A Werewolves Twin

بواسطة PotterGirl201

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My name is Alexandra, I am the twin sister of Remus Lupin, he was turned when we were only toddlers, I remain... المزيد

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three - You Take My Garbage I Take Your Soul
Chapter Four - You Take my Chocolate I Steal Your Ear
Chapter Five - The Sorting Hat's and the Tapioca Pudding
Chapter Six - Classes are Cheese Puffs
Chapter Seven - Why Can't I Have a Penguin
Chapter Eight - Making New Friends
Chapter Nine - Hogwarts Time
When in Need of a Lily - Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve - Jumpy
Chapter Thirteen - Lake Side Lies
Chapter Fourteen - What to Believe
Chapter Fifteen - Haunted

Lies, Secrets and Surprises... Oh my! - Chapter Eleven

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بواسطة PotterGirl201

A week later, Christmas morning I awoke very early. The moon still light up the sky and I was filled with joy. My first Christmas at Hogwarts! I rushed out of my room and to my brother and Sirius's. Of coarse they were still fast asleep so I let out a blood curdling scream waking them. 

"Allie!" They said together, first out of panic and then out of annoyance. It took a moment before they remembered that it was Christmas. We rushed together to the common room where our presents sat under a tree. We sat together smiling and taking in the stunning view. There may be nothing as beautiful as a Hogwarts Christmas. 

"Happy Christmas." I said to Sirius when Remus was not looking, he still was unaware of my and Sirius's relationship... something that was eating away at me. I told my brother everything. A gift was passed to me by said brother and I sent him a smile.

"You go first." He told me, I gave him a quick hug and tore off the wrapping paper. It covered an old box, I lifted the lid to see a note... it was the first thing I noticed so I took it and opened the envelope. 

'Dearest Alexandra,

You do not know me but I know of you. Everyone knows of you. You are a big part of the future, and if you are reading this you are fifteen years old and you have survived so far. It was all because of one choice you made. This choice will forever change your powers... be warned. You have locked your future. Even odder things are about to happen to you dear. Weirder then what happened to me or any of my children. It was my job to have one daughter... but she would be a squib. A squib who would marry a muggle and forever forget the magic life. Their daughter Hope would be a muggle, but she would bring back the magic in our family. 

You have a job to... and yours is to cope. To fight this war and bring what ever side you choose the power they need to survive. You will be faced with difficult decision. Right or wrong they are the same for you right now. I hope that you chose wisely Alexandra. I hope you can save our future. In this book is the diary of your ancestors. It would continue on forever. Read or write in it as you chose... it will help you do your job. It will help you cope. It was a pleasure being able to even know about you dear. By the time you read this I will long be dead... you might not even think of me until you need to help young miss Rosanna Black, she is the one you need to pass the book on. She will know from there. I think you have the Hope I am looking for. I think you are the one.

Raven Howell.'

I turned over the paper, and two letters stood out boldly. 'Burn Me.' I tossed the paper into the fire and looked at the old book. It looked ancient. I closed the box after they both got a quick peek. I looked to Remus, "A diary from gran." I said, it was not exactly a lie... just not a hundred percent the truth. Remus was next to open a present... it was one of dads old leather jackets. The one Remus used to put on all the time when we were younger, I giggled at him as he put it on. It now fit perfectly.

Sirius then opened his gift from James, a collar... I fear what I will receive from my brothers friend (if I get anything at all). I put it on him right away and almost chocked on laughter when I saw the tag on it. 


If found please contact his owner, Alexandra Lupin of the Gryffindor house.

Sirius laughed when he read it as well, but my brother just gave us weird looks. I think he suspected us... but he had no proof yet. I was passed another gift, this one from my mum. I opened it to see a very girly, sparkly, stunning, red dress. I lifted it up out of the box and held it up to my body. It fell above my knees. I grabbed the note that fell to the ground I took the dress out.


With your looks it wont be long till you catch yourself a Hogwarts boy... so I bought you this. Of coarse your father does not know, he would have a fit. No one can let his baby girl grow up after all... but I see you know as the young woman you are. I think you would look amazing in this dress (get your friend Lily to curl your hair!)

Make sure you remember to prank and thank you darling so much for taking care of Remmy, you are such a wonderful young lady. Any man would be happy to have you (and from your letters I know there is one! I want to hear all about him!)

Lots of love, Hope Lupin.'

Remus grabbed the letter and laughed looking at me, "So Allie, who is the boy mum thinks has an eye for you?" He asked, "Anyone I have to beat away yet?"

I took a shaky breath and looked at my brother and he looked alarmed when I did not laugh like he expected me to do. "We will talk about this later Remmy, it's Christmas. Let's enjoy ourselves and open the rest of our presents."

Remus sent me an uneasy look but tore up a gifts paper, he sent me a smile knowing it was from me. I waited anctiously as he opened the box the gift sat in. He opened it up and to see a picture from. It held three photo's in it. Above the first in cursive writing it said 'My Best Friend'. Under that was a picture of my and Remus as babies. Innocent in every way and only a few hours old. We were cuddled up to each other in protective ways. There was more writing under that. In a bolder font it said 'My Worst Enemy.' Under that there was a photo of me and Remus in separate time out chairs. Glaring at each other of coarse, we were seven years old in that picture. Under that it had a picture of my and him by the lake at Hogwarts, only taken this year. 'My Twin.' It said, I smiled and had arms around me in an instant. 

"You like it?" I asked him unsure, I heard him laugh. I smiled and hugged him back, I watched behind my brother as Sirius smiled lovingly at me. 

"I love it Allie. It is the best gift I could have asked for." He told me letting me go and sitting next to me again, I rested my head on his shoulder and took a deep breathe in. Almost as if I had been holding it since I bought the frame. 

We continued to go through our presents... and just as the sun was rising we had finished. None of us had that many, but we spent a lot of time laughing at each other and talking. After we had finished opening our gifts we made our way down to breakfast. There were few people there, and by few I mean like ten including the teachers. 

I went to put salt on my eggs and my hand brushed Sirius'... that's when I passed out.

The next thing I know I am no longer in the great hall. I standing looking at a man. This man is Sirius Black, a few years older. Maybe seventeen.

He is standing by a window starring up wearing a suite. He looked amazing. There was a soft tap at the door of the room he was standing in. He turned to the door and let out a calm, "Come in." He looked more freaked then he sounded, and in stepped a blonde haired girl in a white dress. Me.

"I'm not supposed to see you yet." He told the older version of me, "It's bad luck you know..." He whispered as I walked into his arms, he placed a soft kiss onto my lips. "Couldn't stay away could you?"

I rolled my eyes in sync with the older version of me. "Is it a crime to see my future husband?" She joked, I joked. It was overly confusing with the 'she's' and the 'me's'. Sirius took my hands, the older me's hands and placed his lips on them.

"It isn't a crime when you are Sirius and Alex Black." He said, she laughed and swished her hair over her shoulder. It was neatly killed and I knew Lily would kill me in the future for doing that. 

She let go of Sirius's hands and placed her own on her hips, "Not yet Sirius. For another forty minutes I am Alexandra Lupin." She said proudly, I laughed. No one heard me though.

She gave him one last kiss before escaping out of the room and leaving him alone smiling once again. My view quickly shifted and I was no longer in a room with just Sirius, it wasn't that room at all. It was the living room of my house... and there sat my mum and my dad and my brother. They all looked like they were waiting. That is when Sirius bursted into the house without knocking.

"It's a girl! A little baby girl! Ten figures! Ten toes!" He yelled happily, my family cheered and my dad gave Sirius a hug. "We named her Samantha. Samantha Andromeda Black." He told them jumping with joy, Remus laughed.

"I can't believe it." He laughed, Sirius gave my brother an odd look. "On September first of Allie's first year at Hogwarts she told us she was going to have three daughters. Samantha, Rosanna and Isabella. You are already one third of the way there Sirius." My brother told him, I found myself laughing that they did not believe me when I told them.

Sirius stuck out his bottom lip a bit... it was very cute. "But... She said I could name the next one what ever I wanted... I was hoping for a little Elvendork running around... it's multi gender." Everyone in the room bursted out laughing. It was a moment of pure happiness.

The vision changed again, next thing I know it is a new house, one I have never seen before. I am inside with two daughters, Remus and Sirius. I am also very mad. Sirius is trying to hold me back, "Allie..." She was struggling, I was struggling to get at my brother from in Sirius's arms, "Not here..." She shook lose and walked up to him anger. "Allie!"

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU REMUS! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU THINK ONE OF US IS THE TRAITOR IN THE ORDER! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD SAY SUCH THINGS IN FRONT OF MY DAUGHTERS! YOU BETTER HOPE TO GOD I DON'T REMEMBER THIS! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT MY OWN BROTHER..." My voice suddenly quieted down, "I stood next to you through every rough moment of your life. I never judged you once. You were always my brother. That changes today Remus. Mum's gone. None of us would have given up their hiding place! Maybe it was you! Maybe you were the traitor!"

Suddenly my hands were on fire, she threw a ball of fire at him but it missed as he apparated. I fell to the ground crying, Sirius knelled down next to me. "It'll be okay Allie..." He soothed to the future me, but she shock her head. She looked him straight in the eye.

"No it won't. The war is not over, my mother and father have both been killed... my brother thinks that one of us did it and Sirius... I am pregnant."

The vision changed again. I saw me, I looked exhausted. Crying started in the next room and a dark haired toddler ran in, "Mummy, Annie is crying again." The older me took a deep tired breath.

"I'm sorry Sammy, can you tell your daddy?" The older me asked the eldest of my children, she simply gurgled and fell into a fit of giggles. That is when Sirius stormed into the room.

"Their dead!" He sobbed, I put down the baby I presume to be Isabella and began to cry with him. It looked like that is a lot of what I had been doing lately. 

"No..." I wailed, "No. NO. NO!" I began to cry harder, and Samantha, who had stopped laughing to was now crying. I am unsure if she actually knew why she was crying though.

"I have to go after him!" Sirius's voice squeaked, the older me let out a yelp and grabbed onto him most likely trying to stop him.

"Please.... Sirius..." The older me cried, "You know what I have to do. You know I have to go away. We can't leave them parent-less..." I sobbed loudly, Samantha let out louder cries and it was getting harder to hear over them.

"Why do you have to go Allie!" Sirius sobbed/shouted, "The rat has torn our family apart and he killed them!" He cried, I never imagined seeing Sirius cry like this... I had no idea the war would end up like this.

"Poor Hawwy..." Both of us looked to my daughter who spook, the future me began to cry harder at the thought of who ever Harry was being dead. 

"Harry survived..." Sirius whispered to us, I let out a yelp in shock. No one ever survived when he-who-must-not-be-named went out to kill them. 

"How?" The older me asked, there was a painful moment before he spoke.

"Lily sacrificed herself to save him." He told the future me, I started to cry. I had only been friends with Lily a few months but she with no doubt was my best friend. The future me started to cry harder. She ran to the next room.

I woke from the visions with a start. People were fussing around me, few people, but all of the teachers that were there at the school.

"She could have been poisoned." The potions teachers said in a worry, he spoke at the same time as someone said, "What if we have to close the school."

I looked around the room for a few seconds before I spoke, "I'm fine. I'm okay... no need to worry." I said quietly. Even though I said that I was forced to stay the night in the hospital wing. Meaning me and Sirius's plans to talk to Remus about us dating would once again be put off... and it also meant that I knew things about the future. Things I defiantly did not want to know. 

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