Beauty The Beast

By Anonymous_QueenDom

4.2K 126 1

***Note: It's all fiction.*** A beast. A human. Both are destined to be soulmates. One thinks that it's unfai... More

1 | The Wait
2 | The Arrival
3 | The Threat
4 | The Mistake
5 | The Pet
6 | The Decision
7 | The Chase
8 | The White Continent
9 | The Seekers
10 | The Unusual
11 | The Beast
12 | The Promise
13 | The Riddle
14 | The Weapon
15 | The Night
16 | The Back Door
17 | The Prisoners
18 | The Plan...Gone Wrong?
19 | The Forest
20 | The Chinchilla Valley
21 | The Rescue
22 | The Revelation
23 | The Call
25 | The Vision
26 | The City
27 | The Reunion
28 | The One
29 | The Truth
30 | The Search
31 | The Return
32 | The Conference
33 | The Alverales

24 | The Nostalgia

55 2 0
By Anonymous_QueenDom

"I'm not doing that!" Alphard finalised.

"You don't get to finalise, get into that box, now." Luna argued.

Will and Camille had agreed to be carried in the boxes, but Alphard was being stubborn.

"I do not wish to be coffined before I die. No thanks!"

"You say no thanks like you've got an option other than this here. Get in, or else I'll make you." Luna said.

"You won't." He crossed his arms over his chest. Luna sighed and turned to Camille and her father.

"Dad, aunt Camille, you two get in. Uncle Dorian, once they're in make sure to cover them with clothes, weapons and whatever you find." She told them and they all walked out of the room leaving her with her mate.

Luna got back to Alphard after closing the door. He was still being stubborn, she trailed her eyes down his facial features and stopped, fixing her gaze on his lips, which she saw lifting up from a corner into a smirk. She moistened her lips and pushed him, making him fall back on the matress behind.

He held her tightly against him as she ran her hand through his hair. Luna knew what she was doing, while Alphard there thought he knew it too, in reality he didn't. Her hands moved close to where she wanted them. She suddenly pulled away and smirked at him, he frowned and tried pulling her down on him, but felt weird all of a sudden.

"What's happening tooomeee..." His words came out incoherent as he began drifting and was soon passed out.

Pressure point activated. Luna thought.

She called Dorian to help her bring Alphard into the cardboard box. They loaded all the 3 boxes into the car and were off with Luna and Greg on the back seat with the boxes and Laura in the passenger seat as Dorian drove.

They reached the Royalves private port and proceeded to board when a guard stopped Dorian. Luna stepped forward and they were let to board after the guard was sure she was really a Royalves and not an impostor. Luna and Dorian together carried the boxes the 'weapons' were loaded into the plane.

Dorian noticed another safe inside, that he didn't remember carrying in.

"Is that safe yours?" He asked Luna. She nodded looking at what he was pointing to. "All right, then. If everything's set we can take off."

Luna looked around and checked if they'd missed anything. The suspect and the weapon boxes were here, Laura was seated in too.

"Let me first set the boxes in a proper position, so they don't feel sick while taking off, uncle." She said and moved to the boxes while Dorian went to check with the controls. She pushed the washing machine box to where Laura was and opened it. "Stay as you're till we take off," She said looking at Laura, while Will knew she'd said that to him.

They cannot come out before taking off and risk someone at the port seeing them. Luna took the other boxes to where she was sitting and did the same thing, only here Alphard was unconscious, but Camille heard her just fine.

"Done, Luna?" Dorian asked.

"All right, we're taking off!" She stood up and announced so that everyone could hear her, then she went to sit while placing her hand over Alphard's head from over the clothes that hid him.

They took off and just then Hanna felt movement beneath her hand.

Oh sh*t, he's gaining consciousness! She panicked a little. But then Dorian's announcement had her relived.

"You can get them out of the boxes now, Luna."

That meant they were no longer on the land. Luna sighed, then proceeded to help Alphard first as the other two were not passed out. She just took all the things from over his head and made it easy for him to breath then she moved on to help Camille, then her father and lastly she uncuffed Greg.

By the time she returned, Alphard was half awake so she helped him completely get out of the box and had him seated beside her. She then noticed that there were rooms here. Despite her father owning the jet, she's gotten in it only now. Then she began observing the two ladies and her father and noticed that they exchanged strange glances between them while smiling and miserably failing to hide it from her. She let it pass for now, she'd a mate to worry about.

"Where am I?" He looked around.

"In the plane."

"How the f*ck did I g___" He looked at Luna, realising the whole thing. "You had me passed out!?" He shouted, she just nodded. "Aaah!"

"I'm sorry, you left me no choice." She apologised.

"You did all that just to get me into that box? Seriously? You sed___" She clasped her hand over his mouth with widened eyes.

"Parents!" Luna said with gritted teeth and let go of him, only then did he look at Laura, Camille and Will on the other side of the plane.

She got up from her seat and went to sit beside Greg. He eyed at her with a grin, she punched him on his left shoulder.

"What'd you do?" He whispered.

"I should whack myself for coming to sit with you so you don't feel alone." She rolled her eyes. Greg just laughed.

Alphard stared at her from his seat, wanting her to return, but knew she wouldn't. He also knew that he's the reason she was p*ssed. First he refuses to get into the box making it hard for her to carry on and then he yells at her for doing what she did; even after she apologised, not to mention that she was doing all of this for him, to protect him.

He sighed.

He watched as she leaned back on the seat and closed her eyes. That's when it dawned on him that she hasn't slept properly either. He'd forgotten that they literally felt each other and him not being able to sleep due to the nightmares, or the call as Camille had said, had had its effects on Luna too.

Greg was looking at Alphard all this time. He tilted his head and gestured for Alphard to switch seats with him, to which our Alpha agreed without any arguments. He slipped his left hand on her right which was carelessly resting over her thigh. Luna immediately knew it was Alphard, she retracted her hand.

"Hey, I'm sorry for being a jerk."

Luna stood up to leave, he grabbed her wrist from behind. She spun around and slapped him. Alphard blinked twice making sense of what had just happened.

She'd slapped him.

"Luna!" Her mother raised her voice. "What're you doing!?"

Luna yanked her hand from his and went into one of the rooms she'd noticed earlier. Closing the door, she cried into her palms.

"You've been worse than just a jerk." Camille said.

"She shouldn't have slapped him," Will said.

"I deserved it, uncle. Mom's right, Luna's going through hell for me and all I've been is someone worse than a jerk." He raked his hand through his hair. "And now she's bawling her eyes out because of me," He felt her crying.

He got to the room and closed the door behind him. She lifted her head up to look at him and threw herself into his arms, pounding her right fist on his chest.

"Jerk!" She cried more.

"I'm sorry, Luna." He rubbed her back in comfort.

"I hate it when I can't stay mad at you," She said between her sobs.

"I love you too, my Queen." He shook a little as he laughed and lifted her chin up, bending his own head down to meet with hers.

He stayed beside till she calmed down and left the room after making sure she's asleep.

"Where's she?" Camille asked.


"What did I miss?" Dorian walked in.

"Dad? Aren't you our only pilot?"

"Along with the autopilot. I'm a living being and so have needs. Will, can you?" Dorian asked. Will nodded and went to the cockpit.

"Wait, he knows how to?" Alphard asked.

"I taught him long before and yesterday made sure he remembers it all." Dorian said. "Now, if you'd allow me." He excused himself to use the toilet.

He came back and was filled in by Camille with what his son had done. Alphard received a nice long talk on how to behave. While he hated being talked out like he was a 10 year old, he was glad to be talked out by both of his parents. Then Laura came to his aid.

"That's enough now, he's not done anything wrong and things like this happen in every relationship. Like Will said, Luna shouldn't have slapped him."

As if Luna had heard them, she came out of the room and looked a bit rested compared to earlier.

"I'm sorry for slapping you," She said after taking a seat beside him.

"You know what? I liked it." He said, making her smile. "Slap me again." He showed his other cheek. She snorted and pecked him there.

"I'm sorry." She repeated. He smiled back and wrapped an arm around her shoulders making her lean her head over his arm.

"All right, I'll go back now." Dorian walked to the cockpit and out came Will.

"Dad, you were controlling it?" Luna asked. Alphard told her about his father teaching Will. "Oh,"

"Night's fallen, Dorian asks all to rest as it'll be 6 more hours till we reach our destination," Will said. "We've been flying for an hour now." He added.

Luna's parents took a room, Greg and Camille took one for each of them and left one for Alphard and Luna. Luna didn't feel like sleeping, so didn't Alphard. They went to check on Greg.

"I'm really fine all by myself, you two don't have to worry, go get some sleep." He said when they asked him how he was doing without Olivia.

They left him be and went to Camille. She was reading a book, it amused them that she'd thought of bringing a book.

"Alphard? Why are you out at this hour?" She asked. A second later Luna emerged from behind him. "You too, Luna? What's it? Did something happen?"

"No, mom. Everything's fine. We're just..."

"Unable to sleep," Luna finished.

They went and sat beside Camille; Luna to her right and Alphard to her left.

"Let's talk like we used to when I and Luna were kids." Alphard suggested. Camille smiled when Luna nodded enthusiastically.

"All right, what do you two want to talk about?" Camille set her book aside and gave her full attention to the kids beside her.

"Actually, I wanted to talk about something." Luna said. "Why are there rooms in here? I mean it's not something unusual, but I saw you and my parents exchanging weird glances between you,"

"That's because we've been here before, all four of us. We were just reminiscing the past." Camille said.

"Ah, the nostalgia." Alphard laughed a little. "When was it?"

Camille settled to tell them the story. She got comfortable and the two of them snuggled close to her like 5 year olds.

"It was when Will was told by his father that in 3 more months he will officially be passing the Alpha title to him and Will knew he would get busy after that because as soon as he becomes the Alpha, he'd be expected to take up the responsibility as the town's Mayor, that he can postpone only for a month, or so after which he cannot delay it, so he decided to take a 2 month vacation with his mate and best friend, so I kinda happened to stick with them as I'm Dorian's mate."

"Don't say it like that. I'm sure your best friend wanted you to go with her." Luna said, knowing her mother very well.

Camille patted Luna's head and continued.

"That time Dorian wasn't the pilot, we were here to enjoy and flew to Tokyo for a month and Switzerland for the other. Trip to Tokyo was great, aside from when Laura fell sick."

"What happened?" Alphard asked.

"We found they were going to have a baby soon," Camille looked at Luna, smiling and added. "The news came in some 15 days after we landed there, so we knew something had happened while we were still flying."

"Oh, dad!" Luna blushed while Alphard laughed.

"You don't laugh young man, your father was no less. After 2 weeks from when we landed in Switzerland, my test came out positive and I know it was because what happened in this very room."

"Mom!" Alphard yelled in a complaining tone, now Luna laughed.

"After returning home Will had to take up the responsibility, there was no delaying it. One day he'd to go attend some meeting, or something out of our town and so he took Laura with him too as the delivery date was nearing. Luckily they were in a human town and among humans, so no one suspected anything when she gave birth on a full moon night. If it'd been here, there'd have been talks about it."

"They didn't tell you too?" Luna asked.

"No, they came back a couple weeks after your birth so the birth date being a full moon night was long forgotten." Camille said and added. "It's a good thing they didn't tell that, or that you had the mark from brith."

"Then?" Alphard asked.

"Then what? We didn't know how one month passed with Luna in our arms, until this one who I call my son decided to breathe the world." She hit Alphard's head playfully.

"Mom!" He whined, rubbing the back of his head as Luna laughed.

"There was one thing common between your parents and me and Dorian during our pregnancy." She said looking at Luna.

"That is?"

"It's normal that conceived women don't shift during the gestation period and 6 months after giving birth even on full moon nights, but with us it was that even your fathers didn't go through the transformation whenever they were beside us,"

"How can that be?" Alphard frowned.

"We were confused back then and that was one of the many secrets from during our pregnancy. But now we know that the ones growing in our wombs had that effect on the ones around them." She pulled both Luna and Alphard close to her and stroked their heads.

"We missed this," Luna said and closed her eyes.

"Though I'd all the signs in front of me, I didn't want to believe it. Of course I didn't know of Luna having born on a full moon night, or of her mark, but the way you two behaved around each other has always been out and clear to me, but I used to ignore it thinking that I was being delusional." Camille said while thinking about all those times.

Luna let out a sigh accompanied with a snort and that made it sound funny.

"What's that?" Alphard asked.

"The nostalgia, I feel it." Luna smiled and stretched her hand to stroke Alphard's hair.

He fell asleep embracing his mother to Luna's gentle stroking. Luna gently slipped out of Camille's embrace as she'd fallen asleep too and walked out of the room. She peeked into Greg's and found him soundly asleep.

Poor man hasn't slept comfortably in days. She thought.

She turned around and went to check on her parents. They were already asleep comfortably in each other's embrace. She giggled to herself on seeing them sleep like how young couples do.

"I love you, Laura." Luna heard Will mumble in sleep when she was about to close the door. That made her giggle again.

As if Laura had heard her mate, she turned around and tucked her head under his chin and wrapped her hands around his waist. Luna walked in and pressed light kisses on their cheeks.

"I love you, dad. I love you, mom." She smiled to herself. "I'm out before this gets awkward." Before walking out, she spread the blanket over them properly, which had moved when Laura turned.

From there she went into the cockpit as Dorian unlocked the door for her to enter in.

"What're you doing here, Luna?" Dorian asked.

"Keeping you company, uncle." She sat on the co-pilot's seat. "Why don't you teach me like how you taught dad?"

"A co-pilot who doesn't know how to fly a plane? It's time we fix that." Dorian said, they laughed.

He taught her what the throttles are for and how to use them, while laughing at the silly jokes she made in between.

"Yay! I'm an aviatrix now." She exclaimed now sitting where Dorian had been moments ago.

"All right now, go sleep. We need our leader rested."

"Leader?" She scrunched her face making Dorian laugh.

"Yes, go now."

"Teammates make the leader a leader." She argued.

"Luna," Dorian switched to a responsible and serious parent mode.

"Ugh, fine." She got up and left the cockpit.

Out there she came face to face with Alphard and jumped back in horror as he stood there in the dark.

"Relax, it's me."

"You scared me to death!" She tried catching her breath.

"Me? You did. Where'd you go leaving me there?"

"I was with uncle. You were so comfortable with her..."

"So you sneaked out?" He stared at her. "Wandering aimlessly from here to there?"

She didn't respond, so he inched closer and lifted her up in his arms. She smiled. Now she'd be able to sleep. He carried her to the room they'd been given and locked the door after placing her on the bed. He propped himself over and pecked her. She caressed his cheek that she'd slapped.

"I'm sorry again," She whispered, stroking his cheek. He dismissed it.

"So this is where our parents made us, huh?" He nuzzled against her. "What do you say we do?" She hit him on his back at that.

She pushed him back making him lie down beside her and hugged him from around his neck. He grinned at what she said next.

"I say, we follow in their footsteps." She kissed the side of his neck and added. "Not today."

He kissed her forehead and added, pulling her close and tightening his grip on her.

"Some day, Luna. We will some day."


Author's Note:

Heellooo lovelies!

So I think I'm back on track to post a chapter of one story after the other after the 2 - 3 days gap in between as usual, as this chapter comes on Wednesday after I posted a chapter of my other ongoing story on Sunday. Oh, the nostalgia, hehe. So yeah, took me 2 days to write and edit this one, let's hope I don't get distracted and continue in this pace.

Read my other stories on Wattpad #Crowded Silence (completed) #Holding On to Silence Until; You Came Along (ongoing)

Follow me here and on IG, link on my Wattpad profile, or simply type in anonymous_queendom

Read, comment, vote and share.

Thank you!

Hope you enjoy :-)

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