My Darling |Emma Watson x fem...

By Lqagranger

6.8K 268 483

Everyone thought Emma and Bianca were soulmates. However, the young actress broke her girlfriend's heart when... More

γ€Œ ✦ Cast and Playlist ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ We meet each other again ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Reunited ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Just a normal night ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ The eyes never lie ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ ...Or not? ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ You scared me to death ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Bloody paparazzi ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Painful memories ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Wow...that hurt ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Just give me five minutes ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ No one could ever occupy it ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ You don't have to do this ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Dress pretty! ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ What? ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Please, say no, say no ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ My thoughts will be of you ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ You're the owner of my heart ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ It was all a lie ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦We will get through this together✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ My darling ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ You will have to trust me ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Stay with me ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ Come back to me, please ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ The great love story ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ I'm proud of you ✦ 」
γ€Œ ✦ You are my home ✦ 」

γ€Œ ✦ Do I hate you... ✦ 」

397 11 19
By Lqagranger

It all started as a normal morning. Bianca did her usual routine before going to work; even scolding Florence for being always late and threatening her to replace her with another assistant. Summed up, what it happened every single morning. However, Bianca, in the middle of her break, was called by Doctor Sloan because she had a 'visitor'. She and Florence exchanged confused looks. "A visitor?" Asked her roommate. "I have no idea. Maybe it's just the barman who keeps hitting on me."

"You should go out with him sometimes, as a proper date."

Bianca giggled. "A date?" She asked in disbelief.
"A date, yes, but now go, don't make him wait." Urged Florence, pushing her out of their room. "It seems destiny made you wear this sexy scrubs in which I'm pretty sure he will eat you out." Florence whispered in Bianca's ear, making her assume every shape of red. "You are impossible."

"Bianca!" She was called from the entrance. "Are you coming?"

Bianca inhaled nervous. If this 'visitor' had been seriously that boy, she wouldn't have known what to do. I mean, she was out of exercise, she didn't even remember what to say other than 'Hi'. "Yes, she is coming!" Screamed Florence back, giving her a kick in the ass which threw her directly in the hallway. "Dammit, Florence!!!" She murmured under her breath. Ok, so, after all, it wasn't too hard, she had done it before, it wasn't the first time she went out on a date with somebody. She slowly walked through the corridor while, inside of her head there was literally a was going on: 'O my god, what if I became a terrible kisser', or worse, "what if he only wants to have fun'...

With an interminable series of 'what if', she arrived at the entrance where Doctor Sloan was behind the receptionist's desk. "She's outside." He informed her. Bianca shot him a half smile before going out even more confused. 'She? Bonnie, or Evanna?'

But the answer to her question came few moments later, when sat on the bench outside of the clinic, she discovered Emma.

When the actress saw her, she awkwardly stood up. All in all, Bianca would have rather having to talk to the boy.

"Hi." Shyly said Emma.

"What are you doing here, Emma?" harshly replied Bianca as she zipped up her sweatshirt.

Emma went to give her her jacket, but Bianca stopped her before she could take it off with a gesture of her hand. "Please, let me give you it, it's freezing."

"I'm totally not cold." Replied hostile Bianca, hugging herself; Emma raised an eyebrow. "Besides, even if I was and I'm not, I certainly wouldn't accept your help. " She was externalizing all her pent-up anger, which she didn't have the chance to overcome in all these years. Emma looked disappointed by her words. She could only hope it would get better in the future. "Why are you here?" Repeated Bianca.

"I...I just wanted to thank you for tending my tooth."

"You don't have to thank me for anything. It's my job." Said Bianca, not fully believing that was why Emma came there. "I had no idea it was you, my manager insisted in coming here because doctor Sloan had told her he had the best of the best, however I wouldn't have come if I had known; I can say you were pretty shocked."

Bianca laughed in disbelief. "How should have I reacted? I haven't seen you in seven years, and then you pop up on a random shift as a random patient. Of course, I was shocked!"

Emma sighed deeply. She closely looked at the younger girl who seemed genuinely mad. "Bianca, I'm so sorry, I know I can't change what I did to you; but believe me, I regret it every single day... can we please try to be civil to each other? We were friends before we got together."

'Is she seriously saying what I heard?' "We were 11 and 12 when we met, Emma, and we got together a year later. Anyway, I don't think I could ever be your friend." Replied Bianca, upset, lowering her eyes down. Emma, despite the time, was able to read her like a book and she didn't want her to know the meaning behind her words; she herself felt ashamed of how bad she was just because of a girl.

"I respect that" calmly said Emma. "Don't think it's easy for me to consider you a friend, but since you're here and we have the same friends group, maybe we should try to be able to sit together in the same room without having to feel uncomfortable because of our past."

Bianca's voice had disappeared. Too many things were changing in so little time, and frankly, she wasn't sure she was ready to deal with them. She hummed, not being able to speak. She was going to go back inside when Emma's hand grabbed her wrist to make her stop. She rapidly glanced at their hands, and then at Emma; her body felt suddenly warm. That simple touch, so delicate and soft, used to be one of her addictions. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you." Whispered Emma. "Thanks" swallowed harshly Bianca, "but I did nothing special."

"I see some things never change," observed the actress with a sad smile. Bianca frowned, "the fact you still don't believe in yourself" explained further, Emma. "I don't think it will ever change. That is who I am."

"Well, we are already improving, aren't we? About the all 'being friends thing'" giggled Bianca awkwardly.

Emma's fingers slightly brushed against her skin, hitching her breath. "Yes, we are." Said the actress. They both looked at each other uncomfortably. Tension could be cut with a knife.

", I guess I'll see you soon." Said Bianca. "Ok," repeated Emma, "and before you go: you really are the only dentist I would ever want to go to." Bianca chuckled lightly. "Thank you, Emma, I appreciate it, but I guess it's not that hard since you know me." she had serious problems accepting a compliment.

"I mean it, I didn't feel anything."

"Obviously, I did you the anaesthesia first."

Emma gripped a little bit tighter on her wrist. "Accept the fact that for me you are the best, Jessica as well agreed with me." At that name, Bianca scrunched her nose. She absolutely disliked that woman. "The hideous manager confirmed it? Now yes, that I'm flattered." She playfully said. "She's not that bad." But Emma had to retract what she said when she saw Bianca's face of pure disgust. "Ok, perhaps at the beginning she can be a little bit obnoxious, however when you meet her you understand she's not what she seems."

"Guess we'll never know. Now I really have to go." Quickly said Bianca as she took her wrist off Emma's hands, feeling it cold. "I'm sorry." Suddenly slipped out of Emma's mouth. Bianca turned around to look at her. She seemed sincere, but she had hurt Bianca too much to believe a simple sentence could be enough to be forgiven. "I know." Whispered Bianca before going inside, leaving the actress alone on that bench with a sorrowful expression.


"Bianca" called her Doctor Sloan, "can you come with me for a second?"

She agreed, hoping she wasn't in trouble. He led her into his office and closed the door. "Take a seat, I won't be long but you will be much more comfortable." She did as he said nervously, her leg was bouncing non-stop on the ground, she used to do that anytime she was nervous about something.

"Is everything alright, sir?"

"Yeah, but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about." He said, crossing his hands on the table and looking straight at Bianca. With all the probabilities after that conversation, she would have blood everywhere in her mouth due to her chewing the inside of her cheeks.

"What's between you and Emma?" He finally dropped the question. Bianca was deeply bewildered. "Excuse me, sir?"

"I saw the way she looked at you, and you were going to pass out the other night when she came here." Doctor Sloan explained further.

Bianca chuckled. "I think you might be mistaken, sir, there's absolutely nothing between me and Miss Watson, you introduced us yourself last night."

"You don't have to tell me anything, I just wanted to ask you how you were because you seemed shocked the other day, and I care about you." Kindly said Doctor Sloan.

Bianca smiled fondly at him, grateful for being this comprehensive. It was a rare quality these days to find in people. "I appreciate that doctor Sloan" she slowly said, "but no, there wasn't and there isn't anything between me and Miss Watson; I was just overthinking about something the other night, that's why I was shaken, nothing more." She knew doctor Sloan was a good person and that he wouldn't judge her if she told him the truth, but her goal was to go on and put an end to her old love story; so she started by denying it ever existed, which would have been the better outcome for everyone.

"Right..." replied doctor Sloan not fully convinced by what Bianca said, "then if you don't need to talk with me, you are free to go, Bianca. "

She nodded and slowly walked out of his office to meet up with Florence. She took a deep breath as soon as she entered into their room.

"So? How was he?" Asked her friend excitedly when she saw her, but then frowned confused by her expression: she seemed to have seen a ghost more than a charming guy.

"He was Emma." Answered Bianca, walking towards a small comfy white couch on the back of the room and throwing herself on it.


"You heard right, Emma came here to see me. She told me it was to thank me for tending her tooth, but I don't believe her." Expounded Bianca.

Florence was speechless. She thought she had been sufficiently clear with the actress about leaving Bianca alone; evidently, she was wrong, or Emma had become more stubborn than before. "She even expects you to believe her, that's bullshit!"

Bianca giggled, enjoying her friend's hostility towards Emma. Like best friends, they hated each other's 'enemies' and supported the other no matter what; they always came first, everything and everybody. "Easy Flo, you don't have to react this way anymore. She won't break me, not again."

"You can't know that, besides it's my duty to despise her after what she did to you." Said Florence, taking a seat next to Bianca.

"Trust me, she won't. The first time was enough, and I won't let that happen again. I wanna move on to a new chapter of my life and finally be happy for once in all this time." Said proudly Bianca. She, in fact, during the university, grew a lot not only physically but also emotionally. She learned the most important lesson of life: never ever let someone determine you in good or bad, be enough for yourself.

"That's my girl!" Exclaimed Florence, giving her five. "Tonight, to celebrate your new life, we are going out. Hence, don't even try to tell me no because I know where you live." she threatened Bianca.

"How sweet of you proposing things like that." Commented Bianca laughing and shaking her head due to her friend's silliness.

"You, my dear, are a potato couch. I had to develop a few techniques to get your ass up, even when you kept not wanting to make a move on Emma, remember?"

May 2003

Bianca and Florence were walking through the halls of their school to attend to their first lesson.

"When will you make a move on Emma?" Asked Florence nonchalantly.

"I'm sorry, what?" Asked Bianca bewildered. She had kept for herself her feelings for the young actress. It was all new for her: first crush, liking a girl instead of a she hadn't told it anyone because she herself had still a lot to figure out.

"Oh, come on," said Florence with a devilish smirk. "You won't seriously think I didn't see the way your eyes shine whenever she's around, or how you immediately light up when you talk about her, or how you blush anytime you study with her or-" Florence was stopped by Bianca's hand right over her mouth.

"Dammit, Flo, would you shut up, please?" Only after making Florence swear on her super secret crush Bianca freed her. "Will you admit it now?"

"There's nothing to admit, Flo. You're being delusional." Asserted Bianca walking straight in front of Emma's class. She had to use all of her strength not to turn around and shoot a glance to see if she was there; however all her efforts were burned when she heard the most beautiful voice in the world calling for her. "Bianca." Said Emma, rushing out of the class to get to her.

Bianca's heartbeats became uncontrollable. It always happened when Emma was nearby her. Florence, looking at her, raised an eyebrow. "Were you saying?" She whispered into Bianca's ear before greeting Emma and leaving, winking at the brunette.

Embarrassed, Bianca turned around and saw those mesmerizing brown eyes, which were already looking at her, and smiled wide. "Hey," she awkwardly said and internally blamed herself for being this weird.

"Hey," giggled Emma, taking a step forward her. "I just wanted to ask you if you were free tomorrow." Bianca's jaw almost dropped on the floor. She froze in place, not knowing what it could mean. Was it a date invitation or just a friendly invitation?

Perhaps Emma noticed it and quickly added: "to study, we have to finish English literature for next week."

Bianca's hopes crushed down. It was obvious that Emma didn't see her in that way. Hell, why would the most gorgeous girl ever want to date her when she literally could have anyone. How stupid she had been for even hoping the actress would have feelings for her.

"Oh" slipped out of her mouth before she could stop it, "yes, sure...uhm...see you tomorrow" she said and walked away with her head down without looking at Emma who, leaned on the wall, whispered: "...I like you" but was too scared to admit it, even scared of rejection. Now, having a bit of Gryffindor courage would be nice.

Bianca, in the meantime, kept thinking about Emma. In the past weeks, the girl had given her contrasting signals. Ultimately, she got much closer to her, especially when they were studying alone in the library, Emma would find any excuse to be close to her. The last time they went there to review English literature because Bianca had a test the following day, Emma at the end, to compliment her pulled her into a bone crushing hug, which made her heart racing dangerously, and sweetly kissed her cheeks muttering: "you did so good, darling. I'm proud of you."

Bianca probably after hearing Emma's raspy voice saying that assumed every shape of red. If the actress hadn't held her, she would have fallen down due to her legs, which were more like jelly.

So, naturally, she thought she had a chance with her, but after this morning, she wasn't so sure anymore.

With those thoughts, she arrived in class completely exhausted even if it was eight in the morning. Luckily, the teacher wasn't there yet. Otherwise, she would certainly have more homework to do as punishment.

"So?" Asked a curious Florence as Bianca sat down next to her.

"Nothing." Responded Bianca, pouting.

"It went that bad?"

Bianca explained her everything in the minimum details. "I'm sure she didn't mean like that. Maybe she wants to wait for the right moment to ask you out, or she's too coward to do so." Florence said.

"You weren't there, I'm pretty sure she wants us just to be friends." Said Bianca while taking her history book out of her bag.

"Since you won't do the first move and apparently neither she, I will do it." Said Florence with a grin, leaving Bianca very scared. Florence's plans were always extreme.

However, if it hadn't been for her, she would have never gotten the chance to be with Emma, and it would have been the greatest regret of her life.

End of July 2003

School was finishing, and Bianca could finally relax a little bit after a year full of eventful things. She and Emma didn't see each other that often after that day of May, and when they did, they were awkward to each other.

She told herself she had to stop thinking about her, but it was impossible, Emma had gained a special place in her heart.

She and Florence were at the cafe near to her parents' house to take a bit of fresh air when the unexpected happened: Emma stood right before her. She looked confused at Florence, who had a mischievous grin, "now that you're here, I can go, have fun." She announced, glancing at Bianca and winking at her.

She had tricked Bianca to come there. Was that a part of her stupid plan? "Traitor." She murmured under her breath.

Emma carefully took Florence's seat. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to trick you, but I thought you would never accept my invitation, so I asked Florence."

"Did you want to tell me something?" Asked Bianca nervously. Those damm butterflies erupted in her stomach, not allowing her to concentrate.

"Yes, actually, I needed to talk to you." Said Emma, shifting her position on the chair and fixing her hair.

'Fuck' Bianca thought nervous as a nerve wracking.

Emma took a deep breath before slowly moving her hand to brush Bianca's sending shivers through her spine. "There's something I have wanted to tell you for a while now, but I never got the courage to" started Emma, fidgeting due to the anxiety.

"You know you can tell me anything" replied Bianca giving a soft squeeze to Emma's hand making her smile.

"It's not that easy..." chuckled nervously the actress, " you remember when I called you in the hall to ask you if you were free the following day?"

Bianca nodded not understanding where she was going but still attentively listening.

"Well, I wanted to ask you out but I was scared you didn't like me in that way, thus I invented an excuse" Emma dropped the truth, leaving Bianca completely astonished.

"Y-you l-like me?" She said pointing at herself.

Emma laughed and nodded. "Yes, I like you so much I can neither describe it with words."

'No, it can't be, Emma Watson said she likes me, I must be dreaming because otherwise I would be the luckiest girl on the planet'.

"You like me." Bianca slowly repeated, incredulous.

"Yes, I do. But perhaps I should just show you, shouldn't I?" Said Emma and dangerously began to get closer to Bianca whose breath hitched.

When Emma was at less than one inch to Bianca's face, she stopped. She stared before at the younger girl's right eye, then at her lips and the at the other eye, smiling widely. She softly caressed Bianca's cheeks with her thumb. "I think I have liked you since the first time I saw you all grumpy because you weren't the best at one single subject." She whispered.

Bianca on the other side was out of words, her heart pounded into her chest at a dangerous rhythm, she felt addicted to Emma's touch, scent, voice...

Silently asking for permission, which arrived from Bianca few seconds later, she leaned in hitting with her hot breath Bianca's skin, and connected their lips in a slow kiss.

Fireworks exploded inside Bianca, everything seemed perfect while she kissed Emma. She put her hands behind Emma's neck while the actress gently put hers on Bianca's waist pulling her even closer if possible.

After few moments Bianca pulled away out of breath with still Emma's strawberry lip gloss taste in her mouth. They rested on each other's forehead smiling like idiots. "Wow" murmured Bianca who still had to process what had just happened.

"You have no idea how long I have been wanting to do that" said Emma.

"Really?" Asked confused Bianca.

"Of course. I just thought you didn't feel the same because you froze anytime I would get close to you and I stopped because I didn't want you to be uncomfortable in any way."

Bianca blushed hard. "Actually I froze because you have this effect on me, I call it the 'Watson effect'. You have the power to make me weak just by your presence."

"Oh yeah?... interesting." Emma teased her making her blush ever harder.

"Anyway" Bianca said to change subject feeling suddenly flustered, "what did Florence do?"

"She came to talk to me the other day at school saying she would kick my ass if I hadn't hurried up and confess to you" said Emma giggling.

"Typical of Florence." Said Bianca, rolling her eyes.

"She helped me to bring you here alone so we could talk peacefully. And frankly I'm extremely grateful to her, otherwise I wouldn't be able to kiss my girlfriend." Emma said making Bianca's heart skip a beat.

"I'm your girlfriend?" She asked with sparkling eyes, today was seriously the best she had had so far.

"Yes, if you want to"

Bianca didn't answer but pulled Emma into another kiss feeling the actress smiling into it.

"Is that a yes?" Questioned Emma when they disconnected.

"Are you even asking? Of course I will be your girlfriend" responded Bianca thrilled.

They hugged once again. Bianca felt really at peace, only Emma could make her feel that happy, safe, comfortable...

"I'm glad you said yes, darling."


Yes, even after all those years, that was the best day of Bianca's life, when all the puzzles pieces fitted together making a teenager thinking it would be always that way. Anyway, even if she got burned later, she would forever be grateful to Florence for making her dream come true, even if for a limited time, because Emma taught her what love is: patience, caring for the other, respect, responsibility and, most importantly is joy.


A/N: Hi everyone, we saw a little bit of Bianca's past with Emma and how they got together when they were young.

Let me know what you think and what you'd like to see next.

See you on the next chapter!!!

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