to get clean. He's hurting and this is normally the time he tries to relax. Playing is fine, just not to ruff." Then Billy asked if I was like a baby. I covered my face with my hands. "Like a baby yes. But he's not a baby. He's actually older then you are. But he's really hurt right now. So we need to be careful with him." I peeked at him through my fingers and I saw him nod then say okay.

    The tub was big enough for both of us to have plenty of room. My hair, back and butt was washed for me again while Billy played with the toys. Papa Bear ended up doing the same for Billy when he asked for help. I finished washing myself while he got washed. I pushed the toys around in the bubbles while he finished getting himself clean. Now that the important stuff was done Papa Bear left us to play or relax.

    We did end up playing a little. That is, until he started asking me questions about my past. About my bruises and were I got them. "I sorta know what it's like to be bullied. To be an outcast even in my own family. Mommy and Daddy love me and would never do that to me." He pointed to my arm where he saw a bruise. "But my brother and sister sometimes push me around. They don't hurt me, just move me out of there way. They are bigger and they can do stuff I'll never be able to do. They get to do so much like training and going camping with there friends. While I'm stuck back here at home and get to go no where at all." I would have loved to have his life instead of mine. To be able to complain about not going camping, what ever that is. And to only be moved out of someone's way. Instead of being thrown across the room when someone walked near me.

    I shook my head but smiled at him. "At least you are still growing. You will get bigger. And you will be able to go on camping trips. And I'm sure you will make lots of friends too." I was going to say more to try to cheer the kid up. But then the worst thing that could happen did happen. I started to cough. I covered my mouth trying to make it so it didn't hurt so much. But all that did was get water and soap in my mouth. That's when things got real bad for me. I knew I needed help because my sides really started hurting. But Billy was just a kid and probably didn't know what was happening. Between two coughs I used the last of my air to say one word. I was really hopping that I was loud enough when I said "Daddy". Then I fell.

        I was completely under the water when I coughed again. My body tried to suck in air. But all it got was water. I coughed for a last time trying to get rid of that water before everything started to fade to black. I was in so much pain I was hoping that I would just die quickly to get it all over with.

    Before I died I heard a little kids voice yelling for his daddy. Then I felt more sharp pains that come from my leg and both of my arms. My lungs were on fire and all the sounds around me stopped. My last thought that ran through my head was about Billy. 'I hope my death wont hurt him.' Then... I died.

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