My One Piece (Book I)

By Lord_Roronoa

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Monkey D Luffy... A Cheerful, Carefree Young Man from East Blue wearing a Straw Hat set sail on a Small Boat... More

Author Note (I).
Chapter-1 The Execution.
Chapter-2 The King Of The Pirates
Chapter-3 The Pirate Hunter.
Chapter-4 To The Marine Base.
Chapter-5 Punishment for 7 days.
Chapter-6 My First Mate..?
Chapter-7 A Thief, A Pirate Hunter & A Prisoner.
Chapter-8 The Clown.
Chapter-9 A Mysterious Woman
Chapter-10 Orange Town.
Chapter-11 The Buggy Pirates - I.
Chapter-12 The Buggy Pirates - II.
Chapter-13 Captain vs Captain / Swordsman vs Swordsman.
Chapter-14 A Sling Shooter.
Chapter-15 The Merry
Chapter-16 The Black Cat Pirates.
Chapter-17 The Going Merry.
Chapter-18 Dracula Mihawk Hawkeye.
Chapter-19 The All Blue.
Chapter-20 A Promise.
Chapter-21 Battle OF The Swordsman.
Chapter-22 Between Life and Death.
Chapter-23 Arlong Pirates.
Chapter-24 Arlong vs Luffy.
Chapter-25 Going After Our Navigator.
Chapter-26 Nami's true face.
Chapter-27 Luffy, Help Me..!
Chapter-28 The Two Wings vs Two Gills.
Chapter-29 Fight or Die Trying.
Chapter-30 Arlong Park Fall.
Chapter-31 The New Beginning.
Auther-Note (II).
Chapter-32 The Loguetown.
Chapter-33 Zoro vs Baroque Works.
Chapter-34 Zoro vs Luffy.
Chapter-35 Is She Good Or Bad..?
Chapter-36 I'm Sorry, Zoro..!
Chapter-37 Wax Statue.
Chapter-38 Nami's gonna die.
Chapter-39 Return Of The Evil King.
Chapter-40 He is My Big Brother...
Chapter-41 You Must Survive, Vivi..!
Chapter-42 Let Me Join You.
Chapter-43 Zoro and Robin..?
Chapter-44 Partners..?
Chapter-45 Nearly Dead.
Chapter-47 Worried about a Friend.
Chapter-48 Sanji vs Zoro.
Chapter-49 The Spirits.
Chapter-50 The Shadows.
Chapter-51 Sacrifice for My Captain.
Chapter-52 Death and Alive.
Chapter-53 Zoro (And/VS) Nami.
Chapter-54 A Massacre.
Chapter - 55 The Awakening...
Chapter-56 The End..?

Chapter-46 It's Getting Worse

91 3 15
By Lord_Roronoa


After successfully rescuing Robin from Ennies Lobby, The Straw Hat Pirates make their escape when The Going Merry sailed on her own from Water 7 just to rescue them. The whole crew especially Ussop/Snipper King was overwhelmed by how much The Merry loved them that she first took a human form to repair herself on Skypea and now she sailed through The Aqua Laguna Storm hitting Water 7 just to rescue them from Ennis Lobby all on her own.

But as soon as they escaped from the Marines, The Going Merry reached her limits and broke down in the middle of the sea.The crew had no choice but to let her sleep and bid Farewell forever.
With The Straw Hat Pirates, Franky Family, Iceberg and his Shipwrights watching from behind, Luffy set The Going Merry on fire with an emotional send off. Merry speaks to them one last time thanking them for the love and care and apologizing for not able to carry them further more.

The crew breakdown in tears apologizing to The Merry for not taking good care of her enough.. The Merry's wounds were far more severe and Luffy apologized for letting her suffer like that... After that,
They all set sail back to Water 7 and Franky offered them to build a new and strong ship for them with the Woods Of Autumn, the same wood that was used in Gol.D.Roger's ship by his master Tom.
It might take Franky and the other shipwrights some time to build a ship that size... So in the meanwhile, Luffy throw a huge party worth of 100M Berries to the whole Water 7.

The Straw Hats, Franky Family and the entire citizens of Water 7 enjoyed the party thrown by Luffy.
But to Robin's surprise, she got a visitor.

"Stay where you are and listen,
Nico Robin..!" Admiral Aokiji says standing behind the wall,

Robin stand there stunned in shock and fear, dropped her glass of sake she had on her hand. She's shaking in fear thinking he might be after Luffy and the others after The Ennis Lobby incident.

"It can't be... Aokiji..?" Robin thought with sweating,

"Why didn't you try to escape like you usually do..?
If you acted on your own, you could've gotten away from CP9.." Aokiji ask laying his back against the wall same as Robin but in opposite sides of the wall.

"Even you should know by now that this time is different. ..
I couldn't just abandon my crew..
I couldn't leave them to die.." Robin says still in fear,

"There is something i wanna talk to you for a very long time..
Your friend Jaguar.D.Saul, who i was forced to kill in Ohara, was my friend too. Although i carried out my duty as a Marine that day, i also honored his wish by sparing your life and helping you escape.

After that, i felt responsible for your life.But when 20 years have passed and you still hadn't found a home,
I began to fear saul and i may have made a mistake. So in the end,
I decided you are too dangerous to live.vThat is why i gave that idiot my authority to call in a Buster Call hoping it will end the Story Of Ohara once and for all.

But i was surprised to see what length that Straw Hat Kid and his crew have gone just to rescue you..
So i wanna know, have you finally found the place where you belong..?" Aokiji ask with regrets and thoughts in his mind,

"Yes..!" Robin says with a strict face,

"I don't know if Soul and i had made the right call even now..
So show me the answer to that question." Aokiji says with a relieved tone,

"I intend to.." Robin says with confidence,

"Then live your life with courage and prove that Ohara is still alive..
For what it's worth, i regret what happened that day." Aokiji says walking away,

"AOKIJI..!" Robin says screaming and running towards the back of the wall but he was gone by the time she got there,

Robin stand there not knowing how to feel about all of this.

"Wow, he's gone already..?
I was gonna ask him to put some ice on my sake.." Zoro says drinking a mug full of booze and walking towards Robin,

Robin quickly turned around towards Zoro in shock knowing Zoro saw all of it.

"No, It's not what you think....
He was-- He just..." Robin says stuttering, not knowing how to explain,

"Hmm, Don't bother Robin..!" Zoro says giving her a glass of sake,

Robin looked confused but smiled accepting the glass understanding Zoro must've figured it out since he knows about her past before the others.

"So, Admiral Aokiji, huh..!
Was that him..? The guy who let you escape..?" Zoro ask Robin to which she just noded with a smile,

"Damn, Marine guys are weird..
Doing shitty things in the name of Justice, And then doing something complete Opposite in the name of doing the right thing...
I'm still confused how Justice and doing the right thing are not same for those idiots." Zoro says looking outside the wall,

"Fufu, I agree.." Robin says with a giggle,

"Well anyway,
Welcome Back, Robin..!
I'm glad you're back with us, even though what you tried to pull there, is completely stupid... I mean, who in the right mind would believe The Marines will stay true to their end of the bargain..?" Zoro says with an eyebrow rise,

"Fufu, Thank you Zoro..!
And sorry for worrying you guys so much... Knowing all the horrible things those Marines can do..
I was scared and worried that they might do something to you all.
But i was wrong..
I should've put my faith in our Captain and in you too.." Robin says with a smile,

They both made a toast, drinking their sake and watching everyone partying while Luffy, Sniper King and Chopper fooling around. Robin looked amused watching Zoro laugh at some of their funny dances until her amusement fades away.

"Zoro..! You're bleeding..!" Robin says as her smile fading away with worries.

"Huh..?" Zoro got confused as he felt no pain,

Zoro touched his nose to see he's bleeding from his nose.
It started with little drops of blood and he thought it must be some nasal problem but the bleeding gets worse every second..

"What in the world..?
Am i turning into that damn cook..?" Zoro says whipping the blood off of his nose,

Robin's face grew even more worried watching Zoro started bleeding from his ears aswell..

YOU'RE BLEEDING FROM YOUR EARS ASWELL.." Robin says screaming in fear, checking Zoro's face,

"Tch, What the hell's happening..?
I don't feel anything yet why am i..?
Wait, What's-- going on..?
My eyes..! It's getting-- blurry..." Zoro says shocking Robin even more,

Robin freaked out in horror as she covered her mouth with her two palms watching Zoro started bleeding from his eyes aswell..
His eyes turn blood red as blood flowing through his cheeks and from ears flowing through his neck and from nose flowing through his lips.

"Damn..! I think I'm a bit exhausted..
A-- little sleep, will-- huuuhh" Zoro says falling on the ground unconscious with body covered in his blood,

LUFFYYYY..!" Robin says screaming to her lungs catching Zoro,

Robin was worried to her stomach not knowing what to do...
All she can do is whipe the blood off of him but he kept bleeding.
Luffy and the others hear Robin's scream as they all rushed towards Robin freaking out that something is wrong again.

"What The.!" Sanji says dropping his cigarette in shock,

WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU..?" Chopper says screaming in tears and shock rushed to Zoro's aid,

"I-- don't know...
He was just fine moments ago, drinking sake with me...
Suddenly, he-- fall to the ground..!" Robin says holding Zoro's head with a worried look,

"Did someone poisoned him..?" Luffy ask with a worried glare,

"I don't know...
But i don't have my tools here.
SANJI..! bring him to our room." Chopper says running to the room to get the tools ready,

"On it...!" Sanji says picking up Zoro and ran towards their room at Gally as soon as possible.

Nami just got there with Popsicles on her hand and looking confused on why Sanji is running like for his life carrying Zoro and why the others are chasing after him. Then it hits Nami as she stand there in horrors noticing Zoro is covered in blood.

"What is-- happening..?
Zoro..!" Nami whispers dropping the Popsicles on the floor and start sprinting fast towards their room.

At the Gally,
Everyone is trying their best to help Chopper treat Zoro but none of them, not even Chopper can figure out what is happening to Zoro.

"Damn, Moss lost a lot of blood..
This isn't good.." Sanji says cleaning the blood with wet cloth,

"Is his sake being poisoned..?" Robin ask helping Chopper with his treatment,

"No, i don't see any trace of poison in his blood nor any sort of bacteria or virus.. He's definitely not affected by any external venom." Chopper says checking Zoro's vitals,

"It must be because of his fight with that CP9 guys.." Sniper King says making sure the room gets enough air,

Zoro's pulse dropped significantly as his heart beats very low with just his will power.

"Zoro's losing pulse..
We need to do cardiac..." Chopper says with tears,

"Here Chopper..." Nami says getting the equipments for cardiac shock,

After hours of struggle,
Chopper manage to bring Zoro's pulse back to normal and luckily Robin and Sniper King have the same blood type as Zoro so they're transfer blood to Zoro.
They crew was sitting and laying on the ground exhausted and relieved.
Nami on the other hand sitting on the corner glued her eyes to Zoro with a teary eyes. Watching Zoro bleed like river and all the wet cloths soaked in his blood terrified her as she sat with hands supporting her forehead.

"Don't worry, Nami..!
He'll be up and fight with Sanji just like always in no time.." Robin says with a gentle smile sitting next to Nami,

Nami can't hold back her tears as she lay her head on Robin's chest sobbing.

"I've never seen him like this.." Nami says sobbing hard while Robin gently rub Nami's head comforting her.

Days have passed and Zoro recovered pretty well but he is still a lot weaker than before which annoyed him.
He tried training but he kept getting exhausted and can't keep up like usual.
Chopper on the other hand continued monitoring Zoro as every time Zoro sneak out to train, Chooper catch him right handed and drag him to bed.

At the Medical room,
Zoro was just sitting on the bed, hating every second of it, getting weaker and weaker without any training.
To his surprise,
He saw Robin opening the door and beemed a gentle smile at him.

"Hey there, Zoro..!
How you doing..?" Robin ask with a smile closing the door,

(No, it's not like how joey from F.R.I.E.N.D.S asks,
'How You Doing..!'😝
Complete coincidence...😁
No F.R.I.E.N.D.S reference here what's so ever...😅)

"Yeah, I'm alive to say the least.." Zoro says with a shrug watching Robin close the door and walking towards him, sitting next to his bed on a chair.

"Come on..! It's not like some sickness is gonna take The Great Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro's Life..
Fufufu.." Robin says with a teasing giggle,

"Tch, Shut up..!
I told you that's not a name i came up with..." Zoro says with a grunt,

"I'm Sorry Zoro..!
I can't help but feel guilty that this all happening because of me..
I put you all through a lot and it even almost cost your life..." Robin says with a regretful look,

"Stop talking nonsense, Robin..!
You have nothing to do with this..
Don't over think these things, I'll be alright." Zoro says with a smirk,

"I really hope so.." Robin says with a smile,

Silent surround the room and Zoro felt a little bit awkward getting a teasing glare from Robin once again as she giggled in Silent which kinda made him annoyed and curious..

"What..?" Zoro ask with a glare,

"Fufu, Nothing..
It's just that, Nami seems to be worried about you a lot and she's more relieved than any of us, after knowing you're fine.. She's also very upset about what happened to you..." Robin says with a teasing giggle,

Zoro remain silent with a tomato red embarrassed face as he turned away looking elsewhere trying to hide it.

"So, Is something going on that between you two that none of us know about..?" Robin ask with a tilted head, hand supporting her cheek,

"Tch, Shut Up...
She's just worried that she can't boss around me anymore and get free labor to do her dirty work, that's all." Zoro says avoiding eye contact,

I'm sure that's the case, Fufufu..." Robin says controlling her giggle,

"Tch, Whatever..." Zoro says avoiding her question,

Anyway, get well soon, Zoro..!
I'll bring you dinner in a while." Robin says with a gentle smile,

"A Bottle Of Sake would be nice..!" Zoro says with a smirk,

"No..!" Robin says getting up and with hands crossed,

"Oi.. Come on..! It's been a Days since i had some booze..." Zoro says with a request,

"Sorry, No Alcohol until Chopper says so... Doctor's orders.." Robin says with a chuckle walking out,

"Tch, Damn you, Chopper..!" Zoro says whispering like a kid,

Robin with a giggle walk out of Zoro's room and her smile faded as soon as she closed the door.She's worried about Zoro's condition that none of the injuries have kept Zoro down like this before..
And Chopper not able to find the cause worries Robin even more.

At Dinner room,
Sanji is serving dinner for everyone and they're having their dinner with no commotions like usual which is kinda boring. The reason is obviously Zoro's condition and more importantly Ussop is not there with them due to the duel between Luffy and Ussop for The Going Merry. Robin opened the door and walked in welcomed by everyone.
Sanji as usual dance around with hearts in his eyes serving Dinner for Robin.Robin with a smile accept the food and sat next to Nami.

"Zoro must be hungry don't you think, Nami..?" Robin ask with a smirk,

"Yeah, that idiot has a bad habit of starving to death...
Too proud to ask for anything.
I'll get him some later.." Nami says still a bit worried,

They finished their dinner and The Franky Family informed them that The new ship will be ready by Tomorrow which put a smile on everyone's face.
Nami filled in some food on a plate and take it to Zoro's room.
She opened the door with a fake smile as Zoro smiled back but can easily tell she's faking her smile.

"Hey Zoro..!
I brought you dinner..
Eat up." Nami says giving Zoro the plate and sat next to him in the chair,

"Thanks, I'm a bit hungry..
And thirsty too, you got any sake..?" Zoro ask with a cheeky smirk,

Even if i have, I'm not giving you any.." Nami says with a glare,

"I hate you guys.." Zoro says with a childish look, ate his food,

Nami with a smile sat there waiting for him to finish...Zoro finished the food pretty fast as he was famished..
He put the plate aside and noticed Nami sat there looking down with a worried face.

"Oh come on..!
Stop with that sad look already..
I'm not some amateur to get killed by some injuries.." Zoro says with an annoyed look,

"You have any idea why it's happening to you..?
First you got sick having pain in your chest and now this...
I'm worried, Zoro..!" Nami says with a sad look,

"Well i must've over did it again with that Giraffe guy.. Gotta say he's one hell of a strong fighter." Zoro says with a shrug,

"But i never seen you like this before.
Even with all the fights and injuries, you always stand tall and get better.
But this time.." Nami says worries turning into tears,

"This time, all of that none stop battle took a little tole on me, that's all..
A good sleep for a while and a good bottle of sake will cure anything." Zoro says with a grin but Nami still looking worried,

"*sigh* Listen Nami..!
You believe in my strength, right..?" Zoro ask with a sigh, lifting her chin.

"Ofcourse i do..
But still, it worries me." Nami says holding his hand on her chin with a little tears,

"Stop worrying so much already...
I'll be twice as strong once I've recovered, You'll see.." Zoro says with a smile to which Nami genuinely smiled aswell,

They both glued their eyes on each other with their heart beat rising fast.
Before anything happens, they were interrupted by a knock on the door.
Before anyone sees any of it and start getting worked up, Nami stepped back and picked up the plate.

"I'm still not getting you any sake.." Nami says with a glare,

"Oi come On..!
You know that's my kinda medicine." Zoro says with an annoyed tone,

No alcohol until Chopper says so...
Doctor's orders.." Nami says the same with a smirk,

"Tch, Damn that Chopper.!
What is with you guys..?
You all say the same thing..
Did you guys rehearse or something..?" Zoro ask with an annoyed look,

Nami can't hrlp bit giggle at Zoro and noticed Sanji walking in while puffing his cigarette,

What are you doing here..?" Sanji ask with curiosity puffing his cigarette,

"Well, i brought dinner for Moss and he can't stop crying for sake..." Nami says glaring at Zoro,

"Just a bottle would be fine..." Zoro says with an annoyed shrug,

"Well that's MossHead for ya.." Sanji says with a smirk,

"Shut up, Dartbrows..." Zoro says with a grunt,

"Well I'm leaving now..
Don't you dare sneak out again, Zoro.
Good night, Sanji-kun..!
Dinner was delicious as always" Nami says with a smile walking out of the room,

"Anything for you My Sweet Nami-Swaaaaan..!" Sanji says dancing with hearts in his eyes,

"Tch, Idiot..!" Zoro says with an annoyed grunt,

After Nami left,
Sanji walked right next to Zoro and sat on the chair..

"The last thing i need is consoling from you, Ero Cook..!" Zoro says with a glare..

Usually Sanji will get back at Zoro with insults but this time he didn't respond as he just sat there quietly puffing his cigarette, Zoro understands something must be on Sanji's mind..

"Did they notice..?" Sanji ask with a glare,

"I don't think so..!" Zoro says with a sigh,

"What about Nami-San..?" Sanji ask with puffing his cigarette,

"I don't know actually...
It's possible but she didn't ask me about anything so maybe not." Zoro replied glued his eyes to the door,

"You better stop that until you figure out a safe way to do so.." Sanji says looking at Zoro,

"It's not like i can use it on my will.." Zoro says looking away,

"It's worse than you think..." Sanji says putting his cigarette down,

"What you mean..?" Zoro ask with a confused look,

"Me and everyone watched you using it a couple of times now...
Without you knowing it.
Arlong park, Skypea, now at Ennis Lobby..." Sanji says with a sigh,

"You think they knew..?" Zoro ask with a shock,

"They might've had some idea by now but not entirely...
So you better figure it out what it is soon before it get's any worse, Marimo..!" Sanji says getting up and walking out,

"Easy for you to say...
So I'm using it without even knowing, huh..! That's a problem.." Zoro says with a sigh,

He turned off the light and buckled in the blanket to sleep.

To Be Continued...


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